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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
So it's come to my attention that Ninja Turtles for NES (the first one with the world map concept sort of)

IS ****ING IMPOSSIBLE!! Has anyone here ever beaten that game or gotten past the turtle van level?

edit/Ken is just going to Ken combo everyone off the island I wouldn't be worried.
I'm pretty sure my dad made it to shredder in that game and got wrecked, lol. Seriously, he had way too much patience and was just mad methodical about all that game. Side note, his favorite Zelda was the second one, the side-scrolling, terrible one.

Cog: Wow really lol.. so it's basically like "you're ****ed" thats awesome, nothing like ****ing yourself over like that. lol.
I kinda disagree with Cog on the whole, "if something doesn't happen quickly, it probably won't," thing (I was good, flirty friends with my gf for 5 months before we started going out), but if she's said something along the lines of "you aren't ready to date me," you're probably hopelessly stuck in the friend-zone.

At this point, you just have to decide whether you'd be happier being friends with the girl or taking the long shot of putting your feelings out there, which usually results in some distancing if not a complete end to the friendship if she says no. That's not to say that staying friends with the girl definately won't lead to something, but you certainly shouldn't count on it, so if you stay the course of being a friend, do so without the intent of their being a relationship or you'll just end up brutally unhappy about the whole situation if nothing develops.

And Cog's right, it's not like you ****ed yourself over, it's just the way stuff works out a lot of the time. It sucks, but you really didn't do anything wrong, so don't beat yourself up about it.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I have to respectfully disagree with those who say try it. It's cool that it worked out for you eventually, Mogwai, but that took five months. That's far too long to chase anyone.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I have to respectfully disagree with those who say try it. It's cool that it worked out for you eventually, Mogwai, but that took five months. That's far too long to chase anyone.
I wasn't advocating that anyone should "chase" someone for that long. I'm just saying that sometimes, stuff works out, but you shouldn't count on it. My situation was weird because I wasn't really looking for a relationship at the time and it just sorta worked itself out, but that's neither here nor there.

I thought the rest of my previous post made it clear that I didn't think that staying in the friendship with expectations of that developing into something more was a reasonable option. You either give up on a relationship developing and stay friends, or you lay yourself out there, prepared for the worst.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
This discussion is right up Brookman's alley.

Demetri, I don't think it's ever out of the question for two people to get together, depending on how compatible they are, but if I had to honestly evaluate your situation, I would say forget it.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
I wasn't advocating that anyone should "chase" someone for that long. I'm just saying that sometimes, stuff works out, but you shouldn't count on it. My situation was weird because I wasn't really looking for a relationship at the time and it just sorta worked itself out, but that's neither here nor there.
the fact that you weren't looking does matter, and I'd say you and Lil are exceptions to the norm. I mean damnation the sexual tension between Lil and Dustin was so thick for a while there before they went out :p

I thought the rest of my previous post made it clear that I didn't think that staying in the friendship with expectations of that developing into something more was a reasonable option. You either give up on a relationship developing and stay friends, or you lay yourself out there, prepared for the worst.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
the fact that you weren't looking does matter, and I'd say you and Lil are exceptions to the norm. I mean damnation the sexual tension between Lil and Dustin was so thick for a while there before they went out :p
I dunno, the norm has been shifting IMO. Lil and I may be extremes in this case, but most of the relationships I saw spring up in college had a month or two of buildup packed with awkward sexual tension :dizzy:. A lot of that was probably going to a primarily engineering and sciences school, but I still think the norms on initiating relationships are shifting a bit, at least in the scholastic environment, where meeting and befriending new people is so easy and people don't feel rushed to action.

Out of curiosity, how old are you and Jam?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
This discussion is right up Brookman's alley.

Demetri, I don't think it's ever out of the question for two people to get together, depending on how compatible they are, but if I had to honestly evaluate your situation, I would say forget it.
Your so romantic, Dave.

I dunno, the norm has been shifting IMO. Lil and I may be extremes in this case, but most of the relationships I saw spring up in college had a month or two of buildup packed with awkward sexual tension :dizzy:. A lot of that was probably going to a primarily engineering and sciences school, but I still think the norms on initiating relationships are shifting a bit, at least in the scholastic environment, where meeting and befriending new people is so easy and people don't feel rushed to action.

Out of curiosity, how old are you and Jam?
I'm 22. Cog's beard is 34.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
A relationship is why I barely remember the past few months of my life.

