I'm not going to argue with you since you've already made up your mind.
If you can tell me how to beat a hyper-conservative player who plays extremely defensively and does mostly projectile spam, shield-camping, shield-grabs (because grab range is buffed and shield-grabbing is much easier even when they space), bitc
hwork, randoms between their three options to get out of combos, and DIs properly (basically a really good brawl player) without dissolving into the same thing, I will listen to you.
And argument aside, if I were to have a solution to your overpowering strategy, what makes you think I'd tell you if it guaranteed me victory
I doubt you'd say it because you don't have one. But if you did have one, I'm guessing you would have flaunted it to prove me and everyone else wrong at some point, or you would have done it because advancing brawl out of its current state of defense > offense seems like it would be a good thing.
Edge-Guarding is NOT hard to do in Brawl. I'm even willing to say that it is not only easier, but encouraged.
Everyone can jump out for the kill and make it back to the stage. Whether or not you do so is entirely up to you, but you risk running the game out. Not to mention that you can gimp tether recoveries easily, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to finish the games in quick time.
Tether recoveries are edgehoggable, sure. But on the characters who seem like they are good have good recoveries and multiple means of recovering and improved air-control works both ways. Making it back is easier on both sides. But, sure, I'll give you that. Edgeguarding isn't as impossible as skeptics make it sound. One disruption I think you neglect, though, is that they can usually float close enough to do an attack to block whatever you're trying to do to them unless you have more priority or range, which was not an option in melee.
On average our long games top out around 4-5min, which is always decreasing as we find new ways of doing things.
Yes because you and CoS are clearly the epitome of the Brawl metagame. It's definitely not someone like Azen, or M2K, or even the people who are, you know, winning stuff. I hear Vwins camps in Brawl like a b
itch and consequently he seems to win a lot. And so does DSF, who was apparently a top player in the ladder until he was suspended because people thought he was hacking (he was tied for 1st with another hyper-campy player; MikeHAZE I think). Actually I haven't heard of too many successful offensive players. If you can direct me to them, I would probably be more willing to change my mind on the matter.
Being a bitch by choice is no reason to dislike the game. You aren't even giving it a chance.
I've played it, I came second in some stupid Sauga tournament by camping, and only really lost to camping so yeah. And I'm actually terrible at Brawl. On that note, contrary to popular belief I don't hate Brawl I just think as a game it's hideously imbalanced. And much moreso than Melee.
I'm sorry you can't see the imbalance with Melee. Surely Brawl will eventually turn out to be the same, but it isn't now, making it more fun than many could possibly have going back to a game we've been playing and breaking down for many years.
When did I say Melee wasn't imbalanced? Melee is grossly imbalanced. But at least in Melee you can have some diversity in the styles of the characters. I'd go as far as to say that the top player of each character has a style completely different than the next best player and this is possible because Melee is nice like that. You can actually play characters in more than one way (and actually attack OR defend). I cannot say the same for Brawl. You can obvious have move preferences, but right now it seems clear that regardless of how you do it, you play defense. And defending tends to give you more constricted move options (projectiles, grabs, random stuff with speed and priority, eventual kill move).
Again, though, if I'm incorrect on this matter, please tell me.
Also, Luigis and Samuses win tournaments even when Falcos and Falcons and Peaches enter. Hugs won the last UCLA, with 149 entrants and Ka placed second. Chu plays f
ucking ICs and won Pound 2. Mango won Pound 3 with Jiggs. Bum got fourth at MLG Long Island with DK. Kage nearly made brackets at Pound 3 and almost beat Chu, beat Chillin, and some other names. The mid tiers are viable in this game. Obviously the top tiers trample them for the most part, but it's not like some fighters where the matchup is fu
cking unwinnable. You just have to be a lot smarter than them. Melee is very broken, but many others are much worse. On that note, we haven't had to ban characters yet, something that I've heard can happen in the "really broken" fighters (although this point is somewhat moot because the presence of Fox has made most of the stages unplayabe).