I completely disagree.
Rockin was town and I scum in Megamafia and , wait hold on.
*pops da col', KevinM style*
There we go.
--and I pretty much fed him his own **** in the debates because he was so meandering and spastic. In his arguments he created a multitude of inconsistencies I was able to exploit. Yet he was very town.
On the other hand, he was scum in TLI. Tom and I seemed to have caught him early on with good ol' scumhunting and gambits (respectively), and yet we both let off on him because (speaking for myself, but I assume also Tom) because his logic connected all the dots and he made decent points under pressure. Tom and I were both town, and Rockin vastly outlived us, dying only when his town-alligned lover did.
I'd say Marshy nailed Rockin best of anyone. I'm not really sure what his issues are, but they really aren't what jf said, in my opinion.