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COMPETITIVE Brawl+: Code Agenda


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
I just realized something. When you dair at the peak of your jump with the c-stick, you fast fall.

I'm sure people already know this, but is/was there any discussion on maybe making it so it doesn't do that?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 28, 2007
Puerto Rico
Item ID list


00 Assist Trophy
01 Franklin Badge
02 Banana Peel
03 Barrel
04 Beam Sword
05 Bill (?)
06 Bob-Omb
07 Crate
08 Bumper
09 Capsule
0A Rolling Crate
0C Sticky Bomb
0D Cracker Launcher
0E Cracker Launcher Shot
0F Coin
10 Superspicy Curry
11 Superspice Curry Shot
12 Deku Nut
13 Mr. Saturn
14 Dragoon Parts
15 Dragoon Set
16 Dragoon Sight
17 Trophy
18 Fire Flower
19 Fire Flower Shot
1A Freezie
1B Golden Hammer
1C Green Shell
1D Hammer
1E Hammer Head
1F Fan
20 Heart Container
21 Homerun Bat
22 Party Ball
23 Manaphy Heart
24 Maxim Tomato
25 Poison Mushroom
26 Super Mushroom
27 Metal Box
28 Hot Head
29 Pitfall
2A Pokeball
2B Explosive Box
2C Ray Gun
2D Ray Gun Shot
2E Lipstick
2F Lipstick Flower
30 Lipstick Shot (Dust/Powder)
31 Sandbag
32 Screw Attack
33 Sticker
34 Motion-Sensor Bomb
35 Timer
36 Smart Bomb
37 Smash Ball
38 Smoke Screen
39 Spring
3A Star Rod
3B Star Rod Shot
3C Soccer Ball
3D Superscope
3E Superscope shot
3F Star
40 Food
41 Team Healer
42 Lightning
43 Unira
44 Bunny Hood
45 Warpstar

NON-STANDARD ITEMS (must be loaded by respective character/stage)
46 Adventure Trophy
47 Key
48 Smash Plate
49 Stock Item
4A Apple
4B mbclab
4C mbshell
4D pellet
4E vegetable
4F Sandbag (HRC)
50 Aroaros
51 Koopa
52 Koopa
53 Snake's Box
54 Diddy's Peanut
55 Link's Bomb
56 Peach's Turnup
57 R.O.B.'s Gyro
58 Seed
59 Snake's Grenade
5A Samus' Armor piece
5B Toon Link's Bomb
5C Wario's Bike
5D Wario's Bike A
5E Wario's Bike B
5F Wario's Bike C
60 Wario's Bike D
61 Wario's Bike E
62 Torchic
63 Cerebi
64 Chickorita
65 Chickorita's Shot
66 Entei
67 Moltres
68 Munchlax
69 Deoxys
6A Groudon
6B Gulpin
6C Staryu
6D Staryu's Shot
6E Ho-oh
6F Ho-oh's Shot
70 Jirachi
71 Snorlax
72 Bellossom
73 Kyogre
74 Kyogre's Shot
75 Latias/Latios
76 Lugia
77 Lugia's Shot
78 Manaphy
79 Weavile
7A Electrode
7B Metagross
7C Mew
7D Meowth
7E Meowth's Shot
7F Piplup
80 Togepi
81 Goldeen
82 Gardevoir
83 Wobuffet
84 Suicune
85 Bonsly
86 Andross
87 Andross Shot
88 Barbara
89 Gray Fox
8A Ray MKII (Custom Robo)
8B Ray MKII Bomb
8C Ray MKII Gun Shot
8D Samurai Goroh
8E Devil
8F Excitebike
90 Jeff Andonuts
91 Jeff Pencil Bullet
92 Jeff Pencil Rocket
93 Lakitu
94 Knuckle Joe
95 Knuckle Joe Shot
96 Hammer Bro.
97 Hammer Bro. Hammer
98 Helirin
99 Kat & Ana
9A Ana
9B Jill & Drill Dozer
9C Lyn
9D Little Mac
9E Metroid
9F Nintendog
A0 NintendogFull
A1 Mr. Resetti
A2 Isaac
A3 Isaac Shot
A4 Saki Amamiya
A5 Saki Shot 1
A6 Saki Shot 2
A7 Shadow the Hedgehog
A8 Infantry
A9 Infantry Shot
AA Stafy
AB Tank (+Infantry)
AC Tank Shot
AD Tingle
AE togezo (?)
AF Waluigi
B0 Dr. Wright
B1 Wright Buildings


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Wow, holy crap. Snake's f-tilt is insanely broken. No chance of getting out ever at any percent I don't think.

