looking briefly around the Neogaf forums, it didn't take very long to find a lot ill-sentiment towards the smashboards and it's users. There are several posts of people actually enjoying the commotion that has been ensuing over this 35-roster. I think these neogaf-ers have some sort of vendetta against other non-elitist gaming forums.
the most skeptical thing about Reno is that he didn't give out a roster...he barely mentioned any names ( I think he said ROB was in, and Sukapon was out.) All he did was tell someone else (choronobound) that the roster he had pieced together was correct. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember the exact words being, "that's your roster." Truth be known, it was, indeed, Chronobound's roster...he authored it himself.
And all Markman did was say that Reno was correct, and then a mod from neogaf came around and vouched for them both.
all the language that's been passed unto us from the Neogaf boards has been incredibly vague, and probably chosen under great scrutiny. After all, they can't spread false information under the threat of being perma-banned from Neogaf (I'm not even sure the validity of this supposed threat.) The point I want to make is that spreading false information is a more direct action than what I've been reading from these guys.
Their words have been more indirect...they spoke very vaguely, and left the real spreading of false statements to be done by everyone on these boards. Everyone has lost their heads over this, when it's very possible that they spoke with the intention that our misinterpretation would actually be doing the dirty work, and causing the pandemonium that apparently is viewed as hilarious over on Neogaf.
edit: and the ROB confusion is a HUGE red flag. Someone should ask the "leakers" who mentioned ROB, which one they meant. I'm pretty sure they don't even know, or have changed their "preferred ROB" over the course of this.