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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
My name is Henry Gale, I crashed here in a hot air balloon and buried my wife two days ago! My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale

This is what happens when I watch Lost for 7 hours straight



Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Yo, I got a date with a girl in New Haven-Area-ish this Wednesday. Middle of the day and ****.

Whats around there to do?

I figure that way I don't have to drive 30 minutes there, pick her up, and then another 20 minutes back so I can be in an area I'm familiar with.

I could always take her to my place and smash...

and then teach her how to play Melee.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Yo, I got a date with a girl in New Haven-Area-ish this Wednesday. Middle of the day and ****.

Whats around there to do?

i know of a couple really nice unlit, narrow alley ways. might be hard in broad daylight but...might be hard in broad daylight lulz.

i'd just look for a local restaurant or something that isn't a chain. if you don't have lunch plans, look for some place that serves coffee, frappes, or any other kind of drink that's just a nice place to chill at. that's always a good way to start a date. past that, *shrug* iunno shiiii abut nuhavin

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
My name is Henry Gale, I crashed here in a hot air balloon and buried my wife two days ago! My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale My name is Henry Gale

This is what happens when I watch Lost for 7 hours straight

lollllll so **** am i right?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
lollllll so **** am i right?
I'm sorry, but we gonna have to take the boy.


lolol I laugh everytime that guy speaks. So **** funny for some reason, plus everytime they do a recap they show him saying those two lines OVER AND OVER AND OVER

but yes Henry Gale LOL one of the better twists, although it was obvious he was evil from the getgo. I finished season 2 and so I hope the worst is over. Season 2 was mostly bad, until ep 18-19ish with that twist with Michael, but he did solve the AnaL problem if you know what I mean.

A general rule of thumb: When you see two characters conversing in a mental institution and someone comes over to take a picture, one of them isn't real.

BTW Cog have you seen Seven Samurai yet?


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
So my girlfriend hates watching legit scary movies; she gets shook up and has pretty bad nightmares.

But she really wants to get over that.

The ones she especially has a problem with, though, are ones that are even mildly conceivable in reality. Though the more fantastical can still be problematic because she sometimes IMAGINES those scenarios happening in reality =/

Any suggestions?

Sidenote: I found this out when we were talking about good movies and thrillers/suspense dramas and the like...the movie Se7en came up. She hadn't seen it but she heard a lot of good things...and then noted that if it was too scary/realistic she wouldn't watch it so she wanted to know the -whole- plot. And didn't want to be spared details >_<

"I'm never watching that movie."


Edit: she WOULD, with enough of a push, actually watch a movie even if she says she won't...well, if it'll help her get over this phobia, I mean. So it's not completely hopeless...I'd just like to know where to start?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I just saw Seven for the first time a few weeks ago, and since all the stuff that happens in that movie COULD happen in real life and is insanely grisly, she will definitely never watch it. Spoil the movie for her immediately, go into as much detail as possible when discussing the victim of gluttony who must eat himself to death. Leave nothing behind when describing the man who is slowly tortured for a year, or the guy that must **** the hooker with a strapped on blade.

LOL JK but just use your best judgement on how much to say. David Fincher didn't hold back, that's for sure, but you can.

Also, show her Alien ^_^


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
have her watch more action movies. desensitize her to violence. then, start her with the thrillers that are more physical and less creepy. then move on to semi-creepy horror movies like childs play, leprechaun, etc...if she can get through all of that i think watching a super intense thriller/horror wouldn't be impossible. if not, perhaps she and that genre were just not meant to be.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
I just saw Seven for the first time a few weeks ago, and since all the stuff that happens in that movie COULD happen in real life and is insanely grisly, she will definitely never watch it. Spoil the movie for her immediately, go into as much detail as possible when discussing the victim of gluttony who must eat himself to death. Leave nothing behind when describing the man who is slowly tortured for a year, or the guy that must **** the hooker with a strapped on blade.
No no no....that's EXACTLY what I did.

I told her EVERYTHING.

And that was her response [which was expected].

Haze - alright...though I'd prefer to skip over Childsplay and the like, myself. We both actually hate Chucky.

I just want to be able to AT LEAST watch Shaun of the Dead with her XD [yeah not horror, but still].

Luckily for her I'm not into super intense violence or horror either.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I saw Shaun of the Dead opening weekend on my 17th birthday with my two best friends and all three of us nearly vomited at the intestine scene. Had pizza later that night too, good times.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I'm sorry, but we gonna have to take the boy.


lolol I laugh everytime that guy speaks. So **** funny for some reason, plus everytime they do a recap they show him saying those two lines OVER AND OVER AND OVER

but yes Henry Gale LOL one of the better twists, although it was obvious he was evil from the getgo. I finished season 2 and so I hope the worst is over. Season 2 was mostly bad, until ep 18-19ish with that twist with Michael, but he did solve the AnaL problem if you know what I mean.

A general rule of thumb: When you see two characters conversing in a mental institution and someone comes over to take a picture, one of them isn't real.

BTW Cog have you seen Seven Samurai yet?
ROFL Tom Friendly is so awesome. You totally think "Henry Gale" is lying but when that episode ends with Sayid finding the balloon... and then he comes back and is like "I found your balloon... BUT STILL I DID NOT BELIEVE YOU" you're like oh shi-! Also "you guys got any milk?" Michael Emerson is really really amazing. Like I said, season 3 has the worst parts of Lost (just a couple eps) but also the absolute best too so hang in there.
Yes I've seen Seven Samurai.

toasty just lock her in a room and play the shining on repeat until she either a) dies or b) gets over her fear

The intestine part in Shaun gets so many people (read: GIRLS) because up until that point it's not gory at all.

speaking of film, we just watched Strangers on a Train for the first time yesterday and holy BALLS is it good.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I love Hitchcock, I need to watch everything he's ever made. I'll get on that once I watch most of Kurosawa's.

