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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Yea Red is but the rest aren't Vincent Barret Cait Sith and so on all develop well. The only ones that don't are probably Red and Cid. Tifa and Cloud are the main characters that's like saying you want extreme character development for all the supporting actors in a movie. If you try to focus on absolutely everyone it takes away.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Actually only Aesir said 6 was better. It's not true , ask anyone.
IV and V are better than every other final fantasy but VI is definitely better than VII, lol.

edit: seriously, I played chrono cross (which i love, lol jam) before ffvi, I was expecting that huge cast of playable characters in FFVI would lead to the same large majority of uninteresting characters like there was in chrono cross, but i was pleasantly surprised. while ffvii bored me out of my eyeballs in 10 hours

then again this is coming from someone who thinks Chrono Trigger is the best game of all time, lololol

also, seriously? the remake would be the best selling game of all time? LOL that's a riot, the best selling game of all time has sold 4x the number of PS3s sold, unless they pull a pacman with atari and make more copies of the ff7 remake than they do the ps3, good luck with that lol


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Yea Red is but the rest aren't Vincent Barret Cait Sith and so on all develop well. The only ones that don't are probably Red and Cid. Tifa and Cloud are the main characters that's like saying you want extreme character development for all the supporting actors in a movie. If you try to focus on absolutely everyone it takes away.
Not they weren't lol.

No they weren't their development was poor Vincent and Barret where tragedies, so there was nothing really different with either of them. They got ****ed over and now they're cold and bitter about it. Theres nothing really all that in depth on it.

I'm not saying I want extreme character development I'm saying I would have appreciated a more in depth look at the characters. Rather then, heres Barret he wants to stop shinra heres his past, okay done lets move on.

Tactics is far from being better then 6, LOL.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
6=3 right? I'm playing that on DS now.
Yes and No, SNES's FF3 = FF6, but after the PSX/N64 generation, they started correcting any titles. DS's FF3= NES's FF3, which we never got. There is a FFVI GBA port which you could get. There's also a FFV GBA port which I seriously suggest you get. And if you want to try FFIV, there's a DS remake (similar to the FFIII you're playing) coming out next month

edit: hell yeah modest. I also can't wait for the Dragon Quest DS remakes coming out. IV finally got a USA release date, only a matter of time until V and VI do, as well as the new one IX.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yes and No, SNES's FF3 = FF6, but after the PSX/N64 generation, they started correcting any titles. DS's FF3= NES's FF3, which we never got. There is a FFVI GBA port which you could get. There's also a FFV GBA port which I seriously suggest you get. And if you want to try FFIV, there's a DS remake (similar to the FFIII you're playing) coming out next month

edit: hell yeah modest. I also can't wait for the Dragon Quest DS remakes coming out. IV finally got a USA release date, only a matter of time until V and VI do, as well as the new one IX.
ROFL ok way too much work when I don't even like the games that much. Thanks for the clear up tho.

Yeah, I'm old enough to remember playing Dragon Warrior I on NES when it came out.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
so whens that chrono trigger ds remake coming out ;_;

come on square, e3 is just around the corner, announce it then >_>

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Well if when you turned it on it had one of those beautiful prerendered opening scenes like the DS FF3 does... of Chrono, Frog ect fighting some ****.... and riding in the airship.....and..... **** I want it now.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
FF6 was amazing... one of my favorite games of all time. I never finished FF7 so I can't really compare it, but I can't imagine I'd like it better than VI.

Chrono Trigger is also one of my favorite games of all time, and I liked Chrono Cross too, but for different reasons.