But anyway, of my 3 more serious relationships, the first girl I chased and the other two were relatively immediate upon meeting each other.

Chasing hurts though.

And how.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Have fun PC.....yeah, you'll lose money! haha

Seriously, people should just come by my house tonight and play smash with me?

SmashFesT? I can probably do that at my casa

Also-I find that every single time I put a lot of effort into women...it never really works out. I find that you have to hint or let that person know that you're interested but never be too nice or rude.....but just....exist? Does that make sense to anyone? In a sense, every single girl that I've initially hit on or came out and said "would you like to grab a bite to eat or go out sometime?" it just never works out regardless of if I get that date or not. Every girl that i've been patient with and just let things happen....i've been successful with.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
XDDDD /dies
mainly at 2 mass madnesses ago I think?
cog: "so um are you going to go for it? *head nod towards milkt*
dustin: *shrugs shyly and gayly*
cog: "go for it"

I dunno, the norm has been shifting IMO. Lil and I may be extremes in this case, but most of the relationships I saw spring up in college had a month or two of buildup packed with awkward sexual tension :dizzy:. A lot of that was probably going to a primarily engineering and sciences school, but I still think the norms on initiating relationships are shifting a bit, at least in the scholastic environment, where meeting and befriending new people is so easy and people don't feel rushed to action.

Out of curiosity, how old are you and Jam?
lol Engineering and Science school... I dunno about scholastic environments since I graduated college (gulp) five years ago. Which makes me turning 28 in exactly 1 week. :dizzy: a whole lot I have to show for it too -________-

Cog's beard is 34.
lmao more like 34,000


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2008
listen to metal fingers
"everyone will underestimate his prowess at playing mind games"

On relationships: I wouldn't necessarily give up hope aesir, but it is true that the further you go down Friendship Road the harder it will be to get to Sexville. Maybe she says you're not ready to date her because you truly aren't and she can sense that. However if you think you can handle a relationship and its something you want you want you must take initiative and prove it to her. If not theres no shame in waiting to see how things pan out

There are millions of girls out there = no rush

I owe my last relationship getting started entirely to alcohol...

Yesterday I spent all day wandering around manhattan with a swiss girl I met on a bus. We basically talked, got high, listened to music, and ate food all day. Also something about her accent makes her seem even more beautiful :joyful:

PS. http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
So has the ct board just switched over from power rankings/character discussion to relationships again?

*Goes to read Aesir's post.* Hmm, well I wouldn't go after her. I am bad with reading girls though so don't listen to me.

Edit: Blue/OBM has semi convinced me to start brawl so I might but probably not so much.

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Blue/OBM has semi convinced me to start brawl so I might but probably not so much.

Please do not. I just got finished playing with Jam online and some of those matches reminded me again of why that game was such a waste.

Literally, they went to arguably the greatest fighting game of all time to one of the slowest, dry, and stupidest games i've seen in like 10 years.

I just got outprioritized with marths fsmash with an icey f smash.....

I also just found out hat ROBS F tilt has more range than marths smash as well

I hate Nintendo for nerfing him.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
Trade or papito would be really cool to answer it lol;

So basically this girl we're like friends but we been sorta serious with flirting and such. unfortunatly I'm a paranoid idiot and still over cautious from the last relationship with a girl. So she thinks we should stay best friends and take it slow, (She also said"I don't think you're ready to date me") basically nothing is really changing except the fact that the seriousness isn't really there anymore.

I think I should just go by her lead and see where it goes, or something. I dunno hence why I'm asking x_X;
in all seriousness aesir, from what she said, u still have a chance. taking it slow doesnt mean its not gonna happen. it means exactly what it says.

when she said u werent ready, i think shes reffering to ur overcautioness being a turnoff to her, to get ready to date her, u should first get over ur past relationship, then try again.

If by tomorrow, you mean today, then I might be able to host if you guys want to come all the way down to Stamford. If not, let me know where it is so that I can meet/play/**** you guys :).
hm... maybe tonite. call me when u can

203 654 0076


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Please do not. I just got finished playing with Jam online and some of those matches reminded me again of why that game was such a waste.

Literally, they went to arguably the greatest fighting game of all time to one of the slowest, dry, and stupidest games i've seen in like 10 years.

I just got outprioritized with marths fsmash with an icey f smash.....