I believe that's should make the "to fix " list.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
I just realized something. When you dair at the peak of your jump with the c-stick, you fast fall.

I'm sure people already know this, but is/was there any discussion on maybe making it so it doesn't do that?
Well we originally had it planned, but several people said it was due to the way the C-stick was mapped out, and we couldn't fix this with simple coding.
Disappointing, we all agree on that.

Edit: Can't you tech Snake's Ftilt?
And two posts up, we're nerfing Sheik's Ftilt. Adding KB.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
HAD is here!!!

HAD is here!!!

OMG guys HAD is here!!!!!! It works amazingly well! The AD is not overpowered, and there is a lag after the Melee AD, as such you can't dodge towards or away from someone and aerial! After the Melee AD there's a brief delay before you can attack again. Like with BAD, it seems you're only capable of two air dodges before you touch the ground!

Stacked wavedashes have been made impossible! Phantom Wings has implemented a timer with which the Melee AD is done it can't be done again until after x number of frames. If you attempt Melee ADing before the timer is up you'll just do a Brawl AD. Also, it seems that you stay in the AD longer, though I'm not entirely sure. It seems to last longer, as it should.

Test this code guys!!!!

Hopefully it can be shortened-- I'm sure it's possible, as all of PW's codes have been shortened to an amazing degree lately.

Thank you Phantom Wings, job well done!!!

[B]Hybrid Air Dodge: (90 Lines) [Phantom Wings][/B]
80000000 80623320
80000001 00000000
60000006 00000000
60000003 00000001
4A001000 00000000
4A101001 00000000
36000000 00000032
58010000 00000004
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000060
DE000000 80008180
92210002 00000014
92210003 00000068
92210004 00000070
92210006 0000007C
92210009 00000018
58010000 00000088
92210007 00000064
92210008 00000058
48001004 00000024
92210005 0000000C
48001004 00000020
92210004 00000014
4A001004 00000000
32000018 00000000
4A001006 00000000
30000038 00000021
4A001002 00000000
36000040 41000000
4A001003 00000000
9221000A 00000038
9221000B 0000003C
4A001005 00000000
3000000C 00000000
1400000C 00000001
9421000A 00000010
9421000B 00000014
4A001004 00000000
14000014 00000000
E2000001 00000000
4A001005 00000000
9221000A 00000010
9221000B 00000014
86A0000A 40000000
86A0000B 40000000
4A001007 00000000
9421000A 00000008
4A001008 00000000
9421000B 0000000C
4A001002 00000000
34000041 41000000
36000040 42000000
4A001007 00000000
14000008 00000000
4A001008 00000000
1400000C 3E000000
34000041 41C00000
4A000000 805A0100
9221000A 00000000
4A001002 00000000
9001000B 00000040
8891000B 0000000A
34000041 42100000
4A001004 00000000
14000018 00000000
E2000005 00000000
4A000000 805A0100
9221000A 00000000
4A001004 00000000
36000014 42000000
9001000B 00000014
8891000B 0000000A
4A001006 00000000
32000038 00000021
4A001004 00000000
14000018 00000000
E2000001 00000000
34000015 41FFFFFF
4A001009 00000000
3000014C 00000000
4A001004 00000000
14000018 00000001
E2000002 00000000
80100001 00000008
62000000 00000001
E200000F 00000000
80000001 00000000
80100000 00000244
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

-A single Melee Air Dodge until you make contact with the ground again.
-A timer delay that will force you to wait a few frames if you're Melee Air Dodge is interrupted([I]Wavedash[/I]).
-Single direction Air Dodge.
-Everything that the original Melee Air Dodge Code had.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Wow, I didn't care too much for MAD after a while, but I simply MUST try this code.


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
I just tried to tech it. Can't be done. I think because of increased gravity, it ends up setting them in in a jablock/laserlock state with his f-tilt.

