Chula Vista XXXI: Fun-raising the Roof
July 5th, 2009
Barrio Havokz (Havok's House)
1326 Whitaker Avenue
Chula Vista, California, United States
This is it. The last San Diego tournament before Genesis. And we're going to do it right. We're going to have people from outside the continent joining us, we're going to do Melee, we're going to do Brawl, we're going to do Low-Tiers, we're going to be making carne asada again. We're going to raise money for the bus and hopefully make it even cheaper. The last one was a success so let's make this one even better.
If you've never been to a Chula Vista tourney, you don't know what you're missing out on. Like... at all.
Get hype, people.
Prices and Events
Venue Fee: $5 (All venue fee money goes to the Southern California Smash Bus)
Events are in order of Schedule; Melee will be Concurrent with Brawl (and will finish sooner)
Brawl Amateurs
Price: $2
1st: Free Entry into Brawl Pro Singles, Money Back, 10% of Pot
2nd: Money Back, 5% of Pot
3rd: Money Back
Brawl Low-Tiers
Price: $2
1st: 60%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%
Brawl Doubles
Price: $4
1st: 1/2 Price off SoCal Genesis Bus Tickets for both teammates, 50% of Pot
2nd: 50% of Pot
Brawl Pro Singles
Price: $6 (Brawl Amateurs Price - $4)
1st: 60% of Pot
2nd: 30% of Pot
3rd: 10% of Pot
Melee Doubles
Price: $4
1st: 1/2 Price off SoCal Genesis Bus Tickets for both teammates, 50% of Pot
2nd: 50% of Pot
Melee Singles
Price: $6
1st: 60% of Pot
2nd: 30% of Pot
3rd: 10% of Pot
All is Brawl Page:
This is all for the Bus.