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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
@ _V_

Is there like some blizzard memo I missed or something? Can I still buy lvl 80 pvp fgear(whatever the hell it may be) at lvl 79? If so then YAY! **** I should do research better on the expansion.

i dun wanna make a mistake like I did last patch when I didnt get mah bear form ZA


that **** sucked so much ***

now im trying to get raven lord

instead which


a hell dumb droprate



Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
limited is far better than constructed anyway

anyone can download a decklist and win with a sligh deck or whatever (forgive me if this no longer works, as i last played in like 2000)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
Ya most people still net deck but its becoming harder to make a definite list for a deck because the variety of playable cards are increasing so they will all had differences, though they might only be slight differences. However i agree Limited is better, because its takes more skill imo.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
i always found deckbuilding was often much more fun than actually playing

except when i played pros bloom or other ******** long-turn combo decks; god that was so amazingly fun (though amazingly unfun for the other player)


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
limited is far better than constructed anyway

anyone can download a decklist and win with a sligh deck or whatever (forgive me if this no longer works, as i last played in like 2000)
unfortunately I found that out after building a t2 deck that lasted for like 4 months. I spent so much time trading and sharking for them cards and all them dual lands. The majority of my deck rotated out and the build was shot in the ankle. F**k that **** son.



Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
i play magic.
i play t2 or w/e.
i use faeries.
they're fun.
but i don't have any of the cash cards like bitterblossom or mutavaults and what not.
nameless inversion is the greatest card ever.
Lightning Helix and Remand are tied for the best card in the past 5 years. Best card ever is Ancestral Recall by a mile and a half.

I think my favorite card in standard right now is Figure of Destiny
uhg, the card upsets me as a combo/control players in standard since it puts enough pressure to force a wrath on only 1 card that is also a 1 drop. It's really dumb :ohwell:. Cruel Ultimatum is my favorite card in standard for sheer absurd card advantage. They sace a dude (-1 them), they discard 3 (-3 them), you draw 3 (+3 you), and raise dead a dude (+1 you). At max potential, that's +8 net cards, awesome. [/ignoring the fact it costs UUBBBRR]

they came out with a new rarity in the new set called like
i forgot :x
Mythic Rare, sorta upsetting, but they're effectively only twice as rare as rares or so, so it's not THAT bad.

I apparently failed to quote Pocky's quote on limited, but I totally agree, Limited takes way more skill and is by far my favorite format. Deckbuilding is fun, but I haven't been able to independently make a competitive standard deck since Time Spiral/Rav with 3 color mid-range slivers. I might try to make a competitive cruel ultimatum deck now, but I'm not gonna think about it until there's a PTQ season that makes me actually care about standard.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
Lightning Helix and Remand are tied for the best card in the past 5 years. Best card ever is Ancestral Recall by a mile and a half.
Ravager? Skull clamp? Jitte? there kinda good too. tarmagoyf? remand is up there, I personally i think lightning helix is very good but overrated.

How are the new blocks haven't seen any since... lorwyn i think?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Ravager? Skull clamp? Jitte? there kinda good too. tarmagoyf? remand is up there, I personally i think lightning helix is very good but overrated.

How are the new blocks haven't seen any since... lorwyn i think?
Last 5 years, I'm thinking last 5 blocks, so thinking after mirrodin:

Time Spiral

I think remand and helix are both better than jitte. Jitte leads to positions where you over commit your mana on jitte rather than dudes in agro decks and is also limited to being good only in decks with 18+ creature counts (typically aggro). Goyf and bitterblosum both also fall into the same category of card as jitte, but require way less mana consumption and are effective in mid-range -> control decks as well. I'd consider them probably as good as remand and helix except that I'm savagely devoted to consistant performance over cards that sometimes are huge and sometimes do nothing and answers over threats. To each his own I suppose, I just think that the fact that you litterally always played 4 remand when you played blue and it was legal and the same was true with red and white with helix proves something about their monstrous utility.

As to how it's been since Rav... Time Spiral was lots of fun but sucked after the core set, Llorwyn/Shadowmoore was a little gimmicky, but decent, and Shards is mad cool IMO (I'm a huge multi-color whore).