EDIT: I'll give it a shot. Can't really shut something down until you try it after all.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
HAD: Well I don't know about this one. I wasn't largely involved in the HAD discussion back in the day, so I don't really know the reasoning behind it's creation. But basically this gives you a fourth jump, and that's definitely broken. The removed stacking on WD is cool, but I still think the wavedashes are too long anyway (and a bit too easy). With Z, I can do a wavedash right out of a forward dash, without even moving the stick to diagonal (maybe quick jump start is effect that, though). I think the timer was a good idea to limit the wavedashing capabilities. But the length and the fourth jump applications are a deal breaker for me on this one. I hate to shut it down early, but that's the way I feel. I'd like to see what some of the pro HAD people from back during it's conception have to say though.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
Wavelanding is awesome. Wavedashing, however, is a bit iffy. While it's true you can't stack the wavedashes anymore, it's still hard to perform them. And for some reason, the Z button does not help much this time around.

Maybe it's due to the 0 buffer, though. I'll try at 1, and see what happens. Even at 0, though, I still kept pulling up the shield a lot, and would occasionally turn around, so...


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I'm still unsure. I think the character specific changes are more important, and we will need lots of code to fix that, but hey, if there is room I'd definitely would throw this bad boy in the mix.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Wavelanding is awesome. Wavedashing, however, is a bit iffy. While it's true you can't stack the wavedashes anymore, it's still hard to perform them. And for some reason, the Z button does not help much this time around.

Maybe it's due to the 0 buffer, though. I'll try at 1, and see what happens. Even at 0, though, I still kept pulling up the shield a lot, and would occasionally turn around, so...
I don't pull up the shield unless I mess up. I use X on the gamecube controller to wavedash, as I use X for grabbing. I'm weird because I'm an IC player--- or use to be big into them anyway. I got use to grabbing with X because it's faster.

I play at 1 buffer anyway, I refuse 0 buffer-- doesn't it remove lag canceled aerials? Anyway, this HAD code is stunning! It's not too hard to do once you get use to it.

I'm still unsure. I think the character specific changes are more important, and we will need lots of code to fix that, but hey, if there is room I'd definitely would throw this bad boy in the mix.
Yeah man, I see what you're saying. However, I strong think it's possible for Spunit to shorten this one as he has the other code. If he can, well, that would be amazing! Have you tried it yet Mookie!? What do you think? My God, it's like Xmas all over again I'm so excited!


Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Someone tell me what the max number of lines is again. I seem to be kicking myself in the ***, as the game won't start when I try to use this code. I feel I might have gone over the limit or something without knowing it or something.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
I'm not sure if this was always the case with the original MAD code or in Melee, but it seems that the degree to which you hold the control stick determines the force at which you air dodge. If you hold it forward just a bit, you'll only AD forward a little. If you hold it all the way, you'll AD a good distance. It's a nice little mechanic.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I'm not sure if this was always the case with the original MAD code or in Melee, but it seems that the degree to which you hold the control stick determines the force at which you air dodge. If you hold it forward just a bit, you'll only AD forward a little. If you hold it all the way, you'll AD a good distance. It's a nice little mechanic.
Yeah, I like this. I'm pretty sure that you can control wavedash length like this. Depending on the angle at which you dodge into the ground it will effect the distance of the wavedash. :)

This code is so refreshing, it's so amazing. The best of both worlds.. I love it!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I love the fact that you can Melee AD then function after, it's so exciting! It works perfectly, each AD after the first is a Brawl AD! :)

I have to ask, are the WD lengths still...ridiculous?
As far as I know, there wasn't much way of fixing this... If it is possible it'd probably require many more lines. Either way, I think this is awesome!

I'd at least rather the characters to have a similar length wavedash, as it's more balanced than character X's wave dash is this long ___________ and character Y's is this long ____

I love using dash dancing with this! Great stuff!


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
I'm beginning to think the timer window for executing another WD is too high. I have to wait like half a second before I can perform another directional AD, else if I execute it too fast, I'll do a jumping BAD.

I know we're trying to avoid stacking, but this window is just too restricting. The WD lag in Melee was never this big.

Edit: Wanna know how restrictive it is? You cannot waveland Mario's full-hopped fireball more than once. The first waveland goes through, but if you try it again immediately after, you'll BAD, and thus the waveland won't work.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I'm beginning to think the timer window for executing another WD is too high. I have to wait like half a second before I can perform another directional AD, else if I execute it too fast, I'll do a jumping BAD.

I know we're trying to avoid stacking, but this window is just too restricting. The WD lag in Melee was never this big.

PW said he'd fix any bugs in the code, if we find any. I'm sure if others agree and deem it too restricting PW will shorten it.

