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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Hey guys, I was just thinking about something.....

If Brawl had Wavedashing would that really make it a BETTER game? Keep in mind that the speed of the game, auto sweet spotting, etc are still all in the game. Now we can just wavedash......nothing else.

I personally, do not think inserting wavedashing would make the game any better at all because of the speed of the game and how everything flows within the game. Thoughts?


Everyone should come over tomorrow and play Smash Brothers 64, Melee, and Brawl with me.
By that I mean, my Smashfest

Bring ho's, bring Shay Laren, bring SETUPS, bring Wiis, Bring Melees, Bring Brawls, Bring 64's, Bring food, bring beer, bring good times, bring Wii Bowling?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
anyone see any parallels?

edit// alex: np. it was fun. i havent played magic in so long, so i enjoyed it very much
bwhahahaha @ parallels.
we should play alot, and make my decks better


Dear Alex, I bought pans and stuff. Can I makes the brownies at your casa?
yeah, but you already owe me a brownie, i'd need to eat alot of them.

Bowling is the best because Shay Laren plays it naked.

Actually, tennis is.

Because two Asian girls get fxcked while playing it. XD
sauce >.<

that's pretty great, i love when he
humps the ground and the chick falls down
, priceless

Well guys, I'm back into World of Warcrack.
PHAIL, i should make a WoW punch list, like, 100 per return to wow =D

I have to go so I can coincidentally run into the woman of my dreams on purpose
that's too brilliant to fail, good luck mang =D

What DD said. How DAIR you!
bhahahaha that's good, that's good =D

The plan was, for a bunch of us smashers to reserve rooms and split the cost evenly.

we were going to bring TVs and cubes to smash (melee) with.

and then have a big pile of hot buttsecks.
let us talk of these things, cause that actually makes CTcon sound appealing. on aim, of course. our buttsecks is our business and ours alone! nom nom (i'll post pics/movies/reactions later)

Jesus, no ****ing spoilers, I'm going to watch Guren Lagann eventually.

I just realized I no longer have to read any of the posts in this thread. Silas does an excellent job recapping everything when he posts lol.
yeah man, i'm glad i don't read things with anime in them that i don't know, i'm still unphased and can watch it later!
and yeah, hey i appreciate you noticing man, but the majority of what i do is just quote the nonspam, or the funny spam, or the things i care about, which are usually the best things =D.

Like, I need to hold your butt or something.
you realize, this is the whole point of the picture. not to take a picture, but so that you have reason to touch teh buttz ;D

Like the one I took with you while you were asleep at Alex's!
*hides in locked locked...thingy, that has locks on it*

uh. WHAT?!

i want to see this picture XD
refer to above post

Holy **** did Cort actually get banned?
oh, it's not temp? i didn't know swf did non-temp bans

>.> Mewtwo v. Fox is fun, and not a terrible match-up.
<.< Unlike...Marth...
are you sure? i'm pretty sure mewtwo vs fox is still pretty horrible >.>

Or I go battlefield and try the ledge trick on them. LOL
teach meh? what is this...trick? =D


I dunno how any one can say this man could be considered one of the greatest presidents. >_>
wow, where is he considered that? i want to find the authors, murder them and anyone related to them. they need to be in the darwin awards for saying such a thing, honestly.


OK! i'm all dressed up in my company clothes + labcoat(aw yeah, i gotz a labcoat) i'll post a pic later since aj decided to chill on my shoulder while i was trolling, and i got a few pics ^.^

anyway, off to work =), wish me luck! i'll let you all know if i become a superhero by the end of my shift

<3 ct thread, have a nice day guys =)

ps. *throws lawlian away*


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
did no one else notice nus' sexy underoos and jake's sexy... sexy?

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
bwhahahaha @ parallels.
we should play alot, and make my decks better

yeah, but you already owe me a brownie, i'd need to eat alot of them.

sauce >.<

that's pretty great, i love when he
humps the ground and the chick falls down
, priceless

PHAIL, i should make a WoW punch list, like, 100 per return to wow =D

that's too brilliant to fail, good luck mang =D

bhahahaha that's good, that's good =D

let us talk of these things, cause that actually makes CTcon sound appealing. on aim, of course. our buttsecks is our business and ours alone! nom nom (i'll post pics/movies/reactions later)

yeah man, i'm glad i don't read things with anime in them that i don't know, i'm still unphased and can watch it later!
and yeah, hey i appreciate you noticing man, but the majority of what i do is just quote the nonspam, or the funny spam, or the things i care about, which are usually the best things =D.

you realize, this is the whole point of the picture. not to take a picture, but so that you have reason to touch teh buttz ;D

*hides in locked locked...thingy, that has locks on it*

refer to above post

oh, it's not temp? i didn't know swf did non-temp bans

are you sure? i'm pretty sure mewtwo vs fox is still pretty horrible >.>

teach meh? what is this...trick? =D

wow, where is he considered that? i want to find the authors, murder them and anyone related to them. they need to be in the darwin awards for saying such a thing, honestly.


OK! i'm all dressed up in my company clothes + labcoat(aw yeah, i gotz a labcoat) i'll post a pic later since aj decided to chill on my shoulder while i was trolling, and i got a few pics ^.^

anyway, off to work =), wish me luck! i'll let you all know if i become a superhero by the end of my shift

<3 ct thread, have a nice day guys =)

ps. *throws lawlian away*
My god thats a



Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Dylan... you must have the ability to see the dead in photographs.

The ghost trying to relay some message through you to somebody important to it in the picture.

also, khaly x nus yaoi butsecks gay nao plz


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
the ghost is my little brother.

ANYWAYS, onto more ****ing IMPORTANT ****ING NEWS

i just ****ing beat apollo justice. it doesn't even ****ing make sense how ****ing amazing it is and i feel like my brain just ****ing exploded a little bit

what the **** what the **** and now i have to sleep and get up in a few hours

*brain fries* WHY CAN I not notice resemblances or familiar faces in video games? GAWSH



Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2007
porno mustache
the ghost is my little brother.

ANYWAYS, onto more ****ing IMPORTANT ****ING NEWS

i just ****ing beat apollo justice. it doesn't even ****ing make sense how ****ing amazing it is and i feel like my brain just ****ing exploded a little bit

what the **** what the **** and now i have to sleep and get up in a few hours

*brain fries* WHY CAN I not notice resemblances or familiar faces in video games? GAWSH

when did he pass away...


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Swift or Trademark (whoever reads this first): Are we gonna be returning to New England on Saturday night right after the tourney ends, or are we staying until Sunday?
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