Also, FF Tactics was amazing.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
theres was almost a CT remake but square squashed it a while back, a side company was making it some years ago, it was called Chrono trigger resurrection, look it up i think the site is still around, it would have been awesome if the finishd it it lookd amazing at the time. nd i would have a mindgasm if ct was released on the ds, that would be my reason to get one, still havent been persuaded enough to was my money getting one

edit, Ct = best rpg evvar!, ff tactics is indeed amazing, and ff Vii > ff vi until jam writes the essay

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
theres was almost a CT remake but square squashed it a while back, a side company was making it some years ago, it was called Chrono trigger resurrection, look it up i think the site is still around, it would have been awesome if the finishd it it lookd amazing at the time. nd i would have a mindgasm if ct was released on the ds, that would be my reason to get one, still havent been persuaded enough to was my money getting one
Oh believe me, I know.


I know ;_;


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I never played Chrono Trigger.
go play 6 theres a GBA port for it and you can always download roms, Play Chrono Trigger, Play 5 because if my memory serves me right that game was awesome.

**** everything else till you beat all those games. DO IT...>_>

to everyone else 6 > 7 jam doesn't even need to write an essay for it, it's that ****ing good go play it beat the whole thing and you'll see what I ****ing mean..>_>;

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Some of you on here make me sick. Final Fantasy VII is arguably the most overrated video game of all time.....without a doubt. YES, Cloud and Sephiroth are pretty cool but too many of you want to see them get naked and f-u-c-k. Stop obsessing over them and getting a boner over the game...its not as good as people say. Yuffie, Cait Sith, Barret, Cid, and Red XIII were soooooo poorly made and developed. You learn NOTHING about them. The entire game revolves around what Cloud, Tifa, and Sephiroth think and do....thats it. Its a three disc game about the three of them. Final Fantasy 6 was a piece of crap for one reason and one very good reason---the battle system was garbage. Final Fantasy 5 was much better, difficult and more fun than 6 was. I've played both Anthology and the version on SNES and disliked both versions even with the cut scenes. The best Final Fantasies are VIII, I, III, IV, X, and VII (Yes, I enjoy VII but i dont obsess over how much of a "breakthrough" game it was.

Nana-Metal Gear Solid 4 on the PS3 is all I really have to say. Nowadays thats the only game you really need to play. Everything else released lately has either been A-pure crap or B-a remake of something i've beaten before and own on the original system. All I hear about now is remakes of games on different systems....who cares? Companies need to come up with NEW ideas. Thats another thing thats so sad about the Final Fantasy VII series...they are always looking to latch onto that game because people would pay $150.00 for god sakes for a game they played eight years ago. If that remake came out and was retail $100.00 people would still buy it because people will do anything to see more Cloud and Sephiroth. I hate FF VII dorks.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
^ Rofl Pof How exactly is the battle system garbage? LOL it was an ATB much like an other FF game. The esper System was good and fit very well into the theme of final fantasy 6, unable to use magic unless you learned it from the espers.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Thanks man. Is your login referring to Asuran from Seed?!?!

PoF, you're about to get flamed by a lot of people.
I forgot where asura came from but it's from an Asian mythology which meant like god killer, and I was like. Lol god killer wind AWESOME. >_>

Though it may have been a mistranslation but asura has something to do with gods so either way god wind or something, I just know is I liked the name asura and what it meant LOL.

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
^ Rofl Pof How exactly is the battle system garbage? LOL it was an ATB much like an other FF game. The esper System was good and fit very well into the theme of final fantasy 6, unable to use magic unless you learned it from the espers.
well attune with this not all people like ff vii cuz they are gay for cloud or sephiroth or w/e some people just liked the game, that being said, i do like 6 better than i just want jam to write that essay and i loved the esper system... however i've never playd 5 soo i cant compare.. as for the ps3/360 arguement... much better games on the 360 right now but this will be the year of the ps3.. you heard it here first, i think


