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Connor and PsychoMidget presents: A tournament in IRVINE! (:


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Redragon, I'm glad you decided to come :D I wanna mm your samus with my Kirby haha.

Jetx, I have to ask my parents if people can come over before the tournament, so hang tight.
I will 10$ mm your Kirby for sure!!!
Lets do it!!



Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2006
Fountain Valley, CA
watch out for the fence of pain
ARGH. Remember that match today!? I fence of pained your bowser! And then I didn't make it back to the stage and UpBd to my doom while you were still in there air! T_T I wish Kirby had Jiggly DI and her forward B ):

Redragon, let me think it over. 10 bucks is a lot >_>


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
That is a pretty stupid excuse to not go to a tournament (I'm not just talking to you, Redragon, but a plethora of doubtful smashers). First of all, you have to consider Ken's feelings here. He's pretty tired from planning 0C3, and probably doesn't want to play a friendly because all the other people will want to play friendlies with him. I think this is why SoCal/West Coast isn't as good as East Coast. It's people with that sort of attitude that don't join a tournament just because a professional is there to kick their *****. I join every single tournament regardless of whether or not Ken and Manacloud are there to kick my ***. Plus, the money they win goes directly towards to 0C3. But Redragon, why isn't there a point in going even if they do play? Do you think that you'll get first place just because Ken and Manacloud don't go? There are plenty of other people that are going that are just as good or better than you. This is SoCal. We're LUCKY to have Ken on this side of the states. We're even luckier to have him living a few blocks away! We have an enormous amount of smashers in socal, but why don't we want to enter a tournament and waste like 5 dollars to have a little fun? There are people on the East coast that have to pay 20 bucks to get into a Singles tournament. It's pretty expensive on the east coast. I payed 5 bucks to get into that Garden Grove tournament and didn't get ANYTHING. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't have joined it since Raqu and Sniper were going in the first place. No! That's not the attitude you guys should be taking to a tournament.

People just don't appreciate how big the smash scene in California is. People in South Dakota don't have a huge smash scene like this, and they aren't that good because of it. We have a bunch of great smashers living around us, and you guys always ***** about it like its the worse thing in the world. Why is 0C3 so expensive? If you guys think about it, you have to pay 45 bucks for THREE days worth of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is CHEAP compared to most things. You have to pay 15 bucks for a dinner here in socal. ONE DINNER.

Just don't chicken out, and stop johning. I'm not trying to argue. I just want people to realize what's up. Don't go into a tournament hoping to win money. It may be fun to win money, but hanging out with a bunch of smashers and adding to the competitiveness of smash is even better. This is why smash is so big! Don't let Ken's presence discourage you.

im with redragon on this goin wen ken goes is lame especially wen he just goes for the muny and wants nothig to do wit us at all and manas there to be like O YEA by my murchandice for overpriced prices its good for u -_-...and kevin u say people dont respect the smash scene and l;ast night in the chat room ur like wat wuld we do if ken wasnt here in ca EVERYONE WULD BE HAPPIER kens just a munyhungry w,hore...and u also said people dont go to turnaments for muny ....but if that was true wuld ken be coming O.o? yea, right gg nub.....if ken wasnt in ca id lover turnies more but hes munyhungry and mana is also i dont care if this is flaming them its true and everyone on smashboards knoes it not just people in CA


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2006
Fountain Valley, CA
im with redragon on this goin wen ken goes is lame especially wen he just goes for the muny and wants nothig to do wit us at all and manas there to be like O YEA by my murchandice for overpriced prices its good for u -_-...and kevin u say people dont respect the smash scene and l;ast night in the chat room ur like wat wuld we do if ken wasnt here in ca EVERYONE WULD BE HAPPIER kens just a munyhungry w,hore...and u also said people dont go to turnaments for muny ....but if that was true wuld ken be coming O.o? yea, right gg nub.....if ken wasnt in ca id lover turnies more but hes munyhungry and mana is also i dont care if this is flaming them its true and everyone on smashboards knoes it not just people in CA
Why do you insist on making such a big deal out of such a little thing? He's going to go either way, so if you hate him so much just don't enter the tournaments. Oh, why not enter 0C3 while you're at it, since a bunch of other pros are going too.

If I had Ken's smash skill level, I'd use it to get my hands on some money at a tournament. If you haven't forgotten, the money goes towards 0C3. Mana sells his products, but you don't HAVE to buy them. I'd say that the t-shirts are worth it since you'll never find them in stores. Again, you don't HAVE To buy it. Stop whining about Ken winning a tournament.

