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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
LMAO creepy!

And parking is no big deal lol.

And oh yeah, I just remembered my Brawl got stolen so I cannot even play it, wow add that onto a ****ty night haha.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Nus is too pretty for his own good.

I have to play your Falcon at some point, Artie. I still believe that Falcon is the manliest character in Brawl, but Snake and Ike are nipping at his heels.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
Nus is too pretty for his own good.

I have to play your Falcon at some point, Artie. I still believe that Falcon is the manliest character in Brawl, but Snake and Ike are nipping at his heels.
i also think C.F. manliness is still over 9000 but snake is getting up there as well. lol though i dont play as him. but yea a falcon ditto would be cool,

Prince Of Fire

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
Roman, call me anytime dude

PM me for my number if you want to come down again and like spend all day/night at my place....I can house you no problem

V-Yeah, I was just thinking, "Didnt he lose his Brawl?" Hey, it could be worse man...you could have lost your Melee! :-/ Now THAT would suck.

Stephen-Did you watch the Roast? Jon Lovitz was too good along with that first guy. That old **** was pretty ****ing funny too.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2007
Hard Hittin' NewBritain
Haha I have just been losing my best friend this summer...which is my ex-girlfriend.

I helped her through stuff you can't even imagine and the one time I need her (this summer) she flakes out of me.

That and now she likes this boy and is either going out with or did stuff with him because she had some thing to tell me today...which I had already expected. But yeah, that isn't really the problem. She can do whatever she wants, but if she wants to claim to be my best friend why wasn't she there when I needed her.

The illegal crap is stuff I have had left over and accumulated over many years...pills and other things (that are passed around in my line of work), mixed with alcohol! Oh smashboards, tonight is another one of those nights.

I will most likely edit and erase this post after I post it hahaha
i used to sell perks be mad careful how many you take and drink cuz it couldturn out bad.

What happened V!!!!!? Women suck....seriously, its true

one minute they are all over you....then the next.....they dont care.

I had a girlfriend like three months ago......and a part of me actually kind of misses it.

I used to get all mad and pist off when she used to keep calling me because it was getting annoying but after the situation with Kelley and NOT KNOWING if she cared about me or not constantly and being all paranoid....it really makes me appreciate the annoying girls more haha haha

edit-nevermind V, I just saw it....

I can relate to that man.....I hate when I put so much time into someone or something and all you want back is simplicity and just things they should do for you WITHOUT YOU HAVING TO HINT IT and they dont give anything back.
ive gotten my heart broken plenty of times over the years it makes you develope a heart of stone and you stop caring. but after you gain a bunch of experience its hard for chicks to make you depressed cuz you can see bull**** coming from a mile away so you always know how to play your cards right.

Haha yeah anyone that has been in a relationship or liked anyone knows what I am talking about.

Like everyone else, I liked to think my situation was a bit unique, but I know you all know what I mean.

2 years in the relationship and now 2 years out of it. You'd think I'd be able to deal with almost anything now.

Note to everyone...never have someone from the opposite sex as your best friend. Especially if you dated them.
your right i had a girl as a best friend once we were friends fo awhile then one fateful really drunk night we ended up sleeping together and everything after that was straight for a while cuz we were kinda addicted to eachother but as the story goes everything went to hell.
moral of the story is- girls will always be girls.

youre 21????

pick me up some morgan, ill pay you backkk

captain morgan + bawls


the captains bawls

nom nom nom
they sell bawls across the street ^__^
interesting im gonna try that

can i bum a shot off someone :3? of anything
lol your funny, you people got me really wanting to drink tonight

I'm so sorry, but I laughed. Man, I'm sorry. I love Back to the Future.
back to the future is the ****!


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
I may or may not be there tonight...I have to decide if I want to waste my day seeing this girl or not.

Just for her to tell me more **** I don't want to hear right now haha.

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
I finished the first season of Full Metal Panic. I must say it's a very entertaining show. I can't wait to start Fumoffu and Second Raid now!
FMP is amazing
favorite anime ever

i have 3 kaname pictures in my room ^_^;;;

Fumoffu is my favorite

TSR is great too

**** i feel like watching it now



Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Haha, that's awesome. I heard Fumoffu is hilarious and I'm going to start it real soon. I also heard that TSR takes a more serious turn and gets really intense. Either way, I love the characters so I'm sure I'll enjoy both shows.

Solid Jake

The Arcanum
Feb 11, 2006
Farmington, CT
Haha, that's awesome. I heard Fumoffu is hilarious and I'm going to start it real soon. I also heard that TSR takes a more serious turn and gets really intense. Either way, I love the characters so I'm sure I'll enjoy both shows.

fumoffu is funny as hell

tsr is like, a serious love line and stuff
but i loved it >_>


tonights going to be the most funnn , tomorrow isnt overnight :(

edit.. well i guess it could be hehhe
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