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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
It's a curse. I understand that others do the same, but we both know that isn't the majority. The majority went in thinking it would be great, hell the majority probably thinks it was GOOD because of their trait of being easily amused.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
being easily amused makes life a lot more fun

though i haven't heard many people actually claim transformers 2 was 'good' anyway

and who's to say that 'the majority' is incorrect in thinking it was 'good' (if they did in fact think that, which I don't believe they do)? you're obviously right and they're wrong, yes?

film/music (and any art form, really) elitism is the worst

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
Hey guys, help hype up S.N.E.S. please :D

It's going to be an amazing experience.. i know Genesis is a titan that i cant touch currently, but thats fine, doesnt mean SNES shouldnt get more attention :D

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Lets hangout tomorrow Nick?


Also, go to my tournament...its going to be a full day of Brawl +

I'm also debating two things

A-Is my tournament too far away and I should move it closer?

B-What should I do for my events and should I do it two day? (a 2 part question kind of....)

I'm debating getting rid of smash 64 because I see Brawl + on the rise more so than Smash 64 will but at the same time, Smash 64 is more fun IMO.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
when is ur tourney P.O.F I am low on cash(link it if you can)

Wolfs Rain is pretty random when it comes themes and settings

Umm someone hold a tourney soon

Someone other than Cort beat me plz

Lil I feel your pain about interviews they suck. I almost screwed one up the other day

Im still bumping Thriller in my car f**k yeah. Im not gonna let it die out just yet.

If I had the money I wouldn't go to genesis, I'd go to Micheal's funeral/memorial and camp outside like the fox I am.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
what didja interview for swift?![/color[


Lets hangout tomorrow Nick?


Also, go to my tournament...its going to be a full day of Brawl +

I'm also debating two things

A-Is my tournament too far away and I should move it closer?

B-What should I do for my events and should I do it two day? (a 2 part question kind of....)

I'm debating getting rid of smash 64 because I see Brawl + on the rise more so than Smash 64 will but at the same time, Smash 64 is more fun IMO.
>_> When is it? Where is it?

I'll see what I can do about hanging out with you tomorrow. I may not be able to go anywhere, my dad already went back to the hospital once since getting home with the same headache-memorywipe-sight/balance loss-stuff he had before.


P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
when is ur tourney P.O.F I am low on cash(link it if you can)

Someone other than Cort beat me plz

If I had the money I wouldn't go to genesis, I'd go to Micheal's funeral/memorial and camp outside like the fox I am.
I beat your Ganondorf.....does that count? :dizzy: I was playing insanely good that night.

>_> When is it? Where is it?


The two day thing is lingering. I still have not spoken to the guys at DM but i'm pretty sure that date will stay.

I dont want to put anything close to Pound 4 or Genesis.

Did anyone in this thread pick up BlazBlue for PS3?
YES!! I did! Add me Spiked_Vicious
Oh snap, I gotta play you Thumbs.

Gotta get my router set up.

Smooth Criminal
So like, totally wish i had a ps3 to play right now.....errr!

Stupid yellow light of death. I'm sending in my ps3 though....gonna get it back in probably a darn month. ouch.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
I've played both of you, and yeah, he is.


Brawl + Results:


Saying hes better than me is stupid for many reasons. Hes not as active as I have been since the start of Brawl. I've always been a consistent placer.

13th out of 104 at MM12...when I wasn't even actively playing Brawl.

13th out of 87 at the first Brawl Esticle

I've beaten him in tournament. It was a LOW TIER tournament, but it was still a legitimate set. I would honestly like to see how Noodles arrived at the conclusion that hes better than me.

MaNg0 stuff.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Congrats on placing better in old tournaments, but my opinion still stands. He's better.

EDIT: Just caught your edit. Why are you using ancient tournaments to determine the better of you two? You DO realize how inaccurate that can be, considering it basically ignores the fact that Scrub got better recently?

I've beaten him in tournament. It was a LOW TIER tournament, but it was still a legitimate set.
Skler beat me in Melee low tier consistently, but that doesn't mean anything outside of "Skler is better than me in Low Tier." (And the better of the Links, sigh)

I would honestly like to see how Noodles arrived at the conclusion that hes better than me.
Most recent update on the Brawl NEPR has Scrub on the list, and Noodles just takes the most recent iteration of the NEPR, removes non-CT players and calls it "CTPR." (not that that's a bad thing - we did it with Maine's Melee PR LOL). Whether or not he would have made it on without the 4-6 people who got dropped for 0 activity could be up for debate, but that's a "what if" I don't really see a need to discuss.

Conclusion - I can't use tournament results to determine my opinion of whose better between you two - since you don't enter anything recent (outside of one tournament you tied at) - I have to use the impression I got from playing against both of you directly, and in my opinion, he's definitely better.