I don't want to continue this argument. If you don't want Ken to come, IM him and convince him. Just the other day Raqu told me that he would try to beat Manacloud and get second place. Why doesn't everyone have the same attitude like him? He's very optimistic and has a goal. Make a goal: Beat Ken by the time SSBM's life is over. You have a few more months to get good, so do it! Stop complaining!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2007
Torrance, California
I don't want to continue this argument. If you don't want Ken to come, IM him and convince him. Just the other day Raqu told me that he would try to beat Manacloud and get second place. Why doesn't everyone have the same attitude like him? He's very optimistic and has a goal. Make a goal: Beat Ken by the time SSBM's life is over. You have a few more months to get good, so do it! Stop complaining!
Psh Raqu can't get 2nd place if I'm there Sniper>Raqu ^^ And I will try to beat Manacloud too. I need rematches from that last tourney :p


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
I will go to your tourney, the last one was fun..
But my point is, Raqu and Snpr are good, but there IS hope that i could beat them. They are better but if i plan things out i MIGHT win.
With Ken, there is no hope at all.
I am not sure if Ken is like this, but i hate when pros just do it for the money and dont talk or anything.
Whatever tough..
I am not saying i am the best or that Ken sucks, its just that paying 20-25 bucks with NO hope of winning makes me 2nd guess myself...

Usually I don't go to many local socal tournaments. I'd actually rather spend my weekends sleeping in then actually go to a smash tournament, since I've been to so many. Money isn't really an issue for me, but since 0c3 is happening this year and I've bought bombsoldier's ticket with my credit card, and no one is really donating then I figured, why not go to some local tournaments and win some money for Bombsoldier.

I don't know what you are talking about, at the last sushi man tournament, I was talking to some old high school (fvhs alumni) people that I haven't seen forever for the longest time. Not only that, I actually played some friendlies with HUGQ. When I feel like playing then I'll play, if not then I clearly don't have too.

But you're right, you have very little to no hope of beating me. However, you'll only get better if you try. Otherwise just quit smash now and stay home. Don't ever try to play competitive smash.

im with redragon on this goin wen ken goes is lame especially wen he just goes for the muny and wants nothig to do wit us at all and manas there to be like O YEA by my murchandice for overpriced prices its good for u -_-...and kevin u say people dont respect the smash scene and l;ast night in the chat room ur like wat wuld we do if ken wasnt here in ca EVERYONE WULD BE HAPPIER kens just a munyhungry w,hore...and u also said people dont go to turnaments for muny ....but if that was true wuld ken be coming O.o? yea, right gg nub.....if ken wasnt in ca id lover turnies more but hes munyhungry and mana is also i dont care if this is flaming them its true and everyone on smashboards knoes it not just people in CA
obviously, you don't understand that in order for you guys to get better you can't just depend on me to help you. What I can do is offer biweeklies for the community to get better, but even so, I've been so busy that I can't even host Biweeklies. You have to help yourself get better if you wish to be better. Did you think I got so good at smash by not going to tournaments and not playing any pros? Did you think I begged pro's to come over to my house so I can play them all day? NO.. I worked **** hard to get the skills that I have now. I took a chance and paid for a plane ticket all the way to the East Coast for $500 ,because I believed in myself and it paid off in the end.

From what I'm seeing is that all you're doing is johning it because you want me to spend my summer to get you good. I'm sorry but I have lots of things to take care of, I'm a very busy person. Even if I didn't have anything to do, I still wouldn't take my time to train you, but instead enjoy my summer and rest. You're not even in my crew, what do I gain from helping you? Just because you aren't as good as you want to be, you shouldn't blame me, you have to work hard to get good. However, you are right. Money is what drives the pro's to go to tournaments. Without money, it would just be a tournament and everyone would make johns after losing. "We aren't playing for anything"

In conclusion, please stop pursuading sushiman to ban me for my smash skills. Actually consider yourself lucky that I am even coming. Some smashers would die to have a chance to play me in a tournament. If i was rude disrespectful or have any beef with sushi man then perhaps your banning would be a little bit more legit. Otherwise stop trying to bad mouth me because you don't even know me.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
srry ken -_- iv been reel angry lately -_- this week sucks *** and the 4th WAS GAY im angry at everything hope u dont take it personal man my bad xP but yea this sriosly sucks wen everyone is like im not doin anthing and the ones that r is like nah srry its a family thing only ....once again id like to appolojize xP srry

and im not tryin to get sushi to ban u O.o iono were u got that from but like i said if everyone and everything wuld stop pissing me off i wuld have to vent it sumwere im angry like no other i almost puched sum random dude in the face outside my house bcuz he said sumthin stupid ....srry -_-


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2006
Fountain Valley, CA
Well, I'm glad that's over.

Moogledude, $5 MM your GnW with my Kirby! Bwahahaha.

