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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I just edited the post, i am not going to fight about nothing and spam up our 21,000+ posts. I am also sorry to everyone else for having to read that bull....

Silas-Yeah dude, i'll definitely im ya soon dude...when i get my laptop back and am not on my friggin ps3...i hate this thing

(as a system i love it....Metal Gear 4 will own life.)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
kk i has lots of things to say....

1. Happy Birthday Steve <3

2. I miss you James.

3. PC I've spoken with you maybe 4 times at tournies and you were awesome, and i've never seen you chew someone up and spit them out like that........would you have my babies? please? no? how about a date? awesome. pick you up at 8?

4. I don't see why you'd curse out Slik...first...he's a peach main...and he's a nice guy...and it makes you look stupid...so does censor bypassing..its really cool..for a twelve year old.

5. i'm upset no one else caught this but apparently "shielding" is a glitch or advanced tech.

6. Marth is still cheap in brawl...so is sheik....and chain grabbing is still in brawl.

7. this turned into exactly the argument i didn't want happening....you are all twelve.

8. Chris...my sn is Barca2000 and i want your babies. (anyone else from CT too...looking at you V)

9. Silas play halo with me.

10. This brawl and melee argument is stupid it ruins threads and it just gives immature people a chance to take shots at other people its ******** all of you stop. I respect most of the people in this thread and if hearing PC get angry is any sign..everyone else is getting pissed too...

brb...gonna go practice my shielding techs for brawl....i hear shields are in still


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
no worries, mgs4 will be my only reason for purchasing that shiny 400$ mirror.

fo shizzle my crackizzle(the basterdization)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
NOOOOOOO dont buy ps3 yet there come out with a new model and lowering price
to clarify. when i buy ps3 i'm going to get it soley for mgs4. currently, no job, no income, no reason to spend money. but that's interesting information, new model and price. thanks noodle ^.^

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
Noooo i missed out on all this drama
*rekindles flames*
Flat out, i suck at melee
i prefer brawl
because its impressively easier to play
the potential of a smash titan at this point in time, is significantly less than what it was in melee
Mindgames are what your going to rely on because the game has about 1/4 of the technical skill melee had

When we were playing it cort said he doubts that there will be a consistant winner at tournaments, which is probaly true, top 15 or so players will probably always be up there, but bounching constantly because , playing this game competitively is going to be entirely about knowing your matchups, counterpicks , and having solid mind games
unless of course new ground breaking glitches come out
Glitches made melee significantly faster paced, thus making it more competitive

I dont think brawl is bad in the least bit, i enjoy it thoroughly , but prince of fire.. whoever you are. You really made a huge fool of yourself. To get flamed by PC chris, is truly an impressive task
Good game sir
The title of Epic fail
Is yours.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
OH yeah jake.

I heard this guy at work, but I couldn't see his face. He sounded a lot like you and when I found out it wasn't you I became very sad.


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
I'm not trying to win a debate, I'm trying to express a feeling basically every competitive Melee player has for Brawl. Also, your side is quite dumb and you basically have no real argument, luls. You're arguing with me, and I'm always right.

Also just look at PoF's posts, and he's on your side LOL
don't be a troll and feign indifference!
it's just a game, i'm not trying to be a jerk or anything when arguing with you. i'm just saying it comes off like a bunch of players think that since they played melee competitively (not just pros, a lot of regular players too) Brawl was inherently supposed to be catered to them. You may be disappointed with it, but the game wasn't for you. if you'll recall, melee wasn't for you either, and then the smash scene turned it into some ridiculously glitched game of awesomeness. i play competitively for the people, and as long as brawl isn't soul calibur 3, it should be fine as a competitive game. maybe i'm not disappointed because i was waiting for something completely different anyway. *shrug*

**** tech sideways maybe it should be called TECHIN' instead of TEKKEN

narf narf narf
i wanted to say "i c wat u did thar" but i got beat to it QQ


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
>.> Thanks for the vids Alex.
Now I just wish we recorded some of my matches with Eric =/.
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