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Congratulations, Min Min! ARMS character(s) for Smash discussion

Which character do think will be revealed in June?

  • Spring Man

    Votes: 54 16.3%
  • Ribbon Girl

    Votes: 12 3.6%
  • Ninjara

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Mechanica

    Votes: 2 0.6%
  • Master Mummy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Min Min

    Votes: 104 31.4%
  • Helix

    Votes: 7 2.1%
  • Kid Cobra

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • Byte & Barq

    Votes: 2 0.6%
  • Twintelle

    Votes: 25 7.6%
  • Max Brass

    Votes: 18 5.4%
  • Lola Pop

    Votes: 7 2.1%
  • Spring Tron

    Votes: 2 0.6%
  • Misango

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dr. Coyle

    Votes: 19 5.7%
  • Biff

    Votes: 8 2.4%
  • Combination of 2 or more interchangeable characters

    Votes: 66 19.9%
  • Other (specify in thread)

    Votes: 3 0.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
well if anything XCX uprooted the world of the first one. And if you think they’re slaves you really don’t understand the lore at all
The insecurity around the naked slave girls is quite fascinating. You choose to focus so hard on it even though it was never the point of my argument.

Anyway your mention about XCX is exactly what I mean. Xenoblade magic works however the plot needs it to work, thus it being altered for smash is perfectly in-character.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
See? Even the slightest differences warrant echo fighters to have their own slots. That shows that individuality is important to Sakurai.

Tell me again how you aren't getting triggered. Insults don't add to the debate. We can and must be civil while having debates here, please.
The creepy naked underage girl slaves themselves are NOT the point. The point is that they wanted to focus on something different for XB2, like fanservice, so they were willing to erase the rules of the world to make room for something different. Thus when Sakurai does it, it does not conflict with Shulk's and Xenoblades character.

You use Final Fantasy as an example, but Final Fantasy as a whole makes an effort to keep it's metaphysics consistent. Thats why most if not all Final Fantasty games share magic spells and items and such. They keep the core metaphysics.

That's literally what XB2 did. Completely uprooted world and lore of the first game so as to make room for magical bikini slave teen girls. That's why, when Smash Bros makes alterations to Shulk's magic, its okay because its what his home series has also done.

It fits his character and his game series. That's the point.
Know what? I never block anyone, but you are blocked, and i hope everyone else does to. You are bringing sexist, mistruths about the game here, and its impossible to argue with you with your very VERY wrong and insulting views about the game and the creators. Get out of this thread. I am using insults because you are saying incorrect, and very very insultimg things about a developer you dont know. You are basically saying they are pedophiles who care more about **** then how their games world works

This is the ARMS thread, not the xenoblade creators are pedophiles and only want underage girls in their games thread.
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Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Anyways, not sure what that drama was…but HMK recently did a video on the possibilities for Vol. 2 after June:
An interesting point he made is about the fandom’s made-up rule book, which he calls “invisible rules”. The rules he mentioned are:

1. Assist Trophies deconfirm
2. Spirits deconfirm
3. Representation without an icon deconfirms (which, let’s be real, is purely subjective)

When it was revealed someone from ARMS would join the battle, invisible rule 3 was pretty much broken. As for the character itself, I see it going three ways.

-If it’s Spring Man, all 3 invisible rules will be broken.
-If it’s Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, Min Min or Twintelle, only rules 2 and 3 will be broken.
-If it’s any of the rest, only rule 3 will be broken.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Anyways, not sure what that drama was…but HMK recently did a video on the possibilities for Vol. 2 after June:
An interesting point he made is about the fandom’s made-up rule book, which he calls “invisible rules”. The rules he mentioned are:

1. Assist Trophies deconfirm
2. Spirits deconfirm
3. Representation without an icon deconfirms (which, let’s be real, is purely subjective)

When it was revealed someone from ARMS would join the battle, invisible rule 3 was pretty much broken. As for the character itself, I see it going three ways.

