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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
XD Lol Swift. This was posted by Al0x like, 24 hours ago :3.
I still loves it though.

Also, PoF, I think its time you plug your smash fest again so I can write down the address and tell me what time I can show up.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Smashfest this Friday at my house- - -

Smash 64

All welcome!!!!

Please bring a TV setup, copies of brawl, melee, and whatever you can manage.
I was thinking roughly a 6-8 TV setup.

3 for Melee
2 for Brawl
2 for N64?

It will depend on what you guys bring.......

All are invited


12 Dogwood Road
North Haven

Come anytime after 6pm and if you need housing...i can manage. For all of you planning on attending Louis's tourney....its roughly like 25 minutes away from my house so for those of you that live in EH and up North more...it will be a nice short ride in the AM.


EDIT-For all of you that think I am a jerk on the boards....you'll clearly see that I'm not in person. I'm deceptive.
There you go everyone. I better see you all coming tomorrow or ima kill you!

Please bring whatever you can for setups!!!!


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2005
The Metagame House
Also, I'm saddened by shmink's wanting to quit and his opinion of random new age smashers, but when's the last time you played anyway? >_< I thought you quit ages ago to be honest =(
I didn't quit until i gave brawl a chance, and it turns out i hated it. That in combination with other factors I felt trying to keep going wasn't worth it. I never totally quit, but i was pretty far down the road.

It's just weird that you'd randomly post in the topic after a random hiatus just to say how much the community sucks.
I've watched the thread, and many other parts of smashboards, and just seeing people posting, I can tell you exactly how the community is. Sure, you can say "Oh people are different in real life", but I don't want to meet these people that are different. If someone is stupid and obnoxious on the internet, I have no incentive of wanting to know them.

IMO the community has been fine. We have tournaments and smashfests, we attend out of state tournaments together, and the events are almost always full of fun considering we get to see each other. When's the last time you did that, shmink? =(
Since melee. I won't lie, I could have gone a good number of them, but I literally didn't want to, because i didn't want to have to meet all of the tools I see wandering around smashboards. All of my smash friends are welcome to come over, and they know that, and when they do, we have fun. but even when Blue came to my house, I felt like I would have had a lot more fun a few years ago than now.

I also agree with V and that this 'discussion' should be dropped. I haven't heard anything productive come out of it other than pessimistic bullpoop.
This pessimistic bullpoop is far, far more productive than the stupid gif crap that keeps getting spread around. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

PS this is Paul
WHO THE **** RIDES MY ****? I like coming off as an ******* so that people aren't ostensively nice to me. The little kindness I get is just for being good at a videogame. I donno why people are even using smashers 'sucking up' to me as a reason in this stupid discussion considering if you want to pretend that it happens, it's been occuring since the beginning of this thread.
Not even going to answer this.

EDIT: I know people don't want to read this, but I feel like I have to say this stuff, otherwise I'll end up eating my own head.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
i know my 2 cents wont mean much to people but this is what i think- smash boards is 4 people who play smash to get together play each other competitively and make friends. am i wrong? and the ct. thread is for ct people to do that. so whats the fruckin problem? who cares if people spam we still have the same thing in common if you dont want to play and meet new people get over yourself. i dont give a **** how good you are in smash no one here has the right to say you cant be here. and there are 2 things i notice the most about people here
1. some people act like theres a popularity contest goin on.
2. there are alot of cry babies mad wack.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
1. some people act like theres a popularity contest goin on.
>.> Well, its always nice to be liked, but I see what you're talking about with this one.
XD That kind of stuff does get annoying.

Vote DD for coolest Neophyte 2008!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Im interviewing for assistant dairy manager in plainville in a few days i guess
lol double pay if i get it? lawl

Plainville is near cort / brookmens / santard / silas
anything close to me, by association, is good.

that looks fantastic, <3 will smith

and while it was fun for a few years, it gets old.

PS: Ask of my opinion of people and I'll give it to you.
fun times.
have you tried smoking pot?
opinion please?
followed by donut MM?

and i love the community
uh huh uh huh

and this place just got infected, too.

