My personal list.
1: Timotee - Arguable, but I have to say he's at the top. His play was strong at ranbat 2 and I think that he did well enough overall to warrant the number 1 spot.
2: Owndizzl3r_Ownag3(Dave) - Great GaW. Effective play. I feel that he could be switched with DTL depending on the circumstance. Traveled OoS and placed pretty well. Best GaW in Colorado.
3: DemonicToonLink - Placed second at Ranbat. Did really well in teams. Watching the finals and Grand Finals really solidifies his spot. I couldn't decide which of the two to place ahead. For now, it's dave. DTL has a good shot at being number 2 though.
4: Underload - I think he surprised everyone at Ranbat 2. His play is effective, he's starting to **** pretty hard, and he almost had the set vs. DTL. I think if he learns the MK matchup he stands a pretty good chance at moving up.
5: BobaFettVsWobbafett(BEES/Josiah) - Another big surprise. This powerhouse came out of nowhere. As meno told me over breakfast sunday, it's "clicked" with him. Expect this kid to be ****** it up. I don't even know where he came from.
6: Zajice - Yet ANOTHER big surprise. I think Zaj would have done A LOT better had his Diddy been a little more developed. Unfortunatly, that didn't happen. When his Diddy gets in to shape, I'll be expecting some rapage coming from our friend here.
7: MenoUnderWater - Meno is a beast. He really is. Give his peach 1/4 of a second and you're *****. However, he underestimates his matchups a little too much

. Somewhat dissapointing at ranbat, but to be expected. High chance to place well at Winterfest.
8: Nite - **** teams player. Successful with a variety of characters. I haven't seen enough of his play to make a real judgement on him. I hope he does great things in the future.
9: InterimOfZeal - Maybe, if Tony tried, he'd be higher. Maybe, if Tony didn't suck at life, he'd be ranked higher. MAYBE, if he STOPPED ****** ME AS GaW I'D PUT HIM HIGHER AFAKVAVM SFGKPSJGSKF:GSFJG. Just kidding. If Tony tried, he'd be up there with Tim. His D3 is looking stronger every match he plays.
10: Lawkk - Number 9 and 10 were hard. Once you get past Meno, pretty much everyone is kinda just "meh". Some melee players sprinkled in, some people who don't care. I put Lawkk here because his play impressed me quite a bit at Ranbat 2. I'll be looking to see him improving.
TranZ - Just kidding. Tranz ****ing sucks at this game. Also, he plays melee, so that makes him twice as stupid. Ignore what he says.
Yang - Melee player who destroys in brawl. He's got to be the most unforgiving player i've ever met. He *****, trust me.
The Rest of CO - Pretty much everyone here is at about the same level. Let's improve so these rankings get messed around people.