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Crossdressing in public

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
It's an argument of people trying to convince one another their own fictional subjective ideology is the correct one. It's amazing how all these "open minded" people get so butt hurt when one Christian shares his simple ignorant religious belief on the matter.
It's not really that. At least for me, it's not about telling Christians that their following their religion is wrong, it's about the fallacy of using their religion as justification for the persecution of others who happen to not be a Christian, or happen to be a Christian while gay, etc. This goes for every other religion as well, in case you were wondering. If a Christian thinks it's wrong to be gay, or to cross dress, then far be it from me to force them to think otherwise, so long as they don't try to violate the autonomy of others with said views.


Smash Cadet
Oct 15, 2014
New Jersey
I am transgender, but I am too scared to go buy clothes. My sister isn't girly at all so she's no help.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
No matter how much you investigate the matter you can never change subjective perceptions.
I touched on that in my titanic post, when I covered the incorrigibility of experience. As such, I agree with this statement.

No matter how much information you provide or how many ideas you ponder nothing can disprove or approve what is right or wrong. You will never be able to prove the Bible is fact or fiction because you will never be able to gather enough evidence in this physical realm.
I agree with this statement also. You can't prove things without a doubt. There's always some doubt, due to things like the Problem of Other Minds, lacking empirical corroboration, and so on. This is why, for example, science is said to be a provisional enterprise -- you can't ever be truly certain that what you discover is true.

As for me, I'm just a guy on a laptop, typing away (albeit at a fast pace, which is why I'm able to whip up huge posts). I don't have much power or influence on anything.

But what I can do is respond to your claims. If you present a claim, I can respond to it. I can analyze, dissect, compare, contrast, refute, underline, and more. Then, I can decide not what is absolutely correct, but what is most probable, or most plausible.

In our discussion topic, demonic influence is not the only plausible explanation for why cross-dressing exists, and why we should or should not engage in it. Debate demands that we consider all the possible solution, and assess which is more probable and reasonable. I currently suspect the views I have formed by using this method of comparison are the most probable and plausible, as opposed to the theistic proposition. You would say that you hold to the inverse (theistic explanation > naturalist explanation).

In the end, we debate not truths, but probabilities.

If you have to write essays to discover or prove this obvious fact than I feel sorry for you. I never said you weren't intelligent I just stated you probably aren't intelligent enough to provide some life changing philosophical insight on why the Bible is or isn't viable. In the end you can deny the Bible completely and live your life freely and in the end there won't be a heaven and hell and Christianity may be entirely fiction. Or you can die and go to hell due to not believing Jesus Christ and the Bible. It's all about faith and while the Bible's teaching seem unlikely due to scientific discoveries and historic documentation you still can't prove it's impossible.
I don't plan on giving a monumentally profound refutation of Christianity, nor did I during the writing of my other posts. Neither do I think that I'm capable of it. As said above, all I'm doing is responding to your claims as they are -- as I have done for all theistic claims I have come across, or have been presented with, thus far. That's the only thing I can do, so that's what I do.

You don't need to feel sorry for me to writing long posts, by the way. Firstly because I'm not trying to engage in a futile one-man crusade against God in a subsection of a Smash Bros. fan site. But also because I love to write, and I type fast (and have some free time on my hands), so writing is never any trouble for me.

Lastly, you touch on notes of Pascal's Wager, here. Better to believe in God, since if there is no God, then when I die, it ends. But if there is a God, then I am hellbound. Since I can't tell whether God does or does not exist for certain, best to play it safe and believe in God.

The issue with that, of course, is that my faith is not genuine, motivated only by self-preservation. Or is that really what faith is? Faith is a foreign, alien concept to me -- likely because I have never had any firsthand experiences that could qualify as spiritual or divine, by any definition. That must certainly, at least in part, account for why this whole God story seems highly fantastical to me. It's very imaginative stuff, and thus fun to think about, but to believe it's true, and to structure my whole life around that stuff? A much bolder proposition.

You're belief is as viable and meaningful than the average strict biased Christian's belief. It's all subjectivity and this debate is nothing more than that. It's an argument of people trying to convince one another their own fictional subjective ideology is the correct one. Completely pointless.
If debates are futile because people have subjective views that can never change, then why debate at all? Perhaps I should contact @Sucumbio and ask that he bring up the closure of the Debate Hall section with the rest of the forum staff.

The point of debate -- at least, in my view -- is to expose yourself to new ideas and perspectives. Perhaps, in the process of debate, your perspective will be widened, or challenged, or eroded, or developed. You don't need to change a person's entire worldview in the span of a dozen posts. But if you can get at least one person to start thinking about things in a new way, whether that person be the defender or the accuser or a spectator, then good work will have been done that day.

