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D&D Mafia -- Game over! Mafia wins!


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Also, everyone on these boards just uses 'Kuz' when referring to me.

Want to save yourself from typing three extra characters? Go for it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Gord, your responses just keep on making me wanna lynch you more and more. Now your even pulling some AtE in you last post. :laugh: All you keep on doing is getting more and more and more defensive. Over a few questions your acting as if I am about to lynch you myself on the spot.

But we have plenty of time to find your scum buddies. ;)

I also wanna hear from those who have not really posted anything yet.

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010

I'd love fa Cello ta make mah point sound good and whatnot. Wanna give it a try, mang?

Oh, and I'll just put my Johnson of Suspicion: J.


Did you not see the fact that my vote and mad hard push on ya wuz pressure? Hell, esp. the fact that I said it (I b'leve) twice? I mean, ya didn't respond well. But... J responded worse :p. And ya actually playin the game. So, I'll hop off ya d*** fo' da meantime.



Do you think you have any scum reads? Not just those involving you. Do ya gotz scum reads AT ALL?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Nobody knows (except the hypothetical masons). That's the point of the closed setup - you know your role and that there are probably 3 mafia (balance reasons and absence of evidence to the contrary like two night kills), and that's it. It helps scum do things like fakeclaim, because if they claim cop and they're lucky and there's no cop in the game, nobody is going to be able to say "Hey, that isn't true because I have that role and there's no way mod would put two cops in the game!"

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Gonna head off ta bed. Can't WAIT ta get yelled at by Swissy come back and reread all'a wat I slept through.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Scum reads. well you accused me of saying that I would like to wait a bit longer before posting which could make me scum.

This means that the people in this game who have not posted something yet could be doing that same thing yet are just not posting anything.

Right now I see cello and delvro on this thread yet they have not contributed to anything in a while (and delvro even said he was leaving to go do math hw).

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
so TW now you are gonna rely on Cello to dig yourself out of the hole you have dug. And make what you have said (which sounds terrible) sound better?

@Smarg: Care to elaborate? ;D


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

So there could be people with different roles in this game besides town and scum (you used the word cop)?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Yes kuzi there are other roles such as Town Cop/Doc/RB/Mason/Vig/VB/Watcher/Princess/Tracker and others

these could also be scum roles too.

These are referred to as PRs or Power-Roles which aid the Different sides of each faction.

I can forsee that you will have more questions. ^_^

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010

They both made mini V/LA (leaves of absence) by Delvro saying he's doing math and Cello by saying he's gonna (iirc) help his older brother with something. Somewhere alond those lines.


Take a chill pill. It was a joke.

And idk what hole you're talking about that I'm in. Cuz last time I checked...

...you were in the hole o_o.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
J: I think you're scum because of your sudden defense of kuz, your asking if a vote was for pressure or not, and the chainsaw defense you've set up against people attacking kuz. You way overreacted to two votes in RVS. Seriously, when was the last time you saw the first wagon of the game get lynched day 1 (well, I can think of a case in an ongoing game, but really, the first wagon is generally to get people out of RVS, not to find a viable lynch). I think you are buddying kuz so he won't vote for you later in the game.

Kuz: Yes, there could be. In fact, there probably are. http://mafiascum.net/wiki/index.php?title=Roles for examples. That list isn't exhaustive, and it's from a different website so some of the roles are more popular here and have different names, but it's a good place to explore and learn some of the terms.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh i'm so sorry if that response came off bad ^^"

but I am curious as to why you took it a little personally

funny pic though :o.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Ahaha yeah, but I am slowly getting the hang of this. Forum mafia is pretty elaborate when I actually think about it. Really fun so far.

A question about the quicktopic that was mentioned before.

I am assuming the thing is kept private so that the other roles cannot learn what the mafia/mason are doing. What sort of medium does this quicktopic take place in?

A subset private messaging system through smashboards?
A website?
Msn group?


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Nah I'm not V/LA, and I'm reading what everyone is saying. I am also doing math.

AT THE SAME TIME. I know, I'm awesome.