-If it’s Spring Man, all 3 invisible rules will be broken.
-If it’s Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, Min Min or Twintelle, only rules 2 and 3 will be broken.
-If it’s any of the rest, only rule 3 will be broken.

I'll watch that video for sure, i do think whatever happens, some fanrule is being broken for sure by this ARMS rep


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
Know what? I never block anyone, but you are blocked, and i hope everyone else does to. You are bringing sexist, mistruths about the game here, and its impossible to argue with you with your very VERY wrong and insulting views about the game and the creators. Get out of this thread. I am using insults because you are saying incorrect, and very very insultimg things about a developer you dont know. You are basically saying they are pedophiles who care more about **** then how their games world works

This is the ARMS thread, not the xenoblade creators are pedophiles and only want underage girls in their games thread.
Yikes. The way you get triggered by something that wasn't part of my actual argument really doesn't reflect well one you, I'm afraid. It's slightly off how you react so.. aggressively when the sexualized teengirl slaves are mentioned.

Anyway sorry to see you leave the thread. It's always my hope that people are mature and polite enough to have a fun friendly debate but I guess not everyone is mature enough for it..

Representation without an icon deconfirms
Whats this rule mean, again?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2015
Yoshi's Island
Switch FC
See? Even the slightest differences warrant echo fighters to have their own slots. That shows that individuality is important to Sakurai.
And yet echo stacking makes even that point dead in the water. Sakurai will make them as individual as he thinks they deserve which, since this character will likely represent the entire Arms game and not just themselves, is not much. Heck, the mere fact they have stretchy arms is enough to distinguish them from the rest of the Smash cast, so why would they add additional gimmicks on top of that just because it's one specific character?

Anyways, not sure what that drama was…but HMK recently did a video on the possibilities for Vol. 2 after June:
An interesting point he made is about the fandom’s made-up rule book, which he calls “invisible rules”. The rules he mentioned are:

1. Assist Trophies deconfirm
2. Spirits deconfirm
3. Representation without an icon deconfirms (which, let’s be real, is purely subjective)

When it was revealed someone from ARMS would join the battle, invisible rule 3 was pretty much broken. As for the character itself, I see it going three ways.

-If it’s Spring Man, all 3 invisible rules will be broken.
-If it’s Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, Min Min or Twintelle, only rules 2 and 3 will be broken.
-If it’s any of the rest, only rule 3 will be broken.
I was not aware icons were being brought into the conversion, but it's kind of a poorly worded point. It's not so much "representation without an icon deconfirms" but more like "Fighter-less series already in Smash can't have a Fighter" which, yes already been broken with Arms, since it was already in the game in some way.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
And yet echo stacking makes even that point dead in the water. Sakurai will make them as individual as he thinks they deserve which, since this character will likely represent the entire Arms game and not just themselves, is not much. Heck, the mere fact they have stretchy arms is enough to distinguish them from the rest of the Smash cast, so why would they add additional gimmicks on top of that just because it's one specific character?

I was not aware icons were being brought into the conversion, but it's kind of a poorly worded point. It's not so much "representation without an icon deconfirms" but more like "Fighter-less series already in Smash can't have a Fighter" which, yes already been broken with Arms, since it was already in the game in some way.
Yeah i dont get the icon rule. I always thougjt the third fan rule was the main character always gets in first when a new series joins


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
And yet echo stacking makes even that point dead in the water
Not really? The stacks are an optional menu feature, and nothing more. Echoes are still their own fighters with their own unique animations

since this character will likely represent the entire Arms game and not just themselves
ARMS will likely get multiple newcomers in the next game, so this character is perfectly fine just representing themselves. They aren't added to be "ARMS" they're added to be themselves. Look at Cloud. He's not even pretending to represent the entire Final Fantasy series.

the mere fact they have stretchy arms is enough to distinguish them from the rest of the Smash cast, so why would they add additional gimmicks on top of that just because it's one specific character?
Because it's another unique power that adds to the character, and the ARMS ability is purely offensive. The character's abilities are generally passive. So they would not conflict by including them.

