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Connor's House Tournament: 12/05/09 This is still happening!


Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2008
This was a really good tourney. I liked it.

Well here are my shoutouts.

Connor - good **** running the tournament... well sorta lol. Your Peach isn't half bad. I'm somewhat impressed. But can you PLEASE stick with a character. It'll make your life easier... much easier.

Kira - DWAM! I don't know why but your Sheik is fun to play. Your patient style *****. You really shut my aggressive style down. Good **** in the MM. Maybe I'll rematch you the next tourney... maybe. Your scary now lol.

Steven - WTF?! No wonder you took a round off Edrees. Good sets... well sorta. The first two were dumb but the last one was a good match. You completely outplayed me. If you play that well consistently (i.e. don't choke lol), you'll definitely be a scary opponent. Also... next time you will be impressed by my Nairs. Who's Pink Shinobi?

Atlus - ****... Good Set. I think I picked up some new tricks in our set which I would love to try out the next time we play. Your laser game is so good. I promise you, the next time we play things WILL be different.

Replicate - I could tell you were upset we didn't MM. Playing Foxes who know how to play Peach is a chore (i.e. your campy style lol). But I won't deny a MM the next time we see each other. In fact, your MM will take priority over any other. So just ask and you got yourself a MM.

Cameron - yes, yes, YES! By far my favorite person to talk to in tournaments.

Jenny - I never really got a chance to talk to you at other tournaments but I'm glad I did this time. Your a cool person and I agree, Math is GAY.

Lovage - ...I'll never beat you. Though your Falcon does suck ballz. Good **** on getting third.

Tips - LOL forbidden 805. Your good kid.

P - I didn't get to play you in the MM. Sorry bout that. Wasn't really in the mood to play gay. Just rig the bracket and I wont mind playing you in tournament. BTW... you will not win. >=]

ROFL - You're a real cool person. Your trash talk was hella funny.

Boss - You should have stayed for singles. Good **** in doubles though.

Romeo - I didn't MM your Falcon like I wanted. I'll tear you apart next tournament. No worries. :)

Hugo - Our MM were by far the my favorite sets at this tournament. So close and so intense. Playing you helps improve my spacing immensely. Your last stock is by far the hardest to take away. Maybe next time I might manage to beat you. You've definitely rekindled my love for this game. And thanks for the compliment <3 Oh... and let's just stick to the BF compromise each time we play.

Mango - .... tsk tsk tsk...
I told you I was going to tear your Falcon apart in our MM. Don't tempt me. At least you weren't a ***** with your orders at Red Robins <3 I'll give you a rematch next tournament.

I enjoyed this tournament a lot. Good **** everybody.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2008
Connor - You're still too good for me - **** tourney though. Also, I hope your toe gets better lol

Sleepy - Thanks again for giving me a ride to this and for giving me tips and stuff. I just need to practice a couple things and I'll have another big improvement. :D

Rudeezy - Stick to your Roy. It's so cool. I think Roy players that **** are awesome. So really, just keep practicing.

Sherigami - Forget your shiek, lol. Friendlies were hilarious. lol

Embrace - good stuff placing for Aznforce XD Next time you'll see an even better samus too.

Aznforce - wtf you're so cool, lol.

Festizzio - Haha, you're such and awesome guy. What happened against Romeo??? lol up airs. Get ***** by KFC. hahaha

Sgt. Fluffles - GG. Our games were so close.

ROFL - Your luigi *****. Good stuff in team friendlies, and later, way to **** me in singles. XD

Lovage - Whyyyyyyyy must you **** so much and be so technical - way to almost build a crowd during our set, lol. Props for getting third.

P - It was nice meeting you. You're so campy, lol.

BOSS - It was nice meeting you as well. Great stuff in teams.

Hugo - I learned a good deal watching your matches. You're freaking good.

Cameron - Holy **** you're so random, haha.

Mango - ****.

This was so **** for my first Melee tournament experience, and Red Robin afterward was just so much more ****. I'd like to thank everyone who came to this. I can't wait for the next one. I still have a ways to go, but I'll catch up to you guys. Ohhhhh maaaaaaaan Genesis.


