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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
No you're not part of the problem, I can't speak for dorf but I can say there are a select few who have been part of the problem for sometime.
am i part of the problem :/

lol dazwa mindgames

edit/ you mean cort ISNT the leader of the ct thread?


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist

I think it's funny that everybody around here worships Cort and assumes he is the defacto leader of the CT thread and he spams with just as much crap as any of the scrubs that pop in here. No offense to Cort, though.

And yes I agree that people doing nothing but complaining that the smash community is **** aren't helping in the least. Also not helping: not playing brawl at tournaments while making fun of people who play brawl during tournaments and saying it's a war between Melee and Brawl... (not directed at anyone in particular ahem cough)

Johns? Sorry but how does that term apply here, pretty sure it doesn't.

The only people who worship cort are the ones who lack any sort of backbone so they cling to Cort thinking, well if one of the best likes me thats gotta count for something right?

about your brawl thing, um gtfo? I'm not going to play a game I don't like to play, if a tourney has melee I'll go and play melee, or just go and see friends that I hardly get to see. I see no reason why I should have to be forced to play a game I don't want to play.

I fail to see how thats not helping, what isn't helping is when people are forcing others to play a game, this goes for both sides of that silly argument. People need to realize you can play whatever the hell you want and it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, we're still the smash community.

Trade: the whole mentality of this community is changing thats what I'm getting at.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
well i dont "worship" cort. i just wanna get better at this game. playing him would definatly help that


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
I'm not old school like you guys are, but from what I have seen I don't think it's so bad. Could someone furthher explain what "Changes" these are?

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky

Saw it last night. Theater full of giggling socially awkward anime fan idiots. Seriously there was probably a more well behaved audience in the hentai dubbing sessions at Anime Boston.
First of all, it was DUBBED. Which sucked. A lot. The dubbing was bad, it didn't match, and at points blended so poorly it sounded like a voiceover.
Bad direction. I don't need 10 hamfisted flashbacks to when so and so died or Light found the death note in order to remind me of plot points that are painfully obvious. I also don't need cheesy line delivery or poorly directed/edited scenes.
I also don't need Light's dad with NO MUSTACHE or weird unnecessary changes to the manga.
The story goes from the very beginning to where Light joins the task force and meets L. But they invent a girlfriend for Light and up Ray Penber's fiancee's role and she takes his girlfriend hostage blah blah that's nothing like the series. Misa is in it for like 5 minutes, she's saved from an attacter/stalker and then her death note drops in front of her. No Rem, though.
What's good:
Ryuk! The effects are really good and he's awesome.
Some of the scenes are pretty much shot for shot...Light tricking Ray into killing the FBI agents on the train, the scene with Ray on the Bus...
L is very well done...eating sweets all the time ect.

SO yeah, disapointing, but if it was subbed it would have helped a lot.

Warrior of Zarona

Feb 22, 2004
Union, NJ

It's sad to hear you're quitting, but not too surprising seeing as you disappeared for quite the while. It was surprising to find out that you hate this community now though, hm. I hope that one day perhaps you'll drop by to visit at a large tournament, whether you play or not, to see people you can actually stand. Me, Blue, you, WoZ, and tiny Melee sounds about right :p. And screaming yayuhz. See ya around and keep in touch, we're Facebook friends...I believe, if you haven't deleted me. Ah, and I hope I'm not one of those people you cannot stand. Ciao <3.

NUS- I'm not home yet >_>;. I expect to see lots of messages on my AIM in regards to tomorrow though. I'll probably be leaving my house at around 3PM then bringing Louis to the Apple store. Gimme a text or call whenever.
That night was hella fun. Sadness that dorf is quitting.

I'm just stopping in to make sure you guys are behaving, yes? There was some activity awhile ago and I only managed to come and check it out now.

<3 you guys - don't get too silly.

I bought the movie subbed in a video store when I vacationed in CA last year. Dubbed? It must have been horrendous.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yeah it was really bad.... like....painful.

"not playing brawl at tournaments while making fun of people who play brawl during tournaments and saying it's a war between Melee and Brawl... "
that's the important part.

The 'not playing brawl at tournaments' was just an add-on...that doesn't mean anything.

I'm just talking about how Elen at Mass Madness was making fun of every single person that entered Brawl, making fun of the game, pressuring them to enter melee, forcing a divide (both literally and figuratively) between the games and players, and saying "it's a war".
Meanwhile at MM, I see a bunch of friends hanging out and having fun no matter what game they're playing. And I see a bunch of new people and potential friends hanging out and having fun.
I really don't see a problem.

edit: what do you mean by "the whole mentality"? Are you talking about people saying uneducated things on the boards?


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Everyone needs to just drop it.

People can do whatever they want for their own reasons...

why is everyone so judgmental?

