I feel having to pick up a different character to have a decent chance against him shows how polarizing he is. If you don’t have a reflector or teleport, good luck against Nikita. Most characters. All characters you listed either have a reflector/absorber, zoning, or amazing recoveries. Many of those matchups are even too, such as Piranha Plant, Samus, Bowser and Ivysaur. Basically what I got from the post is since Snake can be counterpicked he isn’t broken. Well, let’s return to sm4sh Bayo, where characters who had a decent chance against her were the main ones seen at competitive level. Rosalina, Diddy, Sheik, Cloud and Bayo herself. If you decided to use anyone else vs her, good luck. Which brings me back to Nikita. Of course, a character may have a few matchups in which they dominate. But the more matchups in which they dominate, that is what decides their placement overall. Snake’s Nikita is absolute denial to many recoveries. A character can have a tool which makes a matchup harder for others, but it shouldn’t be so widespread. An example is magnet pull Rosa v Ness, but Ness has the advantage on stage so the matchup isn’t aa bad as it seems. I’ll give you a video example. Skip to 13:54
Xcal is knocked off stage, and the commentators said he ‘caught an airdodge’. The reality was that Xcal had no way to escape, the hitbox on Nikita lingers for too long. Furthermore even if the air dodge got past which it was incapable of doing so, the lag after an airdodge and the low end lag of Nikita or option to pursue further meant it would be checkmate. The second situation had Xcal test the limits of his characters recovery with the perfect wait, but the lasting hitbox of Nikita caught his drop down. He dropped because he was afraid of his neutral get up being caught by the lasting hitbox. He also felt jump would be caught as well. Roll would most likely be safest, except that Ally was in the perfect place to cover that due to Nikita’s low end lag. The final hit was a mistake by Xcal, recovering too high, but the damage had already been done, this entire situation beginning with a dash attack. Xcal also did his best to outmaneuver the Nikita, too bad he couldn’t simply click down B. Keep in mind all of this was done from a safe distance with no risk to Snake himself, you’re not reverse edgegaurding a missile or losing stage control. All I’d expect is more end lag on Nikita.