In the end do you really think it is worth arguing about if it's okay if some boy wants to dress up in nothing but pink Hello Kitty clothing or not? It's amazing how all these "open minded" people get so butt hurt when one Christian shares his simple ignorant religious belief on the matter.
It's worth debating if we all agree that it's worth debating. We're all free citizens of the Internet, here. We can set the terms, and agree to hold to them. Much as how when playing soccer, everyone agrees to play by the rules (or else the game becomes much harder to play).

That aside, I think you are misrepresenting the issue, here. I don't care about whether a boy can wear Hello Kitty outfits. That's only relevant as a function of the broader issue. What I'm concerned about is that legally banning cross-dressing, and socially shaming or disavowing cross-dressing, both seem to be rationally unjustifiable propositions, and that do so would infringe on the autonomy of society's members. I think infringing on autonomy is an undesirable state of affairs, so I oppose such measures to inhibit the practice of cross-dressing for those who want to do it.

What we are discussing here is a broad social issue that concerns modern attitudes on sex, gender, ethics, norms, law, and interpersonal dynamics. To reduce this topic to being just about whether a boy can wear earrings is to ignore all the things that this issue touches.

Lastly, I don't know about other people, but I'm not butthurt by your views, even though they stand in contrast to mine own. And I hope that shows in my writing. If I write and write and write, it's not out of anger, but out of a desire to minimize any possible misinterpretation or confusion in my points (and perhaps sloppiness, a flaw to which I might be willing to concede 8P).

Thanks for helping me with my philosophy paper, this trial was quite interesting nonetheless. Keep up the essays Sehnsucht I really do think your on to something. You should write a book one day; I bet it will be a best seller.
If you are writing a philosophy paper, then good luck on it.

And I do in fact have plans to become a professional novelist. Prose writing is different from technical/debate writing, but all writing makes for good writing practice. 8)
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
I'm not threatening you I'm just stating the fact that if you don't repent or get baptized then you will burn in hell for all eternity. In fact I'm trying to help you.
I understand that. Do you understand that I don't believe in hell? I get that you want to help me. I get that. But then you say something like this:

Of course I'm okay with it. I'm okay with anything God says.
"Whatever god says goes". But what if God commands the punishment of those who have done nothing wrong? What if God commands genocide? What if God allows you to enslave your fellow man? To murder your children? To wipe out almost all life on earth? Does that suddenly make it right? And before you object with "God wouldn't do that", not only can you not know that, but your God has either perpetrated or commanded each of these actions. (Numbers 15:32-36, 1 Samuel 15:3, Exodus 21, Judges 11, Genesis 5-10)

And how did you come to believe that God is morally good? Clearly, at some point, you made a moral judgment, otherwise you would have no way to say "God is good". And somehow, that judgment trumped everything else.

If you want to make the decision to go against what God made you then you are what he said. An abomination, a sinner. If you don't repent then you will suffer the consequences. Sounds fair to me.
Congratulations, you have sacrificed your morality on the altar of religion.

Then you need to go to church as soon as possible and get baptized. You might be possessed by one of Satan's demons. If you don't then you are certainly doomed.
Hey look, another way that I am more moral than your god! If I had set up a system like this, and the people I created were plagued by undetectable monsters with the ability to mess with our beliefs (you know, the one thing that determines whether or not you get tortured forever), I would get rid of those monsters, because it makes the test even more impossible than it already is! It's already an impossible gamble, to find the right god when God explicitly makes it impossible for us to know if he exists; now we have something quite a bit more powerful than us able to manipulate our beliefs as well? Holy ****! Plus one thing to the "I don't think you thought this through" pile.

That's pretty much all the advice I have to give you. Obviously you want help and are fighting your inner demons. I hope you can find Jesus and get saved before it's over, I really do. Just believe in yourself and stop looking at God in a fearful way. He is your friend not your enemy.
Someone who would torture me for eternity is not my friend.
Someone who would torture me for eternity simply for not believing in them is not my friend.
Someone who would torture me for eternity simply for not believing in them and provides no evidence of their existence is not my friend.
Someone who would torture me for eternity simply for not believing in them and provides no evidence of their existence and also allows beings to exist that can twist my beliefs is not my friend.
Someone who would torture me for eternity simply for not believing in them and provides no evidence of their existence and also allows beings to exist that can twist my beliefs without me knowing it is downright cruel and sadistic.

