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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
***** length and black jokes aside, you don't come off as a great person yourself saying things like that. hmm.
Like I care Brookman?

I have every right to say that. I don't make snide and/or cruel remarks without a reason. I have a brain, you realize. I'm not a random person flaming on PC, I'm _milktea and he knows that I have every **** right to be saying this. He already gave up on making it up to me, so what's there to stop me from believing such things?

Why don't you go diss Manacloud some more? That makes everyone a great person huh?

Edit: Go ahead, I'm prepared for rants about how I'm being immature, etc, etc, because you've totally heard what I've had to say about the situation, correct? I'm sure you know exactly how I feel.


Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2006
Schenectady, New York
silly Cort, I live in tolland, on the coventry border.

I AM black and my wang IS something special. just throwing that out there.

V, when is that? if I'm going, we're teaming!

Toks, money match?


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
You know what wuold be cool, everyone to shut the **** up about the lil + Chris ordeal. I swear its really getting old and boring and its just useless drama no one needs.

Now back to what this thread is suppose to be about.

****ing mudkips


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
i owned silver but i pretty much forgot everything about pokemon that isn't 1st gen. except Marxkip.

also, why do the Ducks suck so ****ing much this year?
i'm going with Flyers for the cup :D

but i gets to watch 0 hockey since my school's digital cable doesn't even have the versus channel. not that i could afford it, but still. comcast is a biatch.

smash with nus and rep tomorrow. hurrah. more people should come to middletown and join in on the sex fun.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
Booo, it was just about to get interesting. *Throws popcorn* But with PC single now, hmm? *Is gonna ask him out.*

So I was talking to kids, who is going to AB that wants to go with me/share a hotel? I was actually thinking of getting a hotel for CTcon too if enough kids stay with me even though I live SOOOOO close. But I'd figure if it was cheap enough, it'd be better than paying $20 a day for parking since you get hotel parking. It's mad far(time wise) but hotels go fast for AB, I think I am going with a bunch of kids so maybe we get mass rooms and smashy.

Time for Heroes. Mmmm

Edit: Can't wait for tomorrow, mmmM.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Booo, it was just about to get interesting. *Throws popcorn* But with PC single now, hmm? *Is gonna ask him out.*

So I was talking to kids, who is going to AB that wants to go with me/share a hotel? I was actually thinking of getting a hotel for CTcon too if enough kids stay with me even though I live SOOOOO close. But I'd figure if it was cheap enough, it'd be better than paying $20 a day for parking since you get hotel parking. It's mad far but hotels go fast for AB, I think I am going with a bunch of kids so maybe we get mass rooms and smashy.

Time for Heroes. Mmmm

Edit: Can't wait for tomorrow, mmmM.


Edit: AND LOUIS, Louis really wanted to stay last year but couldn't. He didn't have a fun time :(.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
OMG Nus! Let me be a part of this!

We can have fun!
It'll be me, you, Geos, Rep and Solid Jake.
Maybe we can all share a bed <3.

HA! I get in free next year!
:: points and laughs ::


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
i owned silver but i pretty much forgot everything about pokemon that isn't 1st gen. except Marxkip.

also, why do the Ducks suck so ****ing much this year?
i'm going with Flyers for the cup :D

but i gets to watch 0 hockey since my school's digital cable doesn't even have the versus channel. not that i could afford it, but still. comcast is a biatch.

smash with nus and rep tomorrow. hurrah. more people should come to middletown and join in on the sex fun.
I have nothing to do tomorrow since I'm on break (and no one else is), so I would maybe take a trip up to Middletown for some smash. It's less than an hour away so it's not a bad drive. Give me details and I'll see about going up there.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Booo, it was just about to get interesting. *Throws popcorn* But with PC single now, hmm? *Is gonna ask him out.*

So I was talking to kids, who is going to AB that wants to go with me/share a hotel? I was actually thinking of getting a hotel for CTcon too if enough kids stay with me even though I live SOOOOO close. But I'd figure if it was cheap enough, it'd be better than paying $20 a day for parking since you get hotel parking. It's mad far(time wise) but hotels go fast for AB, I think I am going with a bunch of kids so maybe we get mass rooms and smashy.

Time for Heroes. Mmmm

Edit: Can't wait for tomorrow, mmmM.
chris and i would share a hotel with you assuming we find a ride. if we have to take a taxi we'd just prolly stay at the venue for teh cheapness. i'll let you know.

Wooper is like, the baby form of the ugly Wobuffet! He's so cute and blue.
cute and blue are synonyms. wu-tang

edit: budai, what's your AIM? hit me up (i'm "Hazygoose" of course) and i'll relay you to Rep, who's housing the shindig.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
He11s yes @ Khaly!

And Toks, Louis isn't really allowed to smash. wanna MM me? If you lose to Louis, you're in trouble *wink*

Wow guys, this sounds too amazing. Hotel room of Smashers @ CTcon? Hot and amazing.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Like I care Brookman?

I have every right to say that. I don't make snide and/or cruel remarks without a reason. I have a brain, you realize. I'm not a random person flaming on PC, I'm _milktea and he knows that I have every **** right to be saying this. He already gave up on making it up to me, so what's there to stop me from believing such things?

Why don't you go diss Manacloud some more? That makes everyone a great person huh? Tu quoque?

Edit: Go ahead, I'm prepared for rants about how I'm being immature, etc, etc, because you've totally heard what I've had to say about the situation, correct? I'm sure you know exactly how I feel.
Don't feign indignation.

Chris is a friend of mine, and I'd appreciate it if you kept comments like that to yourself and whoever else would be interested in hearing such things.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Don't feign indignation.
Don't act like you comprehend everything, because you don't. There are only two people who do, PC and I. When the person you're defending has already admitted to his mistake, your defending him is virtually useless and means nothing.

Toks, yeah I remember elijiah haha. You play him yet?


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Lil, I'm the one making fun of manacloud.

I suggest everyone make it their hobby.

Also Lil, no one cares. Just stfu ^____^ :) I think I say that for everyone's good, including yours. It's best to just drop it. Forever.

Or do you still care? ;) ^____^ ;) ^__^ etc


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
Yeah I beat him.

And he said you mauled him like 49/50 times.

So yeah I think money-matching you might have to wait.

I "Kind" of struggled with him but his tech isnt as good as mine anymore soo.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Mansfield, CT
Yeah I had a huge Smash PArty recently and he came over and got his *** handed to him.

Yeah he was telling all these kids about CHris 4stocking him and you owning him.

Good stuff.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
Ofcourse it's none of my business. So... stop making it my business in our awesome thread.

Of course, I'll stop posting once people stop giving me reasons to respond to them ^_^.

Anyways. This Thursday? Maybe Smash with Uconn-ers? MAYBE. I have to do a ton of stuff for one class.
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