Why add a blander 4 skinned fighter when you can have a much more unique and expressive one-skinned fighter?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2015
Yoshi's Island
Switch FC
Not really? The stacks are an optional menu feature, and nothing more. Echoes are still their own fighters with their own unique animations

ARMS will likely get multiple newcomers in the next game, so this character is perfectly fine just representing themselves. They aren't added to be "ARMS" they're added to be themselves. Look at Cloud. He's not even pretending to represent the entire Final Fantasy series.

Because it's another unique power that adds to the character, and the ARMS ability is purely offensive. The character's abilities are generally passive. So they would not conflict by including them.

Why add a blander 4 skinned fighter when you can have a much more unique and expressive one-skinned fighter?
...What? I genuinely have no idea what your point is now.
Like, no duh the fighter's going to be unique, it's an ARMS character for crying out loud. I'm saying most of the more popular characters' are already covered by Smash's default movement.
Ninjara and Cobra are already covered by the spot-dodges and sidesteps, Spring Man and Twintelle are covered by the Parry, regardless of whether it deflects or not, and even if they don't have the exact number of jumps, jumping in the air covers Ribbon Girl's movement options since all other Arms character have one jump, so if they wanted someone truly unique they'd need to go with a different character to those.
Of course if they DID add any of those then they wouldn't have to bother with altering the character's ability much, since it's basically already there.

I don't know why you brought up skins either. You're talking to someone who laughs at the whole Hero/Bowser Jr. argument, just FYI.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
I'm sorry but what is this backwards logic.

The second game had revealing designs for Blades which means Sakurai gets to be more creative with Shulks moveset? What.

Also Shulk got in Smash before the second game even existed so it makes less sense.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I'm sorry but what is this backwards logic.

The second game had revealing designs for Blades which means Sakurai gets to be more creative with Shulks moveset? What.

Also Shulk got in Smash before the second game even existed so it makes less sense.
Don't bother. We already tried explaining it.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
I'm sorry but what is this backwards logic.

The second game had revealing designs for Blades which means Sakurai gets to be more creative with Shulks moveset? What.

Also Shulk got in Smash before the second game even existed so it makes less sense.
best to ignore and move on, no point trying to argue with that


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
I don't know why you brought up skins either. You're talking to someone who laughs at the whole Hero/Bowser Jr. argument, just FYI.
In that case please read the entire comment chain before joining a debate, otherwise everyone gets mixed up and ends up on different pages and nobody knows what anyone else is arguing about. See, The thing I've been debating about is specifically about the alt-costume idea and how it quite simply can't work.

I'm sorry but what is this backwards logic.

The second game had revealing designs for Blades which means Sakurai gets to be more creative with Shulks moveset? What.

Also Shulk got in Smash before the second game even existed so it makes less sense.
It seems like you didn't read my posts at all? Please do that before jumping it. See my above reply

Shulk's monado has original arts in smash. It has this because Xenoblade's magic is "plot magic" which means that it does whatever the creator of the game wants it to do. As an example, I used how Xenoblade 2 randomly invented the concept of sexualized slave girls as a power source/magic weapon. This entire concept was in XB1. Magic did not work like that in the first game.

Since Xenoblade can randomly change the exact nature of it's magical weapons, then it's not out of character when Sakurai does it too. I explained that because another user tried to use Shulk's original smash arts as an example of Sakurai taking liberties when discussing ARMS fighters as alt costumes.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2015
Yoshi's Island
Switch FC
In that case please read the entire comment chain before joining a debate, otherwise everyone gets mixed up and ends up on different pages and nobody knows what anyone else is arguing about. See, The thing I've been debating about is specifically about the alt-costume idea and how it quite simply can't work.
Even then, it's not the character's abilities that prevent that happening, because they'd have a conglomerate moveset anyway, it's the body structure that prevents it. The only characters that have even vaguely similar body types are already Spirits, so they're out.