Escape the devil's lies and brainwashing or you'll end up in a place that you'll have regret and pain forever. You'll probably think back and remember me trying to save you too. "Oh no I should of listened to Lysergic, he was trying to save me and help me find Jesus but I was to angry and mad at God so I denied God and committed the ultimate sin." Don't have to think and experience that in hell, repent and get saved. Good luck.
I know you think you're doing something good. But trying to convince me to believe something with no justification through threats is not good.

Second of all my username is not "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" it is "Lysergic" and find that quite offensive of you to do.
Says the guy saying "you being tortured forever for putting on women's clothing is justified".


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
No matter how much you investigate the matter you can never change subjective perceptions. No matter how much information you provide or how many ideas you ponder nothing can disprove or approve what is right or wrong. You will never be able to prove the Bible is fact or fiction because you will never be able to gather enough evidence in this physical realm. If you have to write essays to discover or prove this obvious fact than I feel sorry for you. I never said you weren't intelligent I just stated you probably aren't intelligent enough to provide some life changing philosophical insight on why the Bible is or isn't viable. In the end you can deny the Bible completely and live your life freely and in the end there won't be a heaven and hell and Christianity may be entirely fiction. Or you can die and go to hell due to not believing Jesus Christ and the Bible. It's all about faith and while the Bible's teaching seem unlikely due to scientific discoveries and historic documentation you still can't prove it's impossible.
First let me ask, what position are you advocating towards biblical interpretation? Strict literalism?

You're belief is as viable and meaningful than the average strict biased Christian's belief. It's all subjectivity and this debate is nothing more than that. It's an argument of people trying to convince one another their own fictional subjective ideology is the correct one. Completely pointless.
Actually it's not, condemning people for their actions produces noticeable psychological effects. The burden of proof is on justifying why this should be held up to ridicule, "your philsophy has just as much support as mine" naturally leads to "don't ridicule them".

In the end do you really think it is worth arguing about if it's okay if some boy wants to dress up in nothing but pink Hello Kitty clothing or not? It's amazing how all these "open minded" people get so butt hurt when one Christian shares his simple ignorant religious belief on the matter.
This canard always amuses because people here aren't arguing for the acceptance of everything, they're arguing for the acceptance of one thing.

Similarly being openminded isn't a willingness to agree with all ideas, it's a willingness to consider all ideas and it is by it's nature opposed to ideas which promote close-mindedness as a core principal.

Disagreement is not being closed minded in the same way that disagreement is not censorship, you are still required to defend your ideas to an openminded person, an open minded person will merely give them due consideration.

Similarly being tolerant of competing ideologies and believing in multiculturalism (which is not necessarily related but seems to be how you're using "open-minded" here) does not necessarily mean holding all those ideologies to be equally valid. At minimum it's the view that society requires a framework for these competing ideologies to co-exist peacefully, frameworks such as freedom of speech.

This view is by necessity, in opposition to views which give certain of these ideologies privileges to impose on others, as such people may respect your right to believe what you will about the role of government for example, while disagreeing with your right to impose it on society.
THREAD OWNED by Lysergic

awwwww this is adorable, I just wanna pinch your cheeks.

A troll may be a troll. But if we don't treat them with courtesy, then how can we say we are any better? :emmysubmission:
I didn't suggest otherwise though prior to his more recent set of posts he offered nothing to engage on.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
awwwww this is adorable, I just wanna pinch your cheeks.
In the Holy Name of my Abrahamic God.

I didn't see that amendment, since he added it like an hour after the fact. But by Lucifer the Morning Star, that is quite something. XD

I didn't suggest otherwise though prior to his more recent set of posts he offered nothing to engage on.
Well, you know how to is. Someone comes in here, posts something riddled with flaws and/or lacking substance, others come in to refute and/or respond, and things snowball from there.

But as I said in that discussion, we do it not only as part of general DH decorum, but for the sake of others who come in here and want to follow along. So you got to keep it up, even if your sparring partners don't. So I say, anyway.

But whatever. Back to fashion statements and the subsequent erosion of gender constructs.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
Are you seriously arguing that noting down in a medical chart that somebody is biologically male is somehow part of sexual intercourse?
So you think that being biologically male or female has no effect on intercourse? Are you seriously saying that? Of course your gender has an effect on sex, how could you think it was irrelevant?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
So you think that being biologically male or female has no effect on intercourse? Are you seriously saying that? Of course your gender has an effect on sex, how could you think it was irrelevant?
No, I asked if you're arguing that the doctor assigning you a biological sex is directly a part of sexual intercourse. Everyone else here seems quite capable of seperating the act of sexual intercourse with from the biological concept of the male sex and the female sex, why can't you? Stating "I'm a man" is not a sexual act anymore then stating "I own a drill" is an act of working with tools. Both can be interpreted as statements of capacity for certain things with the former implied and the latter explicitly stated but neither is the same thing as performing the action.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
I feel like we're really muddying the language here, so let's get some definitions:

Sex: your biological sex, as dictated by your chromosomal composition.
Gender: the gender by which you identify, as dictated by, well, your brain.
Sexual intercourse: having sex with another person.

