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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
We'll be leaving Friday, and getting back Sunday. COME COME COME!

Its more of a timing issue now, cause I still have school Friday and its final that I can't skip it. Therefore, I can show up at Chap's house at 4:30 P.M. on the 5th, now I have NO IDEA how or if that will work with you guys. If you guys can't do it then its better to just go without me and represent.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Tony- I would love to come with you guys but i cant make it because since there were 2 snow days before christmas break, i missed 4 finals at my school. So now, they're this thursday and friday. I was planning on flying to AZ but since the snow days i cant. Well, i hope you guys have fun and its not going to be a walk in the park. Hell, when i went to OC2, it was a struggle to beat some of the random players. But anyways, people like enix moogle and all them are hard for kenny and I. So i guess be prepared for some real good competition and have fun.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. My bad on the date. I meant Febuary 9, 10, 11. Chap I'm expecting gas money to cost about 20-30 dollars depending on who wants to go. The more people who go the less gas money one person has to put out. People have time but spaces will go quick as we get closer to the date. Housing is provided by my friend but I have to see how many people for sure he can hold. I will know that tonight for sure.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Also Chap, you will need money for entry fee, food, etc. I usually take about $100 with just to be safe. So if you can manage that than you are more than welcome to hold it down Cutthroat style in NM with us.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Ok Victor, you got yourself a spot. Up to 5 players in the car now. Definitly will be renting the van!! :)


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
DFG, I would also want you to hold a spot for me to X-topia. I'll be going for sure, just make sure the van doesnt blow up right before we need to go or anything -.-


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Hey guys, i was thinking while the other guys go to AZ this weekend, we should hold a smash fest at someone's house? What do you say? who is up to holding a smash fest at their house? I definitely wont hold one at my place cuz you'll be coming to it in two weeks so, what do you say, anyone up to it? Lol we're going to need the practice!

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
Takumi and his haxing the math teacher so he always chooses you for extra credit.
I'll tell you my wii code when I get home >_> (proxys rock)

And did ben die or something, because I haven't seen him for a while <_<


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
What is wii code? I have a wii so i can give you guys mine if you want >.>

Also- Can anyone else hold a smash fest?, cuz thats kind of far for me >.>
Oh and if i came, i would bring my friend with me who is just learning.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
My parents are out skiing with my sister and cousins (dam them), so I won't know for a bit, but I'm fairly positive I will be having one.

Takumi, my wii code is 5134 6963 6403 5934. Can you send me a message with ben's code on there. I can't see to find it...

Btw, I'm playing mario kart ds now, because I've never done wifi before. If you want to play me catch me on AIM.

my friend code is 442470 067745

and if you didn't know my AIM is Marronator4

Edit: I need some blood! I've played 5 games of mario kart ds and havn't lost once ;_; I thought I would be gettting thrashed....


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Update( Need 2 RFU adapters and 4 more cubes)

When: 1/13/07
Where: 17370 Caribou Dr. E. Monument Co, 80132
Rules: Mlg rules
Entry FEe: $5 for singles $5 for doubles, $2 for food.
The Tournament will obviously begin around 12pm-1pm. Everyone is allowed to stay the night so i suggest that people bring blankets and stuff. Also, i would suggest bring some extra money just incase you randomly get hungary. There is a bunch of restaurants here. Um other then that, make sure you have breakfast before you come and just try too respect house rules.

Whos bringing what:
Bloshi- Tv and Cube
El_LoVo- 2 Tv's and Cube
Chap- Cube
The Marronator-cube

TV's- 8 tv's
Gamecubes- 4 cubes
I still need a computer that can do the brackets for us!