Maybe its because the new wave of CT'ers don't necessarily emulate the senior members of this thread...
not all things are worth repeating =O

Now it's just a ****ing gay spam fest of bull****, and frankly ct isn't as cool as it use to be.
this is why i punch people, multiquote, and edit my posts.

The punch lists are one of the good regulatory things that I see potential in.

Isn't it amazing how Alex single handedly prevented 80% of double posts?
I myself am annoyed to death over the Shay Laren GIFs, so I attempted to follow suit.
Yes, let it be known to all, that I am amazing.

but i HATE akex's keybpoard soooo much,
because you're a homo

Speaking of Neophytish things, whats that really neato thing that Alex is always saying to do to Foxes/Fast Fallers as Marth?
Uthrow Utilt .....?
up throw regrab, repeat till 30% ish, up throw into up tilt or u air till around 60% ish, up throw and fsmash, you may have to walk a little bit but it should tipper.
skip the foreplay and brookman(up throw regrab down throw fmash) them. they usually don't tech the down throw, and if it tippers you might get a gimp, since as marth you shouldn't be allowing spacies back to the stage...evur =D

I feel so stupid for just recently realizing that NusCirtap = Patric Sun backwards x_x;;;
it's ok, i figured out like last week, don't feel bad >.<

Haha! Thats a punch for you.
oh khaly, you keep me from having to troll and stuff, by pointing out things <3

Then I realize that Lucario is just a more ****** version of Mewtwo.

._. I did beat Khaly with my precious, right?
no, it was me, sorry

Oh, yea, have I told you guys the awesome Deadly Lag Combo with CFalcon?
(Character at Low %s)DTilt->FTilt->Dash Attack->Uair->FAir.
that sounds intense. brawl?

there are a select few who have been part of the problem for sometime.
i hope this isn't me >.<

lets make a new one!
sweet, like a rat deck? <3

edit/ you mean cort ISNT the leader of the ct thread?
obv me, zzz

poo I had to take down my sig because it had the word vah-jai-nuh and I got one brownie point....i mean...some sort of demerit

ty sir, appreciate it

Cowboy Bebop's dub is the only good one.

Meanwhile at MM, I see a bunch of friends hanging out and having fun no matter what game they're playing. And I see a bunch of new people and potential friends hanging out and having fun.
I really don't see a problem.
did you forget free donuts? nom nom

I money matched POF last night and we freakin' tied at 165 and then we did an extra frame and I won by one point. That game is so addictive.
phew, that was intense

corrected lulz
oh tim <3

I mean when was the last time someone johned at a tourney and someone said "No Johns" ? It feels like ages since this has been said.
we need to hang out more/at all, so you can hear it lots ^.^

I made a topic on gamefaqs saying how weird it was that roy's upsmash spikes...
*learns something new*

We are not good at this game. Anyone who has traveled out of state knows this. Cort is good, and that is it.

Well and Swift after his last melee tournament :)
+ Mike? nom nom

edit: I meant dropping it won't help the fact that there's something wrong with the community (according to some)

Coupled with the 4chan *** influx it really makes me wanna kill babies.
you and me, we could kill sooooo many babies

Hahaha...yeah I pulled the Mike Brookman card.
It's like a black lotus, honest

PoF is alright in my book. He falls in line with ALL of the other smashers I meet at tournys that refuse to tell me their name or completely ignore me when I introduce myself and ask for theirs. :chuckle:
oh mark =$

I didn't feel like you were riding me, IMO you were just annoying. :)

But I'm never wrong.


soo umm this kinda ***** haloid esepcailly since part 2 is out
i posted already =$

This... is ****ING AMAZING.
you didn't notice when i posted either? =$

XD Lol Swift. This was posted by Al0x like, 24 hours ago :3.
I still loves it though.
well, as long as nick noticed <3

so, i start my first 4 am shift 2mro. going to bed very soon. before that, few things to touch upon. *grabs some hot chicks rack*, ok, moving on

sad to see you go shmink, but were you here? >.<, in hearts, of course, but like paul said you haven't really been around =(. you will be missed, obv, and show up at some random tournement someone, so i can be like, hey that's that freshmen kid who ***** my sheik with icies till i went zelda...good times <3

also, wii sports is not bad with more than one person, dang.

