Kawaii Con ended a few hours ago and here are the results as noted in the results thread:
Kawaii Kon 2019 (208 entrants) (Honolulu, Hawaii)
1. Samsora

2. VoiD

3. Larry Lurr

4. Captain L

5. Magister

5. Eon

7. Scizor

7. Xzax

9. Tempest

9. Dren

9. Virtue

9. Snappy

13. K0rean

13. The Chancellor

13. AnD

13. Yung Goos

(needs further confirmation)
Samsora managed to come out on top over Void in an endeavor which included needed to make a hard fought for bracket reset and managed to take whole tourney with a good amount relevant competition present. And it does indeed seem that Captain L is set on invested in Pikachu again which it already doing work against a lot of strong players.
However, among these results, the real star of night appeared to be Magister and his

who got 5th at the event. Incineroar's place in the meta has definitely been one of the most polarizing amongst the cast with him often turning up in people's low mid tier or even low tier. But despite such perceptions, Magister continues to put on a great show with the Heel Pokemon and demonstrates just how potent Incineroar's normals and Alolan Whip are. Especially when he's amped up by Revenge. He managed to do impressive work tonight but alas, his run was terminated by both Void in Winners and Captain L in Losers who used


respectively. The Chus definitely seem to be unfun matchups for the cat atm as they're tricky for him to get a clean shot on and do a spectacular job of exploiting the achilees heel that is Incineroar's recovery. Despite the disadvantage though, Magister managed to keep it close with both of them, taking it to Game 5 in both sets. Notably he managed to mixup Incineroar's recovery in the most outlandish of ways and skirt death over and over while mitigating Thunder Jolt spam with Revenge. And while he frequently found himself in disadvantage, Incineroar being the big heavy hitter he his allowed him to keep it close with fewer hits and he did an incredible job of pushing advantage of his own.
Magister has been consistently performing well from the start of Ultimate from 7th at Don't Park on the Grass to 25th at GENESIS 6 to 65th at Frostbite 2019. And while Incineroar's buffs haven't made him massively better, Magister has definitely been putting them to good use. Particularly the Up B and Up Throw buffs. Despite opinions of his character being all over the place, he definitely seems to be performing consistently well and I hope he continues to shatter expectations with the fire cat.