Nobody NEEDS to be nude in public, just like nobody NEEDS to wear socks or NEEDS to carry a purse, or even NEEDS to wear clothes. Laws are not made strictly to allow what is required, and nothing more. Laws are made to allow freedom, except where that freedom limits the freedom of others. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to be, laws can honestly be anything.
Right, going to go tell people in Alaska to take off all their clothes and freeze to death because apparently nobody needs clothes.
There are needs for everything you've listed but nudity.
And speaking of freedom have you ever considered that freedom doesn't just mean the freedom to do things but the ability to live free from things? Actually that's the pretty much the basis for the constitution, it's freedom to self govern, a key part of that is the governing part.
I agree that exceptions don't allow you to ignore all other cases, but when there are a large amount of exceptions, perhaps the rule is broken. Nude beaches, sunbathing, streaking, naturism, and 'tribal nudity.' There isn't direct "evidence" for human social traits (and I don't think there exists concrete evidence either way), only examples of where nudity is obviously not sexual. We can never offer you physical proof that nudity is not necessarily sexual because it's a social convention.
Nope, not even remotely. These aren't common enough exceptions for them to break the rule.
Anyway I wouldn't agree with any of those besides streaking being non sexual, and maybe tanning as it's a vanity thing, streaking doesn't help back up your point though, people do it for the sake of being perverse, simply because people don't want them to, or because they'll get attention for acting out...
Perhaps for YOU, nudity is inherently sexual, and perhaps you will never be able to see it from another perspective, but that does not mean it is the same way for everyone.
Hmm... Seems it's the same for a lot of people, and besides it seems to me what is sexual is in the eye of the beholder, which means it's not necessarily limited to whether or not you're getting off on it.
If you agree that what is sexually provocative is in the eye of the beholder then you must admit that nudity even if not sexual to the person nude can be viewed as a sexual act. And seeing as how it quite commonly is I see that as enough for it to be banned in public.
Also do you actually think that nude beaches / sunbathing is sexual? Have you ever been to one? Read about one? Seen a video of one? Literally you have no experience about them and you're plainly ignoring a HUGE counterpoint. Naturism/nudism EXISTS, and you can't just continue to ignore that.
Heroin exist as well, that doesn't mean I should try it, stop asking me if I've been to a nude beach, I haven't and I won't.
Lastly, ASSUMING a person could be nonsexually nude in public to the point where he/she could talk/walk/act like a 'regular clothes-wearing person,' would that really be so bad to you?
sums it up. Not to mention what started as borderline fallacy has now turned into straight up No True Scotsman. Shifting the goal post so that you're right. Truth is, only in America is public nudity so widely considered indecent. And so too is cross dressing, but to a lesser extent. Basically if a man is walking down the street in a dress, he's gonna get negative attention, unless it's a street in P town, or the like. And the sad thing is that it's not because he's dangerous, but because he's a non conformist.
Except that it's not. I never said all nudity is sexual, that is @
' strawman.
And seriously, in the grand scheme of things America is pretty damn tolerant of crossdressers. Do you know how you'd be treated in Russia for crossdressing?
That's another thing. Inherent.
"existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute."
Sex is not essential when dressing in clothes typical for the opposite gender. Nor is it permanent, as in once you put on the clothes, you'll be permanently turned on (lol). Sex is not characteristic of dressing opposite.
Same goes for nudity. Being naked is not essential for sex, nor is sex essential for being naked. Sex does not render us permanently naked. Nor does being naked render us permanently in coitus. Nudity IS a characteristic of most sex acts, to this there's no doubt. But public nudity is not characteristic of most sex acts. There's only one actually, which is sex-in-public, and that can be attained with or without nudity.
Once again sex =/= sexual, I never said nudity was sex. Also if nudity is linked to sex then public nudity is, there may only be one sex act that specifically requires it to be public but public nudity is nudity and therefor the other ones apply to it as well unless they specifically can not be done in public.
Also having doing a very simple google search and linking to the first hit, a wiki on the history of public nudity, we find the evidence to be overwhelmingly in favor of the existence of a social divide between nakedness and sex. They're not mutually exclusive, obviously, but just following any of the examples in the article will demonstrate the obvious: participants in these events didn't all suddenly decide to have a massive orgy because of all the nudity around them. If that's not clear and precise, I'm not sure what else to say other than, to each their own, you are within your right to believe what you will, but as we can see, some things are true whether you believe them or not.
You mean you found an incredibly biased page of propaganda that never felt the need to explain why it's right?
And by the way, I'm right whether you believe me or not, not the other way around.
And what I hear is "I'm not deriving this from any principals it's just what I feel is right", which of course makes any comparison of values impossible. It is no different then pointing out to my mother, who believes herself an orthodox catholic, that he views are formally condemned in a church council and she simply says she doesn't want to hear it. Her values are set in stone as what she feels but she has never examined where those values and norms are derived from and what principals they rest on.
So to it is clearly with you, you shirk from any analysis of the systematic source of your own values, you invalidate any other culture's experience as wrong, and the only thing that seems to line up is that those values are those of the wider american values which suggests you are simply an american who absorbed those values unquestioningly.
I gather of course that your expectation would be that we would be overwhelmed by the "rightness" of your value system that is plainly obvious to everyone, but the fact is that when viewed from a dispassionate sociological lens it does nothing of the sort. In a place meant to examine and analyze, declaring something right or wrong is valueless, what matters is the analysis.
You have contributed nothing to this conversation.
Edit: If you feel like deriving what your actual values are as actual principals rather then just saying what you feel, feel free to do so. But if you're going to discuss here the community expects actual mental effort.
Hmm... Except that you're entirely wrong. I'm not even going to bother, you don't deserve acknowledgement. There was no chance of you listening or giving me a fair chance ever, why should I listen to you?
What do I expect from you? I expect you to be absolutely horrible, I expect you to lie and insult me, to criticize everything I say and be entirely unreasonable, to deliberately try to misinterpret and pervert everything I say. And I'm right in my expectations. I think I deserve a fair chance to be heard, I think everyone deserves that, but I certainly don't expect someone like you to give me a chance.
But if you must know I'll tell you why I believe it's wrong, it's wrong to do something that will cause a large amount of the population discomfort for no real reason. I know you think it's fine to put people through anything just as long as you can justify in your mind that they shouldn't care, but I don't.
Scrap society and redo everything. Change the legal system to be similar to League of Legends' Tribunal, except with anonymity of both sides during the hearing, so as to establish the same punishment for the same crime, regardless of gender. Eventually everyone will stop giving a **** what your gender is to begin with, and masculinity and femininity become equally sexual. I don't think we could undo the sexuality as it is, but it'd be close enough.
The fact that league of legends is being referenced should be your first clue you're doing something wrong. Anonymity is not practical in a court, you need to know who did what and why to give a fair verdict and anonymity would likely wind up obscuring this. It is very much relevant if say, the victim of an assault is a strong and healthy young man versus a defenseless old lady who could easily suffer permanent injury.
I find it kind of humorous that people that actually identify as the opposite gender to that of which they were assigned are legit saying "yo, me doing this has nothing to do with sex." And some of us (mostly me) have admitted to not even wanting sex literally at all, and people are still arguing that cross dressing and being trans is inherently sexual.
Perhaps cross dressing as a hobby is sometimes sexual, and drag queens play with sexuality all the time, but they don't define cross dressing at all, they define DRAG PERFORMANCES. Which is another thing in entirely.
No I think there is one other reason I just don't want to be flamed to death... Suffice to say I think it should be discouraged in either case.
Also I seem to remember that I'd been informed drag queens were absolutely not sexual, funny.