Now let's try again.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
No, I asked if you're arguing that the doctor assigning you a biological sex is directly a part of sexual intercourse. Everyone else here seems quite capable of seperating the act of sexual intercourse with from the biological concept of the male sex and the female sex, why can't you?
Are you actually telling me gender is something that people just made up? And that your doctor assigns it? What he just pulled you out and said, "Oh well I made the last three girls, so I'm calling this one a boy." I mean what the hell?

Of course it makes a difference, it makes a massive difference, it's the only reason two sexes even exist. Obviously being male or female makes a huge difference in how you have sex, they have entirely different genitalia...

Stating "I'm a man" is not a sexual act anymore then stating "I own a drill" is an act of working with tools. Both can be interpreted as statements of capacity for certain things with the former implied and the latter explicitly stated but neither is the same thing as performing the action.
Except that that's another false analogy... Being a man dictates how you will have sex, owning a drill doesn't necessitate that you use it if your working with tools. Learn how to make an analogy. :rolleyes:
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Are you actually telling me gender is something that people just made up? And that your doctor assigns it? What he just pulled you out and said, "Oh well I made the last three girls, so I'm calling this one a boy." I mean what the hell?

Of course it makes a difference, it makes a massive difference, it's the only reason two sexes even exist. Obviously being male or female makes a huge difference in how you have sex, they have entirely different genitalia...

Except that that's another false analogy... Being a man dictates how you will have sex, owning a drill doesn't necessitate that you use it if your working with tools. Learn how to make an analogy. :rolleyes:

I feel like we're really muddying the language here, so let's get some definitions:

Sex: your biological sex, as dictated by your chromosomal composition.
Gender: the gender by which you identify, as dictated by, well, your brain.
Sexual intercourse: having sex with another person.

Now let's try again.
Guys, trust me, I've had this conversation a couple of times, not clearly defining these terms makes it impossible to have a discussion about them in the first place. Case in point: your first paragraph, which is so muddled with terms that it's hard to make heads or tails of.

Are you actually telling me gender is something that people just made up? And that your doctor assigns it? What he just pulled you out and said, "Oh well I made the last three girls, so I'm calling this one a boy." I mean what the hell?
Gender roles are largely but not entirely arbitrary; most of those which are not arbitrary are holdouts based on our biology which are not necessarily relevant today - the female as the caretaker of children is one of the few truly non-arbitrary gender roles and even that one can reasonably be contested; others, such as pink being the "girly" color, or girls playing with dolls, or boys not being into princesses, or... Well, you know... Completely arbitrary. But I don't think that's what you were talking about, because doctors do not assign gender. They describe your biological sex, which is assigned by your genetics.

And let's not lose the forest for the trees here. The initial objection was this:

Now this is just silly. You don't honestly think crossdressing has nothing to do with sex, I mean they're dressed like the opposite sex, it's kind of in the definition.
Again, muddied language. Sexual intercourse != biological sex != gender. (Although in hindsight my terms are poorly chosen, intercourse seems to directly imply something being stuck in something else, which is not exactly what I'm talking about. Let's work with "Sexuality != biological sex != gender" instead, eh?) The question here is, which do you mean? It seems like what you're saying is this:

"You don't honestly think crossdressing has nothing to do with sexuality, I mean they're dressed like the opposite biological sex, it's kind of in the definition."​

See how that changes things? Let's not lose sight of, you know, the point.

Do you still believe that crossdressing inherently has something to do with sexuality?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Are you actually telling me gender is something that people just made up? And that your doctor assigns it? What he just pulled you out and said, "Oh well I made the last three girls, so I'm calling this one a boy." I mean what the hell?

Of course it makes a difference, it makes a massive difference, it's the only reason two sexes even exist. Obviously being male or female makes a huge difference in how you have sex, they have entirely different genitalia...
That discussion had nothing to do with my point.

Pick any word you want, assign, identify, proclaim, whatever.

You're attempting a red herring to distract from the point, how is a doctor or anyone else identifying biological sex participating in sexual intercourse? The fact that the English language uses the same word for them doesn't imply they're the same thing even if they're related.