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
just thought of another card i forgot to mention sensi's divining top or what ever its called, that has to be way up there. I agree that remand is one of the best, but there are so many other cards that could compete with helix imo.

Anyone here wanna draft a box of Mirrodin at Spawn's tourney? =D
*continues lurking*
Hellz ya. All about the affinity... and clamp.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
How to be good at Melee

Don't take it seriously, the moment you start getting upset over this game is the day you need to put the controller down and do something else. '

It's a game, and it should be treated as such.


Smash Master
Dec 10, 2006
Cts inconsistant antagonist
I'm not even kidding, Trade.

I took this game seriously and i choked in every match.

I just relaxed and played marc today and just treated it like this "Play smash with a buddy" and in all honesty I played so much better probably better then I've ever played.

Didn't screw up edge guards, I was doing proper follow ups blah blah all that **** a marth should be doing.

The moment you take this game seriously is the day you start sucking.

<3 ZoSo.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
So my dad decided to stop paying the heating bills a long time ago. It's 53 degrees in the house and my room is probably 20 degrees lower than that since it has no insulation thus making it the hottest room in the summer and the coldest in the winter. So yeah, my fingers are freezing as I type this. I have a lot of sheets and quilts on my bed but I still wake up cold. What a fun winter this will be.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Well, oil prices are plummeting, so if your father decides to start paying for heat again, it will be substantially cheaper than it was last year.

EDIT- If you're having fun while playing Smash, then you're doing something wrong.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
I agree with Aesir.

but highly disagree with Jam. I have soooooo much fun playing Melee. I agree with that statement with Brawl though. LOL

I love playing Zoso, Brookman, Aesir, Trade, Mogwai, Aesir, and just everyone whether im the one who wins or im the one who loses.

I'm always learning. I find that if you just have a good time while playing....you do better. Aesirs right, you cant be like die hard serious or else you'll collapse.

On a side note-I'm getting trashed tomorrow. Anyone want to come down to North Haven to drink with me and my friend John, watch a movie, and get a pizza?

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Also, I feel like making a very special post at a very random time just because I think this will be interesting.

I am now going to go through everyone I can think of on the CT Thread and mention what they are most known for. Examples could be-funniest, most awkward, best links posted on the thread, most random, smartest, etc. Like a Senior year awards thing.

Aesir-The most angry when he loses.
Brookman-The best smasher to learn from, Ever.
Darkdragoon-The most Asian posts known to man . <---> <;;;>>>LO(
Zoso-The most blunt and direct.
Trade-Most dedicated to develop as a smasher
Cort-Biggest jerk to noobs.
Jam-The most loved on the CT Thread. (Yeah, if you disagree....get the **** out. Thanks.)
Mogwai-The most realistic and open minded.
Milktea-Cutest in CT.
Nuscirtap-Talks about his personal life the most.
PC Chris-Friendliest pro smasher
Thumbswayup-Posts the most Brawl videos.
Khaly-Praises Papito too much.
Papito-Best poster in CT.
JVSmooth-Most willing to play with anyone
Prince of Fire-Worst poster in CT.
Smooth Criminal-Most random member on SWF to start posting normally on this thread.
Swift-Best at making controllers.
Noodles-Most back and forth Melee to Brawl player EVER.
Icylight-Best edge techer in Melee.
SPAWN-Worst Drive Thru Fast Food person to ever ride with.
Dazwa-Most debates/arguments won
Cogsmooch-Most movie knowledge?
Modest Egoist-The person on here who plays smash the least.
Budai-The smasher to play with when you want to just HAVE FUN.
Darc-Most likely to star in the next Lord of the Rings movie? :) Yeah, Darc is fun to play with and stuff. He gets a longer shout then everyone else because i do not know him that well and stuff so I felt bad because I could not think of anything valuable to say.
The Dragon-This needs to be said. Those of you who did not notice this, Baka is the guy from Big Top Pee Wee. No joke.

Much love everyone.

You all suck......im kidding. I love you guys. <3 <3
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