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[Circuit Event] **Fuhgeddaboudit 2** 9/29 Oshkosh, WI


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
C-Wolf I hear you need a partner...
So what, did you not notice my message or something that you're asking C-Wolf? Consider this: C-Wolf said he MAY be going to the tourney. I WILL be going to the tourney. C-Wolf can only practice teams with you before the tourney. I will be going to Zicore's friday night (With another TV, another Wii, and two copies of smash. Oh, did I mention one of them's version 1.0?), which means that I can team-practice with whoever might be going to the Plover Smashfest.

In short, I'm asking if you'd be willing to team with me.

One more thing, for everyone heading to Zicore's Smashfest, does anyone have an open seat in their vehicle for one more person + belongings? I want to know if I will have to drive myself, and I'd want to get the oil changed before going on a trip as long as that.


Oct 1, 2005
Wow, I asked a good question like 4 pages ago, but because of spam, no one saw it. Lame

I'll ask it again, I have a friend who's coming at like 3, and he doesn't want to play in any tournies, but wants to come for fun, theres a very good chance he could start playing competatively. But he wants to check the scene out, is there anyway he would only have to pay like 5 bucks or nothing at all just to play friendlies?

Black Hayate

Smash Lord
Oct 21, 2005
Land of kinkyness
Wow, I asked a good question like 4 pages ago, but because of spam, no one saw it. Lame

I'll ask it again, I have a friend who's coming at like 3, and he doesn't want to play in any tournies, but wants to come for fun, theres a very good chance he could start playing competatively. But he wants to check the scene out, is there anyway he would only have to pay like 5 bucks or nothing at all just to play friendlies?
i don't think he'll have to pay, but i spike have more say then me at this

and yes i saw that question while ago @_@

anyone in MN play GGXX?

edit : yea if he is coming at 3, i don't think i'll make him pay


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
ok, wow...this is really confusing. I know that I can bring people with my moms truck, which has room for 5 including driver. I know myself, quaz, KSSB, and EoF are riding with me. Chrono, if at all possible, would you be able to drive here in your car and then drive the other MN people? I know its kinda late notice, but I didn't realize that EoF is too poor to afford gas =( I know I have to pick him up from Marshfield on friday.

Message to sync...my house is actually not that far from the tourny. About 50 minutes if we go a little fast, which I tend to do. Also, idk if SDM is bringing his Doodle van, and if so, idk how much extra space he has. I can haul ALL of the TV's, Cubes, and Wiis there in the back seat...and if anyone wants, they could sit in the back, though I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to.

But as for the rides, if Slayer is bringing 4 people, one could ride with me, and 3 others with Chronosquare, that is if he is willing to bring his car.

On a side note, hopefully slayer and SDM will still come here for rooming. I know a lot of local people who might be coming at least to the smashfest are anxious for it. I know it will be worth it.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2006
Little Canada, MN
the superdoodlevan died a couple months back (the week before FCD), so now he just takes a superdoodlemobile (normal car). He is taking 3 people so unless someone wanted to squeeze in...........................

I dont really mind who takes me from zicore's to the tourney, because I'm not the driver. It is up to cake whether or not he wants to ride or drive the rest of the way (assuming chronosquare takes his big car)

Black Hayate

Smash Lord
Oct 21, 2005
Land of kinkyness
Message to sync...my house is actually not that far from the tourny. About 50 minutes if we go a little fast, which I tend to do. Also, idk if SDM is bringing his Doodle van, and if so, idk how much extra space he has. I can haul ALL of the TV's, Cubes, and Wiis there in the back seat...and if anyone wants, they could sit in the back, though I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to.
by faster did you mean driving 90 mph and racing some other car on HY10? lol

average it take about 70-80 min from plover to Oshkosh

i might be able to take one extra person, but that mean you'll have to listen to j-pop/rock on the way there
i might not make you pay for gas. so...... eof? lol


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
ok, wow...this is really confusing. I know that I can bring people with my moms truck, which has room for 5 including driver. I know myself, quaz, KSSB, and EoF are riding with me. Chrono, if at all possible, would you be able to drive here in your car and then drive the other MN people? I know its kinda late notice, but I didn't realize that EoF is too poor to afford gas =( I know I have to pick him up from Marshfield on friday.

