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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I don't bandwagon, I take shots at whoever gives me a target.

>_> Also, thay is one freaky-*** kirby.
I don't think anyone really thinks you do lol. You really don't make posts without at least one >_> do you? I don't think I've ever seen one without it. Nice.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I just spent the last 20 minutes re-reading posts from when Brawl first came out. Good times. I miss when Cort, Brookman, Silas and Samikay used to post, among others.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I don't think anyone really thinks you do lol. You really don't make posts without at least one >_> do you? I don't think I've ever seen one without it. Nice.
Well, if I don't >_>, then how will people know I'm seriously joking seriously?


Nice find, Jam.

Wow. My friend knows this girl named Lisa Lawler.
That's awesome.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
You've never even met the dude and you're accusing him of living in a fantasy world and calling him ignorant?
I've met him, although it was brief he seemed like an okay dude. I just don't really enjoy reading or talking to him on the internet (which is why I blocked him on AIM...I thought that was the point of blocking, meh <_<)

Jam, I'll watch that if you watch this: http://it.youtube.com/experiencewii


Wow. My friend knows this girl named Lisa Lawler.
That's awesome.
SOLAR's last name is also Lawler. It's really fun to say <_<. In Jake's yearbook there was a guy with the last name "McPhail." I think I died a couple of times over when I read it.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
That's not gay I think that's sic. Idk I thought it was interesting and innovative. It's not like that's an easy thing to pull off in a real match.

That tournament match was pretty gay. Louis should post some of our matches we have some really quick ones that are aggressive and not mad campy lol. They're pretty cool to look at. Have you seen Gimpy's Shiek in Brawl?

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
What do you recommend I should have done then? If I stuck to what I was saying pretty much everyone along the lines of Nana, Noodles, you, KevinM, DD, Dazwa, and Cog would just get on the ranting insult train. That's whats so funny about forums...one person says something...and then everyone just bandwagons and its really stupid. This is conveyed the most via Cort or Dazwa on this thread. There are people on the boards that are admirable people and just do their own thing which I respect and admire even though I may not really be "friends" with some of them. (Milktea, Darc, SPAWN, Aesir-hes a **** at first.....but he settles down with you haha, PC, Azen, Chu, Jam, Mogwai...and others) Those people do their own thing and just go with the flow. Some people on here are just dying for acceptance and its really sad.

I'm not saying that those people are morons or anything...im just sick of the train of insults...it gets old.

Also, I'm not saying that "the person I am on the boards is not the real me and nothing I say matters" I'm saying that sometimes I get really annoyed and agitated over the things that people say...and I do so in person. I accept my faults.

Seriously Dave, if you cant deal with me...then don't. I'm not holding a gun to your head and saying, "Dave, deal with me."

I think you're pretty cool and stuff but seriously, I don't want to make this an episode. I'm just better on a 1 on 1 level as I stated prior to this post.


Kevin-an hour left.....haha
you got me. you found me out.

I like to ride trains.


Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
It's a good thing ledge camping didn't exist in Melee.
Stop being a smartass for no reason.
Stop calling me out on your posts.

Some of your posts are just as stupid and pointless as my "bad posts" that you feel the urge to critique. You cant ledge camp in matches in Melee for like more than 4 seconds...it does not work. Too many top tier characters can punish that. (Peach, Fox, Falco, Marth)

No one ledge camps like Pit and MK and I think Trademark will back me up with the Pit aspect.

And besides, you do not play Brawl nor have you ever gone to a tournament and if you did go...you went to play Melee. (The first Esticle......) Why are you sticking up for Brawl all of a sudden? If I recall when Brawl came out you were one of the people to constantly say that it was horrible. What made you change your mind?

Oh yeah and here let me quote you, "Mike, I actually found something that I like about Brawl. Being Snake is really fun....but thats about it." You said that last time I saw you.

"Marc! will you stop for a ****ing second I'm trying to figure something out!" -Alex's house

"I can't play this stupid game any longer....who wants to play Melee?" -Same

If you're going to be a douche bag to me...than dont talk to me. It is really quite simple. Stop acting like Cort on the boards.

I have nothing against you Dave but it REALLY pisses me off when I drop a topic or an argument and you feel the urge to revive it again. Please Stop. I like you in person a lot as I think you do me....so WTF? The internet is really gay.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
He was not quick enough with his shines then.

You simply definitely can not just hang around the ledge against Fox and Falco...thats a 100% definite. Their Spikes are too fast. Marths D tilt and the fact that he is floaty and can go off the edge to fair or bair....stops it as well.

Kirby and Jiggly have the ability to do the same as well. Ledge camping is a lot more punishable in Melee than it is in Brawl. It's MK's upB that makes it uber gay to ledge camp in Brawl. The move is ridiculous.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Yes but you could drop off of the ledge a lot quicker in Melee and get invincibility frames. I was Marth when I did it and I out-ranged his shine cause that's exactly what he would try to do. Given it worked at times but a lot of the time I could fair him repeatedly or dair or just roll away after a few hits. You're right it's easier in Brawl but it's still punishable and nothing is stopping the other person from just waiting until the camper gets back from the ledge. Lol MK is gay what do you expect.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Yeah, thats a good 30% of the reason why I stopped playing Brawl.....I (who maine dhim) even realized how stupid he was....and was just like....F it.

