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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I will definitely agree that at this current point in time Melee IS BETTER without a doubt in my mind.

Ken lost to a simple stupid Kirby player? Okay, the reasoning for that is actually fairly simple...He does not have his little advanced glitchy techniques to get him through a match. You advanced players solely rely on your glitches whether it be wavedashing/shielding, L cancels, or whatever the case. You just are not used to playing a smash brothers without some form of similar combos that should be pulled off on certain characters.. Ex-marth, shiek, doc, and captain falcon chain throws to link to finishers.

No one is truly used to the games mechanics yet...I have not played the game yet but I guarantee Marth will not feel the same and it is going to be weird to not L cancel or wavedash because i solely rely on wavedashing to get the spacing right for my marth...this also links to comboing with particular characters because our crazy combos with marths f air are now harder to do. You guys just have to find new combos to use...new things to explore.

Mew2-I agree with what you are saying about inserting wavedashing but it would be weird to purposely insert that...just imagine that on the Dojo..."okay guys to wavedash you are going to jump and SUPER FAST within .2 seconds slide your fingers diagonally left or right down and hit the jump button at the same. You might want to try this for a week because it can get very hard for you guys out there!" No, that would be ******** and everyone knows that if our glitches were in it again it would not work...at all.

Jump cancel description-To jump cancel....run and jump quickly and than again (like my previous post about wavedashing guys) press grab quickly to get rid of the lag that happens when you try to grab your opponent....there should definitely be no lag when you run and try to grab someone.
Talking about this is like comparing Halo 2 (the most overrated videogame series of all time) to 3...you do not like the new game....go play halo 2 on your original xbox.

I do not mean to bash you Cort and Mew2King by any means....you both can kick my *** and know far more about melee competitive play than me...saying I knew more than any of the top players would just be dumb but I have plenty of common game knowledge and probably own more games and systems than the both of you. But that aside, we just have to find new things to explore in the game...just like we did in melee. We have already found glitches and its not even out in the US yet...doesnt that hint anything to you? Come on...I actually see this game as being more competitive than melee because we have a greater knowledge for how to find glitches and little picky things within the game. Brawl will own souls


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Happy bday Steve.

Edit: ****, I wasted my 2400th posted where I could have wished you a birthday using it.

Also, since Uconn in Hartford is in West Hartford I might go there. They told me I can't apply for my major though which is ********. I don't even know what I'm going to do anymore.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
That sounds incredible.

Happy birthday again Steve. /makes eggs in a basket


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
if you don't want to play brawl competitively, then...
and STFU and GTFO now.

continue to play melee, and have fun with it. i don't remember when melee came out the 64 players saying it wouldn't be competitive PERIOD, only that they would rather stick with smash64, which they did.

to be a ****ing idiot and bash brawl as a game in itself is more than ignorant; it's downright a *******ization of video games. Just because people will create a competitive sphere of a game like brawl that may be less complex intrinsically does not give it any less legitimacy. Isn't that what all the MvC2 players said about melee at Evo? and what was your response, Cort/M2K/others? Melee is the most fun competitive fighter for you, even if it may be considered less technically reliable than another game. While people laughed at you for not having 45 move combos, you laughed at them for being ignorant. so stop doing the same **** to brawl. if you don't want to play it, don't. Even if it is less technical, don't bash it as a competitive game if others seek out to create a competitive sphere for it.

aaaaand yeah. felt i had to comment. i'm going to go play tekken now. and while i do i'm going to make fun of melee because only 1 character (fox) can wall combo. LOL MELEE WHAT A NOOB FIGHTING GAME!!!1

edit: happy birthday, steve.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Happy birthday Steve! You are now a member of a very exclusive club... use your powers wisely (like buying Cort alcohol lulz).

Who's going to MM8?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Brookman- Thanks for having the Smashfest on Saturday, it was really great. Yoshi dittos are my new favorite matches.

Khaly- We definitely have to play more, but you + Silas = hilarity.

Silas- Good to see you again, I'm sure Gabriel was glad to see you too. We need to play more.

Axel- Good stuff, we'll definitely play more again.

Mark- Our matches got cut short, but we'll play soon.

