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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Rookie
Jan 9, 2007
Hey, it seems you all got this planned out, are there any chances for anyother person coming or shall I wait untill the next Tourny you hold?


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Anyone is allowed to come, there are no limits. So just be here tomorrow around 11am. When there is a tournament, theres no limit to the amount of people that can come. Anyways see you here tomorrow!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
well i guess i'll see everyone tommorow and i hope there is enough room for people to park....Also i wanna 1$ mm any guys from durango my marth vs ur char and also i wanna mm david...my marth vs ur peach 1$ also.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
Bloshi if you are able to give us a ride then come at the time you said you would.
But i think we might end up having to pick up jeris if he fits. . . that and lovo erg and chap are at lovo's. so we will need to pick them up (they are on the way ^^)You are our last hope or aurora is out for this one
Lol hick town is already out XD


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
OKAY Here's the deal: because David can't bring Takumi and Ferdi back I'll need to take them back as well (unless Ferdi responds telling me that he already has a ride) That leaves 4 seats left IF you guys do not bring the 2 gigantic TVs and you carry the smaller ones on your laps or something. If you really really need those two TVs then there is only room for two people. I really don't know what will happen, you guys need to decide who will go yourselves...

OR HERE IS AN ALTERNATE PLAN: David perhaps you could get your parents to take back the Aurora smashers to their houses since Aurora is almost on the way from Monument to Winter Park. I could carry the Aurora TVs back to their houses and Takumi and Ferdi back in my car. That way we could get most (maybe all) of the Aurora smashers back, depending on the capacity of David's and my car combined. I'm not sure I could take five people down in the first place. If you have those two giant TVs there's absolutely no way I can fit five people into my car. With those monstrosities it would be 4 people at most. And all of this planning has been done assuming that people will be patient enough to hold stuff on their laps.

Oh yeah one more thing it would be nice if you guys could help out with gas. Nothing much, just like 3$ per person.

Post before 9 tomorrow morning or things might get ****ed up.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
OKAY Here's the deal: because David can't bring Takumi and Ferdi back I'll need to take them back as well (unless Ferdi responds telling me that he already has a ride) That leaves 4 seats left IF you guys do not bring the 2 gigantic TVs and you carry the smaller ones on your laps or something. If you really really need those two TVs then there is only room for two people. I really don't know what will happen, you guys need to decide who will go yourselves...

OR HERE IS AN ALTERNATE PLAN: David perhaps you could get your parents to take back the Aurora smashers to their houses since Aurora is almost on the way from Monument to Winter Park. I could carry the Aurora TVs back to their houses and Takumi and Ferdi back in my car. That way we could get most (maybe all) of the Aurora smashers back, depending on the capacity of David's and my car combined. I'm not sure I could take five people down in the first place. If you have those two giant TVs there's absolutely no way I can fit five people into my car. With those monstrosities it would be 4 people at most. And all of this planning has been done assuming that people will be patient enough to hold stuff on their laps.

Oh yeah one more thing it would be nice if you guys could help out with gas. Nothing much, just like 3$ per person.

Post before 9 tomorrow morning or things might get ****ed up.
I worked something out with takumi, but I have yet to hear from ferdi. Takumi could probably take ferdi home as well, since I'm droppin him off at golden. So basically you just need to worry about the aurora smashers, ben. There is no chance for the alternate plan :(

And yang, it's on 1$ no backing out now :demon:

Edit: Remember takumi and ferdi, be at my house at 10 to 11am tomorrow

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
OKAY Here's the deal: because David can't bring Takumi and Ferdi back I'll need to take them back as well (unless Ferdi responds telling me that he already has a ride) That leaves 4 seats left IF you guys do not bring the 2 gigantic TVs and you carry the smaller ones on your laps or something. If you really really need those two TVs then there is only room for two people. I really don't know what will happen, you guys need to decide who will go yourselves...

OR HERE IS AN ALTERNATE PLAN: David perhaps you could get your parents to take back the Aurora smashers to their houses since Aurora is almost on the way from Monument to Winter Park. I could carry the Aurora TVs back to their houses and Takumi and Ferdi back in my car. That way we could get most (maybe all) of the Aurora smashers back, depending on the capacity of David's and my car combined. I'm not sure I could take five people down in the first place. If you have those two giant TVs there's absolutely no way I can fit five people into my car. With those monstrosities it would be 4 people at most. And all of this planning has been done assuming that people will be patient enough to hold stuff on their laps.

Oh yeah one more thing it would be nice if you guys could help out with gas. Nothing much, just like 3$ per person.

Post before 9 tomorrow morning or things might get ****ed up.
Ok then i guess no big tvs but we still have my medium one i guess
that and since most of aurora is mexican we fit two people in the front so the back will be ok but with one person holding a tv or two if we get ahold of another one


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
OK with only Aurora to worry about I think I can fit 1 big TV. We'll find out, and just hope for the best. I'll be around at 10:00, so be ready.

nevermind I can still go, but I need Victor's last name now


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
The tournament IS NOT CANCELED!!! SO GET OVER HERE!! MY LAST NAME IS FINNELL and my phone number is 1-719-488-0246 Also- ferdi cant come david, hes in the hospital. So i suggest start leaving. he said he might be able to make it later tonight...

get well soon ferdi

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
The tournament IS NOT CANCELED!!! SO GET OVER HERE!! MY LAST NAME IS FINNELL and my phone number is 1-719-488-0246 Also- ferdi cant come david, hes in the hospital. So i suggest start leaving. he said he might be able to make it later tonight...

get well soon ferdi
what happened?:(

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
The tournament IS NOT CANCELED!!! SO GET OVER HERE!! MY LAST NAME IS FINNELL and my phone number is 1-719-488-0246 Also- ferdi cant come david, hes in the hospital. So i suggest start leaving. he said he might be able to make it later tonight...

get well soon ferdi
WTF ferdi is in the hospital :( I hope he gets well soon. We will leave soon and get there about 1:30 hopefully. Bye


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I hope ferdi is ok!! Well, here is what we have for people going to NM but we have a problem. Talked to the rental place and they said that the vans can only hold 7 people.

Now to solve this problem easy I will go off the ranking after this tournament to decide who is going since we have more people than I thought. So to make this fair we will use the ranking system to decide. Regardless of what happens today Ferdi can go due to points, then comes Jeris due to the fact that that the only person that can challenge him on going is Raph but he has not express an interest in going. After that we have Victor, Erg and Tony.

So right now here are the spots:

The last two spots will be against Victor, Erg and Tony.

The reason why I am changing this is because since so many players want be sponsored, sponsor opporturnities comes before people who just want to go. This is the fairest way!!

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
It's odd that Jeris has more points than myself and Victor, considering how many bi-weeklies I went to, and how many tourneys Vic's won. Still, whatever works. If it's next weekend, I can go. If not, I obviously can't.

stealth Beaner

Smash Rookie
May 5, 2006
i was not abel to go due to the snow..

and how often do you guys have these smash bros tournaments?

i can peroberobly make it next time if its a little closer


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2004
sorry i couldn't make it to this tourney guys, i was really looking forward to coming, especially after seeing Lovo's combo matches. Hope you had a great turnout and I'll definitely try to make the next big one.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. BrownNite, all the points all based off ALL tournaments that have occured after the Summer Struggle tournament. Unless there as some tournaments that I didn't know about these are the tournaments/bi-weeklies that I know about. I asked everyone when I started the rankings if there was anything that I am missing. No one said anything so for the last couple of months these points have been as accurate as I can make them. Don't worry though, if bi-weeklies start happening let me know so we can start getting those points recorded


Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2006

Ask Nite for my phone number. seriously you need to call me. i don't know if your grandparents already got ahold of you. i tried to talk to them but no one answered the phone. its EXTREMELY important you call; i would discuss it here but it is only your business. CALL!!!!!!

ps. smash it tight << (so that this post relates to smash.... >>;; )

EDIT: if anyone is at the tourny in monument right now, can you PLEASE give the message above to Zeal// tell him to read this? its really important. thank you. <3 <3


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2006
Boulder, CO

Ask Nite for my phone number. seriously you need to call me. i don't know if your grandparents already got ahold of you. i tried to talk to them but no one answered the phone. its EXTREMELY important you call; i would discuss it here but it is only your business. CALL!!!!!!

ps. smash it tight << (so that this post relates to smash.... >>;; )

EDIT: if anyone is at the tourny in monument right now, can you PLEASE give the message above to Zeal// tell him to read this? its really important. thank you. <3 <3
If your talking about tony, he's not at the tourny...