...and I feel like Elen was probably kidding about that? I mean, I wasn't there, but I know him and it seems like something he would joke about.

There should be a Smash war...it would be hilarious.


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2007
Rocky Hill
I have no idea what's going on.


I money matched POF last night and we freakin' tied at 165 and then we did an extra frame and I won by one point. That game is so addictive.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I have no idea what's going on.


I money matched POF last night and we freakin' tied at 165 and then we did an extra frame and I won by one point. That game is so addictive.

Mhmmmm, I second this. We are MMing again Mark! That was toooo good. I don't care if i lost, it was madddd fun.

Also, like I've probably said about a billion times, who cares who likes brawl and who likes melee and who plays what? It's a video game, stop acting like morons guys.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Everyone needs to just drop it.

People can do whatever they want for their own reasons...

why is everyone so judgmental?

...and I feel like Elen was probably kidding about that? I mean, I wasn't there, but I know him and it seems like something he would joke about.

There should be a Smash war...it would be hilarious.
Dropping it won't help anything either.... and who's being judgmental?

Elen was probably kidding about the "War" comment but maybe only semi-kidding. It's pretty obvious he despises Brawl and does not wish for it to have competitive scene.

stop acting like morons guys.
plz stfu.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
Remember, those ones who made guitar hero made rock band, rock band is just more casual while guitar hero is aimed for intense competitive songs.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
Yeah it was really bad.... like....painful.

"not playing brawl at tournaments while making fun of people who play brawl during tournaments and saying it's a war between Melee and Brawl... "
that's the important part.

The 'not playing brawl at tournaments' was just an add-on...that doesn't mean anything.

I'm just talking about how Elen at Mass Madness was making fun of every single person that entered Brawl, making fun of the game, pressuring them to enter melee, forcing a divide (both literally and figuratively) between the games and players, and saying "it's a war".
Meanwhile at MM, I see a bunch of friends hanging out and having fun no matter what game they're playing. And I see a bunch of new people and potential friends hanging out and having fun.
I really don't see a problem.

edit: what do you mean by "the whole mentality"? Are you talking about people saying uneducated things on the boards?
I'm pretty sure elen was joking lol, but I don't know him so I dunno lol.

I'm talking about uneducated things in general, mostly on the boards since thats where most of us interact to begin with.

I mean when was the last time someone johned at a tourney and someone said "No Johns" ? It feels like ages since this has been said. Mind you thats not what I'm rtally focusing on I'm just saying little things like that have been building up.

Come to think of it, it really just is uneducated things on the boards. Thats the brunt of it, then at tourneys you have those little things where it doesn't even feel like a smash tourney anymore.

edit: I don't mean to sound elitist but those of you who are saying "I really see anything wrong" Were probably never here during the golden age of smash, where **** was just intense in a good way, Drama was actually "Lol" worthy.


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
wtf is the problem

im a little curious myself too, i see a lot of talk but what exactly is the problem? i mean the mentally change of the board and where the board is going okay, but can someone elaborate more on what that is suppose to mean? :confused: (dont need to explain the spam part)

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I'm not even sure what it means.... I mean I guess you have people newer to the game making posts that aren't all that informative/smart, and other people who are really new saying "quit yer *****ing stupid elite pros" But I get the feeling that has always been the case.
There has always been new people and annoying people....
Back when I very first got into competitive play I made a topic on gamefaqs saying how weird it was that roy's upsmash spikes... but um yeah lol I learned and now I am pretty much the greatest person in this community, mirite?!



Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Did you really just saying dropping it won't help?

The entire point of my post is that you guys shouldn't give a **** what other people want to do with their lives. Let them do it and leave it be.

I just want everyone to stop posting about it in my thread.

Opinions are the dumbest thing to argue about...well they are probably the most fun thing to argue about...but there is no right or wrong to them, so now that they have been stated let them rest.

This is not a debate topic.

Edit//**** kids, this is Connecticut. All we have here is being nice to eachother. We are not good at this game. Anyone who has traveled out of state knows this. Cort is good, and that is it.

Well and Swift after his last melee tournament :)

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
ROFL I wasn't aware there was strict rules to the CT player finder.

No offense V but um didn't Schminkledorf just quit smash because he found the scene terrible? That's how this got brought up; not because people were worrying what others did with their lives, but because someone found the attitude and tenor of the entire community vile enough to quit.
I don't think I've ever met Schmink but a lot of you seem to like him and I would say because of that, him quiting is reason enough to discuss it.

Besides, it's fun.

edit: I meant dropping it won't help the fact that there's something wrong with the community (according to some)


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I'm not even sure what it means.... I mean I guess you have people newer to the game making posts that aren't all that informative/smart, and other people who are really new saying "quit yer *****ing stupid elite pros" But I get the feeling that has always been the case.
There has always been new people and annoying people....
Back when I very first got into competitive play I made a topic on gamefaqs saying how weird it was that roy's upsmash spikes... but um yeah lol I learned and now I am pretty much the greatest person in this community, mirite?!

it basically comes down to a series of influx of new players, mostly the arrogant brawl newbs who go around going.