Message to sync...my house is actually not that far from the tourny. About 50 minutes if we go a little fast, which I tend to do. Also, idk if SDM is bringing his Doodle van, and if so, idk how much extra space he has. I can haul ALL of the TV's, Cubes, and Wiis there in the back seat...and if anyone wants, they could sit in the back, though I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to.

But as for the rides, if Slayer is bringing 4 people, one could ride with me, and 3 others with Chronosquare, that is if he is willing to bring his car.

On a side note, hopefully slayer and SDM will still come here for rooming. I know a lot of local people who might be coming at least to the smashfest are anxious for it. I know it will be worth it.
Thank you; that is the answer I was looking for. Now I know to set aside time (and money) to make sure my car is capable of driving long-distance (the furthest I've driven in it before was to Marshfield only). I actually do prefer it this way; now I will have someone sitting shotgun to help me navigate :D

Oh, and a warning to whoever might be riding with me - you should bring your own MP3 players and your own music; all I've got is the radio in my car. No iPod plug-in, no CD player, not even a cassette tape player. Yeah, it's pretty bad, but it gets the job done of going from A to B. (IIRC, I used only a quarter-tank of gas going from Amherst to Marshfield and back. And I have no idea how many miles that is.)


Smash Ace
Aug 19, 2007
yes, 70-80 minutes average, without traffic. I live five minutes from the venue, I mean if we had to, we could walk.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
yes, 70-80 minutes average, without traffic. I live five minutes from the venue, I mean if we had to, we could walk.
How does it take you guys that long? I make in back from lones tourney in 50 minutes...and its about the same distance. Ok...so maybe about 10 minutes extra...but seriously...THAT LONG?

And thank you chrono...that means that those MN people could stay here. I got room in my car for one, and 3 with chrono. WOO! SMASHFEST STILL ON!


Smash Ace
Nov 22, 2006
Beyond the Bounds
hayate I play gg XX, I'll play you in it if I remember the buttons lol.

Also I hope someone at Zicore's plays a good falco, need to play him more with my marth.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
hayate I play gg XX, I'll play you in it if I remember the buttons lol.

Also I hope someone at Zicore's plays a good falco, need to play him more with my marth.
You're in luck! EoF plays...oh wait...I missread that...you said GOOD falco...I thought you said
"A falco that >B's off the side every life." Sorry...


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
7 times in a teams finals set :p
ahahahahahaha....I remember that. Kinda...I was sleeping under the table, and I could hear laughing and cursing.

On a side note...Slayer, now that we have ample driving room, in order to actually save gas, it probebly would be better to stay here. You do have to go near/thru point to get to oshkosh, so you would be saving money...just a thought.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2003
Winona, MN
ahahahahahaha....I remember that. Kinda...I was sleeping under the table, and I could hear laughing and cursing.

On a side note...Slayer, now that we have ample driving room, in order to actually save gas, it probebly would be better to stay here. You do have to go near/thru point to get to oshkosh, so you would be saving money...just a thought.
That's good. Then it seems like the original route is set. Now all we have to do is figure out who's riding with whom?


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
While I'm floating in the thread trying to motivate myself to take care of what needs to be done before the tourney, I think I'll re-count the mm's I've got.