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
So the other day I'm at this party and a friend of mine introduces me to a friend of his her name was Maria and well she had slanted eyes so I said: "Yo what up, do you like anime?"
she goes: "ummm, no"
I said: "I thought all **** loved anime, like they are programed to enjoy that and tentacle pr0n"
So she flips out saying I am a racist because I assumed she was Japanese because of her slanted eyes so then I retaliate saying: "What are you then a wanna be? a poser?"
So she flips out even MOAR and says shes Phillipino so I start laughing HARD, like almost spit my beer out, that's how bad.
She says: "Whats so funny?"
I say: "Phillipino people aren't really real they are just Mexican people who get an operation to get their eyes slanted so they look like ****, companies will think they are good at math and hate Godzilla so they will be good employees"
After that she starts to cry and runs away, my friend was cracking up the whole time so I then turned around and kept drinking.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
Errr I guess I'm going to have to **** the next Brawl tournament. :-/

I just checked the NE power rankings.
Funny I'm not on there. I just beat Ace in tournament and I always place better than Rylix.

I'm sorry to say this but this is why the Brawl community is looked down upon. No one has any idea whats going on and a good 80% of the Brawl players have no idea what they are talking about or how to properly come up with an adequate ranking list. Brawl players play Brawl over Melee because they know they can never be "good" at Melee. I LIKE BRAWL and I ENJOY THE GAME but I don't enjoy playing with most people because they are dumb and have no concept of how to play.

For instance: I like playing with icy, fatal, dazwa, noodles, Bizkit, Darc, Bloodcross, and lets say for instance Ninjalink. It's the Melee vets that make this community still worth hanging around for. The people that were around for Melee are the good Brawl players.

What new Brawl player is really really good? And what players win Brawl tournaments? Melee Veterans.

True story: I was talking to Icy about a week ago and he says he can't stand Brawl...he just likes going to tournaments.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
So the other day I'm at this party and a friend of mine introduces me to a friend of his her name was Maria and well she had slanted eyes so I said: "Yo what up, do you like anime?"
she goes: "ummm, no"
I said: "I thought all **** loved anime, like they are programed to enjoy that and tentacle pr0n"
So she flips out saying I am a racist because I assumed she was Japanese because of her slanted eyes so then I retaliate saying: "What are you then a wanna be? a poser?"
So she flips out even MOAR and says shes Phillipino so I start laughing HARD, like almost spit my beer out, that's how bad.
She says: "Whats so funny?"
I say: "Phillipino people aren't really real they are just Mexican people who get an operation to get their eyes slanted so they look like ****, companies will think they are good at math and hate Godzilla so they will be good employees"
After that she starts to cry and runs away, my friend was cracking up the whole time so I then turned around and kept drinking.
Thats terrible.

And I lol'd.

I'm sorry to say this but this is why the Brawl community is looked down upon. No one has any idea whats going on and a good 80% of the Brawl players have no idea what they are talking about or how to properly come up with an adequate ranking list. Brawl players play Brawl over Melee because they know they can never be "good" at Melee. I LIKE BRAWL and I ENJOY THE GAME but I don't enjoy playing with most people because they are dumb and have no concept of how to play.
>____> Ooooookkkkaaayyyyyy. Pretty sure the Brawl Community is looked down upon because its really silly after a certain point.

And we have better things to play, like Monster Hunter, Brawl+, or that melee game people like.



Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
Errr I guess I'm going to have to **** the next Brawl tournament. :-/

I just checked the NE power rankings.
Funny I'm not on there. I just beat Ace in tournament and I always place better than Rylix.

I'm sorry to say this but this is why the Brawl community is looked down upon. No one has any idea whats going on and a good 80% of the Brawl players have no idea what they are talking about or how to properly come up with an adequate ranking list. Brawl players play Brawl over Melee because they know they can never be "good" at Melee. I LIKE BRAWL and I ENJOY THE GAME but I don't enjoy playing with most people because they are dumb and have no concept of how to play.

For instance: I like playing with icy, fatal, dazwa, noodles, Bizkit, Darc, Bloodcross, and lets say for instance Ninjalink. It's the Melee vets that make this community still worth hanging around for. The people that were around for Melee are the good Brawl players.

What new Brawl player is really really good? And what players win Brawl tournaments? Melee Veterans.

True story: I was talking to Icy about a week ago and he says he can't stand Brawl...he just likes going to tournaments.



you have to be mildly ******** or something, there is no other way of explaining it. I can't see how you say stuff like this and not be ********. It makes no sense otherwise


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007



you have to be mildly ******** or something, there is no other way of explaining it. I can't see how you say stuff like this and not be ********. It makes no sense otherwise
I'm sure he'll find this mildly insulting.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
Funny I'm not on there. I just beat Ace in tournament and I always place better than Rylix.
Start entering tournaments kthx.

I'm sorry to say this but this is why the Brawl community is looked down upon. No one has any idea whats going on and a good 80% of the Brawl players have no idea what they are talking about or how to properly come up with an adequate ranking list.
You know because said Melee vets aren't making these lists or anything.

You know exactly why you're not on this list. Stop being such a baby.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Start entering tournaments kthx.

You know because said Melee vets aren't making these lists or anything.

You know exactly why you're not on this list. Stop being such a baby.
Dustin! PM me your address and don't tell Dylan you're doing it.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Start entering tournaments kthx.

You know because said Melee vets aren't making these lists or anything.

You know exactly why you're not on this list. Stop being such a baby.
I am openly fapping to this post.
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