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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
****ing Sweet!

I play on Ravenholdt, Chum! The ****tiest server in the game :D
Greymane US :D
i also have my alliance alts on malygos US. ironically my guild there is 3/6 sunwell not 2/6 but i like horde better XD

@ _V_
Is there like some blizzard memo I missed or something? Can I still buy lvl 80 pvp fgear(whatever the hell it may be) at lvl 79? If so then YAY! **** I should do research better on the expansion.

now im trying to get raven lord
i did about 20 bear runs and passed on all of mine. they look stupid IMO. i am 1/29 on my raven lord mount though :\ booooooo
someone on my server has al'ar >.>; too good.
also yes, you can buy lvl 80 (blue) pvp gear at any level, but i'm fairly certain it will be like the stalker sets and be sold at honored rep from different factions, as opposed to bg vendors.


zomg they look arena viable at 80!?! only took a few years :D
they're not. i got rival with my hunter S3 only because i ran with a couple alright players - ms war and durid, rofl. at 80 hunters are still terrible. we used to be at least better than ret pallies but paladans just got their ***** sucked by blizzard and are stupid good now (paladins are solo'ing 2s brackets to 2k) so we're really only better than disc priests thanks to their nerfs. we still counter mages, which is nice since arc mages got a huge boost. dismantle from a prep rogue kind of ***** us now, rogues are pretty even with hunters in a 1v1 setting whereas hunters used to **** rogues. you pretty much have to be BM now to be viable in arena to escape rogue **** (can still be dismantled your entire BW duration though) and survive a ret pally burst...and chimera shot is the new raid build at 80. any pure BC hunter probably had their head explode with this new patch (me).

and yeah, i think my hunter puts out alright dps depending on the fight as 0/31/30
i'm being a baddie and rolling a blood DK for wrath (old main was am alliance fury war and feel like going back to melee so i don't get bored with this game).

anywho, too much wow talk on smashboards XD
if you hate your server, though, steve, you should look at ruinous on greymane US ;)
and alliance folk should look at decorum on malygos US.
this way smashers can hangz with me on interwebs when i'm in OK :o

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Darc is stupid, I really think he doesn't try at all yet does amazing. Either that or he's incredibly modest... every time I ask him about tactics or tech stuff or ANYTHING having to do with playing smash he literally shrugs. At most you will get "I dunno, I just play gay"
Yet I'm still incredibly homo for him....


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
they're not. i got rival with my hunter S3 only because i ran with a couple alright players - ms war and durid, rofl. at 80 hunters are still terrible. we used to be at least better than ret pallies but paladans just got their ***** sucked by blizzard and are stupid good now (paladins are solo'ing 2s brackets to 2k) so we're really only better than disc priests thanks to their nerfs. we still counter mages, which is nice since arc mages got a huge boost. dismantle from a prep rogue kind of ***** us now, rogues are pretty even with hunters in a 1v1 setting whereas hunters used to **** rogues. you pretty much have to be BM now to be viable in arena to escape rogue **** (can still be dismantled your entire BW duration though) and survive a ret pally burst...and chimera shot is the new raid build at 80. any pure BC hunter probably had their head explode with this new patch (me).

and yeah, i think my hunter puts out alright dps depending on the fight as 0/31/30
i'm being a baddie and rolling a blood DK for wrath (old main was am alliance fury war and feel like going back to melee so i don't get bored with this game).
lol wut? I know hunters sucked sh*t at arena TBC, but they're looking rather good for 80. I've played beta a good amount and have been toying with a crap ton of builds, and I came up with a few really fun/interesting ones.

disengage is too good (they're buffing it to be off the GCD and you don't even have to have anything targeted to use it), and you can get it down to a 24(25?) sec CD with the minor glyph or another 4 seconds off if you spec into it in survival, making fighting/kiting melee way easier IMO.