Played it once IRL 2 years ago at summer camp, but I had to look up a guide on google to refresh my memory of how the game worked.


So there could be people with different roles in this game besides town and scum (you used the word cop)?
I'm generally ok with the noob card, but this strikes me as odd. Did you read that guide on google carefully? Do you understand that your role is either town, scum, or an independant party, and that you might have specific abilities that you can use during the game?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Smarg: Your reasons for voting me are a bit justified. It was not really sudden however. It was more sudden TW's way of pushing the wagon you had begun to form a bit harder than it needed to. Can you quote exactly when I asked if the vote was for pressure or not because I can think of what post you may be talking about but just wanna be sure. Buddying kuz? Hardly (no offense Kuz) Just trying to help a n00b cuz I was in that EXACT position Oddworld. Remember? Smarg, I can think of quite a few games where the first bandwagin ended up being lynched.

I don't know what a chainsaw defense is so can you explain that please. ^^"

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Smargz said:
J: I think you're scum because of your sudden defense of kuz, your asking if a vote was for pressure or not, and the chainsaw defense you've set up against people attacking kuz. You way overreacted to two votes in RVS. Seriously, when was the last time you saw the first wagon of the game get lynched day 1 (well, I can think of a case in an ongoing game, but really, the first wagon is generally to get people out of RVS, not to find a viable lynch). I think you are buddying kuz so he won't vote for you later in the game.
All of the above is true, and PLUS, if th3 flips town before you're lynched, J can be der ta say "Hey gaiz! I was super duper against a townie's lynch!" New playaz tend ta liek people who liek dem. And J seemz ta be tryna use dat to his advantage, man.

J said:
Oh i'm so sorry if that response came off bad ^^"

but I am curious as to why you took it a little personally

funny pic though :o.
Just makin it clear dat da Cello ting wuz a joke, and nuthin more.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
kuz, qts happen on a website called quicktopic. That's how they get the name.

You're wearing thin on my patience, and Delvro has a good point. If you've played this game before, you should know that there are power roles out there. I'm starting to lean back towards noobscum and your partner is telling you to ask these questions to slow the game down, amirite?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
chainsaw defense = attacking the player who is attacking the person you're buddying/scumbuddies with. IE calling me/gboy scum for going after kuz.

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
th3 said:
I am assuming the thing is kept private so that the other roles cannot learn what the mafia/mason are doing. What sort of medium does this quicktopic take place in?

A subset private messaging system through smashboards?
A website?
Msn group?
Usually at another website. Ya get da link as a PM.

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Smargz said:
You're wearing thin on my patience, and Delvro has a good point. If you've played this game before, you should know that there are power roles out there. I'm starting to lean back towards noobscum and your partner is telling you to ask these questions to slow the game down, amirite?
I wuz thinkin da same ting, Smargz. But, fo a different reason. How would th3 be slowin the game down if it's only been up fuh liek, 5ish hours? I b'lieve a scummate can be tellin em to ax dis ta look more newbie, but not ta stall.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
aaah I see Smarg. Thank you for clearing that up. Now I gotta question. How do you feel TW coattailing pretty much everything you have done? He has quoted what you have said twice now to say "I agree! Pluuus just to seem like I have something else to add and not just re-iterating i'll throw something small in with it."

I can see the very bad fortune of having a Walrus on your back. X_X


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I looked at a few different guides, some being very basic to other being very advanced.

In particular, one guide was this


which made me think that mafia was really simple, but then I saw a different one (which I cant manage to find this second) which stated all the different advanced roles and such. Mason and cop were not on that list. Since this is smaller mafia game, I figured that maybe everything was just divided into town and mafia and much of those advanced rolls were just left out.

And no, I guess I missed the part where there is an independent party...at this risk of sounds f***ing redundant, I just want to confirm that there is an independent party in this game


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
I looked at a few different guides, some being very basic to other being very advanced.

In particular, one guide was this


which made me think that mafia was really simple, but then I saw a different one (which I cant manage to find this second) which stated all the different advanced roles and such. Mason and cop were not on that list. Since this is smaller mafia game, I figured that maybe everything was just divided into town and mafia and much of those advanced rolls were just left out.