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
Even then, it's not the character's abilities that prevent that happening, because they'd have a conglomerate moveset anyway, it's the body structure that prevents it. The only characters that have even vaguely similar body types are already Spirits, so they're out.
It's multitude of things including mechanical differences, but yes the variation between body types is one of the main things preventing it.

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
If we get multiple ARMS fighters with Spring Man as the lead, rules 1 & 2 can get broken as well, assuming Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, or Min Min end up in that lineup.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2015
Yoshi's Island
Switch FC
It's multitude of things including mechanical differences, but yes the variation between body types is one of the main things preventing it.
Abilities never have stopped the Smash team from taking liberties, and I don't expect they'll go all out trying to make a character feel like themselves unless it's Helix or Dr. Coyle or someone of that nature who really can't function without it. You know, someone who's REALLY different.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
If we get multiple ARMS fighters with Spring Man as the lead, rules 1 & 2 can get broken as well, assuming Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, or Min Min end up in that lineup.
Rules 1 and 2 meaning ATs and Spirits? Because Spring Man alone breaks both rules, since all ATs have spirits.

Oddly enough this is not the case for Poke Ball Pokemon.

Ben Holt

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2013
The Moon
Switch FC
5283 2130 1160
Rules 1 and 2 meaning ATs and Spirits? Because Spring Man alone breaks both rules, since all ATs have spirits.

Oddly enough this is not the case for Poke Ball Pokemon.
The only Poké Ball Pokémon I could see getting promoted are Zoroark and Eevee, but Smash seems to prefer pulling from the newest generation, so even those are extremely unlikely.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
but Smash seems to prefer pulling from the newest generation, so even those are extremely unlikely.
It only seems that way because we're not getting multiple Pokemon newcomers per game like we used to. When we did, they wanted the multiple newcomers to cater to separate divisions of the Pokemon fanbase, which I don't see another fully evolved starter from the latest gen doing.

Besides they can still promote gen 8 using a legacy mon. Just have the stage/music bundled be from SS (I can't say LOL NO EFFORT to that soundtrack at all), and a Dynamax/Gigantamax FS. Like how Smash promotes Luigi's Mansion 3 in an alternate way by having Luigi himself use the new Poltergust.
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Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
Abilities never have stopped the Smash team from taking liberties, and I don't expect they'll go all out trying to make a character feel like themselves unless it's Helix or Dr. Coyle or someone of that nature who really can't function without it. You know, someone who's REALLY different.
I don't see a single ARMS character that could maintain their identity without their character abilities. There's quite simply no reason to not include such easy to add features. I'm pretty sure Ribbon Girl's multi jump would take no more then 2 lines of code to implement, possibly less.

Smash has never arbitrarily ignored a signature ability.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2015
Yoshi's Island
Switch FC
I don't see a single ARMS character that could maintain their identity without their character abilities. There's quite simply no reason to not include such easy to add features. I'm pretty sure Ribbon Girl's multi jump would take no more then 2 lines of code to implement, possibly less.

Smash has never arbitrarily ignored a signature ability.
Quite frankly, Kid Cobra can do without anything. I mean what are they going to do? Make his dash a Mega Man style down tilt?
In all fairness, they most likely will put the characters' ability in somewhere, just some of them are SO minor in their nature they may as well not bother. Basically, I'm saying they'll pick someone with a noticeable ability. Helix, Brass, Coyle, maybe even Mummy, otherwise they'll feel like any other character.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
*comes to this thread, expecting discussion on ARMS*
*reads a fight about the ethical implications of sexualized fictional characters*


...Anyway, the notion that Sakurai is a perfectionist who will do anything to accurately represent a character is laughable. Some characters are basically made up whole cloth with how different they are.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
The insecurity around the naked slave girls is quite fascinating. You choose to focus so hard on it even though it was never the point of my argument.

