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Colorado Smash - MVG Presents: REVELATION 2 - MIDWEST NATIONAL! MVG QUALIFIER! May 16-17


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
Um, address please =P. A time to be there? How long will I be permitted to stay? Should I bring my own food? More elaborate answers, please.

Get there when you want and stay for as long as you want. If you want to eat their Aurora food or order pizzas bring 5$. I have learned I may have to go home early (like tonight), so I am going there now. I also only have one pad with me at the moment (the decent soft pad). I can't wait to play ITG, I've tried playing it on stepmania with a USB connector, but that throws the timing off by quite a bit so I couldn't pass a lot of stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2002
Ft. Collins
You know I'm always up for Smash Bros., Interim, even if your overly technical style and ridiculous amounts of "practice" are enough to drive me crazy and make me frustrated beyond all reason.

By the way, this forum went to ****.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2003
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Ok, after long diliberation, pain killers, and thought I must inform all players that are going to NM that I won't be able to go. It hurts me to not go and take you this because I feel all of you deserve to go but due to my surgery on my achilles tendon, the pain that I feel right now, and all the drugs that I am taking I won't be right to drive all of you to this event. I'M EXTREMELY SORRY for doing this to you and letting you down. I promise to make this up too you anyway that I can. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 303-808-7746


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Ok, after long diliberation, pain killers, and thought I must inform all players that are going to NM that I won't be able to go. It hurts me to not go and take you this because I feel all of you deserve to go but due to my surgery on my achilles tendon, the pain that I feel right now, and all the drugs that I am taking I won't be right to drive all of you to this event. I'M EXTREMELY SORRY for doing this to you and letting you down. I promise to make this up too you anyway that I can. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 303-808-7746
the ****...?
How'd you get hurt so bad???
**** I was looking so forward to this, is there another way we can get going to this still though?


the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Ok, after long diliberation, pain killers, and thought I must inform all players that are going to NM that I won't be able to go. It hurts me to not go and take you this because I feel all of you deserve to go but due to my surgery on my achilles tendon, the pain that I feel right now, and all the drugs that I am taking I won't be right to drive all of you to this event. I'M EXTREMELY SORRY for doing this to you and letting you down. I promise to make this up too you anyway that I can. If you have any questions feel free to call me at 303-808-7746
Wow, I really hope you feel better, DFG!


get better dfg

this is that marcel guy (really bryan) finally found a good name that makes me happy


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2006
Dallas, TX
7am saturday. im sure mike duha can house ppl friday night. but i dont want to say for sure. i hope yall can make it to represent CO. who alls still got a chance to go?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
Well the fact is, going to Durango itself would be no easy feat, I mean thats a really long *** drive for me and my parents arent up to it, if Victor can go or Ken or some unknown dude who would be able to drive us(Yang? ur not that unknown >____> maybe we could pay someone gas $ to get to Durango then give $ to Durango driver for gas to go to NM?) If we can do that I'm still up to going.

Get better über soon DFG, we neeeeed your Yo's every now and then :(

But is it possible for us to still get housed by your friend or w/e if we're able to go to NM? Or have you Durango players secured housing?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
****ing Urgent

OMG GUYS WE CAN ALL GO TO NM BUT WE NEED THE FULL COOPERATION OF THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: Yang, MM, Ferdi, Nite(maybe?), Rafa, Ken, Tony(Tony you're needed for sure, be there for us, now is your time to shine)

Ok, first of all, Ken got his dad's car to be borrowed for this event, Tony will need to drive us there and back, picking up Yang and MM on the way(print out directions guys), me/Ken/Rafa/Tony will be at Ken's house around whenever, I will personally be there at 4pm. DONT LEAVE WITHOUT ME T_T!

And from Victor's we will go to DFG's friend's house for housing which will be posted to in address form around late today or sometime tomorrow. Then we get housing on Friday, then we leave for the tourney Saturday, and go back to CO around late Saturday/early Sunday range.

In conclusion, we will be leaving in Friday, February 9th from Ken's house @ 4 pm.
Gas calculations will be done shortly when DFG post his friend's house address

Also, the tourney fee is 17$ for singles only, and 22$ for singles and doubles. It is advised that you all bring spending money for food and junk. Also bring different clothes and **** you need for this kind of stuff. Rafa, if you need the entry fee simply money match, you'll get it for sure.

Now guys, lets all try our hardest to make this! We REALLY need you for this Tony, don't bail.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
Aurora CO
alright so i have like 43 $ right now, i'll go and i'll try to get more money from my parents by friday.
I'll be at ken's house.


man i would like to go...
probably no way in hell i can though.
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