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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Wes you must be pretty bored at work. I'm in off-site training all this week so I can actually access Smashboards. I'll have to try that proxy that DD gave me when I get back to work though.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
the bisu build is using a lot of corsairs for map control, most often combined with DTs, but sometimes with reavers

the protoss fast expand is pretty much standard and a must-do vs. zerg on most maps nowadays
oh, I thought the whole bisu build thing was about people whining that they couldn't beat the FE. I love running 12 speedlings through cannons of people who don't know how to block their ramp with probes.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
McFox, browser, etc

Wes you must be pretty bored at work. I'm in off-site training all this week so I can actually access Smashboards. I'll have to try that proxy that DD gave me when I get back to work though.
yea, I just finished a project last week and am basically waiting on other people's stuff to be able to do anything. Thank god for CT thread to keep me entertained.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
thanks a lot, mogwai. I really appreciate it.

Variola, done.

where are you?
I already have the gamecube + lube


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
McFox, browser, etc

yea, I just finished a project last week and am basically waiting on other people's stuff to be able to do anything. Thank god for CT thread to keep me entertained.
Yeah, a year ago I would have condemned the ct thread as a festering pit of spam, but it is simply a very broad topical interesting thread....


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
what about terran opening/midgame strats?
what're some protoss adv strats/general cool things?
how does i countered dark swarm?

hope i'm not interrupting/bothering your work (or non-work)

btdubs guys, please watch the matches I uploaded with DARKRAIN in them.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Which is more magical than "Batteries ARE included!"

But yeah Variola lets road trip to GA gogogo
The thought of the four of us together gives me a stark erection. Wonder if I should go to Genesis....


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
what about terran opening/midgame strats?
what're some protoss adv strats/general cool things?
how does i countered dark swarm?

hope i'm not interrupting/bothering your work (or non-work)
nothing is cool about protoss, they just spam units that are better than the other races and win. they are the sheik of starcraft.

if you play terran, dark swarm is a huge ***** and you should fight it by running the **** away, going mech, or protecting sci vessels to constantly irradiate defilers, or all three.

so terran, it's pretty standard in all matchups to do 9 depot, 11 rax as your first two buildings, and from there it gets tricky.

Anti-Zerg Mech: This is becoming really popular and is annoying to play against as a zerg because you have to scout very effectively and keep your map presence at all times. For this, you go 11 rax + 11 refinery, typically using your early depots and rax to create a ling-proof wall (look up terran strats in that teamliquid link I gave you, I couldn't tell you off the top of my head how to wall in vs. lings). As soon as the refinery finishes, you put 3 scvs on gas, and then once the rax finishes, you should have 200 mins and 100 gas for a factory. You cut SCVs from gas after the first 100 to power minerals to get your expansion up or you leave them on and go quick 2 fact, though the first is more common. Once the facory finishes, you get 1 vulture and harass the zerg natural. If they didn't both get a sunken AND block the ramp with lings, you've gained a huge advantage, cause you will seriously hurt their economy with that 1 vulture. During this, you should get the expansion up, mine gas again, and get a machine shop add on to the first factory + get a 2nd if you haven't already. Also, get an academy, engineering bay and armory to deal with the almost inevitible mutalisk harassment. From here you just sorta crank goliaaths and tanks and try to secure another expansion to give you enough gas to support getting some sci vessels, at which point you just run the zerg army over.

Fast Expand: After the 11 rax, you get 1 marine to kill their scouting drone and then just focus on mins to build a 2nd command center and expand. If you can scout some ling harassment, you get a 2nd marine and put 2 SCVs in front of the 2 marines on the ramp to hold off their harassment. Once the 2nd Command Center is done, you transfer a ton of scvs over to the expansion, get gas, academy, engineering bay, and 3 more raxes from which you will be cranking medics and marines. You then get 1 factory with machine shop for tanks to break sunkens and 2 starports + 1 sci facility to crank vessels.

2 Rax/3 Rax: In 2 Rax, you go 11 rax, 12/13 (can't remember) rax, and just keep getting minerals with scvs for a while. then you crank marines from both raxes and typically try to build a bunker with your scouting SCV near the zerg expansion (start the bunker before the hatch finishes, otherwise creep will block you. If the zerg does not pull drones to kill the bunker, you've won, if they do, cancel the bunker to get your resources back and still harass with your marines, it's imperative that they at least slow the zerg down since you're taking a hit to your economy to do the 2 rax rather than Fast Expanding. Typically, you're hoping to force a couple sunkens, and then you tech like a fast expand except slower. In 3 rax sunken bust, it's like a 2 rax except rather than trying to get your expansion up, you get a 3rd rax, quick academy, and gas to get really fast stim + medics and firebats which are meant to help you bust the zerg's sunken wall before they get to their lair tech. The theory is that Firebats go in first since the extra 10 HP means they take 1 extra sunken hit to kill which is just meant to buy your marines time to kill the sunkens with their stim.

