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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I had to emphasize what you did wrong pfft. Thought it'd be funnier and it totally was.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
Revamped my tree in hopes of making it look a bit more professional. Thoughts...just on professional-ness as opposed to aesthetic quality.

Thats amazing/better than the other one you showed me! One question though, why is the emphasis on the word "is" and not life/art? I can't decide what would look better like I know it looks more balanced with the "is" being bold since it's in the middle, but "life" and "art" might be more so the focus of the whole piece imo. Then again maybe having just those 2 things not bold makes them stand out enough. Who knows, just giving my thoughts :psycho:


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
Thats amazing/better than the other one you showed me! One question though, why is the emphasis on the word "is" and not life/art? I can't decide what would look better like I know it looks more balanced with the "is" being bold since it's in the middle, but "life" and "art" might be more so the focus of the whole piece imo. Then again maybe having just those 2 things not bold makes them stand out enough. Who knows, just giving my thoughts :psycho:
Well, with any given piece of art, it is for the viewer to interpret. Many times, there is a specific meaning the artist is trying to evoke, but its what the viewer receives from the piece of art that makes it beautiful. So even if she didn't mean to bold "is", maybe it means something to you. Lost in translation, if you will.

Personally, I believe "is" was bold, to emphasize that life and art are one. That life defines art, and art defines life. Life and art are two different concepts, but I believe she bolded "is" to show, that life and art are one in the same.

That's what I got from it, anyways. =P


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
and you lost formatting in the process

formatting is not FUNNY BUSINESS SPAWN

If only I had tried to be SERIOUS at first I would have been able to correct you fully (which would cause even more lulz and no disputes), but now we have to keep spamming this thread up with nonsense. LOL.

A valuable lesson learned:

In order to be FUNNY you gotta be SERIOUS, people.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2006
Well, with any given piece of art, it is for the viewer to interpret. Many times, there is a specific meaning the artist is trying to evoke, but its what the viewer receives from the piece of art that makes it beautiful. So even if she didn't mean to bold "is", maybe it means something to you. Lost in translation, if you will.

Personally, I believe "is" was bold, to emphasize that life and art are one. That life defines art, and art defines life. Life and art are two different concepts, but I believe she bolded "is" to show, that life and art are one in the same.

That's what I got from it, anyways. =P
Great interpretation ^_^

Your explanation is exactly the reason why I felt that my critiques were going in circles.

And that is, art is in the eye of the beholder!


Smash Ace
Aug 25, 2008
Dirty Waterz
If only I had tried to be SERIOUS at first I would have been able to correct you fully (which would cause even more lulz and no disputes), but now we have to keep spamming this thread up with nonsense. LOL.

A valuable lesson learned:

In order to be FUNNY you gotta be SERIOUS, people.
Thats deep yo.....

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Okay, the long and short of it is that Brawl is competitively inferior to Melee in almost every way, and the Northeast is simply the first region to reject it wholesale. I doubt we'll be the last though. We've discussed the competitive failings of Brawl dozens of times, so I'll spare us the same old rant again.

Axis was held a few weeks ago, and it was the largest Smash tournament EVER with 303 participants. No one even mentioned it; in fact, I found out about it on another forum (and no, it wasn't AllisBrawl). As a point of contrast, I can remember how this thread was buzzing a few summers ago for OC2 and SCC.Brawl tournaments, even the biggest Smash tournament ever, don't generate excitement. Brawl videos don't generate excitement. Can you name a Brawl pro that wasn't a Melee pro? They're out there, but no one talks about them, because no one really cares.

I'm not even sure if you can even claim that NE was the best region for Melee, since it was pretty close between NE, MD/VA and Cali. I don't really think that NE is worried about losing it's distinction as the best Smash region when Brawl came out, because Cort, PC and M2K were still ****** tournaments. Cort and PC don't like Brawl, so they don't play. M2K has described tournaments as his job, so he has to go, whether he likes it or not, to earn his income. People just don't care about being good at a game they don't like. If Cort got hit by a bus, and dragged himself ten miles to Digital Mayhem with his legs dangling lifelessly behind him, he'd still place top 10 in a Brawl tourney, no problem.

Dave said it best: he likes Melee better, so he plays Melee. And I think his sentiments are pretty much indicative of the Northeast in general, and they're also prophetic in the sense that the rest of the country is heading in the same direction. I think the failure of Critical Hit 4 illustrates that point, because I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that people would have braved a hurricane to play Melee, but weren't willing to do the same for Brawl. I could be wrong about that, but I'm just waiting for the results from Cataclysm to either confirm or deny my hypothesis that Brawl is pretty much done around here. I mean, M2K and Azen are going to Houston for a major Brawl tournament, because there are none on the EC until November or December. What does that tell you?

