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Connor's House Tournament: 12/05/09 This is still happening!


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Had fun, GG's, especially the Ganon player. Haven't played a good Ganon for a while.

One note, my memory card was being switched around to a lot of cubes around the room and I eventually lost track of it. It was there around the end, then when I tried to find it it was gone, so I can only assume that someone either stole it or left with it without knowing. It's a gray memory card, has smash and some other stuff on it. If you could check your stuff and let me know if you find it, it'd be much appreciated. =D


Smash Master
Dec 4, 2008
I got wrecked for this tournament =(

Connor - good job on the tarp
Stab's Tv - you ****ed me and Zen in doubles so well
Zen - it was really fun teaming with you
Lanstar - I want to mm you =(
SDR - you played hella bad in this tournament =( you got this next time
Lucky - camping riku? not legit
SamDVD - best female player in so cal imo thanks for the peach practice
Stab - sorry i didn't want to play friendlies with you at this tournament because we played each other all the time
Ekoli - i'm going to **** you in the next tournament to make that score 4-0
Gsub - play pretty gay for a puff good stuff
Bizzaro Flame - good to see you again and have fun in nor cal, Like my 0 to death combo on your ganon with my marth?
S2J - good **** in doubles and we'll MM next time (if we can since i'm always forgetting)
Lovage - I wish you didn't move to Nor cal
Joe - I'll see your sexy nipple at Nor cal
Practice Man - marth's Dtilt is gay
Psychomidget - close call with Bizzaro flame
Jenny - hope your arm heal up soon
Rei - play other people beside 949
Fly - we didn't play or talk at all =(
P - thanks for the friendlies/money matches


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
I saw an unintentionally funny road sign on the way back

"Irvine 3 miles
San Diego 87 miles"

Good stuff for the SD people coming all the way to garden grove lol


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
it's not that far considering we'll drive to SD, the 805 will drive to SD for tournies

those of us kids with cars and chiller parents can travel more than 20 miles for a tourny on a weekly basis

hope you get to travel soon stabbed


Smash Cadet
Jul 30, 2009
fun tourny, ggs to everyone
arcades are a lot of fun, raiden 4 is ****


1. lucky
2. lovage
3. conn0r
4. fly amanita
5. psycho ******
5. ?
i forgot the rest

1. joe + fly amanita
2. lucky + p
3. lovage + captain blowjob (cNc ALLSTARS)


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
I lost to joey and fly

what's important is that we won doubles, ahhhh ****

my shoutouts:
fly, good ****, let's team more often. I'm really glad that you figured out how to use your main character in doubles really well; getting used to having ICs on a team was a great experience. Let's team again sometime. And to think I was not gonna enter! Also I wanna play you a looooott more in singles

joey, thanks for taking me under your wing and giving me some advice and ****. it's cool that you're reaching out to a n00b like me

oscar, gay as ever. I looked over, saw johnny playing melee with sdr, and then saw you 4-stocking gsub with your link in 64. not legit.

derek, you're the best for driving over the southland, champly. 805 be rollin ****IN EVERYWHERE, people need to stop complaining about living far from places, because you're not as far as 805 is.

larry, how was harvest moon, where were you *****!!! play with me this week

sd, thanks for coming. bring more next time! :)

g-boys, I heard you didn't enter singles. Not legit. good seeing you all again though

stabbed by a *****, you're getting better. just don't be so predictable with your approaches, you always laser laser, nair my shield, then go into the same shield pressure as ever lol.

practice man and johnny, you guys are both getting a LOT better.

connor, thanks for hosting this. have fun riding home with race! lol hopefully you didn't sit at the arcade for too long.

see you all again soon


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
all right, thanks to everyone who came.

who's the stupid f@ggot that clogged the toilet and didn't have the NERVE to let me know about it until it overflowed?


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
sorry connor. . . . . .

In other news, I should have gone to this. . .