KSSB: Planet Puzzle League vs. Time Attack
56k: Puff v. Ganon
Zicore: Puff v. Peach
Fade: Puff v. Marth
Spikes: Puff v. Doc
Zjin: Puff v. Marth
Thomas Jefferson: Puff v. Samus (I assume)
Ethan: Puff v. Fox (IIRC), Low-tier v. Low-tier (can we change between matches? I really don't have any one set low-tier character...)
Zicore: Pokemon Puzzle League vs. Time Attack

As predicted, I am strapped for cash, so I can only promise $1 MM's to everyone I have one with; which seems pretty good, seeing as I've got 10 MM's and I estimate I'll be able to bring only $10 extra to the tournament... ($30 to enter tourney and that covers food too, right? Or do I have to get something for breakfast/lunch/supper on my own? V_V)

I listed my MM's in order of importance; I'll start from the top and work my way down - which means that for the less important mm's if I run out of money your luck is out, simple as that.

Also, due to my money shortage, I would like to ask whoever will ride with me to have a few dollars available for gas money... I should have enough gas to make it to oshkosh and back, but just in case I'd like to ask for a contribution of $3; $9 worth of gas would get about 1/3 a tank, and that should be enough to make it home on.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2006
Brazil, SouThSidE!
While I'm floating in the thread trying to motivate myself to take care of what needs to be done before the tourney, I think I'll re-count the mm's I've got.

KSSB: Planet Puzzle League vs. Time Attack
56k: Puff v. Ganon
Zicore: Puff v. Peach
Fade: Puff v. Marth
Spikes: Puff v. Doc
Thomas Jefferson: Puff v. Samus (I assume)
Ethan: Puff v. Fox (IIRC), Low-tier v. Low-tier (can we change between matches? I really don't have any one set low-tier character...)
Zicore: Pokemon Puzzle League vs. Time Attack

As predicted, I am strapped for cash, so I can only promise $1 MM's to everyone I have one with; which seems pretty good, seeing as I've got 10 MM's and I estimate I'll be able to bring only $10 extra to the tournament... ($30 to enter tourney and that covers food too, right? Or do I have to get something for breakfast/lunch/supper on my own? V_V)

I listed my MM's in order of importance; I'll start from the top and work my way down - which means that for the less important mm's if I run out of money your luck is out, simple as that.

Also, due to my money shortage, I would like to ask whoever will ride with me to have a few dollars available for gas money... I should have enough gas to make it to oshkosh and back, but just in case I'd like to ask for a contribution of $3; $9 worth of gas would get about 1/3 a tank, and that should be enough to make it home on.
Can i get the same $1 deal Fade has?


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
Can i get the same $1 deal Fade has?
quick question...who you using in teams? I would say marth because him and peach **** in teams. Also...please note that I am not that big of a lifebank with peach, because I like to get right in the fight. Though...for some reason, I can lifebank well with luigi because I get miss-fires for recovery. Let me know which one you want to team with.

Also, for anyone who is staying at my house the night before/after the tourny...I was wondering if we can do the mm's friday, so we don't have to do it at the tourny. Just to save a little time, assuming someone goes far in tourny.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Can i get the same $1 deal Fade has?
I guess so. I'll just edit it in there... right below Spikes, because I've owed him this mm since like March XD

Also... since I'm adding on to the list... Devy, I wanna mm your Ganon. (C-Wolf, if you do come, I'll reserve a slot above Thomas Jefferson to MM you, if you want.)


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Hey KSSB, you should bring your copy of Pokemon with you as well as your DS to this. I've got Pokemon Battle Revolution, and I just found today this pretty nifty secret code that gives you a free Electivire - Adamant, lv 50, with Earthquake/Cross-Chop/Thunderpunch/Ice Punch for moves. I think I should be able to give you one. It'd go perfectly with that Gyarados that you seem to like to use. :D


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
Hey KSSB, you should bring your copy of Pokemon with you as well as your DS to this. I've got Pokemon Battle Revolution, and I just found today this pretty nifty secret code that gives you a free Electivire - Adamant, lv 50, with Earthquake/Cross-Chop/Thunderpunch/Ice Punch for moves. I think I should be able to give you one. It'd go perfectly with that Gyarados that you seem to like to use. :D
K...no pokemon in my house k thanks


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2007
Central Wisconsin
K...no pokemon in my house k thanks
ok, wow...this is really confusing. I know that I can bring people with my moms truck, which has room for 5 including driver. I know myself, quaz, KSSB, and EoF are riding with me. Chrono, if at all possible, would you be able to drive here in your car and then drive the other MN people? I know its kinda late notice, but I didn't realize that EoF is too poor to afford gas =( I know I have to pick him up from Marshfield on friday.