Anyway your mention about XCX is exactly what I mean. Xenoblade magic works however the plot needs it to work, thus it being altered for smash is perfectly in-character.
what insecurity? what are you on about? do you always accept your wild assumptions as the truth? my point is that you shouldnt be using a game you dont know much about as an example for trying to prove a point.

just so you know the general feeling is that people like the game despite the character designs and making assumptions about how people feel about the character designs when they were even referring to them would suggest you're not really paying attention to what the other person is saying


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
I don't see a single ARMS character that could maintain their identity without their character abilities. There's quite simply no reason to not include such easy to add features. I'm pretty sure Ribbon Girl's multi jump would take no more then 2 lines of code to implement, possibly less.
Just because something is easy to implement, doesn't mean it can be added without disrupting the character's and potentially the game's balance.

Smash has never arbitrarily ignored a signature ability.
It did exactly that multiple times, one of the most recent examples being Joker not making use of his Wild Card ability.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2020
Anyways, not sure what that drama was…but HMK recently did a video on the possibilities for Vol. 2 after June:
An interesting point he made is about the fandom’s made-up rule book, which he calls “invisible rules”. The rules he mentioned are:

1. Assist Trophies deconfirm
2. Spirits deconfirm
3. Representation without an icon deconfirms (which, let’s be real, is purely subjective)

When it was revealed someone from ARMS would join the battle, invisible rule 3 was pretty much broken. As for the character itself, I see it going three ways.

-If it’s Spring Man, all 3 invisible rules will be broken.
-If it’s Ribbon Girl, Ninjara, Min Min or Twintelle, only rules 2 and 3 will be broken.
-If it’s any of the rest, only rule 3 will be broken.
I'll have to watch that

It only seems that way because we're not getting multiple Pokemon newcomers per game like we used to. When we did, they wanted the multiple newcomers to cater to separate divisions of the Pokemon fanbase, which I don't see another fully evolved starter from the latest gen doing.

Besides they can still promote gen 8 using a legacy mon. Just have the stage/music bundled be from SS (I can't say LOL NO EFFORT to that soundtrack at all), and a Dynamax/Gigantamax FS. Like how Smash promotes Luigi's Mansion 3 in an alternate way by having Luigi himself use the new Poltergust.
Yeah but that's never how they represent Pokemon tbh. They could have done this with Gen 6 and tonnes of other gens but they just went with an actual mon from that gen because it would make more sense to have an actual new mon from the current gen to represent it rather than an old mon do so with just some content when people care more about the characters than the stages or music. Also we probably don't see older mons because the only time we saw a pokemon in smash that was from an older gen was Pokemon trainer who (a) was used to represent Kanto which is kind of obligatory (b) could have been added to capitalise on the recent remakes and (c) just used to collectively represent the major mechanics of Pokemon in a recognisable way. I don't really want to derail discussion but just saw.
Last edited:


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
what insecurity? what are you on about? do you always accept your wild assumptions as the truth? my point is that you shouldnt be using a game you dont know much about as an example for trying to prove a point.

just so you know the general feeling is that people like the game despite the character designs and making assumptions about how people feel about the character designs when they were even referring to them would suggest you're not really paying attention to what the other person is saying
Is he still saying things like sexualized underaged slaves just to rile up us? I ignored him so not seeing anything, but just report and ignore, he's just trying to cause fights now.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
*comes to this thread, expecting discussion on ARMS*
*reads a fight about the ethical implications of sexualized fictional characters*

View attachment 269378

...Anyway, the notion that Sakurai is a perfectionist who will do anything to accurately represent a character is laughable. Some characters are basically made up whole cloth with how different they are.
It's Smashboards law, every discussion board that has sufficient activity will somehow end up at "sexulised designs in Xenoblade Chronicles 2."