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2008

and most importantly, to the owners and moderators of SWF, for making this forum an entertaining, family-friendly place and punishing evildoers who would seek to corrupt the fragile minds of younger brothers who visit this site on a daily basis, everywhere
Played starcraft
and i gave you extra gas monies for half of a ride to connors.
didn't jake/chris go with plan 9 who also lives in oxnard?
and how the **** would they fit in your car, me and erik barely fit
i kept in the bottom part cause that **** is funny


Smash Champion
May 28, 2006
yessssssssss, oh yesssssss





Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
i was getting over a cold when i came to this tourny, but when i woke up today i was much sicker than i ever was to begin with

who else got sick

connor, FIND A WAY TO GET TIO ON YOUR COMPUTER, jesus christ


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
steven get yo **** straight

derek stayed at connor's and I took chris and jake and oscar
chris and oscar were in the back

my cough got worse, I can't tell if it was because of the tournament or just a natural part of my illness


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
ARGGHGHGHGHHh I'm sick. I blame connor's house for being really cold and futile for getting his allergies all over me.

Mango - hey, do me a favor, **** less. kthxbai. Seriously tho you're always fun to hang out with. Also that weird princess cartoon was raaape rofl.

Lovage - I missed you you little *** kid. Let's hear it for weird *** cartoons on a tv we cant figure out. Make me better at melee.

Hugs - always cool talking to you. We'll have to hang out at more tournies when we arent working lol. Rent tropic thunder!!!

Romeo - Tropic Thunder ftw lol. cool as always.

Connnnnnnor - Control them toe issues. Awesome set. I had you on poke floats!!!!!! got lucky. and johns! lol. see ya next time.

Plan 9 - you suck making me wait so long. yesssss. noooo. yewssss. NOOOOo

TLR - fun set. wayyyy too close.

Joeplicate - lol you know your experience was improved drastically just by me being in the car. so quit yo *****in. Stay socal!

Embrace the Steven - stop blockin the TV!


Festizzio - you creepy mother****er. im never flippin you off again


Anyone i forgot - haha i forgot you! nah everyone was cool except festizzio.


Smash Lord
Jan 2, 2008
steven get yo **** straight

derek stayed at connor's and I took chris and jake and oscar
chris and oscar were in the back
that doesn't make it our fault that their ride bailed on them and you were there to have to cover for them. you coulda just said no cause you had reason to. they weren't your responsibility cause you weren't their driver. but as a friend you did it cause that's what friends do, help eachother out. maybe you should've let them know you were bitter about taking them.

i don't see how it's our fault, but sorrrrrrrrrrrrry. O________o


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
nah, he fell in love with his progress and started playing around with too many characters

same thing with you

i've done the same thing, looked back and went, "wow, i played for 2 months and didn't get a lick better. but i was improving so much! what happened?"

well there's your answer


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
when you find two characters that are both really good and you like playing a lot, why play any more? that's the perfect balance imo.

enough diversity to keep you from getting bored, keep you improving, and give yourself the most favorable matchups


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2006
Pasadena, CA (626)
sleepy is a hardcore arcadian
well, honestly, I wish my IC's were good, but it's hard as hell to consistently main them. I'm reconsidering though fully maining them again. Link isn't a much better choice, too easy to get locked down and stuffed.

also yes, I haven't gotten any better since 3 months ago. When I was dedicated link I was getting better, then I started screwing around with marth and others, so now I just got worse.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
it's hard to consistently main anyone.

make a choice and stick to it. indecisiveness is for women.
<3 P no homo. That sentence just made me laugh so hard. awesome.

I'm having trouble deciding on a main right now. I really like captain falcon, and i know the basics with him, but everyone tells me he's bad to start with, and hard to main. I at least wanna keep him as a secondary and maybe pick him back up once my tech skill raises. Iono who i should main for now tho : /


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2006
Pasadena, CA (626)
falcon is hard, since everyone uses fox/falco/shiek. He's also difficult to do certian combos with and get hits in if you aren't already very good.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2008
I'm having trouble deciding on a main right now. I really like captain falcon, and i know the basics with him, but everyone tells me he's bad to start with, and hard to main. I at least wanna keep him as a secondary and maybe pick him back up once my tech skill raises. Iono who i should main for now tho : /

What about Shiek?