AI was pretty fun though

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco

Practice Man: Good job in Singles and Doubles. We learned so much **** from this tourney =)
Stab: Your Falco is getting better. I'll tell you a secret of how GB always gives me a hard time with his falco (Train with lvl 1 Ganon)
S2J: Fun MM once again! You improved drastically ever since Stab's tourney. Just don't get gimped too much off the stage by Ganon =D
Connor: Thanks for hosting yet again a good tournament. See you during Winter and next Summer Break.
Zephyr: What a difficult match during Singles. It was pretty close, good for you!
MacD: I got my training needed for you in Merced XD
PsychoMidget: So much of a close set for Singles. I hope you were taking it seriously. I know that i used at least 90% of my twitching powers against you, but you still pulled through at the end. good ****.
GB: Your Falco is improving mad good, although not as drastic as during our 30-hour training session before this tournament.
Joe: Fun friendlies. I learned my lesson of not chasing fox out of the stage consistently.
Fly: Your Icys are sooo good!!! Close matches. I wish that I could've at least beat you in one of the matches

More Shoutouts Later.

See you guys! I'm leaving to Nor-Cal (UC Merced) in two weeks. =(


Smash Lord
May 2, 2008
Inside the hitbox of Falco's Up-Tilt.
all right, thanks to everyone who came.

who's the stupid f@ggot that clogged the toilet and didn't have the NERVE to let me know about it until it overflowed?
Yeah, that was ****ed up.

I went to pee and I flushed it and it started overflowin and **** and I had to stop it,
I couldn't find a plunger, cause I wanted to fix it myself, cause like, connor doesn't need to see my urine, that's ****ed up. ****er who clogged the toilet and didn't say anything about it . . . Go **** somewhere else...


s2j: you're sooo good in 64, thanks for taking it a bit easier on me than you did on lovage and practice man, and I think you SD'd on purpose in crews, you coulda made it back, just so you didn't four stock me again. Haha.

SDR: Fun friendlies, those doubles friendlies were hilarious, I rested the **** out of jason, and you twice. Was fun. And the singles were fun too, I like that matchup, you're good at it, and I make stupid mistakes. I'm just glad I won one, on yoshi's too.

Jason: LOL. Stop getting rested. You're so funny though, you always make everyone laugh and lighten the mood ;]

Connor: Thanks for hosting. I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really appreciate it!!!!! =D

Sam (I think...?): Fun friendlies. Too much pressure to win though, you being a girl and all. Hahahaha, don't get frustrated against jiggs and go pikachu, you were doing all the right things with fox. And my falcon is garbage :]

Lovage: 64 is fun. After I get two controllers. I'll sell you mine for sure. Actually, If I just get one extra controller, I'll trade you mine, so I'll have two, that's all I need :]

LANstar: You ***** me hard in crews............ lol, I wish I coulda played you in some real singles though.

Replicate: I really wanted to play you more, I need help with that match up....

P.S. At the next to touney, refuse to play with me if I don't go jiggs, it will force me to keep using her, ahah. Thanks.


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2008
Southern California
Awesome tourney

Jkun - Underestimated the random falco player a little bit? :x
Joey - So impressive.
Practiceman - Woo random crowd hype the last 10 seconds of our match. Really clutch ending... i thought i had it @.@
Joe - I definitely need help with the fox matchup... You pointed out a couple of my bad habbits but it still just generally feel behind in that matchup... I'll go watch videos of how people deal with full hop Nairs and how to shield pressure you without getting hit @.@


Smash Apprentice
Dec 22, 2006
818 cali
dude connor, i'm sorry that yer toilet got *****... if i ever did that, i'd tell you hahah


Smash Cadet
Dec 16, 2006
West Covina, CA
thanks for hosting another fun tournament, connor. the tarp was a great idea.

bizzarro flame - j00r ganon got a bit rusty but still got some sexay comboEs.
practice_man - your falcon is really fun to play against. maybe i'll get to play you again sometime if i go over to the bizz's place.
stab - its too bad double falcos didnt work too well. it was pretty fun either way haha. you're falco has been making huge improvements.
s2j - ****
joey - omfg hax.
gsub - rest ***** in double friendlies.
lan - your words of encouragement were awesome lmao


