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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah

I know I just said something completely contrary but...

Is there something going down smashwise on Saturday, not Friday?

EDIT: Also, just saw Kick ***. Not bad.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Goddamn I suck at traditional art.
This is taking wayyyy too long.

Droid today though! :D

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Just...in general? No specifics?
for the movies: act like i haven't seen anything and recommend your favorites / the greats. (seriously, i haven't seen anything)

books wise just recommend anything. i'll end up looking them up > picking out before getting them anywho.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
for the movies: act like i haven't seen anything and recommend your favorites / the greats. (seriously, i haven't seen anything)

books wise just recommend anything. i'll end up looking them up > picking out before getting them anywho.
Pulp Fiction, A Few Good Men, Ghostbusters.

In honor of last night's House episode.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
I just watched The Prestige again a week ago after only seeing it once like three years ago.

Still a pretty amazing movie, but it's a Nolan film so that's kind of a given.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
@ Seb:

The movie is VERY faithful to the graphic novel. Trust me. The only reason why people hate on it so damn badly is because Alan Moore is a caveman that hates Hollywood. He has ample reason to do so, seeing as how Hollywood has butchered some of his treasured works. (League of Extraordinary Gentleman comes to mind here and, to a lesser extent, From Hell. Although what my girlfriend says about From Hell is pretty damn accurate: You can't expect to squeeze in a book that's damn close to four hundred pages into about an hour or so.)

I recently lost a huge amount of respect for Alan Moore 'cause he writes **** like this now:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Girls More or less, graphic smut.

I thought Snyder did an amazing job at staying faithful to the source material. Were some things cut in transition from book to movie?

The lion's share of Rorschach's time in prison with the psychologist/pathologist, the "more expansive" look at Dr. Manhattan's origins, the vignettes, the "novellas within a novel," etc.

Was the ending tampered with?
Helluva lot more believable than the comic. Still ridiculous, of course, but nothing as crazy as a gene-spliced tentacle thingie. But then again, you could argue that the whole point of the ending was a suspension of belief, to remind you that in spite of the grit and grime this was still a superhero book. Though a similar point could be made about the movie at certain points but I digress.

The answers to both of these questions is yes, but I don't think he cheapened the franchise at all by doing these things. He did what he could in the constraints of his medium, and with adaptations like these, that's all you can really do.

Edit: I recommend watching the Director's Cut, btw. It makes the movie a little long-ish, but the Black Freighter tie-ins and the added scenes are too good.

Double Edit (for Habulousness): What HAB said.

Smooth Criminal
Didn't read the spoilers, but yeah I heard about the changes. I'll have to see it to decide if they work better for the movie (although I doubt the original ending can be outdone)

Lost Girls is pretty interesting. Certainly not my cup of tea, but I don't think explicit sex = smut, necessarily.

Seb, we can talk more on here once you've seen it, but the Watchmen film is a really mixed bag. At first glance you can come out of it extremely happy, claiming extreme faithfulness to the source material. But I really think if you look any deeper into it, that "faithfulness" is just a facade. Snyder literally used the comic frames as storyboards. He blew them up and gave them to the production designers. A lot of hard work went into the film making sure it looked exactly like the comic. I remain convinced that Snyder is dumb enough to think that that makes it "extremely faithful" to the graphic novel. But it doesn't, and in a way it held him back. He was so concerned about getting every background prop exactly right out of the page that he forgot about meaning, emotion and subtext. All of which are long gone in the film. Gone is the Comedian's sad, pathetic mirror of the American Dream, in favor of his killer throwing a knife in slow-motion at him, punching his wall in slow motion, etc. Gone is the empty irony of the villain's end plan in favor of extended fight scenes with Rorschach and Nite Owl. Gone is the emotional joy in Dan Dreiberg finally letting go in favor of SLO-MO ****ING AWW YEAH

Snyder is a very visual storyteller (and that's about it) so when that's all it calls for, the film ****ing soars in certain parts... like the Dr Manhattan origin sequence. But they're few and far between.

The more I think about it, the more I would have much rather seen Paul Greengrass's version, changes and all.

edit: IMHO of course

edit edit: ending spoilers -
There was no possible way they could fit the island subplot into the film without it running 4 1/2 hours. The changes are fine, really...although blaming it all on Dr Manhattan doesn't entirely hold up, since he's always been a United States-sponsored hero, and everybody would just end up blaming the US. I really love the meta nature of the tentacle beastie though. He's cute.
That's one of the things I dislike about Snyder style (John Woo's as well), the overuse of slo-mo. I mean, it's cool in some scenes, but like, does EVERY action scene have to have part of it in slow motion? It's just so... STUPID

Also, one of the best parts of the graphic novel, "But, doctor...I am Pagliacci."

I just watched The Prestige again a week ago after only seeing it once like three years ago.

Still a pretty amazing movie, but it's a Nolan film so that's kind of a given.
I actually think that's his weakest film (then again I haven't seen Insomnia yet). Nolan's amazing and all, but The Prestige just felt too drawn out and you had to accept a lot of things in order to come to terms with that ending.

Sorry about the apartment, the economy blows right now. Had to get my old job back because I couldn't find a new one.

What the **** is Unforgiven doing on that list


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I listened to it while I was playing LoL doing homework so I wasn't really paying full attention, but it sounded good to me. Will have to give it a proper listen another time.

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