Smash character design is a balance of external design vs mechanical design. Whether it works or not is a subjective manner.

Example: Bayonetta in Smash 4 is pretty loyal to how she played but was too OP for it.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Just because something is easy to implement, doesn't mean it can be added without disrupting the character's and potentially the game's balance.

It did exactly that multiple times, one of the most recent examples being Joker not making use of his Wild Card ability.
Actually, the most recent example is not using Byleths time rewind mechanic, a key plot point for the character. So yes, Sakurai easily can ignore or not put in a signiture ability if he doesnt feel it fits smash. Some other examples is Sonic not using any of his shields or his light speed dash, Ganondorf still not using any of his Magic like his Famous tennis ball attack, and more.

It's Smashboards law, every discussion board that has sufficient activity will somehow end up at "sexulised designs in Xenoblade Chronicles 2."

Smash character design is a balance of external design vs mechanical design. Whether it works or not is a subjective manner.

Example: Bayonetta in Smash 4 is pretty loyal to how she played but was too OP for it.
I never got the controversy about the designs. They had guest artists so all the designs are different, but Blades fit that canonly, as their looks are very based on their personalitys or how they want to look.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Actually, the most recent example is not using Byleths time rewind mechanic, a key plot point for the character. So yes, Sakurai easily can ignore or not put in a signiture ability if he doesnt feel it fits smash. Some other examples is Sonic not using any of his shields or his light speed dash, Ganondorf still not using any of his Magic like his Famous tennis ball attack, and more.

I never got the controversy about the designs. They had guest artists so all the designs are different, but Blades fit that canonly, as their looks are very based on their personalitys or how they want to look.
Another fun fact about the designs: the artists were allowed to decide each Blade's gender themselves. That's why there are so many female Blades.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
Another fun fact about the designs: the artists were allowed to decide each Blade's gender themselves. That's why there are so many female Blades.
That is true. A lot of artists perfer to draw cute/sexy girls. They gave these guest artists a lot of freedom, which is nice, but they still had some guidelines to follow I'm sure.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Is he still saying things like sexualized underaged slaves just to rile up us? I ignored him so not seeing anything, but just report and ignore, he's just trying to cause fights now.
i was responding to the last thing they said to me which i think was before you blocked them. they did not seem to get what i was saying at all
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
To put things back on some kind of track, forgetting likelihood and everything else, what Fighter would you want and how would you want them to play?

Personally, It would be Dr. Coyle who would have hovering as her double jump and it would work as a combination of ROB's Up and Peach/Daisy's Float where you hold down jump to raise higher. It would give her great air control and fresh recovery but if she gets intercepted she'd be reduced to tethering the ledge.


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2018
Personally, It would be Dr. Coyle who would have hovering as her double jump and it would work as a combination of ROB's Up and Peach/Daisy's Float where you hold down jump to raise higher. It would give her great air control and fresh recovery but if she gets intercepted she'd be reduced to tethering the ledge.
I want the man with the big ego who flxes, even in the air,


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
To put things back on some kind of track, forgetting likelihood and everything else, what Fighter would you want and how would you want them to play?

Personally, It would be Dr. Coyle who would have hovering as her double jump and it would work as a combination of ROB's Up and Peach/Daisy's Float where you hold down jump to raise higher. It would give her great air control and fresh recovery but if she gets intercepted she'd be reduced to tethering the ledge.
I honestly have 3 top choices.

1st. Min min. She is by far the most popular, she is cute, and she has some unique stuff for herself, kicks and a very interesting mechanic with her 1 arm becoming a dragon. I could see her 1 arm charging up over how much damage you do, and once its charged ot adds a beam attack to some of your attacks for a short time. Its like an arsen or ko gauge but adds only a new long range option.