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
if you will 100% commit to falcon, there's nothing wrong with maining him.

but it's going to be really dumb to say you're going to main him, get butt ****ed by the litany of sheik / fox / falcos who totally own him, and then get depressed and try to switch mains.

so if you don't mind just how uphill a battle it is, maining falcon is fine. falcon has really simple gameplay so getting great with him is just getting perfect with your execution


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
and in late response to the whole P thing.....

when someone's being a ***** i can 't ever resist the urge to be a ***** back at them, not in the moment anyway. but i have a short memory and don't really give a **** so as far as i'm concerned it's water under the bridge. rofl's welcome to hold a grudge if he likes =)

Palmdale: wow why are you guys so good at this game. Rofl your Luigi is ridiculously incredible, wtf. Your shield pressure is ridiculous, it's already impossible to follow up on Luigi, and you take great angles and cut off options and force me into making mistakes. I don't know if I can ever be on that level of smash skill =/
its ok p, i forgive you. because i remember your true feelings towards me when i was actually good at this game. but i still dont like you. you treat people depending on how good they are at a video game. you were calling me a joke saying how you beat top 15 in socal with your marth or w/e, and if i hadnt four stocked you in round 2 of our money match 5 seconds later you would still be on here talking ****. i know that the only reason it is "water under the bridge", is because i 4 stocked you lol. once you feel like you are better than someone you treat them like ****. where as when they **** you, you have some kind of respect for them or something.

you *****ed and complained the whole tournament, and then anytime you won a match you pumped your fist in to the air like you had just accomplished something. i had never seen a sheik so excited to beat a yoshi. lmfao.

you talked to jizzanator and all you would say is "who the **** are you?" he is a human being, and he was better at smash than you for 4 years and never said **** to you. and now that you are the best ****ty person in this half *** socal community, you treat him like a nobody, when in fact you are a nobody. and if you would like to prove otherwise, please post ANY tournament sets you have won that mean absolutely anything at all. i think you did beat gimpyfish one time tho so i better be careful what i wish for right?

whether its losing 65 dollar money matches, or losing to roy's, or sucking for the ENTIRE time the the REAL socal smash community was active.....i just dont really understand what more it takes to show you that you need to shut up. you are not a terrible smasher. you have improved so much its insane. i would like it if it was possible for me to be your friend. but you talk SOOOO much **** for no reason. i would love it if you asked all of the ACTUAL good smashers out their who neighborhood P was. and they would all say who the **** is he?

ill tell you who he is. he is the guy who gets excited for placing 13th and will talk **** til no end because the only good people there were norcal, mango, and hugs.

i dislike you p, sorry but i will not accept your bull**** water under the bridge thing. i will however finish our money match whenever your done putting the ointment on your anus, and i will enjoy regaining my full form and beating your *** in the future so that you can post shoutouts as to how you wish you could reach my level of skill.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2006
Southern California, North Hills (818)
and in late response to the whole P thing.....

its ok p, i forgive you. because i remember your true feelings towards me when i was actually good at this game. but i still dont like you. you treat people depending on how good they are at a video game. you were calling me a joke saying how you beat top 15 in socal with your marth or w/e, and if i hadnt four stocked you in round 2 of our money match 5 seconds later you would still be on here talking ****. i know that the only reason it is "water under the bridge", is because i 4 stocked you lol. once you feel like you are better than someone you treat them like ****. where as when they **** you, you have some kind of respect for them or something.

you *****ed and complained the whole tournament, and then anytime you won a match you pumped your fist in to the air like you had just accomplished something. i had never seen a sheik so excited to beat a yoshi. lmfao.

you talked to jizzanator and all you would say is "who the **** are you?" he is a human being, and he was better at smash than you for 4 years and never said **** to you. and now that you are the best ****ty person in this half *** socal community, you treat him like a nobody, when in fact you are a nobody. and if you would like to prove otherwise, please post ANY tournament sets you have won that mean absolutely anything at all. i think you did beat gimpyfish one time tho so i better be careful what i wish for right?

whether its losing 65 dollar money matches, or losing to roy's, or sucking for the ENTIRE time the the REAL socal smash community was active.....i just dont really understand what more it takes to show you that you need to shut up. you are not a terrible smasher. you have improved so much its insane. i would like it if it was possible for me to be your friend. but you talk SOOOO much **** for no reason. i would love it if you asked all of the ACTUAL good smashers out their who neighborhood P was. and they would all say who the **** is he?

ill tell you who he is. he is the guy who gets excited for placing 13th and will talk **** til no end because the only good people where were norcal, mango, and hugs.

i dislike you p, sorry but i will not accept your bull**** water under the bridge thing. i will however finish our money match whenever your done putting the ointment on your anus, and i will enjoy regaining my full form and beating your *** in the future so that you can post shoutouts as to how you wish you could reach my level of skill.
P is nice to me.

And he's a hell of a lot better @ melee than I am.

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