I also just found out hat ROBS F tilt has more range than marths smash as well

I hate Nintendo for nerfing him.
You realize Marth is still broken. A friend of mine who mains Marth (he goes almost even against Neo in Marth dittos) tells me he has no bad matchups. I find now that's one of my harder matches with Diddy, because all Marth has to do is forward b, f air, and tipper. Btw, the tipper is stronger in this game. I've been killed by it on Battlefield at 50%, in Brawl. That's pretty ****ing ridiculous.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
But why? Why pursue a girl that is not interested in you at this point in time? Is there something that this girl offers that no other female can do? If you're not ready, that's one thing. If she's not ready, time to move on.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
in all seriousness aesir, from what she said, u still have a chance. taking it slow doesnt mean its not gonna happen. it means exactly what it says.

when she said u werent ready, i think shes reffering to ur overcautioness being a turnoff to her, to get ready to date her, u should first get over ur past relationship, then try again.
trade is right you still gotta chance but she does probably get turned off when you talk about negative things like how your last relationship was and how your trying to be careful just take it easy and talk about you and her, not past troubles. also always be confident girls can sense fear like sith lords lol dont think confidence know confidence.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Have fun PC.....yeah, you'll lose money! haha

Seriously, people should just come by my house tonight and play smash with me?

SmashFesT? I can probably do that at my casa

Also-I find that every single time I put a lot of effort into women...it never really works out. I find that you have to hint or let that person know that you're interested but never be too nice or rude.....but just....exist? Does that make sense to anyone? In a sense, every single girl that I've initially hit on or came out and said "would you like to grab a bite to eat or go out sometime?" it just never works out regardless of if I get that date or not. Every girl that i've been patient with and just let things happen....i've been successful with.
SO YEA! I totally got your quote during my school orientation today.
More notably during the prayer service portion of it.
LOL catholic high schools.
Random interruptions are too good.
XD I couldn't make it though, sorry.

So has the ct board just switched over from power rankings/character discussion to relationships again?

*Goes to read Aesir's post.* Hmm, well I wouldn't go after her. I am bad with reading girls though so don't listen to me.

Edit: Blue/OBM has semi convinced me to start brawl so I might but probably not so much.
>_> If you're going to play Brawl, play Lucario with me and I'll be able to have weird little discussions with you about Lucario things and then eventually discuss why falling asleep after hiring a hooker is a generally bad idea.

<_< Or, because you're Nus, we can talk about how pretty we/you are.
>_> Or play Falco and laser camp like gay. It makes me rofl so hard to just be stuck in the center of Battlefield as that little bird keeps bobbing and weaving past and around me until I hit 150% and get USmashed...ahhh....

can you play on expert hyper speed?
>_> Hyperspeed is just a change in how fast the fret board moves, so the notes get more spaced out and easier to read in some cases. The song stays the same speed.
@_@ So unless you like, have a hand-eye coordination delay, Hyperspeed shouldn't be much harder...

@Aesir's Girl Problems:
Uhh...what I did was basically chase this one girl until a better option appeared.
XD The first girl is still all like WTF, and I'm as happy as a pig in ****.



Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
camp like gay.
My three favorite words!

Jam: ;)

Demitri, I thought about it and remembered that there was a time when I was pretty sure it wasn't going to work out with my current girlfriend for pretty similar reasons; I thought I was too far down Friendship Road, as drSuper so eloquently put it, but she broke up with her then boyfriend a day or two later and the rest is history. There are always exceptions.

I think everybody has been giving you good advice. I agree with Garrett when he says you have to be yourself (don't be too obvious or too shy) and I agree with Bernard that you should try to appear more confident, but I also agree with drSuper that it's ok to just wait it out sometimes and I think Jam raises a good point; you need to ask yourself what it is about this girl that's so special to you. Do you really like her that much, or are you just being stubborn at this point?

Whatever you choose to do, I wish you luck.

Again, I wish Brookman hadn't gone underground, because he's better at explaining things than I am.

I'm off to work.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
So I got in a car accident two years ago because they other person was trying to turn left and beat a red light... There were no witnesses/cameras or anything so no proof and so I thought it'd be pointless to try and sue as it's a hassle and would just cost me money for my crappy car at the time. The person driving already had her license suspended prior to the accident... It is now two years later and now I just found out they're trying to sue me for car + medical + traumatized for life or something... The original police document stated that she sustained minor injuries. -.- *Sighs* My life was actually starting to not suck too. =\
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