@standardtoaster: not exactly, the in-game effects are the same, but no one use it for the in-game effects. The real advantage of removing the spring is the physical aspect. I'll try to do a diagram to explain the physical difference.
(,\ <-- L w/o spring; (,,,\ <--L with spring;
Time to do a full press and a full release:
1: (,\ <-- L w/o spring; (,,,\ <--L with spring
2: (\ <-- L w/o spring; (,,\ <--L with spring
3: (,\ <-- L w/o spring; (,\ <--L with spring
4: ________________(\ <--L with spring
5: ________________(,\ <--L with spring
6: ________________(,,\ <--L with spring
7: ________________(,,,\ <--L with spring
Even if you hold the trigger before plugging, the button itself still has a spring and the button will still go fully up if you stop holding it down. When the spring is removed, the button doesn't go up, so you don't have to hold it down constantly.