KevinM- OH MY GOD you're so amazing. My wife had a dream where she said she kissed you and I'd totally be okay with that.

Trademark/ZK/Zoso/Erci etc.- Sorry I didn't get to play you guys, but we'll play again soon.

<3- I miss you James! :(

Brawl- I'll just repost what I put in the Tunes thread:

How can anyone make a judgment either way about whether Brawl is competitive or not? It hasn't even been out for a month yet. Most people in America still don't have it. Why is this an argument worth having at this point in time?

In six months, I think it will be safe to evaluate Brawl's competitiveness, but not now.
EDIT- Happy Birthday Steve!


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
brawl sucks ****, basically. But I'll keep playing it cause it's fun.

also I never said I didn't want to play it, I'm looking forward to

it's just a complete disappointment of what it could have been, and the mindset the developers took while creating Brawl after it was demo'd is absolutely laughable in a competitive scene. And the Nintendo/Gamestop tournaments now? Just look at the rules, they only serve as a way of hyping the game up so more people will spend the $$ to have it collect dust on their shelves a few weeks after playing it

Your initial arguments are just really flamey and don't make any sense considering I never said I didn't want to play Brawl competitively (which I assure you I will). All people ever come up with is "well then keep playing Melee" bull****ty attitude which is just ******** sounding cause I'll continue playing whatever I feel like playing.

The vast majority of competitive players are quite disappointed with Brawl. Brawl could have been MUCH better VERY easily, but instead we end up with a shallow game that just won't have the same feel that the competitive Melee scene achieved (accidentally...)

I'm getting kind of tired of reading these ridiculously repetitive sounding posts from argumentative people with nothing better to do. LOL ITS NOT MELEE 2.0. GO BACK TO PLAYING MELEE THEN. STOP BASHING BRAWL WHEN IN ACTUALITY IT DESERVES TO GET BASHED. Oh wait maybe not that last one, lol opinions.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Why would you play a game that "sucks" Cort? It is so obvious that you like the game....so its not what you expected it to be...is ANYTHING in life what we expect it to be? On any level? No...you take a test...you always see things that are unexpected and you didnt plan on seeing, a date never perfectly fits the ideas in your head of how things will plan..(going to the movies first, running into person B...etc etc) stop complaining about how peach isnt as cool as you wanted her to be or the fact that Marth has not been toned down. (yeah because that makes sense to hate on that because you do not use Marth at all.) If you want to be a reviewer for Smash Brothers videogames, pursue a career. Sorry I am not fantastic at Smash Brothers Melee, its not really big deal to me at all....its JUST a videogame.

"Im sick and tired of the 2.0 melee reference."
Yeah? I'm sick and tired of you advanced players crying how you are losing matches now because you do not/can not glitch anymore. End of discussion.


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
"i'll continue to play whatever i feel like playing" yet ***** about everything? sounds pointless and not a great way to experience video games, since they're supposed to be for enjoyment. I guess that could be a characteristic derivative of a lot of competitive smash players, though. ***** about how cheap melee is but play it anyway. then ***** about how much brawl sucks but play it. oh, how people amuse me.
also, you don't win a debate by saying "your side makes no sense" or "your side is dumb." just pointing that out.

point being, you still speak for yourself whether you like it or not about brawl not being what it should have been. i imagine brawl to be what sakurai planned it to be, and holy ****, look, there it is. so i'll enjoy it while it lasts and attempt to play competitively. if it just isn't competitive *cough*soul calibur 3*cough then gg. if it is, then i'll play it, and attempt to be a competitive player. have fun talking about how much it sucks but then telling people they can't tell you what to do when they say "if you don't like it don't play it." again, sounds derivative.

i think the point i'm trying to make is: my dream everynight involves kissing kevinM. err...whoops on publicity.

kk, going back to tekken where i can TECH SIDEWAYS. have fun with your 2D smash game, *******.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I'm not trying to win a debate, I'm trying to express a feeling basically every competitive Melee player has for Brawl. Also, your side is quite dumb and you basically have no real argument, luls. You're arguing with me, and I'm always right.