Northeast is just ahead of the curve on this one, as we always are (no offense, SleepyK;)). Look around in the regional threads for Atlantic South, Pacific West, anywhere even, and you'll see the trend away from Brawl is picking up steam. Northeast is already there, and everyone else will catch up eventually. In any case, I feel confident in saying that by this time next year, competitive Brawl will be on its last legs, if it's not done by then already. That in itself will present the community with challenges, but we'll cross that river when we come to it.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2005
Under Skler's Saddle
<3 flux and khaly.

it was also bolded for aesthetic appeal >_>. i'm so bad =P. they don't only want design in my portfolio haha. guess it's time to actually draw =p


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
man I Get Confused On What People Talk About In This Thread.
Oh Wait That's Normal! It's The Ct Thread!

LOL! I learned that when I first started growing the hair down there.
I was like, "**** that. This **** sucks to have hair on it.", and followed by the most uncomfortable few weeks of my life.


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
This thread is so pwnage. Seriously. Some of the best posts have been made on this page:

Messing up formatting discussion
Dazwa/Budai posts going back and forth about serious business Batman quotes etc.
Moon-Doggie saying my post was deep was funny to me for some reason.
Pc, DD, Aiser, everyone doing the whole melee4lyfe.

In conclusion, this page is definitely top tier.

Edit: add in this post and the next two to the previous page. >_>


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
More pwnage.

Heihachi90 (11:31:25 PM): Hello, Lilian.

Auto Response from "Lil" (11:31:27 PM): showering

"Lil"(11:31:33 PM): hihi
Heihachi90 (11:31:33 PM): You would be.
Heihachi90 (11:31:39 PM): Oh.
Heihachi90 (11:31:42 PM): You're actually there.
"Lil" (11:31:45 PM): Zoso?
Heihachi90 (11:31:48 PM): That's funny.
Heihachi90 (11:31:50 PM): Hmm?
"Lil" (11:31:55 PM): Is that you XD.
Heihachi90 (11:32:02 PM): No.
"Lil" (11:32:17 PM): >_>;.
"Lil"(11:32:21 PM): I'm being ultimate mindgamed <_<;.
Heihachi90 (11:32:43 PM): I guess?
"Lil"(11:32:48 PM): spawn?
Heihachi90 (11:32:54 PM): Yeah.
"Lil"(11:33:26 PM): XD
Heihachi90 (11:33:29 PM): Why did you think I was Zoso?
"Lil" (11:34:38 PM): -.-
Heihachi90 (11:35:38 PM): This is going on swf.
Heihachi90 (11:35:52 PM): i should've been like who is Zoso?
Heihachi90 (11:36:01 PM): what would you have done then
"Lil" (11:37:09 PM): /so confused...
Heihachi90 (11:37:29 PM): like say when you said: Zoso?
Heihachi90 (11:37:32 PM): i had been like
Heihachi90 (11:37:36 PM): Who is Zoso?
Heihachi90 (11:37:44 PM): What are you talking about?
"Lil" (11:38:16 PM): alright
"Lil" (11:38:17 PM): its definitely spawn
"Lil" (11:38:18 PM): LOL
Heihachi90 (11:38:30 PM): wait you were still confused until now?!?!
Heihachi90 (11:38:36 PM): i thought you knew
Heihachi90 (11:38:37 PM): LOL
"Lil" (11:38:48 PM): no lol, but then you started getting very unclear
"Lil" (11:38:50 PM): and i was like it cant be dave
"Lil" (11:38:51 PM): LOL
Heihachi90 (11:41:22 PM): sure
Heihachi90 (11:41:23 PM): lol


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Okay, the long and short of it is that Brawl is competitively inferior to Melee in almost every way, and the Northeast is simply the first region to reject it wholesale. I doubt we'll be the last though. We've discussed the competitive failings of Brawl dozens of times, so I'll spare us the same old rant again.

Axis was held a few weeks ago, and it was the largest Smash tournament EVER with 303 participants. No one even mentioned it; in fact, I found out about it on another forum (and no, it wasn't AllisBrawl). As a point of contrast, I can remember how this thread was buzzing a few summers ago for OC2 and SCC.Brawl tournaments, even the biggest Smash tournament ever, don't generate excitement. Brawl videos don't generate excitement. Can you name a Brawl pro that wasn't a Melee pro? They're out there, but no one talks about them, because no one really cares.

I'm not even sure if you can even claim that NE was the best region for Melee, since it was pretty close between NE, MD/VA and Cali. I don't really think that NE is worried about losing it's distinction as the best Smash region when Brawl came out, because Cort, PC and M2K were still ****** tournaments. Cort and PC don't like Brawl, so they don't play. M2K has described tournaments as his job, so he has to go, whether he likes it or not, to earn his income. People just don't care about being good at a game they don't like. If Cort got hit by a bus, and dragged himself ten miles to Digital Mayhem with his legs dangling lifelessly behind him, he'd still place top 10 in a Brawl tourney, no problem.

Dave said it best: he likes Melee better, so he plays Melee. And I think his sentiments are pretty much indicative of the Northeast in general, and they're also prophetic in the sense that the rest of the country is heading in the same direction. I think the failure of Critical Hit 4 illustrates that point, because I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that people would have braved a hurricane to play Melee, but weren't willing to do the same for Brawl. I could be wrong about that, but I'm just waiting for the results from Cataclysm to either confirm or deny my hypothesis that Brawl is pretty much done around here. I mean, M2K and Azen are going to Houston for a major Brawl tournament, because there are none on the EC until November or December. What does that tell you?