best match ever, poffy was winning up till the last frame, then i said "how many strikes in a row do i need to win?" then i got 4 strikes in a row and won by a point LOL

anyway, passing out now. goodnight ct thread, don't stress too much mkay?

updated punch list:

trademark - 2(TP), 5
spawn - 1
dazwa - 2
poffy - 2, 1(TP)
laijin - 1
mike - 2(TP), 5
paul - 2(TP), 5
lil - 2
khaly - 1
DD - 1
jam - 3
-nana- - 9
Moondoggie - 1
Mark - 1
noodles - 1
memphischains - 1
fluxwolf - 1

bernard, thanks for playing magic with me, we should do that alot, and wreck teams <3


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
this debate is kind of nice. trademarks turn

And yes I agree that people doing nothing but complaining that the smash community is **** aren't helping in the least. Also not helping: not playing brawl at tournaments while making fun of people who play brawl during tournaments and saying it's a war between Melee and Brawl... (not directed at anyone in particular ahem cough)
agreed: that doesnt do anything but make ppl seem like jerks and drive new players away. no matter how noobish they are, the vets shouldnt make them feel bad.
Johns? Sorry but how does that term apply here, pretty sure it doesn't.
People need to realize you can play whatever the hell you want and it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, we're still the smash community.

Trade: the whole mentality of this community is changing thats what I'm getting at.
its always ok to say johns. we all kno that

agreed. no one should b forced to play brawl

i kno :)
Remember, those ones who made guitar hero made rock band, rock band is just more casual while guitar hero is aimed for intense competitive songs.
anyone see any parallels?

Did you really just saying dropping it won't help?

I just want everyone to stop posting about it in my thread.

Edit//**** kids, this is Connecticut. All we have here is being nice to eachother. We are not good at this game. Anyone who has traveled out of state knows this. Cort is good, and that is it.
dropping it is prolly the best thing to do. only fear is that the community will be divided into two separate sects that ignore each other

V, sry, but u cant use the whole "my thread" thing.

ppl arent good at this game because they dont try hard enough to be. its that mentality thats the reason everyone sucks in the first place.

We've always been spammy but we've also had controlled spam, it wasn't until recently did it begin to get out of hand. THe race to see who would get a specific post number, or just reposting random stupid gifs isn't my idea controlled spam thats the kinda **** you go to 4chan for.

and if you don't know anyone that rides your ****, then you're just silly and naive lol.

edit: the reason why it's going down hill is because people don't respect others opinions to play a different game. this has nothing to do with which game to play it has to do that some other people are forcing others to play both directly and indirectly.

Thats the problem, people should just play what they like to play, if you like brawl play brawl, if you like melee play melee.

Brawl is way to new to become the set norm for the community right now, if things flop guess what? we'll become the next Soul Calibur.
i can kinda see what this is saying. before ppl use to talk about their day and various activities. the spam did get more intense over the years.
Also, I'm saddened by shmink's wanting to quit and his opinion of random new age smashers, but when's the last time you played anyway? >_< I thought you quit ages ago to be honest =(

IMO the community has been fine. We have tournaments and smashfests, we attend out of state tournaments together, and the events are almost always full of fun considering we get to see each other. When's the last time you did that, shmink? =(

I also agree with V and that this 'discussion' should be dropped. I haven't heard anything productive come out of it other than pessimistic bullpoop.