And no, I guess I missed the part where there is an independent party...at this risk of sounds f***ing redundant, I just want to confirm that there is an independent party in this game
omg lol

Yeah, you can have as much or as little in a game as you want, as long as you keep it balanced. So giving the town a bunch of power roles and having a goons-only scumteam would be unfair, so it's not likely to happen. Not in a setup approved by xiivi et al.

As for how I feel about Gboy, part of it is we're hydraing together in an ongoing game right now. I'm not too surprised that his thoughts are running along the same lines as mine. I am watching it for possible buddying later on, and you should notice that it's all one way - he's following me, I'm not following him.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I looked at a few different guides, some being very basic to other being very advanced.

In particular, one guide was this


which made me think that mafia was really simple, but then I saw a different one (which I cant manage to find this second) which stated all the different advanced roles and such. Mason and cop were not on that list. Since this is smaller mafia game, I figured that maybe everything was just divided into town and mafia and much of those advanced rolls were just left out.

And no, I guess I missed the part where there is an independent party...at this risk of sounds f***ing redundant, I just want to confirm that there is an independent party in this game
Thanks, this helps me out a lot.

As for your desire for confirmation of an independant party, nobody knows (except for the player who actually is independant). If you are town, however, I wouldn't worry about it much. Nobody is going to blame a new player for lumping Mafia and Independants together as "scum". I do it all the time.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

So there could be people with different roles in this game besides town and scum (you used the word cop)?
I have played mafia before (2 yrs ago) and I did know there were power roles. I did not know if every player in this small game was given one, I have never played forum mafia before and thus used a closed system or whatever you call it so I do not know how this particular aspect of mafia works completely (which I now feel I do).

Like TW said, how have I been slowing down the game if its the first 5 hours of it starting? I just want to get the knitty gritty out of the way first. If you want me too, ill stop posting questions on here and just try to find the answers online first.

Think of me however you like now. I am just glad my questions are being answered.

Toastin Walrus

Nov 18, 2010
Smargz said:
As for how I feel about Gboy, part of it is we're hydraing together in an ongoing game right now. I'm not too surprised that his thoughts are running along the same lines as mine. I am watching it for possible buddying later on, and you should notice that it's all one way - he's following me, I'm not following him.
Guuuuuuuurl don't give yaself so much credit. I saw the th3-J connection by mahself. Ya just happened ta post 'bout it 'fore I did.

Delvro said:
Nobody is going to blame a new player for lumping Mafia and Independants together as "scum". I do it all the time.
I always thought scum=anything anti-town o_o.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ok, going back and rereading the thread to post comments on everything flavored by knowledge of later events.
th3kuzinator said:

This is my first time playing forum mafia guys, so be nice

First question, what is a hydra account/hydraing etc.
While it is possible that th3kuzinator could have asked this in-thread if he knew the answer, I doubt this is the case. Given that Gordwiss confirmed BEFORE th3kuz, and that I believe they would have contacted their scummates before confirmation, I believe that th3kuzinator and Gordwiss cannot be scummates.

TW's hype gives no information.

Delayed Blast Lollerball @ Summoner's confirmation.

Color Spray is mechanically more effective, yet is often less so in actual play among my group.

Why did J forget to include a comma after BunBun? That's a scumtell. Obviously, J originally wrote "Delvro, Rockin, th3kuzi, Ryun", then added BunBun afterward.

Tanny does that pink J quite a bit. That must be a personal project. Why would scum want to draw attention to themselves? Even if it had been a plan, then why wouldn't J have responded to the first one? It must have been a double take. Tanny and J are not on the same scumteam.

Later, Gordwiss wants me to reveal my alignment. Well, one of them will be able to tell at least.

smargaret is town.

Does anyone know if th3kuz was on at 8:39 pm? I'm surprised he didn't respond to J voting for him. Bet he did, just not in thread.

GLG is probably scum if th3kuzinator is, town otherwise.