Except that that's another false analogy... Being a man dictates how you will have sex, owning a drill doesn't necessitate that you use it if your working with tools. Learn how to make an analogy. :rolleyes:
Owning a drill is quite relevant to how one works with tools, because if one owns a drill one can work with one's drill. Similarly if one is of the male sex, one can use one's male genetalia for sex, so the anology actually is quite perfect.

Reguardless you continue to nitpick on my analogies in a quite transparent attempt to obscure the fact that you are well aware that the two are seperate concepts. Biological sex, while having implications for sexual intercourse, is not sexual intercourse. Because you have no counterarguments for this you are trying to delve into distractions.

So please, stop trying to toss in red herrings and address it if you can.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
It's not a red herring, sex and sex are inherently linked and are not independent from each other.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
We should all just go nude.

Half a joke, but I do think the world would probably become a better place if nudity were more commonplace.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
And yet if I go outside right now wearing a dress it says absolutely nothing about my sexual preferences or sexual arousal. Go figure. (It also says nothing about my gender.)
Yes well, in that case it would mean you're an incredibly contradictory disagreeable person instead.

Wearing a dress obviously means someone wants to look like a girl, what you think people wear them because they're more comfortable than pants?

@ _Keno_ _Keno_
How would that make the world a better place?


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2014
Yes well, in that case it would mean you're an incredibly contradictory disagreeable person instead.

Wearing a dress obviously means someone wants to look like a girl, what you think people wear them because they're more comfortable than pants?

@ _Keno_ _Keno_
How would that make the world a better place?
Dresses are by far more comfortable than pants. XD


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
@ _Keno_ _Keno_
How would that make the world a better place?
Nudity would not be nearly as sexualized. There would be a lot less psychological problems that deal with shame and insecurity about body image.

It's honestly just freeing. Try nudism for just like 5 minutes (not by yourself, that doesn't count) and see how you like it.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Yes well, in that case it would mean you're an incredibly contradictory disagreeable person instead.
This might just be my favorite post. Look, some people just like women's clothing. There's not necessarily anything sexual about it. For people who are transgendered, there's really nothing sexual about it.

Wearing a dress obviously means someone wants to look like a girl, what you think people wear them because they're more comfortable than pants?
Never heard of the movie "Bruno"? (The 2000 one. Not to be confused with "Brüno", which is something entirely different.)

@ _Keno_ _Keno_
How would that make the world a better place?
Well, for starters, my landlady wouldn't give me such funny looks when I do calisthenics in the morning on the balcony. :laugh:

Jokes aside, though? Human sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. The fact that this picture invokes feelings of shame or disgust is really odd to me. Why should that be a thing? It's just a normal expression of the human body.

Soo... Significantly less comfortable than some kinds of pants.
There's a **** joke in here that does not end well for you, you know... :laugh:


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
Nudity would not be nearly as sexualized. There would be a lot less psychological problems that deal with shame and insecurity about body image.

It's honestly just freeing. Try nudism for just like 5 minutes (not by yourself, that doesn't count) and see how you like it.
EVERYONE would be more sexualized, clothing is one of the barriers against sexaulization...

Also psychological issues with body image would be worse for people who look bad, if everyone can see you have a tiny penis it's not going to make you more secure, and if everyone is nude and you wear close they'd clue it in. Same goes if you're fat or whatever.

Also when you thought up your wonderful nudist world were you considering that children would have to live in it?

And no, I'll never try nudism, not even remotely within consideration. Why the hell would I do that?
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
Also when you thought up your wonderful nudist world were you considering that children would have to live in it?
Yes! In this world, seeing another person naked would not be some traumatizing event, it would be standard fare! I went skinny dipping with my parents and their adults friends all the time as a child, and I'd like to think I'm better off for having a healthy respect for the human body as more than just some stupid sex object.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
Yes! In this world, seeing another person naked would not be some traumatizing event, it would be standard fare! I went skinny dipping with my parents and their adults friends all the time as a child, and I'd like to think I'm better off for having a healthy respect for the human body as more than just some stupid sex object.
And you only turned into a druggie, sociopath, wanna be intellectual.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
EVERYONE would be more sexualized, clothing is one of the barriers against sexaulization...
Oh dear, you actually think that? You simply have zero familiarity with nudism, dont you?

Nudity is NOT inherently sexual, not in the least. In America it is widely sexualized and shamed, but that is simply a social construction. It's wildly unhealthy to have such a view, which is sad because that's the view of 90+ % of Americans.

Also psychological issues with body image would be worse for people who look bad, if everyone can see you have a tiny penis it's not going to make you more secure, and if everyone is nude and you wear close they'd clue it in. Same goes if you're fat or whatever.
*Cue deeply ingrained social insecurities*

The point is that when you are familiar to the fact that bodies come in ALL shapes and sizes, nobody really cares. Nobody is perfect, TONS of people have fat, or hair, or strange body proportions.