Message to sync...my house is actually not that far from the tourny. About 50 minutes if we go a little fast, which I tend to do. Also, idk if SDM is bringing his Doodle van, and if so, idk how much extra space he has. I can haul ALL of the TV's, Cubes, and Wiis there in the back seat...and if anyone wants, they could sit in the back, though I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to.

But as for the rides, if Slayer is bringing 4 people, one could ride with me, and 3 others with Chronosquare, that is if he is willing to bring his car.

On a side note, hopefully slayer and SDM will still come here for rooming. I know a lot of local people who might be coming at least to the smashfest are anxious for it. I know it will be worth it.
Lol @ the pokemon, I'll keep that in mind. I'll be at your house but I'm thinking if SDM has his Doodle Van he could take me and whoever else you can't take to the tourney to Ethan's so we can play with him. I still have to ask SDM though.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
Lol @ the pokemon, I'll keep that in mind. I'll be at your house but I'm thinking if SDM has his Doodle Van he could take me and whoever else you can't take to the tourney to Ethan's so we can play with him. I still have to ask SDM though.
We can take everyone to the tourney from Slayers car. SDM will have to take everyone that he is bringing, which sucks...but...I don't have a limo...though it would be cool to bring everyone there IN A LIMO...tempting...

oh...and sdm doesn't have the doodle van anymore. Just a car.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
K...no pokemon in my house k thanks
I was thinking of something like near tourney's end, it sounds like KSSB's car won't arrive until well into the night... sometime around 2 AM he said; I'm gonna want to get as much sleep as possible, and from 2 AM to 9 AM or whenever, I'd think KSSB would like to sleep as well.

Besides, the mystery gift gives 3 minutes in which to connect with the DS and transfer the Electivire; the whole act from starting up the Wii to shutting it down, including the transfer, is only about 5 minutes long.

...since we're speaking of pokemon...

I extend my offer for a $1 pokemon mm to anyone... however, given all else that's going on, how close it is to the tourney, and the likelyhood that someone coming also knows competitive battling, I doubt anyone would take me on. Even though my in-game team is a piece of ****.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
The cost of this tournament will be an all-inclusive $30. This will be split $15 for singles, $10 per teammate, and the remaining $5 will be divided between the midwest circuit pot bonus and also to get a coupon for a free footlong sub at the Subway across the street from the venue. We are also going to have 8 cases of Pepsi donated by the school, and will be allowed to distribute $100 worth of snacks or other refreshments on-venue.
Snacks and Pepsi and a free footlong sub a day's worth of meals does not constitute. Certainly now after taking time to read again the first post's subject info I can thoroughly know that all of my money matches cannot be matched in money... so more so than down the list I will do a more of fashion desgining in the manner of the cafeteria food - those I find to challenge in tourney location first get to take their matches before anyone else can get a chance. The conflict of two coming at first to me I will choose resolve of mine to fight that which I value more important.

fox, down b.... double post ftw
...does anyone else besides me want to make FTW rhyme with down B?


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2006
Bug City
Snacks and Pepsi and a free footlong sub a day's worth of meals does not constitute. Certainly now after taking time to read again the first post's subject info I can thoroughly know that all of my money matches cannot be matched in money... so more so than down the list I will do a more of fashion desgining in the manner of the cafeteria food - those I find to challenge in tourney location first get to take their matches before anyone else can get a chance. The conflict of two coming at first to me I will choose resolve of mine to fight that which I value more important.
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