J said:
If Cello Town goes the wrong way I'll try and steer them in the right direction.

GLG responded positively to Gordwiss's aggression...given my record of success in his eyes, he should respond positively to me as well. I shall test that.

Why did GLG ask/grill Delvro about a nuance about an old game? I got the impression of "dire urgency" the way he wrote it. He wouldn't have done that without knowing the answer, but why was the answer to that so important?

Delvro and GLG are not scumbuddies.

J said:
Go ask a question you think is better if if mine is not up to par.

So GLG's point was that Delvro was lying? More like mistaken.

J said:
Are you trying to seem different than every other player in the game for some reason then?

J isn't driving at anything with his questions.

That HAD to be Gordito.

...it's staring at me.

@th3kuzinator: This type of activity only happens at the beginning of the first Day (that's game day, as compared to real life day), and the last one. I wish you were town so you could see how the game normally plays in terms of activity.

A thought occurs:

Da Mod said:
Rule 4b. Do not attempt in any way, shape, or form to view another person as they play this game, or view their browsing history in an attempt to discover things about their role or play that you should not know.
The mods have no reason to post this unless some information could have been gained that should not have been. They simply wouldn't have thought to make that post if we were both scum, so we can't be scummates.

#181 and #196 can't possibly be fake. th3kuz is town. As a clarification, masons and mafia can't talk across groups. Masons have the ability to communicate with other masons, and ditto for mafia. QuickTopic is a site that allows you to create private threads.

Don't assume scum has a QT.

@smargaret: I can see where you are coming from, but I don't think kuz is noobscum. He DID try to move forward a little by mentioning me and Delvro. Based on how he's acted so far, I think he's just trying to reach for concrete fact over conjecture.

@Kuz: If you could lynch any one person right now, who would it be, and would you do it to gather information about other players or would you do it because you think that person is scummy?

Let's see...Delvro, smargaret, Gordwiss, Tanny, Cello, and Kuz are town, and J is scum. I don't remember why I made my comments on GLG/Kuz.

BunBun, Dark Horse, Summoner, Ryu, and Rockin are non-entities. Oh, that's everyone else? Maybe tomorrow will shed light on them.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Thank you for answering Smarg. I'll respond after some sleeps.

I'm out for the night as in posting. Love how opening day went like wtf we are on pg 6 atm xD.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I call independents that can't win with town "scum". Otherwise, they are merely independent.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Think of me however you like now. I am just glad my questions are being answered.
I think you're a cool guy, But even cool guys have to be interrogated.

I always thought scum=anything anti-town o_o.
This is correct. I worded my statement badly. I mean to say "It's ok for a new player not to care whether they are mafia or independant, and to lump them together as scum"

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
as soon as I say sleep Cello posts a wall.

I'll respond to that later. Cello no likey me. How unfortunate. =p

Your logic is flawed a bit. *sigh*


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
I don't find Kuz's lack of knowledge of power roles strange. When I played "Are you a werewolf?" at Gencon, they only had villagers, werewolves, and a seer. So, some games can use only the most basic of rules, especially if you want to teach new players the ropes.

As mentioned, don't worry about independent vs scum, they're all anti-town and they all need to die. There are lots of little intricacies of playing mafia and each format is different. A real life game versus an AIM game versus a forum game are all played completely differently. If you end up dying quickly, just learn what you did wrong and apply it to the next game you're in. The learning curve is pretty good around here.

My best piece of advice, do not post your town list! Listing who you think is town and why gives scum extra information on who to Nightkill. It is important for town to communicate openly amongst themselves, but that piece of information should only be used late game and when we're only one scum away from winning.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Don't listen to Cello. I do not see good fortune in my lynch being so quick.

Though Cello is always a bit hasty in his desicions.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Wait, Cello and kuz are related? Hang on a minute.

Okay, back now. I just asked my fiance some basic forum mafia questions, the sort of mechanical thing kuz has been asking. He does not and never has played any sort of mafia, he just lives with me.

He knew the answer to all of them, often in more detail than I expected.

Kuz needs to drop the noobcard now.
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