Indeed. As a Mario main myself, who also dabbles in other characters including all of the "Bros", Dr. Mario's Neutral is a bit less than Mario's by virtue of not having as much mobility. Which also directly influences his flexibility on how he can run away or approach with fireballs. Though it also hinders him beyond his projectile capabilities, as well. So I agree with him being at least ☆ star worse than Mario.
As a random note I would like to throw out to everyone: I am actually doing my best to withhold a lot of my own personal opinions to try to remain neutral on the characters as much as possible, so that I don't accidentally influence the rankings in an overly-biased manner

I'll pitch my own opinions in from time to time, however~
As someone who has fought a patient and calculating Olimar player before, I agree that his neutral is pretty solid for those who have mastered it. It is excellent for conditioning opponents, especially against people who don't know the matchup.

And I really appreciate your help, as well!
Sonic is definitely in a weird position. His Neutral is only okay on paper. Ftilt and Dtilt are pretty nice though. But his aerials all have a ton of landing lag on them, and Utilt is pretty bleh at stopping aerial assaults. However, due to his sheer speed alone, he helps remedy this slight weakness by being able to virtually control the entire stage at almost any given time due to the sheer dumb numbers on his agility. I don't see his Neutral beating Sheik or Diddy myself, so he will probably drop.
Agreed on Mario. Either by raising him up a bit or by lowering Doc +other characters on the same ranking. Not sure yet. Probably the former though atm.
Yeah. Sheik's neutral is just incredibly oppressive and dumb. In fact, it is so dumb that it might invalidate my rankings system on a "by character" basis instead of a "by performance" basis, as much as I would want to avoid that. Reason being is that, once we start using a "by performance" basis, we will come across the issue of "by how much?". And that's a huge can of worms I want to try to avoid unless there's no other option. But at the same time, I cannot deny just how potent Sheik's Neutral dominates.
I might try to find a work-around that will still work with this current formula once more opinions/rankings are posted. But I'll wait on that for a little while at least, because you never know when a patch will strike~
And that is a solid list you made

Quite a number of things I agree with atm.
First: The metagame. Next: Hyrule Warriors. And now: My rankings system. Sheik needs to stop ruining things, lol
Solid opinions on ZSS. Personally, I see her as a ★★★★ right now myself. Since she doesn't have dumb stuff like QAC, Luma, Bananas, or Chili-Dogs like the characters above her do. She DOES have Flip Jump though, which is pretty ridiculous. But debatable when compared to the other things mentioned. Either way, she's in that general ballpark for either group of characters regardless of how you slice it.
One other merit she has is a frame 1 Jab, only rivaled by Little Mac. So there's that at least. So her CQC should never be counted out, especially with her OoS Boost Kick.
Yeah, it was a necessary sacrifice, I am afraid

It let us discuss a lot...though it was too much for people to keep up with unfortunately. Condensing it to one state at the time allows us to focus on the discussion more, and not be lost in seas of text. lol
It was also extremely difficult to use the previous incremental formula since, well...people want to discuss ALL of the characters. So I think that this was a fair trade
Great writeups btw!
As much as I like Roy, I don't think that his Neutral is better than Marth's actually. He lacks AC aerials in contrast to Marth, and range (sans Fsmash) because of his lack of a tipper and funky anime-disciplined swordsmanship. He's good at going swords a blazin', and his tomohawk game is indeed really good, but he's also kind of limited to those things.
Although I do like Roy more, I feel as though his strengths are a bit in excess...while not being excessive enough, actually. And this hurts him in the long run, because his weaknesses aren't quite as patched up as his blue haired brother-in-arms. And it doesn't quite rival the ★★★★ star group imo.
And once people start to wisen up more to his tomohawk shenanigans, his Neutral game will become even weaker. Since all he could potentially do is SH -> Fair -> Up B/Side B to save himself from being revenge grabbed or potentially worse. Especially from the likes of the frame 6 grab group.
For Mega Man in particular, his Neutral game from
afar is indeed pretty nice. Though the Neutral also involved CQC situations, which Mega Man does suffer in. Since almost all of his grounded CQC options are very punishable on whiff or block.
Compared to Sheik, who has an all-in-one top tier projectile package in Needles, while also yielding far more potent CQC and mobility specs, 4.5 for Mega does seem a bit inflated.
I think that it'll end up around the ★★★☆ area or so in time. Maybe ★★★. Because it is just a little too specified. It's great at shutting down characters that can't really deal with it (

and other lower-tiered characters ), but the moment another character brings their own projectiles, a reflector, and/or good mobility and CQC specs into the fray, it falls apart little by little. Only very smart play and matchup knowledge/the opponent's inexperience can make Mega Man's Neutral better imo, and that's only for specific matchups.
Metal Blade is nice though, but only because of its many applications and throwing directions.. However, because it only deals 3% unless picked up and thrown, it isn't exactly that threatening in the grand scheme of things.
I saw these things as a Mega Man player myself, btw. His Neutral is good, but having a kit where the majority of your moves as projectiles doesn't always translate to a character having a top-tier Neutral.
For a similar yet not nearly as extreme example: See Samus.
I also think that nearly anything Mega Man can do, Mii Gunner can do better. His CQC and mobility specs are far more promising from a competitive perspective, and his Neutral game from afar is still quite solid thanks to bombs, Fair, and other neat tricks.
Yeah. Both Mega Man and Roy are a bit lower than perceived, imo.
All from me for now

But I just wanted to say that the topic is already looking MUCH better. Great work, guys!