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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
and if you don't want an unlucky bracket start beating all the 'no names' you're losing to, dayumn. it's really that simple and the first block to becoming good.. at anything really.

it's a shame the skill gap between everyone apart from azen and m2k is so relatively small and random that tournament brackets are actually affecting brawl placements moreso than what i could have thought originally, actually >_>
i'm glad thi was brought up
i was having a talk with mikemoney, brookman and sean and we all noticed the skill gaps are closing

even at the m2k lvl they are starting too (see cactuar vs m2k at smashtality VI)
Seriously, why do you honestly keep feeling the urge to just continuously be a jerk to me? Ever since day 1 on the boards you and I have always been going at it. (Looks back to the days where I thought Brawl was good, we called each other out on the boards to insult one another, and the Brawl grudge twenty dollar money match) We both are so alike....we both think Brawl sucks and we are both *******s on the boards and are completely different in person. :) I show you respect so please, show me some. Thanks

and YES that post was incredible. :):):):) Ummm come over again sometime so we can play Smash 64 and Melee?
stfu noob
Gee, I don't know..V does reverse upB kills at 20% with Roy though....That alone speaks beauty to me.
roys up B kills at 0


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
wat do people think of falco on fod?
He's pretty good, you just have to play weird. Camp lasers behind low platforms where people can't shffl approach you and do double dair through low platforms for nice combos and shield pressure. It's annoying sometimes that you can't shffl approach people when they're near low platforms, but it just means that you have to play differently than you would on a static stage.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 30, 2005
even at the m2k lvl they are starting too (see cactuar vs m2k at smashtality VI)
are you talking about melee or brawl? cactus doesnt even play brawl so I'm gonna assume melee.

the reason behind that is because 1) cactuar is already ridiculously beautiful good and b) cactuar practices with m2k more than ANY OTHER PERSON. this also holds true for myself and pc considering our last like 10 melee sets have been back and forth for the most part, also marth is gay.

He doesn't have internet right now but he beat Void, OWM twice and Ace. He lost to OBM both times.
k so he didn't beat anyone good. but good stuff @ beating OWM who thinks he's good but never places well at 15 man tournies with only 2-3 good people (3 in this case, darc daz obm <3)
Apparently DSW thought it was a good counterpick stage for him, even though Cort destroyed him on it. I thought it was too small, and the moving platforms would pose a problem for Falco as well.
FoD was our random stage and in general IS a good Falco stage if you know how to play it well. any stage with interesting platform setups = good for falco, generally. however I played the platforms too (I believe I got a jucey 50-something % dsmash cause DSW is too aggressive for his own good) and tried my best to avoid his platform combos. also dsw sucks weiner vs peach as compared to PC, where he generally beats me about 60-65% of the time and generally only loses when I can gimp him on that stage.

oh my god I love talking about melee


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Wow, un****ingbelievable. I watched The Second Raid all in one sitting and, of course, I got a disappointing ending. The show was perfect until about ep 10 and the last 3 or 4 eps were so boring and ridiculous. This is mainly because of two plot contrivances that made me want to put an axe through the tv. I mean WTF, it was a PERFECT show up until that point. It was so intelligent, so profound, so badass. And then they threw it all away with a pretty uninteresting conclusion that just left a bad taste with me. Overall, it's still a great show, but prepare for it to drop in entertainment value significantly toward the end.

Also, did I mention I ****ing love Melee?


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
the only no names ive lost to is rich kissi and maybe buuman (havent heard much of him). i got alot better since then and learned how to play smart (buuman is recent though). rich kissi played snake and honestly i had no idea how to play snakes/johns. as for buuman i lost 2-3 all close matches. i couldnt figure a way past the ledge camping with metaknight in time. ive beaten good people in my last 2 tournaments which is reapers game 4 and bloomfield. wait no cross out bloomfield i did place well there though. at rg3 i lost to nintendude twice. second set i went 2-1 with him and it was rather close. also that match against chibo was a ROB ditto. i won 2-0 (no match up johns my first ditto) we played again recently but it was online i won 2-1. to be honest at xesticle i think he was the better player looking back. he played alot smarter and had alot of experiance under his belt. i got smarter playing online, bunch of different people. i learned to look for habits people make. i could watch youtube videos and know what people was thinking during matches. i also learned what it means to play at a high level. once during a friendly with you i was returning to the stage and airdodged. you punished. the next time i came down i didnt take your bait and came with a nair. i landed a hit since u thought ill just airdodge again, which ive done almost every time when i came down, next time a naired again and u punished. i think competition in a proffessional level is a constant mix up kinda like rock papers scissors.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
That point system for the PR is kinda silly. Someone gets the same points for winning that huge esticle as someone who won the small bloomfield tournament. Also I don't like how you get points just for going and losing... I'm pretty sure Cort knows everyone's skill level best so it would kinda fail if he wasn't one of the panelists, I don't see anyone else being as knowledgeable as him though there might be a couple.