WHO THE **** RIDES MY ****? I like coming off as an ******* so that people aren't ostensively nice to me. The little kindness I get is just for being good at a videogame. I donno why people are even using smashers 'sucking up' to me as a reason in this stupid discussion considering if you want to pretend that it happens, it's been occuring since the beginning of this thread.
yea i thought he quit b4 as well

good points

i dont think it should be dropped. we can change the way it operates and discuss more relevant things. ct does need a place to talk about things

actually "sexbot" u get a lot of niceness from being good at this game. when ppl say others are riding ur shiz, their talking about what i feel is two things: 1 is comments like what V said about only corts good the rest of us suck. it puts ppl in a very bad state of mind. even if its kinda tru, no reason to dikride like that. 2. whenever u would get into a confrontation with someone on the boards, ppl would jump in on ur side. theres no reason to jump in in the first place.

This should be a conversation on AIM
i agree. it would be better. onlything is ppl would speak randomly and out of turn because there because there is no wait system
gaming ect in stratford has decent space needs more tv's though
gaming etc is an ok place, but 1) i dont kno if it can hold the same number of ppl that came to vls2 and 2) make sure we make the ruleset. jorge doesnt kno anything about competative smash
smash boards is 4 people who play smash to get together play each other competitively and make friends. am i wrong? and the ct. thread is for ct people to do that. so whats the fruckin problem? who cares if people spam we still have the same thing in common if you dont want to play and meet new people get over yourself. i dont give a **** how good you are in smash no one here has the right to say you cant be here.
i agree with this viewpoint

edit// alex: np. it was fun. i havent played magic in so long, so i enjoyed it very much


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
ya theyd probably let whoevers hosting the tourny to pik the ruleset. as far as space he said 48 tables 4 to a table.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Told you Wii bowling is awesome. :) but you didnt believe me.
I'd like to maintain that Wii sports goes like this:
Tennis > Bowling > Boxing > Golf > Baseball.
>.> The tennis gets REALLY intense.

Bowling is just great, the most interactive, but kinda on the easy side once you know what you're doing.

Boxing is REALLY sweet. Too bad you just get REALLY tired doing it too long. XD!

Golf is fun, but takes too long.

Baseball...you either swing or pitch...and...you leave it up to the AI to do well or not. >_< It doesn't even follow REAL baseball rules.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
I'm watching gurren lagann again, wow good times, I loved the ending, so touching when Aniki helped them get out of the mindgames of the anti-spiral. Anyone else seen this awesome anime?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Bowling is the best because Shay Laren plays it naked.

Actually, tennis is.

Because two Asian girls get fxcked while playing it. XD
OH! Man, I can't believe I forgot to mention that.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
I'm watching gurren lagann again, wow good times, I loved the ending, so touching
when Aniki helped them get out of the mindgames of the anti-spiral.
Anyone else seen this awesome anime?
yeah that wasn't some huge ****ing spoilers

my premium runs out monday, and I'll be in bangor until then so here's my final avatar.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Who is going to CTcon this year?

I have to go so I can coincidentally run into the woman of my dreams on purpose


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
Who is going to CTcon this year?

I have to go so I can coincidentally run into the woman of my dreams on purpose
well of course I am.
I'm going free ^-^

The plan was, for a bunch of us smashers to reserve rooms and split the cost evenly.

we were going to bring TVs and cubes to smash (melee) with.

and then have a big pile of hot buttsecks.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Jesus, no ****ing spoilers, I'm going to watch Guren Lagann eventually.

Keep dreaming Brookman, it ain't gonna happen :(

I just realized I no longer have to read any of the posts in this thread. Silas does an excellent job recapping everything when he posts lol.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Wow lol nus looks mad asian yo.

Th3D0ct0rIsIn (10:08:48 PM): Double Lucario can do some SICK combos
Fallenpiratevyse (10:08:49 PM): the greek flag is blue
Fallenpiratevyse (10:08:50 PM): LOL
Th3D0ct0rIsIn (10:08:53 PM): HELLZ YEA
Th3D0ct0rIsIn (10:08:58 PM): GREEKARIOS
Fallenpiratevyse (10:09:02 PM): ROFL
Fallenpiratevyse (10:09:05 PM): thats our team name
Fallenpiratevyse (10:09:06 PM): greekario
Fallenpiratevyse (10:09:07 PM): LOL

yeah thats right LOL
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