I then switched to Marth and just use him now when I play....which is a lot less now because I want to dedicate any smash time to Melee now. Playing with SPAWN really revived my urge to get better at Melee. His Fox is really ****ing technical and ****. Easily one of the best in CT right now. His sheik is gay.....but I do better against that then I do his Fox.

If I play Brawl, I play teams...thats actually REALLY fun for me still. I enjoy that.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
What do you recommend I should have done then? If I stuck to what I was saying pretty much everyone along the lines of Nana, Noodles, you, KevinM, DD, Dazwa, and Cog would just get on the ranting insult train. That's whats so funny about forums...one person says something...and then everyone just bandwagons and its really stupid. This is conveyed the most via Cort or Dazwa on this thread. There are people on the boards that are admirable people and just do their own thing which I respect and admire even though I may not really be "friends" with some of them. (Milktea, Darc, SPAWN, Aesir-hes a **** at first.....but he settles down with you haha, PC, Azen, Chu, Jam, Mogwai...and others) Those people do their own thing and just go with the flow. Some people on here are just dying for acceptance and its really sad.

I'm not saying that those people are morons or anything...im just sick of the train of insults...it gets old.

Also, I'm not saying that "the person I am on the boards is not the real me and nothing I say matters" I'm saying that sometimes I get really annoyed and agitated over the things that people say...and I do so in person. I accept my faults.

Seriously Dave, if you cant deal with me...then don't. I'm not holding a gun to your head and saying, "Dave, deal with me."

I think you're pretty cool and stuff but seriously, I don't want to make this an episode. I'm just better on a 1 on 1 level as I stated prior to this post.


Kevin-an hour left.....haha
i havent insulted you or something.....did i?

Well, if I don't >_>, then how will people know I'm seriously joking seriously?


Wow. My friend knows this girl named Lisa Lawler.
That's awesome.
does she go to school on wallingford?


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
I'm friends with every CT smasher. I'm pretty sure I have never met a smasher that I got to know and didn't like.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I played Melee yesterday. <3 Love that game.

My friend's Falco is getting freakishly good. Now I just need to get his *** to a tourney or something.

I need a car, CT. Any thoughts on how I should get one?

Smooth Criminal

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

Sheeeeeesh. I was looking for some lulz before I left for work, Prince. Not a lesson in practicality. I am saving up the cash-ola and working full-time. I'm getting im-fuggin'-patient, tho'.

Now, if I had some muscle on me and a dash more charisma maybe I could start a racketeering thing...

Ah, I dunno. Time for me to walk. See ya'll later.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Stop being a smartass for no reason.
Stop calling me out on your posts.

Some of your posts are just as stupid and pointless as my "bad posts" that you feel the urge to critique. You cant ledge camp in matches in Melee for like more than 4 seconds...it does not work. Too many top tier characters can punish that. (Peach, Fox, Falco, Marth)
Is it stupid and pointless to call attention to how stupid and pointless your posts are?


M2K versus Darkrain starts at like, 12:20. Notice how M2K barely ever leaves the right half of the stage and does nothing but gimp Darkrain the entire time? You can still camp the edge without actually holding onto it.

And besides, you do not play Brawl nor have you ever gone to a tournament and if you did go...you went to play Melee. (The first Esticle......) Why are you sticking up for Brawl all of a sudden? If I recall when Brawl came out you were one of the people to constantly say that it was horrible. What made you change your mind?

Oh yeah and here let me quote you, "Mike, I actually found something that I like about Brawl. Being Snake is really fun....but thats about it." You said that last time I saw you.

"Marc! will you stop for a ****ing second I'm trying to figure something out!" -Alex's house

"I can't play this stupid game any longer....who wants to play Melee?" -Same

If you're going to be a douche bag to me...than dont talk to me. It is really quite simple. Stop acting like Cort on the boards.
My mind didn't change. I've never liked Brawl and I still don't, but I acknowledge that it's a decent game and it really doesn't have any as many flaws as you like to pretend it does. It doesn't have any more gay nonsense than Melee did. The only thing that really stands out is Meta Knight, and there's been a lot of serious discussion about banning him in the SBR.

Lol, I wish I cared enough to dig up old posts of yours from early on in Brawl.

I have nothing against you Dave but it REALLY pisses me off when I drop a topic or an argument and you feel the urge to revive it again. Please Stop. I like you in person a lot as I think you do me....so WTF? The internet is really gay.
It really pisses me off when you insult my friends and constantly conduct yourself like a
jackass then turn around and act like you should just get a free pass every time.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
My posts as of late have been against the spirit of this thread.

I'm just going to ignore everything Garrett posts from now on.
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