Also when you thought up your wonderful nudist world were you considering that children would have to live in it?
Yes, and that changes nothing. It only bolsters my point. Children do not have any of the issues you have until they LEARN them later in life. That's where they get all the insecurities, is from other people telling them nudity is WRONG and DISGUSTING.

And you only turned into a druggie, sociopath, wanna be intellectual.
This a formal debate board, you know. If you attack people personally you WILL be kicked out. If you want to 'beat' someone here, make a better argument that they are. You lose a ton of credibility here by openly insulting someone.

* And I'm not saying forced nudity for everyone, I'm just saying if it were legal. Sexual misconduct laws would still exist, obviously.
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Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
And you only turned into a druggie, sociopath, wanna be intellectual.
@Sucumbio I've been trying to come up with a decent response to this, and I'm kinda floundering. How do you refute this kind of reasoning? Help me out here, man.

EDIT: never mind, my problem was that I was hung up on trying to be funny. @ _Keno_ _Keno_ nailed it.
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Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
The only people who find crossdressing (and while we're at it, nudity) wrong on a moral level are those who were raised by super conservative right wings and bible thumpers, based on what I'm seeing here. It also appears that their minds are not open either, as they simply reject any and all arguments, including valid ones, that say crossdressing isn't wrong.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
@Sucumbio I've been trying to come up with a decent response to this, and I'm kinda floundering. How do you refute this kind of reasoning? Help me out here, man.
The immediately obvious answer is that it doesn't matter what or who you are IRL, because it doesn't matter where a good argument comes from -- a good argument can stand on its own merits, whether it comes from the mouth of you or me or Dupree.

If a drug user (or a druggie, or an addict) made a cogent, compelling, and sound argument in the favour of drug legalization, then their pothead status is irrelevant. If I, Sehnsucht, someone who has never smoked weed ever, were to present that very same argument, would that argument's strength be at all diminished or tarnished?

Only if you thought the character and experiences of the argument's presenter were relevant. Yet in debate, a person is simply a vehicle for an idea. That vehicle can be anything, but it's the argument that's of interest.

I could say that you, BCP, were being unduly biased in your pro-legalization attitude due to past drug use. But what of it? That only means that you added a first-hand, experiential argument to your case. You've tried weed, experienced its effects, and have determined that its consequences do not warrant weed being illegal. It is to that extent that you as a person are relevant to the discussion. You could certainly dismiss first-hand arguments on the basis of their subjective quality -- but that still leaves the rest of the non-subjective case to tackle (e.g. facts and stats, logic and reasoning, etc.).

And so it would go for sociopathy, and so it would go for pseudo-intellectualism, and so it would go for transvestism, and so it would go for having hairy elbow folds, and so it would go for all things.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
The immediately obvious answer is that it doesn't matter what or who you are IRL, because it doesn't matter where a good argument comes from -- a good argument can stand on its own merits, whether it comes from the mouth of you or me or Dupree.

If a drug user (or a druggie, or an addict) made a cogent, compelling, and sound argument in the favour of drug legalization, then their pothead status is irrelevant. If I, Sehnsucht, someone who has never smoked weed ever, were to present that very same argument, would that argument's strength be at all diminished or tarnished?

Only if you thought the character and experiences of the argument's presenter were relevant. Yet in debate, a person is simply a vehicle for an idea. That vehicle can be anything, but it's the argument that's of interest.

I could say that you, BCP, were being unduly biased in your pro-legalization attitude due to past drug use. But what of it? That only means that you added a first-hand, experiential argument to your case. You've tried weed, experienced its effects, and have determined that its consequences do not warrant weed being illegal. It is to that extent that you as a person are relevant to the discussion. You could certainly dismiss first-hand arguments on the basis of their subjective quality -- but that still leaves the rest of the non-subjective case to tackle (e.g. facts and stats, logic and reasoning, etc.).

And so it would go for sociopathy, and so it would go for pseudo-intellectualism, and so it would go for transvestism, and so it would go for having hairy elbow folds, and so it would go for all things.
Dude... It was a joke. :laugh: C'mon. I'm not taking any of this **** seriously at this point. After all, what kind of sociopath cares about what his fellow human beings think? :awesome:


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
Dude... It was a joke. :laugh: C'mon. I'm not taking any of this **** seriously at this point. After all, what kind of sociopath cares about what his fellow human beings think? :awesome:
As a sociopath, I can't read cues of sarcasm over the Internet. :urg:

Though I suppose it's still good for posterity to address notions of argument-presenter relations. Or so I'd like to think. Otherwise that's a good five minutes I'll never get back. :laugh:



Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
@ Sehnsucht Sehnsucht
Well BPC was using himself as an example, he brings up his childhood, well that's a valid counterpoint, he is a pot head, if he turned out a sociopath and pot head then his childhood might not be the best thing to base society on.