Standard TvP: Against Protoss, it's pretty customary to wall in with your first 2 depots + rax. Crank 5 marines while getting a quick factory right after the rax, add on a machine shop ASAP, get your first tank, then first vulture, all while researching spider mines. You push out against the first 2 goons with your 5 marines and 1 tank with a couple scvs to repair tank as necessary. Once you push them away from your ramp, you expand and start adding factories as necessary, while strategically placing mines to make the toss advances difficult. You want to get a 3rd and eventually 4th base very methodically and then push out and win with your superior units, but it's tough because Toss will typically have about 150% of your Factory count in Gateways which means their army gets replenished much faster and costs generally less, which means you really have to keep ****ing them up.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
depot over barracks and depot over depot are both zergling-proof

depot to the left of barracks and depot to the left/right of another depot are both not zergling-proof, but they are zealot/worker-proof

depot under or to the right of a barracks is not anything-proof and you will probably get laughed at by whoever you're playing


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
The only one I remember from when I was trying to play Terran is barracks to the left or right of CC is zealot proof but not marine proof. And like, I can wall in vs. Toss on Python, but it was all just memory, I can't even picture how it all worked.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
D: So many StarCraft walls of Text!
DX The painnnn...of not understanding!


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
who cares

when you're analogizing 3 races into 30 characters, you can represent them however you want

i could have also said terran is luigi, protoss is link, and zerg is donkey kong or something

all that matters is where they stand relative to each other -_-


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
What are Terran and Zerg comparable to in terms of Smash?
lol, we had a stupid discussion about this like 4 pages back or so.

drawing the smash analogies are pointless, but I feel like Terran are Marth, Zerg are Fox, and Toss are Sheik. This fails on many levels though. My full analysis of the stupid analogy:

Terrans are considered the race that requires the highest APM (kinda like Fox), have a slight edge on Zerg at mid-levels of play, and have the most methodical but effective way of controlling space (kinda like Marth).

Zerg require the next highest APM (kinda like sheik), have a slight edge on Toss at mid-levels of play, and have the most sporatic and mobile way of controlling space (kinda like Fox).

Toss are gay (a lot like shiek >=P).

Toss require the lowest APM (kinda like Marth), have a slight edge on Terran at mid-levels of play, and have a fluid and powerful way of controlling space (kinda like Sheik).

So yea, I guess my head looks at how they deal with map control for drawing the analogy.


Heir to the Monado
Sep 20, 2005
Amherst, MA
those shirts are sick. do they sell them anywhere?
Wow, you're awesome because I was thinking this too.

Edit: Just noticed that those Shirts are custom made.

Edit2: Does Connecticut think I need a haircut? I'm debating getting one. My hair is a bit too crazy


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
The only one I remember from when I was trying to play Terran is barracks to the left or right of CC is zealot proof but not marine proof. And like, I can wall in vs. Toss on Python, but it was all just memory, I can't even picture how it all worked.
the barracks needs to be to the right of the CC to be zealot-proof.
left doesn't leave enough room.


edit@sleepyK: all spells go under dark swarm.
just don't let zerg position the swarm where they want - cornering you, and you can pretty much run from it while storming as protoss or eradiating as terran. or just snipe the defilers ASAP.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
well no, left leaves *too much* room
either or. technically or.
when you position your barracks against your CC on the right you literally place it as close as possible, which lets your marines through but not zealots.
when you put your barracks on the left side as close as possible, nothing can get through. i guess, as you're saying, you can put it a space away and both marines and zealots can get through, but technically since it's supposed to be against the CC, it leaves no room, not too much.

not being picky, just tired of being corrected incorrectly :D or at least that's what chill says.

edit@mogwai: i play zerg, too, but the best person i play w/ just beats me w/ T 100% :( so i know some stuffies.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2007
Hey guys, I just wanted to let everybody know that a brand new game center opened up in Mansfield, CT called Friendly Fire Game Center. I know the owner pretty well and he has agreed to let me run all sorts of tournaments. In the future I will be running melee and brawl tournaments and will let you all know when they will be. The first one will most likely be within a month or two. Anyway, if you are interested in coming to check out Friendly Fire, it is literally 1 minute away from Uconn, the website is www.friendlyfiregamecenter.com. It just opened today, but the Grand Opening is Feb. 13-15. Everybody who comes in gets to play an hour for free.

K go back to whatever you were doing.



Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
not really feeling as bitter as i was before lunch

i'll drop it because it's a pointless argument, and it turns out we were both wrong anyway, since it is straight up zealot-proof
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