I guess I have a better understanding of the terms now. I was also basing my own knowledge off of what OP said, when mentioned how the employee thought he was a girl, until seeing his ID. I guess it should just be appropriate to dispel the truth rather than dragging assumptions, let alone someone's feelings on for the ride. Especially if it's going to come out at one point or another. So basically, crossdressing with the intent to fool someone is perhaps my only reason as to why I'd be against it.
I may take this to PM for hijacking the thread, but back to transgenders. So if someone identifies themselves as a "transgender girl", that means they were initially born with...for a lack of better term, "boy parts" and decided to undergo a sex change? And vice versa? Or do they not have to go through an operation, and keep their respective "parts"? It's just whatever you want to identify as?
Finally, is there some brain chemistry, genetic, or biological code that can imply if one will identify as a transgender? Or is a product of the environment? I'm guessing it's both, but I'd like to see the science behind this as well.
I don't have much time before work, so I'll just give you a few links if you'd like to read up on stuff, but I'll explain your first few questions.
As far as I can tell (after talking to them a bit in pm), OP is a crossdresser and likes the illusion of it, but I comment as to why they crossdress, but I do not think they identify as female.
Now then, onto the meat the of it all. Before I start, just know I am no expert and will not pretend I am this is all from my own research I've done to better figure myself out. The term "Transgender" is an umbrella term that refers to any person who identifies as a different gender than that to which they were assigned at birth one must transition legally to be legally identified as the opposite gender by the law. It varies state to state, but over all this just means the changing of documents (birth certificate, driver's license, etc) Some states require the actual sex change, some require just the beginning of hrt (hormone replacement therapy), and and such forth, but over all you need a doctor's approval before you'll be able to do anything toward legally transitioning.
Physically transitioning does not just mean one goes through with a sex change opperation. It all depends on how the transgender person feels and what they need to be happy.
But quite a few get the hormone replacement therapy (in the case of a transgender woman they would get estrogen injections, transgender men would get testosterone injections) These injections change a person's appearance quite considerably the only thing that estrogen (in regards to transgender women) cannot change the voice a long with other factors. If gender dysphoria is caught before puberty and the parents give their permission, however, one can undergo puberty blockers to stop the main effects of puberty and thus an individual will be able to transition later in life far more seamlessly, but obviously this option is not open to many transgender people. Many do not under go the genital reconstruction surgery because it is a very expensive operation:
"The total cost of procedures for a single individual can vary from
$50,000, although average male-to-female surgery costs only
$23,000over two years. Still, let's consider the absolute worst-case scenario, two
$50,000 surgeries each year."
Quoted from here:
For your last question I am no expert on brain chemistry and won't try to be, but I found a few links and sources to support that, yes.
You may PM me if you wish to learn more, or ask me more personal questions on the matter (as I am a transgender individual myself), but I am always happy to at least attempt to inform those that wish to be informed.
Here's some two links for you:
the transgender brain:
Effects of hormones:
Puberty blockers: