when did Colorado become a rob state omg
Yay! now we just need to get Lunchmeat and E T back into ROB and we can Do a 4 way robot orgy. Steam may lose me to a robot main sometime in teams as ROB teams are epic and amazing.
WiFi can help if you let it help.
Make me your Padawan so that I may know this strange way of lag induced training that strengthen the power of my midi-chlorians.
tl;dr play wifi with me Fish!
It's the power shielding. ROB doesn't camp for damage, he camps for annoyance. Projectiles are just too slow to effectively camp for damage.
My problem is that camping usually gets me approached on or damage wracked. Now I am used to the MUs where you have to not camp as well. Olimar(you have to approach)
Kinda like how Colorado used to love Snake. You might even say ROB is a... Snake Eater.
Also, this thread moves really fast, wow.
I know right? Guess you can't lose to me anymore. With all of these ROBs around you will have no excuse

jk <3 ya
I have a job interview with a company that is way out of my league in about 2 hours. I am nervous as ****
Also stop talking about Brawl, what do you think this is, a forum for it?
Good luck on your job interview! We will be talking about Brawl when you get back!
And for a ROB main it is definitely not worth dittoing mk. If your going to do that you might as well just main mk. (Honestly I think a person's main is who they use against mk).
For evidence of this see HolyFrightmare.
Bees I seem to have the same trouble as you with my ROB. It is just too aggressive, and no matter what I can never seem to camp enough. I'm wondering if it's because ROB really isn't that great at camping once people actually figure out how to powershield.
Partly that and really aggressive characters with great pressure game. Or if ROB is down stocks or a large %. Camping with his slow and terrible projectiles will get you nowhere except timed out.
Or it could be we really only get good practice with one person offline and that just gives us bad habits.
That pretty much. and that person I play with would be top 3 in CO if he fought as good against everyone else as he does against me
Seriously Steam. You usually beat my ROB easily yet you barely win against people who often struggle just to get me to high percent on 2nd stock.
Learn the character as much if not more than the player.
As for wifi I'm not entirely sure what to think. Some people play wifi and get really good, Ally and more locally Dave and Fish, while others don't seem to get anywhere offline despite plenty of experience, Okami and myself (even though it sounds like okami has gotten a lot better offline). It kind of seems like to me that wifi helps if you play like your offline. Stop doing stupid stuff like rolling w/ lucario or nairing w/ snake *looks at okami*. An example of this was when I played fino online. Obivously he is way better than me, but our games where close. He played like he was offline being agressive and almost no spam. I probably spammed, which was why the match was close. Or he could have just had an off day his rank is still much higher than me on the ladder. Meh...
Fino does play a character that can be applied offline with little adjustment. ROB is not like that at all if you want to win.
Characters and how you approach it. Now I am going to play more wifi as I noticed it helped me play smarter offline(even though I only put in about a months worth of practice and lost most matches)
However with ROB on wifi do NOT expect to win if you are playing to learn and better your offline game. ROB on wifi is stupid if you play like a noob and just spam SH nair, dsmash and projectiles. The habits you get with wifi when playing to win will make you a terrible ROB offline.
ROB has tons of laggy moves and is juggled easily. Combine that with lag and you have a sort of hitstun that makes great for other peoples combo videos.
hey I don't just know the Bees MU : (
I know the Rawb MU...
I know you know more then the Bees MU. But my point is you know it to the point where it doesn't help you unless you fight me.
No not just that. You didn't punish hardly anything in the videos I saw. You got hit by everything. Especially with MK v ROB. You rarely tilted a lot like you do vs me. and almost screwed up punishing his rising uAir recovery. You also got hit by a lot of things that you would punish hard vs me if I did. Standing on the ledge and spotdodging to eat a nAir? wtf.
Also s0apy. He actually took a game off of you. Last time s0apy took a game off of me was last September or so(2009). He has not since then actually gotten past my second stock ever in tourney. Yet he took you to last stock and took a game off of you.
You PS everything I do and punish everything I do. Yet you struggle to beat people that I beat with ease...
Sounds like you know my ROB but playing it so much made you really just know how I think as a player. you need to learn about other thought processes and other players. Because from what I saw with the Holiday Bash vids. If you played then like you do against me. Nobody would have gotten a game on you and likely would have been 2 stocked most of the time(nothing personal to anyone who played Steam. He didn't beast against you guys like he does against me)
Also Jorgeme we need to work on being patient(me more than you) Also I think we can learn from each other. So next time we both are in the same place I will watch your matches and let you know what I see you losing with. Will you do the same for me?