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
lol, cool. Do you remember anything from Seed's ending? I'm going to tell you why I will most likely never see Destiny and why my opinion of Seed dropped significantly. A friend of mine accidentally revealed a twist in Destiny, which ties in with what happened at the end of Seed. It's so bad that I think watching Seed was almost a waste of time. But, it's useless to tell you if you don't remember much about it.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
lol, cool. Do you remember anything from Seed's ending? I'm going to tell you why I will most likely never see Destiny and why my opinion of Seed dropped significantly. A friend of mine accidentally revealed a twist in Destiny, which ties in with what happened at the end of Seed. It's so bad that I think watching Seed was almost a waste of time. But, it's useless to tell you if you don't remember much about it.
Wow how bad could it have been? cause the ending for seed imo was boarder line epic it was just a big cluster **** of awesome. LOL

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
lol, cool. Do you remember anything from Seed's ending? I'm going to tell you why I will most likely never see Destiny and why my opinion of Seed dropped significantly. A friend of mine accidentally revealed a twist in Destiny, which ties in with what happened at the end of Seed. It's so bad that I think watching Seed was almost a waste of time. But, it's useless to tell you if you don't remember much about it.
i actually liked both seed and destiny... destiny better of the 2 and yah your right but i dont you shouldn't wathc it just because of that


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Let me start this by saying, I personally like VII better than VI. Due to the fact that I played it at the most perfect part of my life.

I played VI in 1994 or 95 when it first was released here. It is an amazing game. The amount of detail that is in that game is astounding for the time period it was made. I think it has way better replay ability as well.

The only thing I liked about VII was the characters. I don't know how you can argue that they had poor character development. I actually cared about the characters in VII, while I have never cared about any character in VI...it is more like who would it be funny to level up this time I play. I was so blown away by VII's story when I played it...but like I said, I played it at the most perfect part of my life haha.

Anyway, my point is that I can replay VII every few years (for the story), but I could replay VI every month and probably not get bored. I agree that VI is in fact the better game, but I will always like VII better when it comes to my personal opinion.

Edit//Legend of Legaia is obviously the best game ever...hahaha <3 Cort


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Oh man, you're not gonna like this LOL

Here we go...

MU LA FRAGA IS ALIVE. Not only that, but he is one of the main villains in Destiny because after he SOMEHOW lived from that ship's cannon vaporizing him and his gundam (you even saw his broken helmet floating in space wtf), he loses his memory and.....wears a mask exactly like Kuruuze in Seed. It gets worse, at some point near the middle or something he blocks the Archangel from a blaster ray just like he did in Seed (I don't know why this is what my friend told me lol) and he has a flashback and remembers how he saved them before and regains his memory and joins the good guys again. Seriously, wtf?


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Oh man, you're not gonna like this LOL

Here we go...

MU LA FRAGA IS ALIVE. Not only that, but he is one of the main villains in Destiny because after he SOMEHOW lived from that ship's cannon vaporizing him and his gundam (you even saw his broken helmet floating in space wtf), he loses his memory and.....wears a mask exactly like Kuruuze in Seed. It gets worse, at some point near the middle or something he blocks the Archangel from a blaster ray just like he did in Seed (I don't know why this is what my friend told me lol) and he has a flashback and remembers how he saved them before and regains his memory and joins the good guys again. Seriously, wtf?
thats ********.....>_> are you sure he's not lying? wtf?

Wow talk about gay..>_>

The Dragon

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2007
Its a MONTAGE!!!!
Oh man, you're not gonna like this LOL

Here we go...

MU LA FRAGA IS ALIVE. Not only that, but he is one of the main villains in Destiny because after he SOMEHOW lived from that ship's cannon vaporizing him and his gundam (you even saw his broken helmet floating in space wtf), he loses his memory and.....wears a mask exactly like Kuruuze in Seed. It gets worse, at some point near the middle or something he blocks the Archangel from a blaster ray just like he did in Seed (I don't know why this is what my friend told me lol) and he has a flashback and remembers how he saved them before and regains his memory and joins the good guys again. Seriously, wtf?
yah i deffinitely didn't understand why the did it like that but it still my favorite gundam series... although i have watchd 00 yet

edit: no hes not lyin its all truth i own both series
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