Northeast is just ahead of the curve on this one, as we always are (no offense, SleepyK;)). Look around in the regional threads for Atlantic South, Pacific West, anywhere even, and you'll see the trend away from Brawl is picking up steam. Northeast is already there, and everyone else will catch up eventually. In any case, I feel confident in saying that by this time next year, competitive Brawl will be on its last legs, if it's not done by then already. That in itself will present the community with challenges, but we'll cross that river when we come to it.
There are the Cyerden tournaments (there's one this Saturday) in MD/VA which garner 50+ people, but they're held only once every couple of months. C3 is practically dead. No one goes cause of the price hike, the owner being a douche, and the lack of new faces showing up at tournys. I remember the first few C3s for Brawl had 80-90 people. Now it's a miracle if they get 25 LOL I despise C3, which is why I only go to Cyberden. It's a better atmosphere and more people show.

Other than that, my area's got nothing because Brawl is dying here. I'm glad, all the people that I smash with on a regular basis who were top 20 in MD/VA all hunger for Melee. When we have smashfests we play Brawl for maybe an hour, then Melee all night long.

Azen is the only pro who truly likes Brawl more than Melee and I think that's one of the main reasons it's still alive here. If Azen had hated Brawl and quit smash, I have a feeling everyone else would follow suit.

After the ECRC C3 in November, which is around the time Cyberden might be closing permanently, I believe Brawl will forever die in MD/VA. No one goes to C3s anymore, and with Chinesah no longer holding Sykesville tournies because of the disappointment that is Critical Hit 4, there will be no more tournies. I can only hope this means we start holding Melee events because the attendance for those would beat out the recent Brawl ones. Any day.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Okay, the long and short of it is that Brawl is competitively inferior to Melee in almost every way, and the Northeast is simply the first region to reject it wholesale. I doubt we'll be the last though. We've discussed the competitive failings of Brawl dozens of times, so I'll spare us the same old rant again.

Axis was held a few weeks ago, and it was the largest Smash tournament EVER with 303 participants. No one even mentioned it; in fact, I found out about it on another forum (and no, it wasn't AllisBrawl). As a point of contrast, I can remember how this thread was buzzing a few summers ago for OC2 and SCC.Brawl tournaments, even the biggest Smash tournament ever, don't generate excitement. Brawl videos don't generate excitement. Can you name a Brawl pro that wasn't a Melee pro? They're out there, but no one talks about them, because no one really cares.

I'm not even sure if you can even claim that NE was the best region for Melee, since it was pretty close between NE, MD/VA and Cali. I don't really think that NE is worried about losing it's distinction as the best Smash region when Brawl came out, because Cort, PC and M2K were still ****** tournaments. Cort and PC don't like Brawl, so they don't play. M2K has described tournaments as his job, so he has to go, whether he likes it or not, to earn his income. People just don't care about being good at a game they don't like. If Cort got hit by a bus, and dragged himself ten miles to Digital Mayhem with his legs dangling lifelessly behind him, he'd still place top 10 in a Brawl tourney, no problem.

Dave said it best: he likes Melee better, so he plays Melee. And I think his sentiments are pretty much indicative of the Northeast in general, and they're also prophetic in the sense that the rest of the country is heading in the same direction. I think the failure of Critical Hit 4 illustrates that point, because I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that people would have braved a hurricane to play Melee, but weren't willing to do the same for Brawl. I could be wrong about that, but I'm just waiting for the results from Cataclysm to either confirm or deny my hypothesis that Brawl is pretty much done around here. I mean, M2K and Azen are going to Houston for a major Brawl tournament, because there are none on the EC until November or December. What does that tell you?

Northeast is just ahead of the curve on this one, as we always are (no offense, SleepyK;)). Look around in the regional threads for Atlantic South, Pacific West, anywhere even, and you'll see the trend away from Brawl is picking up steam. Northeast is already there, and everyone else will catch up eventually. In any case, I feel confident in saying that by this time next year, competitive Brawl will be on its last legs, if it's not done by then already. That in itself will present the community with challenges, but we'll cross that river when we come to it.
melee 4 life *tattooed across my chest*
This thread is so pwnage. Seriously. Some of the best posts have been made on this page:

Messing up formatting discussion
Dazwa/Budai posts going back and forth about serious business Batman quotes etc.
Moon-Doggie saying my post was deep was funny to me for some reason.
Pc, DD, Aiser, everyone doing the whole melee4lyfe.

In conclusion, this page is definitely top tier.

Edit: add in this post and the next two to the previous page. >_>
Jams too smart
PC is too clever
SPAWN is too bad at ordering fast food.



Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I just read Jam's post and thought it was done excellent.

I really hope MLG realizes this with their first Brawl tournament. That way they can pick up Melee again. That'd be incredible.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2005
Is MLG going to take ownership for Smashboards and shutting it down? Find out in the next episode...
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