Does anyone else have any issues with Nana? I find that, like all the other CPUs in the game, she is overall smarter than she's ever been before... but still frustratingly prone to randomly killing herself. I typically take great care to keep my Nana alive, but sometimes we'll be separated, both on the stage, and I'll be fending off the opponent, waiting for her to run back to me, and suddenly I hear her death cry, as she has decided to, instead of running back to me, dash dance a bit, and the jump and air dodge off the stage in the complete opposite direction as me. A random nanacide seems to happen to me about once every five or six stocks. She also seems to struggle a lot returning to me if there's any platforms in her way and/or just randomly takes a long time returning to me sometimes.
I know Hylian already addressed this issue, but it's also extremely frustrating when, while both right beside each other, I can use Up-B, and both me and Nana will use the attack at the same time, but neither of us actually go anywhere, and instead fall together to our deaths. With their recovery options already all rather dangerous and their offstage game extremely risky, it's an often-frustrating added difficulty to have to throw out an aerial in order to try to make sure they are absolute synched before using the b-up. Especially when they're right beside each other.
It also kinda sucks, on stages (like Lylat) with slanted edges, when you use side-b and are pulled rather strongly off the edge, as, if you use side-b and then go off the stage, you have no recovery options. It would be nice if the ICs could at least b-up still if they start their side-b *on* the stage and then use it to roll off.
And lastly, in the vein of throwing out unsolicited suggestions: it would be sorta nice if, when using up-b as an actual attack, Popo did not enter into a special fall if Nana connects. The move already has limited viability as an actual attack, and, even if you connect with it, unless you kill the opponent upon landing the move, you're in a pretty punishable position. Having both climbers falling separately and defenselessly is no bueno. But at the same time, if Popo could still attack whenever Nana lands the up-b hit, he could initiate a synched side-b, which could be a potentially OP follow-up option. Idk. Just wish the move was a tiny bit more useful/less crippling.
And Hylian: yes. I very much like the new grab release points. While my play group aren't really masters of SDI, I've been able to chain grab pre