I'm done hacking for the night. Too much fun WD as Luigi. :chuckle:
haha! I agree man, I can't wait until I get to use this with my friends! :)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
so does spunits codes work or do we still have the ledges of death? Imo I would rather separate the changing codes from the non changing codes which means the ledge codes and ALC are separate from the DD and stuff. Spunit, can you separate the recent code so that the throw speed and jump speed are together?

I added a new code to the list "melee camera"


Smash Apprentice
Jun 16, 2006
Are you supposed to be able to do stuff after a mad? i was firefoxing and illusion after it.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Dang, a bunch of posts, my thoughts got buried.

HAD: Well I don't know about this one. I wasn't largely involved in the HAD discussion back in the day, so I don't really know the reasoning behind it's creation. But basically this gives you a fourth jump, and that's definitely broken. The removed stacking on WD is cool, but I still think the wavedashes are too long anyway (and a bit too easy). With Z, I can do a wavedash right out of a forward dash, without even moving the stick to diagonal (maybe quick jump start is effect that, though). I think the timer was a good idea to limit the wavedashing capabilities. But the length and the fourth jump applications are a deal breaker for me on this one. I hate to shut it down early, but that's the way I feel. I'd like to see what some of the pro HAD people from back during it's conception have to say though.
I have to ask, are the WD lengths still...ridiculous?
edit: Yes, yes they are. Big characters go way too far. Everyone goes way too far lol.

Also, as someone mentioned, the timer is a bit much.

Also, yes, if your on 0 buffer that's probably why it's too hard. It's cake on 3 buffer, which is what I've been using and think is optimal.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
After a bit more testing, it is possible to waveland Mario's fireballs consecutively, but you pretty much have to wait until you skid to a complete stop before you can even think of attempting it again. IMO you shouldn't have to wait so long to attempt a waveland again.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
After a bit more testing, it is possible to waveland Mario's fireballs consecutively, but you pretty much have to wait until you skid to a complete stop before you can even think of attempting it again. IMO you shouldn't have to wait so long to attempt a waveland again.
As far as the timer limit, I'll PM Phantom Wings once he responds to a previous PM of mine. I'll ask him to shorten the timer a bit. :)


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
As far as the timer limit, I'll PM Phantom Wings once he responds to a previous PM of mine. I'll ask him to shorten the timer a bit. :)
Can we move the HAD discussion to your thread orca?

Ok mookie here is the thing with the PS mod.

You are right that the ps window and ease technically is not "broken" but I feel it takes away from the game. The jumping speed is technically not broken yet we are tweaking that so whats wrong with tweaking the PS window? Have you tried 2 frame PSing because the timing is not much different.

You say that you can't capitalize on an accidental PS and I think your wrong. PSes in melee happened by accident yes and yes it was hard to use it but there is a difference between melees PS and brawls PS:

1. You get more shield pushback. If you are not expecting to PS, then you will get more shield shove than normal thus can't follow up.

2. Your shield went away. I'm not entirely sure if you could shield grab from a PS in melee

In brawl:

1. No shield pushback means that you can stay close enough to captialize

2. The shield stays up so you can still defend from multihit moves or you can quickly shield grab by instinct from hearing the PS sound.

3. The game is slower so your slower reaction is more forgiving

So why don't you at least try it? Its not like it takes up a lot of lines (1) and it doesn't nerf the shields like you say it does. Yes its not broken as it stands but I feel that it makes the game tighter and improves the overall quality of the game.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 28, 2007
Puerto Rico
<img src="http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/1939/utilt.gif" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/><br/>By <a target="_new" href="http://profile.imageshack.us/user/namq">namq</a> at 2010-02-28


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
I added "HAD" to my code list ^^ i'll let you guys know of anything about it in the morning

can anyone tell me what code on the list I put some post up here that disables DDD's and Falco's chaingrab?

I will really appreciate it ^^
Hitstun does that, my boy.

I was thinking, with the shield regen at .05 and damage ration at .25, how would you guys feel about decreasing the shield loss rate? I always thought the shield seemed to shrink pretty vast in vBrawl compared to melee, and especially with .25 damage ratio, it might be good for the defense game to have the shield shrink slower. Just a though.


Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2008
Well we originally had it planned, but several people said it was due to the way the C-stick was mapped out, and we couldn't fix this with simple coding.
Disappointing, we all agree on that.
I posted this idea before in this thread, but I think it got lost in the shuffle. Basically I was wondering if anyone ever had the idea to solve this problem by replacing the smash function on C-down with tilt, but only in the air so as not to affect dsmashes.
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