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Connor's House Tournament: 12/05/09 This is still happening!


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2006
Pasadena, CA (626)
Rofl is a really good player, he says what he thinks. I also think it's honorable to play luigi and play well. I'm not really gonna put this on side by side basis. I really think though, ROFL is right about the community degenerating and how being as good as or being the best means little now. I do want to play well and such, but also I recognize that it isn't like before. To be honest, any day I'd root on a luigi over any shiek/fox/falco/marth/peach.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
its ok p, i forgive you. because i remember your true feelings towards me when i was actually good at this game. but i still dont like you. you treat people depending on how good they are at a video game. you were calling me a joke saying how you beat top 15 in socal with your marth or w/e
actually i was saying that just to get you mad. fwiw i know you're a better player than me.

and if i hadnt four stocked you in round 2 of our money match 5 seconds later you would still be on here talking ****.
it's obvious you don't know me at all if you really think you legitimately four stocked my marth. my marth is amazing against fox, ask around if you don't believe me

i know that the only reason it is "water under the bridge", is because i 4 stocked you lol.
no, it's actually because i don't give a **** about some little disagreement. two guys were being guys, being stubborn and being *******s. little stuff like that only bothers me in the moment, i don't carry the weight on it on my shoulders

once you feel like you are better than someone you treat them like ****.
oh, so that's why i always offer to help anyone and everyone get better.

where as when they **** you, you have some kind of respect for them or something.
i dunno, not a lot of people **** me ;)

you *****ed and complained the whole tournament
really? how?

honestly, would anyone other than **** and yourself say i *****ed and complained the whole tournament? when did this happen? i'm totally lost. hey melee community, would you say it's in my personality to ***** and complain at ANY tournament? i'm pretty much the happiest dude ever at tournies.

and then anytime you won a match you pumped your fist in to the air like you had just accomplished something. i had never seen a sheik so excited to beat a yoshi. lmfao.
i don't recall what i did because i am an emotional guy when i'm doing something i love to do. judge me on that all you want, doesn't bother me none. i am who i am.

you talked to jizzanator and all you would say is "who the **** are you?"
just to piss him off, and it obviously worked.

but you talk SOOOO much **** for no reason.
nah, you just don't know me.

ill tell you who he is. he is the guy who gets excited for placing 13th and will talk **** til no end because the only good people where were norcal, mango, and hugs.
i'm not going to apologize for loving this game. like i said before, judge me for it all you like. you're just rationalizing BS to yourself -shrugs-

i dislike you p
i don't dislike you at all :)

sorry but i will not accept your bull**** water under the bridge thing.
you don't have to. i still have no problem with you. i never knew you before but i thought you were a pretty cool guy. we had a little tussle, it's over with and in my mind, it IS water under the bridge. you're welcome to hold a grudge if you like, but it's a one-way grudge.

i will however finish our money match whenever your done putting the ointment on your anus, and i will enjoy regaining my full form and beating your *** in the future so that you can post shoutouts as to how you wish you could reach my level of skill.
glad you're motivated. hope to see you at more tournaments. bring more of pdale with you.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2006
Pasadena, CA (626)
TBH though, I don't think you should start **** with guys like ****, at least for the sake of this being partially friendly, keeping the community together. I'm not gonna tell you to change your attitude, but hey, keeping the members we got in the community is up to us.


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
tbh Adam, the only time you *****ed was when you forfeited against Fly. Other than that, no *****ing.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
yeah, and i don't even see how that's *****ing. yes, i put a lot of pressure on myself to beat fly. i thought i was playing super well on pokemon, too, but ****ed up once i suicided. i got on myself after the match and was unable to concentrate. i was mad at myself. i didn't ***** to anyone after, though. i didn't go to ANYONE saying, "hey, did you see me vs fly? man that sucked." i didn't mention it to anyone after the fact. i mean, i know what i did wrong and it's not going to happen in the future. there's nothing to ***** about -shrugs-

matter of fact i even apologized to fly about my behavior during the set. no idea what rofl is talking about.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
lol ok i agree with all of that i was only trying to burn you.

except one of those.

"it's obvious you don't know me at all if you really think you legitimately four stocked my marth. my marth is amazing against fox, ask around if you don't believe me"

because i still think your marth sucks lol. thats why everytime we looked at the screen it was flying off of it.

oh and because you just said i sucked and that you wanted your easy 5 dollars, and you were still talking **** about 2 stocks in to the match.

and then you quit because....well i dont know why you quit. i guess its because you are so good agaisnt fox's. (which would mean you are good agaisnt lucky and mangos fox because those are the only real fox players in socal).


Smash Ace
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
hey its good that youre stepping it up for the community connor
texas is ******** i hate not being able to play at a whim like i can in palmdale


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
you should know by now just from my internet persona that i don't really give a **** about arguments for the sake of arguing; i'm just going to say whatever i think will piss you off the most. i'm glad to see i'm pretty good at that.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Rofl is a really good player, he says what he thinks. I also think it's honorable to play luigi and play well. I'm not really gonna put this on side by side basis. I really think though, ROFL is right about the community degenerating and how being as good as or being the best means little now. I do want to play well and such, but also I recognize that it isn't like before. To be honest, any day I'd root on a luigi over any shiek/fox/falco/marth/peach.
TBH though, I don't think you should start **** with guys like ****, at least for the sake of this being partially friendly, keeping the community together. I'm not gonna tell you to change your attitude, but hey, keeping the members we got in the community is up to us.
this is why you are arcadian. jesus christ shut the **** up. you are 100% brawl noob.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
the only factor in being a brawl noob is stupidity


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
WTF? Brawl noobs? arcadian? can someone please tell me what does these ranking mean! I know what a brawl noobs is, Just not arcadian and other crap so getting lost here please someone explain to me or else my head will blow!


Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2008
I think Futiles love for the game rekindled yesterday. He actually called ME over to smash with him and practice on various CP's. We played for quite a bit today... until he got sick of playing against my Peach ROFL.

I really learned a ****load of new things about my skill today. ****! I can't wait for the next tournament... You *****es better be scared! IT'S DONE!


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca

I meant that you have it exactly right

sleepy talks like he knows a lot about the game, yet is surprisingly bad
enthusiastic and slightly misinformed arcadian

The Greater Leon

Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2008
socal, 805
hey jake i started with falcon for a while too. but i dropped him after getting cg to 90 by sheik. after that i wanted to play gay, picked marth, and am quite enjoying myself.

i also like aesis' avatar

The Greater Leon

Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2008
socal, 805
You're a Marth main?!
ive been practicing for about 2 weeks and being excited about melee. i think 805's organized 3 big smashfests in that time. but i dont like 'oh hey guys im getting a lot more technical but i still suck so lets get hella hypothetical for a few posts so i feel like im good but im not yet and i should be playing right now if im thinking about improving' posts
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