master's call can be specced into BM and brings it to a 50 sec CD and it's a PvP trinket you can use on ANYONE if your pet is alive, and you can play rather defensively/spec into a bunch of neat pet talents (lick your wounds, that phoenix revive thing which seems rather OP) to keep your pet alive for quite a while. not to mention hunters barely have mana problems and reviving your pets is 4 seconds (and AotV is being changed so it passively restores 4% of your mana every 3 (or is it 4?) seconds).

the pvp build/comp I've been toying with for 3s (with any other classes with snares/slowing effects) involves going down to bestial wrath/beast within, improved stings/readiness in marksman (which is so awesome considering it resets EVERY LAST COOLDOWN (deterrence :D, traps, bestial wrath, rapid fire, disengage) and then entrapment/improved wing clip in survival.

That's 36 seconds of bestial wrath/not being CC'd. If you get a druid rooting/shammy with earthbind/arcane mage with slow/frost trap entrapment/etc you can BLOW someone up with 2 bestial wraths/rapid fires/whatnot.

atleast, compared to some classes, hunters will be able to still get their 2250 shoulder easier, not really sure if they'll be super viable but it definitely looks much nicer than it did in TBC.

and lawl, I got rival on my hunter with my spriest friend and we were both in 80% PvE gear. (Usually just vengeful/brut helms + t5 or s2 shoulders to trick people, LOL). Granted, we're on the most pathetic battlegroup ever so it doesn't really mean much.

and right now for raiding I'm 44/17/0 and I'm pushing 3200 dps on some fights <_> (lawl brutallus)

edit - oh, and I forgot aspect of the dragonhawk which they're introducing in this next patch I believe, which basically combines hawk and monkey into 1 (monkey is being buffed to 18% dodge since they nerfed the **** out of hunter's base dodge). oh and I forgot to mention there's a minor glyph for monkey where it increases your movement speed by 30% for 6 (or 8?) seconds as soon as you dodge any attack.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
lol wut? I know hunters sucked sh*t at arena TBC, but they're looking rather good for 80.
I agree, my friend is ridiculous at WOW and he's been telling me about the expansion and whose nerfed/buffed and all that. And also, from what I've been hearing for most people Rouges got nerfed for 80 so how would they go even with Warriors?


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash

sort of.
to elaborate: i played alpha not beta, but i did get to level up on the PTR and noticed overall that hunters are running into the same problems at 80 than they had at 70. for instance, imp wingclip is the only thing to keep melee at bay still. if you think anything other than that, freezing traps, and scatter shot are going to control SS rogues or ms wars you've been playing some really ****ty people. you can only bring disengage low enough so that it matches imp intercept, and a good ms warrior will eat your face in a few bites unless you're running with a druid to root/cyclone spam or a mage/ele shammy. rogues can run from your wrath CD and punish you when it's not up unless you've got pillars around you, flares at your fingertips, and wyvern stings to keep them out of battle when you want to. and it's still pretty much impossible for hunters to penetrate bear armor. enh shammies at least still get ***** by bm hunters, and disengage is a good escape even for mm/sv against frost shocks. i wasn't trying to say that hunters aren't "viable" at level 80 pvp, just saying they are not much better than they were TBC. with the right comp and the right player, we'll still be seeing some hunters get gladiator. just don't expect our 2% representation at 2k+ rated teams to get much higher. druids will still be in that 30% range, paladins both holy and ret will go up, ms warriors and disc priests will go down a little bit (anyone with a brain can move away from their lolworthy new talent), but hunters won't be moving much.

also, a comp is not a spec, it's a team build. just clearing that up. i got 1900 this season in 2s but i'm on shadowburn and it's definitely one of the worst 5 bgs out there.
i got rival on vindication horde, which is ballsey mcballserson hard since horde sucks on that bg short of laughing skull and burning legion. 1 laughing skull 5v5 team was the only horde-side team to get gladiator that i know of. poop.

also chimera shot builds were doing 4k damage on the PTR which is more than 3600...and these people testing were in T5/6 gear so lol. BM is still good for raiding, just saying that MM made a raid comeback from naxx, and BM made an arena comeback from s1. it's nice that people have options between hunter specs for arena and raiding now. although i do miss EW being a raid buff...

and as far as whoever said how can rogues go even with warriors...again, dismantle. if a warrior disarms a rogue he can vanish/sprint/evasion/CoS...if a rogue dismantles a warrior it's just like "someone come over here so i can intervene away from this guy." or the other option - punch them between stunlocks, rofl.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
I love the people on my server too much to transfer. Plus, I can already tell that I am going to be better than 99% of the people on the server. I just started raiding last week, my first 25 man raid I came in 2nd in total damage done and 3rd in overall DPS.