2. Ribbon girl. If Sakurai is dead set on picking the mascot, i can see ribbon girl happening. She shares the same screen time and box time as Spring Man, and if sakurai doesnt want to upgrade an assist trophy i can see this happening. She can come with her many jumps giving her a very good recovery.

3. Dr. Coyle. I see this as the most likely of Nintendo and sakurai are adament that spirits and AT and mii costumes are not getting upgraded. Shes the Main villain, she has cool abilities, and is important enough in the lore to deserve a slot.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Yeah but that's never how they represent Pokemon tbh. They could have done this with Gen 6 and tonnes of other gens but they just went with an actual mon from that gen because it would make more sense to have an actual new mon from the current gen to represent it rather than an old mon do so with just some content when people care more about the characters than the stages or music. Also we probably don't see older mons because the only time we saw a pokemon in smash that was from an older gen was Pokemon trainer who (a) was used to represent Kanto which is kind of obligatory (b) could have been added to capitalise on the recent remakes and (c) just used to collectively represent the major mechanics of Pokemon in a recognisable way. I don't really want to derail discussion but just saw.
However, if a Pokemon is on FP2, this would be the first time they began fighter plans with The Pokemon Company after Pokemon Go was a massive hit, and/or TPC's promotion of Eevee has culminated in it being an alternative to the franchise mascot in Let's Go. You could say "Shouldn't Byleth have been something for FEH players then?", but they were. Byleth was quickly added to FEH while Pokemon Go is still on Gen V.

Anyway for an ARMS rep I mainly want Spring Man to BTFO certain rules.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
To put things back on some kind of track, forgetting likelihood and everything else, what Fighter would you want and how would you want them to play?

Personally, It would be Dr. Coyle who would have hovering as her double jump and it would work as a combination of ROB's Up and Peach/Daisy's Float where you hold down jump to raise higher. It would give her great air control and fresh recovery but if she gets intercepted she'd be reduced to tethering the ledge.
Honestly, it's hard to know which ARMS character I want, because to be completely honest? I just love all of them.

Max Brass' boisterous shouting, Kid Cobra's smooth skateboarder aesthetic, Min Min's visual wordplay, Misango's stance-based style with the little spirit by his side, Lola Pop's cheerful performer aesthetic, every single one of them is amazing to me. Call me a piece of paper because I am torn.


Banned via Administration
Sep 30, 2015
User was warned for this post
It did exactly that multiple times, one of the most recent examples being Joker not making use of his Wild Card ability.
Using a demon is his signature ability. I have no idea what wild card is which shows how nothingburger it is.

How would each ARMS' fighters gimmick be unbalanced?

what insecurity? what are you on about? do you always accept your wild assumptions as the truth? my point is that you shouldnt be using a game you dont know much about as an example for trying to prove a point.

just so you know the general feeling is that people like the game despite the character designs and making assumptions about how people feel about the character designs when they were even referring to them would suggest you're not really paying attention to what the other person is saying
I didn't bring Xenoblade up as the example. I simply used an aspect of it to show that the devs don't care about internal consistency. I simply used the example of the bikini wearing underage girl slaves as an example. They were not an existing feature in XB1, not even in the lore, but the devs wanted to add them, so they simply uprooted the world and lore to change it. Since ARMS is more grounded and lacks magic, it would not do this.
Considering how SMALL my mention of Xenoblade was and that my posts have ALWAYS been focused on ARMS, it can only be called insecurity that you'd become so insanely OBSESSED with my borderline offhand comment about Xenoblade.

I mean just look at you and your kin. You have zferolie zferolie zferolie zferolie , a guy who got angry enough to say he's leaving, still here trying to make the thread focus on the sexualized children you and him seem to like so much. What would you call that other then insecurity?

cute/sexy girls.
Sure is nice to see a 30 year old man describe underage teens like this https://emojipedia.org/face-vomiting/

Anyway, lets get back to ARMS. The game with characters actually worth discussing. :):):)
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