All melee is, is combo spamming how is that good? at least brawl takes intelligence and skill to win.

thats just an example but posts like that are generally very much not appreciated. Coupled with the 4chan *** influx it really makes me wanna kill babies.

PLUS theres more, the brawl vs melee debate constantly gets brought up, when in reality if we has a community just accepted the fact that hey maybe we should just allow both for the time being things wouldn't be as problematic as they are now.

Meh Maybe I'm just being a pessimist but I've been part of gaming communities since I was 16 years old, I've gotten to the point where I can tell when a community is dying or changing or what have you.

I personally just think that if everyone drops melee for brawl, it'll end up like soul Calibur everyone in that community dropped 2 to play 3 and guess what? 3 ended up not being as successful as 2 and the community just died.

I'm just concerned is all, and I hate how spammy the ct thread is LOL, I really think we should only post in here when theres something to contribute. Not stuff like "LOL I GOT THE 12345 POST I WIN" thats not very productive in my opinion. >_>

and while I know people are sick of me *****ing, I can honestly say this is probably the most productive talk I've seen in this thread in a long time.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
There is no "c" in Shminkledorf.

Score one for Darc. (I've made that mistake so many times that I have to correct people.)


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
He found the scene terrible...that is why he quit.

It should be over after that...

Those are his personal reasons for doing what he wants with his life. It shouldn't cause some huge discussion...unless it was about how amazing Shmink is.

I just do not want him leaving us to get swept under the table. We will miss him, and that is what should be talked about.

Edit//People new to the community will always be arrogant if they think they are good...because they do not know!

Look, I believe you are talking about PoF. I have never met him, but I have seen him post many times. He has changed a lot and lots of people do not give him credit. He openly admits that he comes off as a prick online and may get riled up too easily.

He overall means no harm, and if Mike Brookman likes him then everyone should :)

Hahaha...yeah I pulled the Mike Brookman card.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Darc stfu I will cut you!

it basically comes down to a series of influx of new players, mostly the arrogant brawl newbs who go around going.

All melee is, is combo spamming how is that good? at least brawl takes intelligence and skill to win.

thats just an example but posts like that are generally very much not appreciated. Coupled with the 4chan *** influx it really makes me wanna kill babies.

PLUS theres more, the brawl vs melee debate constantly gets brought up, when in reality if we has a community just accepted the fact that hey maybe we should just allow both for the time being things wouldn't be as problematic as they are now.

Meh Maybe I'm just being a pessimist but I've been part of gaming communities since I was 16 years old, I've gotten to the point where I can tell when a community is dying or changing or what have you.

I personally just think that if everyone drops melee for brawl, it'll end up like soul Calibur everyone in that community dropped 2 to play 3 and guess what? 3 ended up not being as successful as 2 and the community just died.

I'm just concerned is all, and I hate how spammy the ct thread is LOL, I really think we should only post in here when theres something to contribute. Not stuff like "LOL I GOT THE 12345 POST I WIN" thats not very productive in my opinion. >_>

and while I know people are sick of me *****ing, I can honestly say this is probably the most productive talk I've seen in this thread in a long time.
qft on all fronts

V- unless we want everybody to eventually quit shouldn't it be addressed? I really don't see a problem with people talking about stuff as opposed to useless spam.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Hahaha, yeah I guess you're right.

See what happens to CT when Mike Brookman stops posting and I leave the state (though I am here for a week longer <3).

You need US!!!!!!!!!


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2007
Rocky Hill
Mhmmmm, I second this. We are MMing again Mark! That was toooo good. I don't care if i lost, it was madddd fun.

Also, like I've probably said about a billion times, who cares who likes brawl and who likes melee and who plays what? It's a video game, stop acting like morons guys.
Like I said yesterday....

lets boneeeeee


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
I will MM people in Wii Bowling...I had 8 stikes in a row yesterday...missed on the 9th frame, and only hit stike in the 10h :(

I wanted a 300 so badly.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Look, I believe you are talking about PoF. I have never met him, but I have seen him post many times. He has changed a lot and lots of people do not give him credit. He openly admits that he comes off as a prick online and may get riled up too easily.

He overall means no harm, and if Mike Brookman likes him then everyone should :)

Hahaha...yeah I pulled the Mike Brookman card.
Thanks V :) You're the man.

Also-Am I in the player finder yet? :dizzy:

I love you. :)

Edit V-I bowled a perfect game once. :) yeah! Wii bowling MM? You should come to my smashfest on Friday...that would be cool.
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