Nudity is NOT inherently sexual, not in the least. In America it is widely sexualized and shamed, but that is simply a social construction. It's wildly unhealthy to have such a view, which is sad because that's the view of 90+ % of Americans.

Yes, and that changes nothing. It only bolsters my point. Children do not have any of the issues you have until they LEARN them later in life. That's where they get all the insecurities, is from other people telling them nudity is WRONG and DISGUSTING.
Parts of your body are inherently linked to sex, and by connection so is showing them to everyone. And it's not something that started in America, it's pretty much how every society has ever worked, and unhealthy? What?

I never had to learn that I should wear clothes, no one ever had to tell me nudity was disgusting, I figured it out on my own, so no, you're wrong.

The only people who find crossdressing (and while we're at it, nudity) wrong on a moral level are those who were raised by super conservative right wings and bible thumpers, based on what I'm seeing here. It also appears that their minds are not open either, as they simply reject any and all arguments, including valid ones, that say crossdressing isn't wrong.
That's not even remotely true, clothing developed entirely independent from, and predating Christianity.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
@ Sehnsucht Sehnsucht
Well BPC was using himself as an example, he brings up his childhood, well that's a valid counterpoint, he is a pot head, if he turned out a sociopath and pot head then his childhood might not be the best thing to base society on.
Well, I guess if you wanted to make the argument that consistent pot usage leads to sociopathy, then one person alone (e.g. BCP) wouldn't be enough to show a trend. You'd have to start drawing in stats and the like. But that goes without saying.

Since this is the public crossdressing thread, I'll close this here pot tangent. So proceed as usual, all engines forward, etc. etc.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
Well, I guess if you wanted to make the argument that consistent pot usage leads to sociopathy, then one person alone (e.g. BCP) wouldn't be enough to show a trend. You'd have to start drawing in stats and the like. But that goes without saying.

Since this is the public crossdressing thread, I'll close this here pot tangent. So proceed as usual, all engines forward, etc. etc.
No it wasn't a point about pot, it was a response to him saying his parents took him skinny dipping with their adult friends when he was a kid, as if it was evidence it's fine to expose children to nudity, but if he didn't turn out alright his childhood shouldn't be excepted as an example of what's fine for a kid.


The Marquis of Sass
Feb 9, 2014
Behind your eyes.
No it wasn't a point about pot, it was a response to him saying his parents took him skinny dipping with their adult friends when he was a kid, as if it was evidence it's fine to expose children to nudity, but if he didn't turn out alright his childhood shouldn't be excepted as an example of what's fine for a kid.
Oh, my bad.

Though isn't sociopathy neurological in basis (at least in significant part)? That the brain structure is such that things like conscience and ability to empathize have been compromised? I'm not sure how being exposed to nudity as a child could lead to sociopathy, unless the child already had a neurological predisposition for sociopathy (which was then expressed to greater degree through experience and circumstance). Perhaps you could say that exposure could cause a child to experience some kind of subtle traumas, or fail to learn adequate norms of privacy and space and whatnot. But sociopathy seems a little disproportionate as a consequence.

Not at all current on the latest neuroscience has to say on anti-social disorders. Just spinning the old yarn.

I'll note for the record that if sociopathy was a learned trait, I'm still not sure how being exposed to nudity early in life (and not being ingrained with attitudes of shame and prudishness toward nudity) could lead a child to become something akin to a sociopath (e.g. compromised conscience), let alone anything else that could be considered negative (since you can just teach a child good ethics and attitudes and whatnot, nudity or no).

Though perhaps I should read through the most recent posts here, to see how these ideas have been addressed. I'll do that later in the evening, probably.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
Well BPC was using himself as an example, he brings up his childhood, well that's a valid counterpoint, he is a pot head, if he turned out a sociopath and pot head then his childhood might not be the best thing to base society on.

Parts of your body are inherently linked to sex, and by connection so is showing them to everyone. And it's not something that started in America, it's pretty much how every society has ever worked, and unhealthy? What?
You are making incredible leaps that are just plainly incorrect. Being naked in front of other people is not NECESSARILY sexual. Obviously there are situations in which it is, such as sex...but unless there is some intent to have sex, nudity in general it is not sexual at all. You do know that people have been swimming naked (up until the mid 1900's) since the dawn of time, yes? Ever heard of nude beaches? Sunbathing?