Also just look at PoF's posts, and he's on your side LOL


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Oh yeah and I'll play whatever I feel like, isn't that like... I donno, why I'm human and I have that free will thing?

Brawl is horrible


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Also let me REITERATE: Brawl will obviously be competitive because you can make ANYTHING competitive. I'm complaining about the low quality of the way the game was developed so that it would be far more interesting and beautiful as a game.



please get that through your brains via the process of braining

I get bored of 1v1 Brawl after like an hour or two. Teams is where it's at >_> but I can still play melee for like 30 hours straight no matter the mode

edit// Brawl sucks

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
"Im sick and tired of the 2.0 melee reference."
Yeah? I'm sick and tired of you advanced players crying how you are losing matches now because you do not/can not glitch anymore. End of discussion.
Man i haven't heard a scrub with such terrible logic since melee was fairly new. Fact, the good melee players are still doing well in brawl. We're good for a reason not because we abuse "glitches" in melee it's because we're smart and that carries over into brawl. Hate to break it to you man but based on your posts recently and that vid of milktea eating ur butthole you're basically f*cked in brawl too. It's ok though maybe you'll be decent in the next game thats released


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
nah f**k that tunes thread was already decimated by the brawl argument ****storm. not this thread too.

PoF take ur arguments somewhere elsewhere no one cares

I wish brookman was here.

happy b-day steve


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Man i haven't heard a scrub with such terrible logic since melee was fairly new. Fact, the good melee players are still doing well in brawl. We're good for a reason not because we abuse "glitches" in melee it's because we're smart and that carries over into brawl. Hate to break it to you man but based on your posts recently and that vid of milktea eating ur butthole you're basically f*cked in brawl too. It's ok though maybe you'll be decent in the next game thats released
hohohoholy **** I never see Chris be even slightly mean to anyone



Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
You guys talk too much, I'm not even going to bother reading the melee/brawl arguments. >>

happy birthday steve, already sent you a generic message on facebook, woot.

poffy, just message me on AIM whenever, 90% of the time i'm either doing nothing or doing something with other people that wouldn't be hurt with the addition of another smasher =O. aim = allhighloanshark

DD, i'm starting to put up the videos now http://www.youtube.com/user/ButcherOrge

jam, you're jam, nuff said ^.^. but i'll totally get that brownie to you ;D

jason, hey homo! <3


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2007
MILFord, CT: We do moms
I agree with both sides here on different aspects but i'm not going to begin to touch upon exactly what.

But one thing i disagree with Cort/m2k here is your point of saying the developers didn't care about replay value. This is the Biggest game on the wii(size-wise). They spent about a year delaying the game to put more and more features into it and improve things like the wi-fi ability. Between wi-fi and the stage builder, i think it's pretty safe to say that their intentions were to absolutely make the game more replayable than any other game on the console yet. I don't play melee at home cuz it sucks by myself (sure i practice tech skill or whatever). Unless you're like Cort who is amazing at HRC and target tests, what else can i do but play cpu characters, we've all done it, it gets boring. So unless i have human opponents, i don't get any real quality time with the game. Now with Brawl, we can play REAL people whenever we want. I agree with the fact that they changed the physics so that wavedashing is impossible is stupid, and tripping is ******** and unnecessary (why did they leave that in?!), but unfortunatly competitive melee players don't get to design Brawl, if they did we would indeed have melee 2.0. So the developers didn't do this because they wanted to disappoint Paul and Jason, they put all their efforts into making a really fun, replayable game.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Oh and Erci, I meant the replay value in terms of the competitive scene. Obviously the game has some awesome things to tie you over for a while, but I doubt the competitive scene will be anything close to what Melee has achieved in its years and years of glory.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
put a sheet over your head and walk around like a ghost. then, when people pull the sheet off and see you're invisible(lul) it'll be really good =O


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
one of the bourne movies(the first i think) is on USA, people should watch it with me while i edit vidjos, OMG WALL CLIMBING =O


what is the starting roster in brawl?


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2007
MILFord, CT: We do moms
I see Cort, I understand that.
Anyway, you're right, melee's achievments will never be matched in brawl, but brawl will have it's own achievments, and i'm eager to see what they are. Let's have fun!
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