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2006
Reading, Pa.
ho. ly. shit.

hey nin9, remember when i told you i didnt bother to lock the door at night because i had a knife beneath my pillow?

this morning at 4:13, i awoke to a stranger who was climbing on your bed above me.
i was so surprised at first that i pulled the knife on him and grabbed him by the throat.

i feel sorta bad because he was drunk, the scrawny emo type, and scared shitless.

i got him to leave but he was asking me if i had seen a red-head girl and was mumbling about how "daring" she made him feel. but he also said he was looking for something and that he was dead.

i think he might have been played by a thrill seeking harlot... so check your sheets for any fluids that wernt there when you left.

i should probibily find him and make shure hes ok.

...j/k about the fluids btw, i woke up right as he was walking through the door:chuckle: :p

on a more relevant note...
howd you guys do?
somebody post the tournament results!

also when are you getting back? i wana play the new smash gods you have become.
also i wana watch Rome.
so dont leave too late, it looks like its still snowing up here


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
DFG- thats random bull**** you pull with the car spots for nm. I can recall, ferdi and I asking if we could go first. Not only that, but you asked us who wanted to go and then now your saying i cant? Wow can you say gay?! THEN who said i was asking for sponsorship!? Im not asking for money or anything, im bringing 100$ like you said. That and I KNOW i can go for sure. W/e, i hope you get things straight and let the people who signed up first go. All i have to say is, the nvga ranking or c3 rankings are dumb, seriously, no one cares at all about those.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. BrownNite, all the points all based off ALL tournaments that have occured after the Summer Struggle tournament. Unless there as some tournaments that I didn't know about these are the tournaments/bi-weeklies that I know about. I asked everyone when I started the rankings if there was anything that I am missing. No one said anything so for the last couple of months these points have been as accurate as I can make them. Don't worry though, if bi-weeklies start happening let me know so we can start getting those points recorded
Ohhh The post was done by Zeal not me he must have not realized he didnt put zeal here or whatever


Smash Rookie
Jan 9, 2007
Seems a few people missed this cause of the snow, I was one of them sadly we got hit by the snow pretty hard the last day or so I'll make it to the next one for sure though =)


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
1st- Danger Doom
2nd- Get Well Ferdi
3rd- I dont know yet
1st- meleemarth
2nd- SDSG
3rd- Nite

When durango gets back home, they're probably going to upload some of the 113 videos we recorded. Also- Mabe they can load a picture of the brackets so everyone can see how everyone did.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Whichever team got 2nd... You guys are amazing. ♥ I think it was Vic and Erg, but if not, you guys are still **** amazing. Madd props to Nite. So proud of him.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Sup guys, I just got out of the hospital, and incase you didn't know I basically OD'ed on sleeping pills(took about 50 extra strength tylenol pm tablets contemplating suicide), luckily I was sane enough to call 911 before it really got ahold of me. Anyways, I was gone for 3 days, I opened my eyes to the awesomeness that is my parents, lost some blood, hurts to go pee now, and have to consult some pshychiatrist instead of going into rehab(thank goodness). Anyways, I guess I'm allright now, I know you guys support me and got my back, it was selfish to do so, sorry if I caused any of you guys to worry, specifically Victor who expected me for this tourney and David who was supposed to give me a ride. I knew you guys had fun at the tournament, hopefully I can go to to more even though I'm probably never going to be at the top of my game, I still want to go to NM though, if my parents allow, so count on that unless you guys don't really want me to go, whichever you think is better ^.^

Well I'm out, ttylates.

And like Tony said, awesome job Nite, step up your game some more :)


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Shout Outs

Thanks tony, i figured we should name our team for ferdi

Duha- wow, it was fun playing you. Your jiggly is pretty good and i think you chose a good decision to swich to her instead of peach. Anyways, it was definitely fun housing you guys, it made me feel like i was at OC2 all over again.

Nin9- Foo! LOL ill tell you what, when i first herd of you, i didnt expect anything. But since i played you, i have a great amount of respect for you. You definitely have some real talent. Anyways, your a cool guy in general and i can't wait to hang out with you again in NM(assuming dfg will stop being mega gay)

Buzz- Lol, i guess i dont have much to say cuz you know what you need to work on. Otherwise, stick with pika and unleash the power of the meat patty. Lol it was fun meeting you.

SDSG- Man foo, dont mess with the bloods LOL jk. Wow, it was amazing to think that you actually came to my house. LOl it was fun hanging out with on the cool couch w/ rafa as well. Anyways, you know your good so i dont need to say anything else.

