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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
Dear ZoSo

I have no idea what I was talking about last night.
What I meant to say was,

Whenever I play Starcraft, I like to use;
Terran vs. Protoss
-Early game ground units such as Firebats and Marines often counteract Zealots
-Mid game Siege Tanks can, like a little over half the time, beat Dragoons
-Late game is probably the only fault, because Protoss can out-air Terrans.
-Terrans do best mid-game. Tanks destroy Protoss. Watch out for late-game air, though >_>

Protoss vs. Zerg
-Early game Zealots demolish Lings and Hydras.
-Mid game Dragoons do well. Also, if going for Reavers, they do really well too.
-Late game, Protoss > All in air. Scouts counter other air, and carriers are good at destroying buildings.
-I like Protoss late game because they basically own everything when you're given enough time.

Zerg vs. Terran
-Early game Lings can beat marines, but the lings need to outnumber them. Watch for firebats.
-Mid game is a little iffy versus Terrans, its almost even here.
-Late game is a mess. I just quit if the game drags out a long time xP
-Zergs do really well against Terrans if they attack first. If they arent expecting a rush, it most often works.

Sometimes I'll use Zerg against Protoss, but often they'll expect a Ling rush and prepare for it.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
its a well known fact, that if you come to the CT thread, you need to bring something.

Prince of Fire
Dark Dragoon

what have you guys brought?
ive broughten thats what she said jokes lol

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
Brawl is amazing
I just read corts post on the past page and he covered what i would have said other than
Pit is amazing lol
Snake is mad weird, but definately has potential
and same with Lucario

We will have to see how the game evolves over time, there is just soooo much to learn about this game
which is exciting :)


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
>_> My dad just opened my Uconn letter without my permission and told me I got accepted. Then I opened it up and I didn't get accepted to Uconn Storrs (due to me sending in my application the last possible day). I got accepted to Uconn Hartford or whatever and they also said that I have to have an undeclared major and can't major in nursing like I wanted to. I'm just going to go to MCC I guess.

In essence, my dad is a ****ing douche bag who brought up my hopes and invaded my privacy and then ****ing crushed everything. /vents

On the bright side, I got 4th at Lobster 2.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
go to eastern near my house and transfer to uconn

if you go to uconn hartford sometimes you can go to the storrs campus to take courses, my friends are doing that right now, then transferring

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I am kind of sick of people saying "OMG Brawl is NOT competetive." Yeah man, you make sense....because youve played thwe game for more than 4 hours, right? Because I know Melees glitches were found in four hours? What the F*** am I thinking here? OF COURSE everything has already been figured out.

Brawl will be better in time; so everyone, stop complaining about who is good thus far and how you miss final destinations length, and all of your other stupid friggin complaints. Do not like it? Go play Melee.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
I am kind of sick of people saying "OMG Brawl is NOT competetive." Yeah man, you make sense....because youve played thwe game for more than 4 hours, right? Because I know Melees glitches were found in four hours? What the F*** am I thinking here? OF COURSE everything has already been figured out.

Brawl will be better in time; so everyone, stop complaining about who is good thus far and how you miss final destinations length, and all of your other stupid friggin complaints. Do not like it? Go play Melee.
i've been saying this forever.....but to be fair



Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
actually...by law...tic tac toe can't be competitive, due to the number of squares the person that goes second can't win, unless the other person is a ****ing ******, the best O can do if X goes first is tie.

Sorry Paul, had you said Checkers, maybe...but tic tac toe....seriously....lame

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Cort-Okay, that is true....but thus far, what has been the key reason why people say they dont like it?

Characters? No
Levels? No
Gameplay and mechanics? No
Controls? No, we have friggin 4 different methods.

The sole reason why people say they do not like it is because it is not like melee.

If I wanted to play melee...I'd go play melee.

Thats like going to an Audioslave concert and hearing them cover Soundgarden songs...you go to an audioslave concert to hear AUDIOSLAVE and you buy BRAWL to play BRAWL NOT melee.

If Nintendo wanted to make it like Melee they would call it Super Smash Brothers: Melee II

You also have to consider the fact that Nintendo is also trying to make the Wii more of a system family than GC was. (i know GC was...but games were weak...and parents were not getting involved with that goofy controller and such...)

Nintendo has a wide audience to please

-Casual gamers
-New gamers
-Die hard smash fans

End of story.

Competitive Tic Toe Leagues? That would be ******** because everyone would know how to never lose and always get into a draw. Rock, paper, scissors is just luck. Why would you even mention that?


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Brawl is not a game meant to be played 1v1. It is a shallow, watered down party game. No one should have to be forced to play a completely inferior game when there is a beautifully deep and perfectly complex game superior to it, but the masses will move to whatever is new because 99% of people don't know any better.

It's fun, but so is Mario Party (you missed my point with the tic tac toe/rps analogy). This is just my opinion, and regardless Brawl's competitive scene will grow I'm sure. It's just when you've been spoiled by Melee anything trying to take it's place will basically suck in comparison. The games mechanics during it's development from the demo literally tried to avoid any kind of advanced tactics so that the new age competitive players can rely as little as possible on technical skill, while they still left in really stupid glitches and tactics (like Bowser/Kirby's infinite jumps/Falco's laser lock..)

It's just laughable to think Brawl will last and be anywhere near as good as what Melee has become.

edit// but I'll still play it. <_<

Also, Nintendo doesn't give a **** for the replay value of its games. Melee was absolutely perfect because it appealed to every kind of gamer yet still managed to live all this time for the competitive ones. Brawl was made strictly to cover as much of a fanbase as possible so that they'd buy a copy, and Nintendo doesn't care if they don't play it ever again.

