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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I'd like to make my own Hipster bingo card. Imma work on that asap.

does not compute, dude. does not compute in the slightest.

lmfao awesome

edit: get that mother****ing project M **** out of here. ***** please.
I didn't want to see TF2 at all, I was dragged to it by a group of friends. And now I believe that since I sat through that godawful movie and made it out alive, well, maybe this one will be good again. **** it, I'll just wait to see what Ebert says about it like I always do.


I quoted that video tarmacker posted of some guy dancing to Katy Perry's Peacock on Chat Roulette, lol... I was saying that Peacock (Katy Perry) > Firework (Katy Perry).

Also, who the **** cares? They both blow.
I dunno, I like Katy Perry. Sure, maybe the Firework song isn't so hot, but good god to say it's as bad as anything Miley Cyrus has done....

I'm like 99% sure it's not, which is amazing.

Also, this is hilarious as well:


I played MvC3 a tad tonight. It was... interesting. Wesker is teh gay.
LOL the Brits and their humor


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I didn't want to see TF2 at all, I was dragged to it by a group of friends. And now I believe that since I sat through that godawful movie and made it out alive, well, maybe this one will be good again. **** it, I'll just wait to see what Ebert says about it like I always do.
Usual Suspects: 1.5 stars, on list of most hated films
Star Wars Ep. 3: 3.5 stars

ya dude, that Roger Ebert guy has got it together.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Dormammu plays alot like Necrid in SC2 and Rachel in BB (Pre-CS), as it's alot of a sort of campy keep-away game with him. Lots of stationary ground projectile garbage that punishes approaching.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
from my friend joel, who plays 2d fightans

"dorm is super good, if he hits with light attack and chains into medium attack and down forward h.attack it connects full distance into whatever. he is top."


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Bringing my Cube, Melee and like six controllers (five of which probably don't perform at top level) tomorrow. Maybe a TV.

Should my dude Jose come along (which he likely won't tell me until, like, an hour before I leave tomorrow), should I ask him to bring his 360 and MvC3?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Usual Suspects: 1.5 stars, on list of most hated films
Star Wars Ep. 3: 3.5 stars

ya dude, that Roger Ebert guy has got it together.
LOL I didn't say he was perfect, there are instances where he is wrong BTW he openly admitted he was wrong about the Star Wars prequels to none other than RedLetterMedia guy himself. That's why, you know, the dude has Ebert's quote on his main page next to his ep 3 review. Uh, maybe cause, JUST MAYBE, Ebert is the most respected film critic in history and just maybe one in every thousand movies he has an opinion different than the majority. You probably should actually read his reviews and then you might see why he's more credible than just about everyone on films. Read his review of Raging Bull and come back and tell me he doesn't know what he's talking about.

BTW he's right about the problems of Usual Suspects, it's a flawed movie. Like I said, the ending is amazing, but the rest isn't very good. Although his rating of it might be harsh, he at least backs it up.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
habbles i'm not going tonight :( but i have your munies, do you have paypal maybe?

so much schoolwork to do this weekend that i won't be playing new vegas or mvc3 at all. fml.
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