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
So Cal
how did the tarp thing go? casue im thinking of doing something like that also, glare wasn't a problem?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
alameda, ca
tarp is a g idea, the only thing is those TVs ended up being friendly tvs (which was fine)

squid, shield pressuring fox is very hard, even if you're perfect with your fast falls and l-cancels and all that, fox can still shine out. you have to be really really smart about it, and like pressure their shield then back up and wait for a roll or whatever they do out of it.

****; fool!!!!

check the real account, good one


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
joe! i recently taught alex about ics lol he was soooo happy xD i gotta sit ur *** down n show you <3

lovage - yo u*** lol why would you take me to brinstar -.- . .either way <333 i have no idea why unless you dont try as hard,ur easier then joe lol

midgeyyyyy - i luff you <333

jennnyyyyy - what did you do to that tv O.O

connorrrrr good **** vs fly man you gave him the business xD

fly - im surprised ur so good vs fox man, dealing with that kind of pressure as ic's is sooo gaay >.> mad pros

jasoooon. . . riku had it coming :]

dopple - we need some marth dittos for sure

p - fuuuuuuuuuck

other people i played in tourney squid/gb? - my bad for trying so hard x.x i really wanted to play my best at this tourney lol but good matches for sure :]

melee community !!! <333333


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
805 car - You guys are all hilaious.
Joe - you're still a hilarious tall white guy. you'll get Fly next time.
Oscar - Oh my wong! My Marth will get you next time.
Derek - Speak English! I don't understand Ching Chong Nip Nong! You're a *** for charging $5 gas money to just take me to AI.

Irvine - eh
Cameron - you're gay
Jenny - Cookies and cream ice cream <3
Kira - where were you? ***!
Jason - thanks for helping me with the tarp
Rei - same thing as Jason
JDM - same thing as Rei
GSUB - clogged toilets are gay. What's up with not entering and not paying venue? ITS A TOURNAMENT NOT TAKE UP SET UPS FOR FRIENDLIES AND DELAYING THE TOURNAMENT FOR FREE.
Stab - Fun money match I guess. stop being so predictable. I hope my reads taught you that you were being a noob. Roll behind me -> fsmash is NOT good. It got me the first few times because I gave you too much credit. That's why I read all of your rolls near the end. Change your approach too. SHL -> SHL -> dair isn't going to work every time.

SD - <3
Lanstar - it was awesome that you drove SD here!
Zephyr - lol ggs
Zen - ggs in doubles
Apollo - we should play brawl+ sometime :D

Squid and Spazz- thanks for coming, it's nice to you see you again.
AJ - sorry you couldn't stay for singles =/
Fly- Good games. I honestly went in our first set expecting to lose. Changing the way I played the ICs matchup must've confused you haha
Joey - good **** in singles
Piggy - thanks for letting me borrow your laptop!
NeighborhoodP - good **** making bank from just money matches and doubles. You were such a baby in crews!
PracticeMan - lol Brawl+ hacked characters are too good.
BizzaroFlame - that ganon's looking mad cute. I'll see you during winter/summer break.
SMOKE2JOHNNY - You're my favorite Falcon. Don't forget that.
SDR - I hope you didn't go in expecting to win vs Johnny easily. Johnny's a beast!

WHOEVER CLOGGED MY TOILET. I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU. I can't believe you were either a ***** enough to just let it get worse. You should've just told me you clogged it! I wouldn't have been mad. Everyone clogs toilets every once in a forever.

If I forgot anyone, sorry lol


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
Fun tourney but it would have been better if i had been able to do doubles... No one ever wants to team with the girl :ohwell: :(

Also, working at a hotel has taught me that more grown a$$ ppl clog toilets everyday than you even realize...at least 3 a day who dont know how to flush properly
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