In conclusion, I think we should keep the current rankings and just rename it brawl. Shminkledorf at number 3.

Edit: I think Swift is trying to say that CT alone > Tristate area.
Good Point.

I'm surprised there are even 15 people who play Brawl in CT.
HAHAHA good one xD

the point system i used doesnt depict how good people are well enough( though like you said it does a decent job). like nus said, some tournies are really small, so you cant compare someone winning a tourny with 20 entrants with one like esticle (explains the chum part). and placings dont necessarily means whose better, an example from personal experiance is at xesticle. i beat chibo sempi lost to cort then hbk. i placed 33rd while chibo got 9th i got bad luck with brackets. if i were to come up with a top 15 it would be much different. top 2 would be cort and wes (id have to play wes again to determine if im better than him or not ;) ) like you said. honestly though the best way to make rankings is to get 3-4 people like cort suggested. i think im gonna make a social group for it.
Yeah I'm in 4th so I dun care, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! :D

Also I'm up for doing the PR. And wow this is the first semi- relevabt discussion I have seen
on the boards it's been a while.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
how about chrono trigger ds arena mode
How does arena mode work? I'll prob wanna MM anyways lol.

I also have come to the realization just now that there is supposedly no PvP in Ragnarok DS... T___________T

Oh and the Onion Knight vs CoD Dissidia trailer is so beautiful. *__*


Smash Apprentice
Jun 30, 2005
the only no names ive lost to is rich kissi and maybe buuman (havent heard much of him). i got alot better since then and learned how to play smart (buuman is recent though). rich kissi played snake and honestly i had no idea how to play snakes/johns. as for buuman i lost 2-3 all close matches. i couldnt figure a way past the ledge camping with metaknight in time. ive beaten good people in my last 2 tournaments which is reapers game 4 and bloomfield. wait no cross out bloomfield i did place well there though. at rg3 i lost to nintendude twice. second set i went 2-1 with him and it was rather close. also that match against chibo was a ROB ditto. i won 2-0 (no match up johns my first ditto) we played again recently but it was online i won 2-1. to be honest at xesticle i think he was the better player looking back. he played alot smarter and had alot of experiance under his belt. i got smarter playing online, bunch of different people. i learned to look for habits people make. i could watch youtube videos and know what people was thinking during matches. i also learned what it means to play at a high level. once during a friendly with you i was returning to the stage and airdodged. you punished. the next time i came down i didnt take your bait and came with a nair. i landed a hit since u thought ill just airdodge again, which ive done almost every time when i came down, next time a naired again and u punished. i think competition in a proffessional level is a constant mix up kinda like rock papers scissors.
rich is good, he almost beat me in snake dittos and beat my MK

buuman plays with OBM a lot

don't talk about your sets with people online

you still air dodged about 95% of the time you were hit vs me >_> I don't even remember you nairing

who did you beat at bloomfield? who even went to bloomfield?

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Everyone come to RGIV please it might be the last tourney for Smash I'll be holding for a while. ^___^ Work johns.

I miss everyone... I didn't go to Esticle. :"{


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
if rich is good and so is buuman what "random" nonames do i lose to? i never said they were bad just people i dont hear much of.

the match i naired you was at reapers 2 i think that was the last time i played you. it was on luigis mansion

i said cross out bloomfield. there i beat: pknem jvsmooth(which got really good with mk), pof, omw. il lost to obm (second match was close) and buuman for second


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
Hey all, just wanted to drop in and say hey (again). Can't really play smash, due to being a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but maybe I might break the rule once or twice if the person I'm working with is cool with it too ^^

But yeah, if you see me (Elder Hansmann be my name) say hi to me, will ya? I'll be jumping all around the CT and RI area, but currently I'm in Middletown. Of course, if you see any other Elder, please at least offer them a drink of water. This is hard work XD

Anyway, feel free to go on with your daily lives. Just wanted to drop in again, say hi, and hope to meet some of ya in the near future!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
How does arena mode work? I'll prob wanna MM anyways lol.

I also have come to the realization just now that there is supposedly no PvP in Ragnarok DS... T___________T

Oh and the Onion Knight vs CoD Dissidia trailer is so beautiful. *__*
THERES AN RO DS!?!?!? How is it @___@


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Everyone come to RGIV please it might be the last tourney for Smash I'll be holding for a while. ^___^ Work johns.

I miss everyone... I didn't go to Esticle. :"{
o.o When is it?
I missed the last Esticle too x_x.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I'd pay money to see a Zoso PR.
he should post one right now
Do It!
Cort is clearly #1 and Brookman is clearly #2. I would say Spawn is #3, but he isn't as far from the people below him as Paul and Mike are from everybody else. The rest of the list gets kind of hazy because there are a few people who I haven't played recently enough to be able to rank them accurately, but it would go something like this.