I am convinced all of Nintendo's ridiculously good games with ******** replay value were complete accidents.

edit2// Every time someone makes the Melee 2.0 comment, god kills a giant basket of kittens.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
I agree with Cort, although Brawl is still fun, let's say there was another dimension without brawl existing, and the game would continue to grow for years to come. I am saying this from the perspective of a top melee player that knows what he's talking about, and I do think my opinion should count for something, cuz I really do believe melee has ridiculously extremely depth to it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
I'm going to agree with Cort here, Melee was actually supposed to be delayed another two months because they were too busy designing levels and characters that they didn't actually fix the physics (wavedashing explained, my cousin did the testing back then). Secondly, they had to put out 3 versions of smash because it was so rushed they had ******** glitches...boomerang hookshot jumping? flame canceling? The fact that melee became what it was, was in fact a really great accident.

Melee is deep and Brawl is intentionally not, Sakurai sees our advanced techs as his staff's inability to meet deadlines and make fun games. Brawl isn't made for replay value, if it were...there would be more characters and less stupid crap like mini games and demos. They are packing so much into the game so that it sells copies.

You seem to forget that the Wii is competing for the gamer market against xbox 360 and ps3, all of which are getting increasing numbers of gamers due to the rising popularity of online first person shooters (which just happen to be the easiest games to make competitive at pro levels).

If there are any "advanced techs" you can bet that they weren't on purpose, and you can sure as hell bet that Sakurai's last thought was on us competitive smashers. Even though many of us bought this game more than once, i know i bought it twice and tec0 bought it 7 times...each household to nintendo is 1 copy of brawl...and they are in it to make money, not to make competitive gamers happy.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
don't you think... brawl could have "ridiculously extremely depth to it" but we haven't found it, because it's based around an entirely new phsyics engine, one that we're not familiar with?

anyways, I'd like to point out that Cort said some random nub would win the Worcester brawl tourney.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
ya i loved nintendo before this, now they suck ***

i still love them for most everything else though, as i grew up on them, and i eventually hope to work for nintendo because im a huge fan of what they do, it's just Sakurai making dumb leader decisions. He could easily satisfy both of us, but he won't.

add WDing = more pros play and noobs still buy it

no WDing = only noobs are happy

doesn't have to be just WDing, can be like anything, but you get the point, all good with no bad and Sakurai chooses the stupid choice


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2006
i never said to absolutely rule out brawl...what i said was..."if there is depth, it wasn't intentional." after i finish writing my midterm paper i'll post an interview with sakurai in which he said he was upset with what we turned smash into and that it wasn't his intention to make that kind of game and he really wished he'd have as much time on it and as flexible a calendar as nintendo has given him with Brawl...Sakurai has said he wanted smash to be a great party game, the Wii is the party system, and Nintendo is in the business of making money for nintendo, not Mlg PC and M2k (love you guys though don't take it the wrong way).

Competitive smashers are so elite because we feel amazing that we discovered new depth to the game...we don't seem to get that what we found are glitches and exploits that get FIX'D. Brawl is shaping up to be a neutered version of Melee, but thats not to say it won't stop humping everything it sees. I for one will be signing up for the mlg Brawl online doubles ladders and i encourage you all to do the same, cause i hope there is some new level of brawl we'll uncover in the future. Just stop this stupid bickering over whether or not its going to happen and just wait and see if it does. No matter what anyone here says no one is going to change their opinion, voice your opinion and stop arguing like 5 year olds.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Please quote me on that, Cog

I believe I said something like a random scrub could potentially win the whole Nintendo/Gamestop tournaments considering Ken lost to a random Kirby player during the Nintendo held event in SoCal.

Also Brawl sucks

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I'm too lazy to find it but it was in the Mass Madness thread. You said you can't wait for some random player to win the Nintendo Brawl tourney, and I said KDJ is going.... and you quoted that and said you can't wait for some random player to win the Nintendo Brawl tourney. Anyways, KDJ pretty much ***** any v game he touches so no surprise.

Also I will miss L canceling... some moves are just downright unusable now


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
...and then I proceeded to tell you that KDJ took dead last place in a 4 man FFA at Anime Boston the first round of their Melee tournament.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Why is it so hard to get really simple points across while at the same time having fun with it?

Lighten up.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
the new level of melee that could have potentially been reached in a few years is WAY BETTER THAN ANYTHING BRAWL HAS THE POTENTIAL FOR because of the way the game is designed

the game will evolve faster because it's so popular and all melee pros carry over skill, but the GAME ITSELF isn't as competitive.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Hmm... I dabble in a lot of fighters, not just smash, and in those games everyone starts out on that same level. progressing and becoming better is more about learning the characters and what they can and can't do and figuring out how to counter that. SF3 is a popular fighter where everyone is on the same level everyone has the same capacity to win but you'll never see a compeditive player lose to a casual player. That same idea is there with RTS and such you don't have "advanced techs" but the game in these games the compeditive player will always win agianst a casual player. Even in games like poker the casual guys who set up a table every firday night aren't going to do too well against that compedetive player. This is because even with the exact same restraints compeditive players are playing to win. they'll create that strat or master thier head shot, or spend hour on that combo, casual players just aren't doing this. Regardless of the game the truely compeditive player has the edge, period.

I find it funny that people use pro melee players ability in brawl as a means to scale it. Ken didn't become good in melee over night why is it expected that as soon as he picks up the controller in brawl he is going to win? Give the game a few months and you easily see the competitive players starting to pass up the casual ones.
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