Rafa- Fun sleeping with you >.> LOL Jk Well anyways, your still definitely a smart player and have some of the best potential in Co. Anyways, those fox dittos were pretty freakin gay but fun at the same time. Um, gj

Erg- Woot! your the biggest trash talking 13 year old i have ever met lol! Wich is why your are too cool and can take out 3 people on crews LOL. Also- it was fun teaming with you and we did pretty good for our first time.

Nite- I dont know how the hell you won against rafa in the tournament. Wow, i thought you were joking at first. Well anyways, your still a big johner and lol a **** for not going in against me. Lol jk, but gj against rafa and your placing in the tournament.

chap- Fun playing with you, im a little surprised that you did pretty decent in the tournament. Um, that was fun watching snakes on a plane LOL. Also- that was some pretty cool technical skill when i found you sleeping under the table LOL.

Ben- Yes, blue yoshi is gay and hes faggy also because of his purple boots. Lol otherwise, how far did you get in the tournament? Cuz you've improved a lot.Anyways, i guess just work on making your technical skill less predictable.

David- I didnt get to play you but lol sorry you kind of got screwed in the brackets. Atleast you beat joey, although he did get close to beating you with pika! What do you say, think hes got a good pikachu?

Takumi- Our hair is the freaking sexness. Lol other then that, i bet you know what you need to work on, if you want to improve. Also thanks for being one of the cool guys and watching snakes on a plane with us xp!

Marcel- Wow random guy with random good sheik. Lol i truely thought you were going to suck lol. Then when i played you, i was surprised. You definitely are one of the few sheik players in this state who have potential as a natural sheik player. Anyways good job and i hope to see you at more tournaments.

Yang- Lol, thanks for giving marcel a ride home. Anyways, you really did improve and i was freaking amazed when i teched 2 of your pokes with doc in our 5$ mm. Lol anyways, you have an azen style of play with marth. Well, keep practicing and mabe you and me will be the ken vs azen of Co.

Ghetto- im not saying anything because you live right behind me. Besides that, our fox dittos rule and i still think you should just practice ssbm like hell and get really good.

Joey- Your still my g-had homeboy foo! Lol even though you got taken out first 2 rounds in the tournament, you actually did better then all the other times you played. Seriously, you did good agasint duha, david and rafa. Your pike is dashiznezzdiz bish!

Other then that, it was sex just hanging out with you guys! I really love just being around you guys more then playing ssbm. Since training for this tournament, i have changed my thoughts on playiing. Also- i think i also have learned how to think of all my opponents and i feel that ive become wiser. Even if i may have placed 1st in this tournament, ferdi was still not there. Although, mabe this tournament is the boost a needed to get myself going again. Other then that, i hope ferdi always stays with us and never tries that again.


Smash Cadet
Dec 21, 2005
centennial CO
Thanks for hosting that tournament, i had lots of fun. You guys are dame good and i'll make a point to start coming to more tournaments. I learned plenty and know what to start workin on now. Oh and i think i'll be making a new acc just cus marcel isnt my name and i think people think im marcel now... Either way glad to hear the OD guy is alright.


Smash Rookie
Nov 9, 2006
Sup guys, I just got out of the hospital, and incase you didn't know I basically OD'ed on sleeping pills(took about 50 extra strength tylenol pm tablets contemplating suicide), luckily I was sane enough to call 911 before it really got ahold of me. Anyways, I was gone for 3 days, I opened my eyes to the awesomeness that is my parents, lost some blood, hurts to go pee now, and have to consult some pshychiatrist instead of going into rehab(thank goodness). Anyways, I guess I'm allright now, I know you guys support me and got my back, it was selfish to do so, sorry if I caused any of you guys to worry, specifically Victor who expected me for this tourney and David who was supposed to give me a ride. I knew you guys had fun at the tournament, hopefully I can go to to more even though I'm probably never going to be at the top of my game, I still want to go to NM though, if my parents allow, so count on that unless you guys don't really want me to go, whichever you think is better ^.^

Well I'm out, ttylates.

And like Tony said, awesome job Nite, step up your game some more :)
i hope you're doing fine, and i'm really glad that you're feeling better now. if you need anything plz don't be afraid to ask; i understand where you're coming from. keep feeling better and better, stronger and stronger; the only thing greater than the demons we face is conquering them. :)
--Nites lady

oh and GOD ****IT ZEAL GET AHOLD OF ME!! oh well.... its probably too late now. you're screwed. :(

NITE: k well then let me know; & thnx again for the present ^^ <3 and congrats on being a badass; make sure to win enough money to buy us a house ahahahaha (ps. on tuesday lets smash; i want u to train me)
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