Actually, I disagree about Shaun. It was gory (well, bloody and grisly) throughout and I knew that was going to happen several seconds before it did. Something about the way the scene was built up, you just knew that prick was going to get what was coming to him, and when I saw the zombies break the window behind him I figured he was going to get a horribly gory death scene. And right when they pulled him out of the building I said out loud in the theater, "OH ****ING NO", because the nastiest thing that could happen at that moment would be involving his insides. Then they all put their hands on his stomach and ripped it out and I could...not.....look away. Seeing that in a theater when you're 17 LOL yeah I might have been a bit young for it. But yeah, my point is the intestine scene did not come out of nowhere, not imo anyway.

That's a big reason why I like Hot Fuzz a lot more than Shaun. The second half of that movie (or last third?) wasn't as funny and I know that they were going for the whole "turn into what you're parodying" thing just like they did with Fuzz, but I feel they could have had some more humor there. NOT to say the movie is bad at all, I still LOVE that first half and enjoy it overall as well.

Cog, did you like Seven Samurai more than Rashomon? I'll also say that Toshiro Mifune is the greatest actor ever.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
No, Rashomon is a lot better than SS imo.

The guts-rip is a direct homage to Romero's Day of the Dead (pretty sure it's Day and not Dawn) so I knew they'd sneak it in there but it's by far the goriest thing in the movie. Coupled with the fact that as you said the comedy is getting turned down and drama turned up at that point in the movie, I think it's fairly shocking. I think it's a testament to Shaun that it can shift to drama so drastically and still work because we actually have been invested in all the characters whether we know it or not. It veers into really black comedy territory there too which I love.

So, true story: I went to a wedding this weekend and after it was over I thought to myself: "Man that was so fun, I can't wait to post shoutouts! ..... oh wait" lol


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup

me and my boys are playin basketball weds if u wanna play/chill

this inv goes out to everyone in the thread


yea. it sucks i work during the games tho. but i was super focused this past weekend. too bad englands goal keeper SD'd on the final stock :laugh:


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
is your boss like the dumbest person ever? and you wonder how da **** did they even get it if they never worked any of the lower positions of which they tell "what to do" and all of that ****?

omg I thought this kinda stuff only happened on TV.....the latter.........my boss.

I'll MM anyone in Melee in this thread
how much =)


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
toasty just lock her in a room and play the shining on repeat until she either a) dies or b) gets over her fear

The intestine part in Shaun gets so many people (read: GIRLS) because up until that point it's not gory at all.
LOL omg that'd be awful [the first suggestion]

When I first saw Shaun of the Dead, it was on Giant Television [not A giant television...this is beyond that. It is simply Giant Television] at a friend's house with a movie theatre sound system [they actually WERE ****ing loaded]...when that scene happened my friend and I started flailing our arms and clawing at each other and screaming like little girls...we were so engrossed in the film that when it happened it's not that it was surprising, but shocking? In the complete sense of the word: yes. Definitely shocking. I'd probably just cover her eyes when it happens LOL
That's a big reason why I like Hot Fuzz a lot more than Shaun. The second half of that movie (or last third?) wasn't as funny and I know that they were going for the whole "turn into what you're parodying" thing just like they did with Fuzz, but I feel they could have had some more humor there. NOT to say the movie is bad at all, I still LOVE that first half and enjoy it overall as well.
The beauty of Shaun is that it doesn't "try" to be a comedy. It's a zombie movie with well developed characters that you, as Cog mentioned, become invested in and it just happens to be ****ing HILARIOUS...but because it doesn't try too hard to be a comedy, you can really appreciate the drama when you're given it.
So, true story: I went to a wedding this weekend and after it was over I thought to myself: "Man that was so fun, I can't wait to post shoutouts! ..... oh wait" lol
LOLLL too good.

Thanks for the input, peoples...

Haze: I've never seen Phonebooth >_>


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
mad old but the only thing I like more than the song is the video =D
EDIT: MAJOR SPOILERS if you haven't seen "300"

[but really, WHO hasn't seen 300?!?!]

god I hate my job and the people I work with
:O Get a job at a call center! They're so much fun with the right superiors.

My boss is an MMA fan, and hes like, always goofing off.
The downside is you sit there getting yelled at by idiots who call up about their own mistakes and blame you.



Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb

me and my boys are playin basketball weds if u wanna play/chill

this inv goes out to everyone in the thread


yea. it sucks i work during the games tho. but i was super focused this past weekend. too bad englands goal keeper SD'd on the final stock :laugh:

Yea, I tried setting it up so i have cable going on my computer at home so I could remote in to it from work and watch the games...... but I forgot I unpluged my ethernet last night >.> so i missed them.

also, anyone else play Ultimate frisbee?


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
My HS had a ClubTeam for Ultimate. I never really played too much though. Its a pretty Bro game though LOL.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
for dave and co. who have still never had sonic. i feel so bad for you. breakfast toaster with cheese tots and a cherry limeade chiller (vanilla ice cream, real limes, and cherry flavoring...so good).
my god, may every dinner be so good.

also a friend of mine from highschool goes to college at amherst based solely on the fact that he liked their ultimate frisbee team. ridiculous.
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