@Redragon: It's only 12 bucks to enter everything for my tournament, including crews. But you'll have to bring some extra money for food.


Smash Rookie
Jun 24, 2007
srry ken -_- iv been reel angry lately -_- this week sucks *** and the 4th WAS GAY im angry at everything hope u dont take it personal man my bad xP but yea this sriosly sucks wen everyone is like im not doin anthing and the ones that r is like nah srry its a family thing only ....once again id like to appolojize xP srry

and im not tryin to get sushi to ban u O.o iono were u got that from but like i said if everyone and everything wuld stop pissing me off i wuld have to vent it sumwere im angry like no other i almost puched sum random dude in the face outside my house bcuz he said sumthin stupid ....srry -_-
lol no johns

Well, I'm glad that's over.

Moogledude, $5 MM your GnW with my Kirby! Bwahahaha.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
its no john moogledude im pissed still also so ima get off of smashboards bfor i do sumthin else ima regret -_- ttyl everyone xPPP


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
:laugh: its all cool Ken lol
I am not really mad or anything, I just dont like when pros just do it for the money and ruin others fun!
But if you did not do that then i have no hard feelings!

I am sort low on money so i dont want to waste it when i know i will lose :(

Btw Moogle i will 10$ mm your G&W!!!

Shusi still want to mm with your Kirby?



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'm looking forward to playing Mana in tourney :)

Anyone want to MM? I'll do up to $5.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
radragon ill mm u for like a dollor LOL ^_^ 5 or 10 is to much for me lol xP im kinda alwys low on funds xP


Smash Rookie
Jun 24, 2007
:laugh: its all cool Ken lol
I am not really mad or anything, I just dont like when pros just do it for the money and ruin others fun!
But if you did not do that then i have no hard feelings!

I am sort low on money so i dont want to waste it when i know i will lose :(

Btw Moogle i will 10$ mm your G&W!!!

Shusi still want to mm with your Kirby?

lol Redragon, if your low on money, why are you so eager to do MMs?
Sure I'll mm you for $5, but if you are using your main, i get to use mine (not GAW).


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Cause i am not mm Ken or Mana :chuckle:
I only mm people i think i can win...
So mm:
stryderhyru: mm 1$
Shushi: mm 10$?? Still want to?
mOOgle: 5$?? Who is your main? :confused:



Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
moogle mains sheik right ?? just like me but i dont plan on playing sheik this time redragon so be redy -_- lol xP


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
NO gosh its master hand AND crazy hand ^_^ and its not cheeting bcuz even if its using 2 chars thats wat ice climbers is ^_^ lol i wish they were chars(master hand and crazy hand) xP

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
lol at trying to ban Ken...?? what's with all the money matches so suddenly? JTB, I'll MM you 2 bucks maybe, if you want. You have a guaranteed win. Sushiman, MM your Kirby w/ my GnW $5?!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
mfp mm ur marth v my sheik? ^_^ or ur G&W v my zelda?? lol i doubt ud wanna though xPPP lol gg T-T


Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2006
Fountain Valley, CA
Why does everyone like to use GnW against me? Might as well use Pichu or Young Link, Connor.

Sushiman's Kirby Money Matches
MoogleDude - $5 Mr. Game and Watch
Connor - $1 Pikachu

I don't know about all this money matching, guys. I need to save up >_>

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
Great, JTB, who do you main? Jiggz? Get ready to play a gay character. Hell no to you stryder, *****!! Also, I dunno if I wanna enter singles OR doubles, unless I HAVE to pay...


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Yup, I'm still Jiggs M/F pro.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Irvine, CA
NO gosh its master hand AND crazy hand ^_^ and its not cheeting bcuz even if its using 2 chars thats wat ice climbers is ^_^ lol i wish they were chars(master hand and crazy hand) xP
crazy hand is the hand he wacks it with, its a code name

ANYways,,,,,,,, who wants to mm


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2007
lol RIGHT connor sure everyone knoes u were talking about marth ^_^ lol and psycho u got sum major issues lol and ill mm u O.O how much?


Smash Lord
Jan 12, 2007
Mission Viejo, California
i aint MM you Psycho.... LolZ!! I already know how it would turn out.... Butttt i'll MM Sushiman :D

Stryder i'd love to play against u too. i haven't played against you yet. I need to keep on playing all of you peoples as much as i can. If you wish i will MM you :) Mostly for me practice skillzorz!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2007
Orange County, CA
haha, wow.. money is just flying anywhere!

hey Kev! I'll MM your sheik -vs- my samus.. for.. hmm.. 50 gold in WoW XD.. you game?

((btw Reddragon.. i'm pretty sure moogledude mains sheik))
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