I just need ****ing PvE gear.

Best hunter PvP team I have found is Hunter and Boomkin. Like Cort said, you can blow up one person (entangled) while the healer is cycloned/trapped.

Not to say we are good in PvP, but it was the best team I was ever on >.>

Edit//And yeah I am MM build...I think people are over looking it. Volley ***** aoe again.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
When I do arena I don't actaully care about I just do it for fun so I make random/bad teams. Rogue + prot warrior is my favorite so far, then goes the rogue + hunter, but they both suck.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2007
Mur-mur-murder Capital Awesome Level: 9000+
Mythic Rare, sorta upsetting, but they're effectively only twice as rare as rares or so, so it's not THAT bad.
Thanks :D
I don't really like the mythic rares. I mean yeah, they're pretty good.
But I HATE Tri-or more-color decks

How are the new blocks haven't seen any since... lorwyn i think?
They were alright.
All I could remember is faeries and kithkins.

Last 5 years, I'm thinking last 5 blocks, so thinking after mirrodin:
As to how it's been since Rav... Time Spiral was lots of fun but sucked after the core set, Llorwyn/Shadowmoore was a little gimmicky, but decent, and Shards is mad cool IMO (I'm a huge multi-color whore).
Time Spiral was cool since it brought back some cool stuff. llorwyn and shadowmoore was fun with kithkins and..
I hate that card soo much >_>
Shards = ;/

Anyone here wanna draft a box of Mirrodin at Spawn's tourney? =D
*continues lurking*
Count me in.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I was specifically talking about the comp and possible strategies with the switching around of the talent trees.

MM hunters are NOT out DPSing BM hunters, but they're certainly up there. And considering I'm 6/8 t6 (missing my boots... and helm [which I don't want])and have 3700 AP raid buffed/around 4100 when things proc I don't see how t5 geared MM hunters are pulling 4k DPS, LOL. I've done 3700 on RoS/Gorefiend but those are joke fights. And on Hyjal trash (since Volley is retardedly amazing now) I can get up around 6-7k dps average for the night).

BM stil has Serpent Swiftness for 20% haste (which is about 5x better than anything the MM tree has to offer for raiding, IMO), 84 second bestial wrath CD (64 second if you get the glyph) and all the ridiculous pet talents. Exotic pets in Beta were doing close to 40% of BM hunters total DPS, and they were wiping the floor out of any other class (they changed it a bit now I think).

MM is certainly raid viable and needed (trueshot aura is raid wide with a flat 10% AP increase now x_x) and in the expo there is a glyph that makes steady shot do 10% more damage if serpent sting is on the target, so MM hunters keeping it up and resetting it with each chimera shot is really nice. But they are a few hundred DPS behind BM hunters, that's for sure. I donno where you saw or heard t5 geared hunters doing 4k DPS because that's simply ********, lol.

As for my PvP build, it was a specific team strategy where it required entrapment to proc or having the right comp to root someone/snare them in place. The fact that master's call is basically a PvP trinket you can use on anyone on a 50 sec CD is what I really like too. And warriors are always going to counter hunters, as they should. You can basically only scatter shot/freezing trap them to keep them away for so long, but unfortunately the build I had a lot of success with doesn't even get scatter shot. That's hoping your comp has the other good CC.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
@ steve - lol, thanks to 56% buffed crit (MM/SV) i'm doing a little under 7k on hyjal trash...volley is a better ae than blizzard in terms of damage now...how ridic. locks still **** but i'm glad volley doesn't do 113 damage a tick and can crit.