You know there are places ALL ACROSS the world where you can go that prohibit clothing, all of which are not sexual in the least?

I never had to learn that I should wear clothes
So you came out of the womb desiring to cover your nudity? I sincerely doubt it. Wearing clothes IS a LEARNED behavior. That is a fact. If anything, you wear them because your parents made you wear then, or you wore clothes because your parents wore them, even if you never bothered to question why.

no one ever had to tell me nudity was disgusting, I figured it out on my own, so no, you're wrong.
I really dont see how you can be SO ridiculously certain about this. Who specifically remembers something like this from when they were a child? Tbh I feel like you're making stuff up so you can 'win' an argument.

Anyways, I definitely don't remember THAT much about my own childhood, but I can tell you with great certainty after my experience working as a summer camp counselor: literally zero kids hate nudity for being disgusting. If anything, they think it's silly or funny.

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
That's not even remotely true, clothing developed entirely independent from, and predating Christianity.
Yes it is, especially in today's society. Also, I just want to remind you that religious people existed before Christianity, and they worshipped the same god modern Christians worship today, but that's a different topic.

Those who take the bible literally would actually say that clothing was developed in response to god's will, what with the whole Adam and Eve thing.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2015
You are making incredible leaps that are just plainly incorrect. Being naked in front of other people is not NECESSARILY sexual. Obviously there are situations in which it is, such as sex...but unless there is some intent to have sex, nudity in general it is not sexual at all. You do know that people have been swimming naked (up until the mid 1900's) since the dawn of time, yes? Ever heard of nude beaches? Sunbathing?

You know there are places ALL ACROSS the world where you can go that prohibit clothing, all of which are not sexual in the least?
No, I'm not making any leaps. If clothing puts a damper on sexual situations, then therefor, removing clothing, does the opposite. Seems logical to me.

And how do nude beaches show that it's good to be nude? There are places women have to wear burkas, doesn't make it right, just because it happens.

So you came out of the womb desiring to cover your nudity? I sincerely doubt it. Wearing clothes IS a LEARNED behavior. That is a fact. If anything, you wear them because your parents made you wear then, or you wore clothes because your parents wore them, even if you never bothered to question why.

I really dont see how you can be SO ridiculously certain about this. Who specifically remembers something like this from when they were a child? Tbh I feel like you're making stuff up so you can 'win' an argument.

Anyways, I definitely don't remember THAT much about my own childhood, but I can tell you with great certainty after my experience working as a summer camp counselor: literally zero kids hate nudity for being disgusting. If anything, they think it's silly or funny.
Obviously as a new born I didn't have an opinion, but there are plenty of natural things that don't come to a newborn, you're not even born with a lot of your reflexes, there are plenty of natural things that don't start at birth. I'd say I was more 5 or 6, not a tiny baby.

Yes it is, especially in today's society. Also, I just want to remind you that religious people existed before Christianity, and they worshipped the same god modern Christians worship today, but that's a different topic.

Those who take the bible literally would actually say that clothing was developed in response to god's will, what with the whole Adam and Eve thing.
No it's not. Clothing predates not only Christianity but it's ancestors, clothing predates it entirely, it's not remotely a product of Christianity.
Oh, my bad.

Though isn't sociopathy neurological in basis (at least in significant part)? That the brain structure is such that things like conscience and ability to empathize have been compromised? I'm not sure how being exposed to nudity as a child could lead to sociopathy, unless the child already had a neurological predisposition for sociopathy (which was then expressed to greater degree through experience and circumstance). Perhaps you could say that exposure could cause a child to experience some kind of subtle traumas, or fail to learn adequate norms of privacy and space and whatnot. But sociopathy seems a little disproportionate as a consequence.

Not at all current on the latest neuroscience has to say on anti-social disorders. Just spinning the old yarn.

I'll note for the record that if sociopathy was a learned trait, I'm still not sure how being exposed to nudity early in life (and not being ingrained with attitudes of shame and prudishness toward nudity) could lead a child to become something akin to a sociopath (e.g. compromised conscience), let alone anything else that could be considered negative (since you can just teach a child good ethics and attitudes and whatnot, nudity or no).

Though perhaps I should read through the most recent posts here, to see how these ideas have been addressed. I'll do that later in the evening, probably.
Well the general consensus last I checked seemed to be that a normal person naturally feels empathy, it's built in, but if raised right a sociopath can learn to take other peoples side of things into consideration. So it's not so much that sociopathy is caused but that there is failure to correct it.

Anyway my point was just in a more broad sense, if someone turns out an unsavory character their childhood shouldn't be used as a model for raising children.
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