MLG Rules:
8min time limit
2 out 3
4 stock
no items
stages allowed: Yoshi's Story, Battlefield, Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Fountain of Dreams, Pk Stadium.
cheating will result in a game loss and if again, match loss....
Counter pick stages: Basically any stage that is outrageous like icicle mountain, rainbow cruiz, poke floats etc no crappy stages like that....
-All IC Infinites banned

no time limit
4 stock
best 2 out of 3
The rest of the rules are the same as 1v1

Also- there are many players coming to this, so i had to adjust the date while giving some and losing some people. But i set it for the 13th because durango smash players are gonna make it then. And, there are players from ddrfreak.com coming so theres going to be more people then normal...definitely..... Oh and apparently this tournament has been posted on ccct2k.com and other random gaming forums that ive never herd of. So zomg, this is going to be busy >.>

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
wow, after winning 7 or so rounds, I finnaly was beat... by king carl who had 3 stars, 302 wins, and 2 losses. Suprisingly I was able to keep with him the last 2 rounds, but other than that he was completly gone the entire time.

And victor, that is awsome! But come on people! WE NEED CUBES!

PS: Ben, please give some sign you are alive!

Edit Again!!!:
Ok, so the smashfest this weekend is officially on saturday. People can stay over into sunday. My parents don't want too many people staying over, BUT that should be fine since tony, etc will be in Az.

If ben is alive, I'd ask him to bring a tv, but I have no idea if he is, so it would be great if someone could bring a tv/cube.

You guys could probably get here any time, but it would be nice if people could start arriving mid-afternoon or from 12 and on.

And finally, you might consider bringing sleeping supplies because I don't want to run short like last time.

My addres: 1755 View Point Rd. Boulder, CO 80305


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Ok imposter, got you down. Make sure you have all the necessary things to go. Like I told Ferdi and Victor you will need about $100. Still waiting on the how many people from Colorado my friend Jason can house.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Here is what we have for the NM road trip right now:

1 Smash Player (SpiritDragon)
1 Smash Player (Imposter)
1 Smash Player (Meleemarth)
1 Soul Calibur 3 Player (Desmine)
1 Soul Calibur 3 Player (DFG)
1 GG Slash Player (Trick)

If these smash players are for sure trying to go then there are no more spots for Smash. I'm trying to give every player in there game a chance to go. If anyone of these Smash players decide not to go then I will let everyone know when that spot opens up.

some guy named Mike

Smash Cadet
Feb 23, 2006
Lakewood, Colorado
I know I havn't been in the scene at all but, my dad just broke his femur and is going to be unable to walk for 8 weeks or so. Since my mom will need help transporting and crap like that I highly doubt I'm going to be able to do anything for a while. Just to let you guys know.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
WTF is with imposter ken going, you dont do anything in the scene and you even said you were quiting. I think someone cooler and better should go >.>


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Well, this really depends on people. I would like to leave early afternoon i.e 12:00 or 1:00pm but if people have to work or in school we would have to leave later. For the three Smash players that would like to go what time would be good for you.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Well, it would be hot to leave after school so around 4pm but the only problem is, how are we getting to your place dfg? Are you picking us up or are we going to have to go somewhere or something. All i know, is that im off of I-25 so you can probably pick me up if anything. Also, my parents want to know if your driving because they trust you xp


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Well, it would be hot to leave after school so around 4pm but the only problem is, how are we getting to your place dfg? Are you picking us up or are we going to have to go somewhere or something. All i know, is that im off of I-25 so you can probably pick me up if anything. Also, my parents want to know if your driving because they trust you xp
Same, around 4 p.m. during Friday would make it much better, however I quoted this for the specific question: Are you going to pick us up or do we need to go to your place? If your place then an address is needed to calculate time and distance from my house so I can go there.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
I agree with ferdi's post, which is technically my post. So basically, im enforcing my post once again while supporting ferdi's quote that supports my post. Yeah, i know its confusing but hey, this will making you understand, look at the pink text in my sig >.>


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2006
Boulder, CO
I'll bring my cube to the smashfest and tourney, though I'm still not positive on the tourney.

BTW Rayman is fun, as is excitetruck. I recommend 'em. and SMB:BB, and TP of course...yuppers. having fun with mi wii :3


Smash Cadet
Jul 18, 2006
Boulder, CO
"As of 5:15 a.m., Jan. 5, all classes are being cancelled at BVSD schools due to winter storm conditions. This closure includes all after-hours, Community Schools and extracurricular events scheduled for Friday."

Omg No Skewl!!1!!
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