@ cort - chimera shot is not a mana problem (nothing is really a mana problem with the new mechanics in 25-mans) so 1 serpent sting and spam chimera and that in itself is a lot of dps. they changed armor pen and i really like that mm talent, not to mention wild quiver.
there were some threads in the hunter forums of people posting SSs of 4k dps as t5/6. now that i think about it though, it was in kara, so the bosses had less armor and resistances than t6 bosses. still, scaling that it would be 3500 in bt and a little lower in swp, considering the gear that should make it even with bm.
thankfully exotic pets sucks now since the extra talent points aren't really doing anything DPS-wise and exotic pets don't do anything extra...meaning 44/?/? is available, or going further for kindred spirits even though it isn't worth it IMO.

also why wear more than 5/8 t6? >.>; the helm, legs, and gloves aren't very great and are outdone by multiple pieces of gear. or is that just what landed in your lap?


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
What's the best p2p program right now for single songs? I've been using torrent for a while for like albums and stuff but its harder to find individual songs on torrent. I used limewire a few years ago and it started bugging out so is limewire still the best or is there something else?

Edit: D2 isn't mmo. There is too much wow talk on here as I skim.

Edit2: What last minute halloween costume should I make/get. I feel like a loser going to a halloween party not dressed up. -_-


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
So uhh..do you guys play any non-WoW MMOs?
city of heroes. it wass actually my favorite, but once they included loot and pretty much ****ed up the game i left for wow :\
i also tried ragnarok but bleh.
conan and warhammer are stupid. ;)

edit: if grokster still existed that would be awesome, nus...but unfortunately it doesn't :(
for single songs find a good DC++ channel, or if you want to try to get it through p2p, your only good options left are morpheous (spelling?) and ares.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Okay, guys.
Look what I got PM'd:
Kennahh said:
I live in Killingworth too.


jayzrock94 (6:21:10 PM): Hey, I saw your account on All is Brawl, are you from Killingworth?
Th3D0ct0rIsIn (6:21:54 PM): Yes I am.
Th3D0ct0rIsIn (6:21:57 PM): o_o Are you?
jayzrock94 (6:22:09 PM): yes O_O
Th3D0ct0rIsIn (6:22:15 PM): O_O HOLY**** WHO ARE YOU?

>_> unfortunetly, same kid, but STILL.
<_< Now I'll just bring him with me to tournaments and get **** down and have someone good to play with.

Lol presumptuous.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
DD you live in Killingworth? That's where my wife grew up, we're gonna be down there this weekend lol

btw chatfield hollow > all

and the new rotary(circle) sucks

(I feel like we've discussed all this before)


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
DD you live in Killingworth? That's where my wife grew up, we're gonna be down there this weekend lol

btw chatfield hollow > all

and the new rotary(circle) sucks

(I feel like we've discussed all this before)
What are you doing Sunday man? I'll be driving around with Sandra most of Saturday so that is kinda a no-no.

I plan on taking Sandra to a little picnic at Chatfield Hallow.

But yea, we discussed the Chatfield Hallow > All and Your wife living here before.
New Rotary does suck.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
The only thing I regret about quitting WoW is that after I quit I ended up building myself a sweet computer. For 2.5 years I played WoW on a crappy laptop.

I just can't wait for good games like Mirror's Edge to come to PC so I can actually use it to its full potential. No more MMO's for me for a long time. I was way too addicted to WoW and Asheron's Call back in the day.


Smash Ace
Nov 12, 2006
From the state that brought you the TGMT!

If any of you guys play other competitive fighting games besides smash(Melee and brawl WILL be there still) and would like to have a chance to play against the best such as Justin Wong then head down to Atlanta,ga for Final Round 13 in March. The pre-register numbers for games other than smash( We can bring it up! ) are HUGE already. *Shameless advertisement*

As stated earlier there will be Brawl AND Melee tournaments there as well of course.

p.s.-Forward is coming.

Link- http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=176265
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