4. Mike$
5. Budai
6. Trademark
7. AwsmSean
8. Nus
9. ZK
10. Pipe

I don't want to offend anybody, but I don't think there's really any need to rank people beyond the top 10. If we're considering Swift to be CT, he'd be #2.

Dumb? No shut up ZoSo.
Refrain from saying dumb things first.

Zoso when are you gonna be in CT and are you gonna be in Rocky Hill? Sorry if you already mentioned this, but this thread is tough to follow.
Mike is gonna have work and class a lot, so I don't really know what I'm doing at this point. I'm going to Six Flags on Wednesday, so whatever I do has to be done tonight/tomorrow.

time crisis 4 is so fun to waste $4 on
I liked Time Crisis 3 better.

has anyone beaten any of the time crisis?
I beat Time Crisis 2 with my cousin once. I've also beaten House of the Dead a few dozen times. House of the Dead 2 unfortunately seems a lot less common in arcades, but I know I've beaten it at least once.

wat do people think of falco on fod?
I like it.

oh my god I love talking about melee
Welcome back.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Hey all, just wanted to drop in and say hey (again). Can't really play smash, due to being a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but maybe I might break the rule once or twice if the person I'm working with is cool with it too ^^

But yeah, if you see me (Elder Hansmann be my name) say hi to me, will ya? I'll be jumping all around the CT and RI area, but currently I'm in Middletown. Of course, if you see any other Elder, please at least offer them a drink of water. This is hard work XD

Anyway, feel free to go on with your daily lives. Just wanted to drop in again, say hi, and hope to meet some of ya in the near future!
lol wut.
<_< Missionaries to a small CT City? Seems silly.
But what do I know? o.o;
>_> But uhhh, I live kinda near Middletown, so if you're down for playing lemme know.

:O Good list Zoso, although I haven't played a lot of the people on it...I have a feeling all **** feels the same >_>...


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
:O Good list Zoso, although I haven't played a lot of the people on it...I have a feeling all **** feels the same >_>...
It's an acquired taste.

Tsuteto: I live in North Kingstown, RI. Let me know if you're going to be in the area.

I just went back a page and saw people talking about RO. I went through a few phases with that game. What server(s) do you guys play on?

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Hey all, just wanted to drop in and say hey (again). Can't really play smash, due to being a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but maybe I might break the rule once or twice if the person I'm working with is cool with it too ^^

But yeah, if you see me (Elder Hansmann be my name) say hi to me, will ya? I'll be jumping all around the CT and RI area, but currently I'm in Middletown. Of course, if you see any other Elder, please at least offer them a drink of water. This is hard work XD

Anyway, feel free to go on with your daily lives. Just wanted to drop in again, say hi, and hope to meet some of ya in the near future!
lol wut.
<_< Missionaries to a small CT City? Seems silly.
But what do I know? o.o;
>_> But uhhh, I live kinda near Middletown, so if you're down for playing lemme know.

:O Good list Zoso, although I haven't played a lot of the people on it...I have a feeling all **** feels the same >_>...
LDS strongly encourages all young men & women to serve in that capacity when you're like 19-25. Haven't you ever seen dudes in short sleeve white shirts and ties with backpacks?
It's not required per se, but.... They also have weird underwear.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
Did you read "no PvP"? Lol...

IDK it's not out yet you can make a party of AI controlled chars which is badass but it's more story oriented I'd assume.

IDC it's RO so I'm excited.
hellz yeah, I hope someone hacks it so we can put our private clients on it or something xDD


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Haven't you ever seen dudes in short sleeve white shirts and ties with backpacks?
It's not required per se, but.... They also have weird underwear.
LOL Thats my school uniform.
But I understand now :3.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
o.o When is it?
I missed the last Esticle too x_x.
The 29thhh.

It's an acquired taste.

Tsuteto: I live in North Kingstown, RI. Let me know if you're going to be in the area.

I just went back a page and saw people talking about RO. I went through a few phases with that game. What server(s) do you guys play on?
Weird, the quote messed up... said you quoted me but it was DD's post.

Anywho, I don't have a computer anymore I haven't played in a long time but I was on YakuzaRO (dead) and ValhallaRO (might still be active).

I always had used a Paladin, but I love battle HighPriests... so many freakings buffs.

On gamekyo they just showed some new RO DS screens. Looks like most of the classes are in.

Didn't see any 2-2 though. :"{

EDIT: Also, no Gunslinger or Ninja or Transcendant classes so far. I would be really disappointed if there were no 2-2 or trans classes...

But if they are, I'm hoping for the new 3-1 and 3-2 to be in as well.

BTW, Dan and Fei Long confirmed for SF4... please give me Sakura!
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