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Chudatz & Woodbridge VA Presentzs: The Epic of Woodbridge Volume III: June 13th


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2008
Salisbury, Maryland
I've learned the truth, I can no longer be a smasher. I must do something I felt wasn't neccasary in the past, it is.

I may still show up at smash tournaments and enter. But that doesn't make me a smasher. There is nothing notable or special about me.

I care about my passion more than anything, I wish to be great at my passion.

I will never be great at smash. I'm a scrub, not a smasher.

I do not know if this means I've quit smash but I must do what I've been wanting to do for years now but have never done anything about it.

I just want to be successful, the smash community hates me and I hate myself. I need to create my new world. An adaption of a world the way I see it.

I used to think Smash was everything to me. That I've devoted my life to Smash. I was wrong. I've devoted my life to Kirby.

I know I am not and never will and could be an inspiration to the smash community in anyway. But to Kirby fans such as myself, maybe I can. Maybe I can put a smile on their face. Something I could never do to anyone in the Smash community.

I'm just another random who joined when Brawl came out. I'm nothing special. And whats the point of living if you're not special. If you won't mean anything to anyone. There is no point in a life like that.

But I will make Kirby and fans of him proud and happy. Be an inspiration to fellow Kirby fans, light up a spark in the hearts of many. Bring emotion to those like myself.

Thats my dream.
Quit Smash, play the conduit :)


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
I've learned the truth, I can no longer be a smasher. I must do something I felt wasn't neccasary in the past, it is.

I may still show up at smash tournaments and enter. But that doesn't make me a smasher. There is nothing notable or special about me.

I care about my passion more than anything, I wish to be great at my passion.

I will never be great at smash. I'm a scrub, not a smasher.

I do not know if this means I've quit smash but I must do what I've been wanting to do for years now but have never done anything about it.

I just want to be successful, the smash community hates me and I hate myself. I need to create my new world. An adaption of a world the way I see it.

I used to think Smash was everything to me. That I've devoted my life to Smash. I was wrong. I've devoted my life to Kirby.

I know I am not and never will and could be an inspiration to the smash community in anyway. But to Kirby fans such as myself, maybe I can. Maybe I can put a smile on their face. Something I could never do to anyone in the Smash community.

I'm just another random who joined when Brawl came out. I'm nothing special. And whats the point of living if you're not special. If you won't mean anything to anyone. There is no point in a life like that.

But I will make Kirby and fans of him proud and happy. Be an inspiration to fellow Kirby fans, light up a spark in the hearts of many. Bring emotion to those like myself.

Thats my dream.
I should not of linked you to that Martin Luther King speech



Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
wow people have special feelings when it comes to smash..
man its just a game their are other things to life than smash lol


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
LMFAO HAHAHAHHAAAAAAAA omg I'm dying rofl hahahahaaha!

Take that Lobos!

jk <3
Meh I didn't care lol wouldn't happen again tho! Apparently I'm such a super star now that when I get beat by someone its a big deal. Guess I shouldn't lose to randoms or scrubs :psycho: See you guys @ C3 :lick:

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Just woke up after sleeping for 11 hours. K-9's house is too fun. I mostly used Sonic and D3, Sonic is too fun XD

Smashfest shoutouts

K-9 - Thanks for having us over, your Pika has improved alot

Korn - Didn't get to play you at all 0_0 but we hung out alot

Candy - Awesome team friendlies, Sonic is amazing.

Esoj - Didn't get to play you but good job in draft crews

BMX - Lmao Wario's bite is so gay

Dre - "Awesome threesome" LOL

ADA - Nice MK, you've improved alot

Coney - All your characters are really solid, how'd you lose to Tant X_X you'll get him next time

CK - Marth should be used against other A tiers and below, but that's it XD

Bolt - Didn't get to drink ;(

Mattix - Good job in crews and we need to get more team friendlies, you are really good in teams, surprised you don't like them.

Chaos - Nice MK

I left before Lil b and bonk got there but good **** guys

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
K-9's Smashfest is Broken Tier. Good ****, glad to be apart of it. I am suffering from loss of sleep.. yet we must go to the mall and walk for 2 hours. lol..

Smashfest shoutouts

K-9 - Thanks for having us over. Great Pika Dittos.. next time give me tips during the match! :p

Korn - Korn your too funny. Thanks for the Meta tips btw, I'll be sure to apply them to my game style.

Candy - You ***** me. Your Diddy knowledge is broken. Funny guy though, mad I don't get to stay to drink with you guys. :(

Esoj - Good Ditto's in the morning. I'm glad to see my Diddy is keeping up with the good Diddys out there. Thanks for the tips as well with matchups, I really appreciate it. I feel much more comfortable with the D3 matchup now. :)

BMX - Wario Bite in crew battles ftw. lol..

Dre - Gotta love doing random battles with you. ^.^

Taj - :( I know, that was the only downer. I'm still mad you left! >.<

Lil B - My complaining partner! haha.. "So I heard of a smashfest today, you know where it may be?" lol..

CK - You spite me. DX

Yoster - Fun doing teams with you and playing your Falco 1v1. Good stuff. :)

Mattix - Kobe!!!!!!!!

Chaos - "The car has insurance".


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Knowing MD/VA there's gonna be a huge ****storm about this, so I just wanna clarify right off the bat that I got no qualms about losing to Tant--we had some pretty close matches and he ultimately just outplayed me and preyed on my weaknesses. He played MK in a way I wasn't really familiar with and I got beat for it, just as I should've. So basically, I <33 Tant.

Kinda sad that I gotta be all homo and say all those things that shouldn't even need to be said, but this region is so **** volatile, man...

Thanks for the compliment though Taj, you gotta keep using that Sonic! Get that steak.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Because I'm ****ing good at the match Taj

I play EE all the time, his D3 mostly. It's my BEST match.

I'm not volatile though, me and coney had a good set, I <3 Coney, we have no hard feelings, Taj shouldn't say statements that are obviously negative or obviously have a bad connotation, or keep it to PMs.

Taj is hilarious most of the time, but sometimes he says things (don't know if it's intentional) that just causes problems. Just like, keep stuff like that to PMs Taj? I don't mind if you insult my skill, but if were someone else I'd be upset about it.

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Lol wow, people get so defensive. I said it cause he seems better than you Tant, that's it. And that's all our opinions (BMX, Oath, and I) He seems alot harder to fight than you, though I guess it's like how Dre and I find it easier to fight BMX, but he still places higher than us usually.

Don't tell me you don't say things like that about other smashers (you do all the time) Of course, they're not meant to be hurtful or insulting, just your honest opinion, right?

If he's not, he's not, he can speak for himself I guess though.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
Meh I didn't care lol wouldn't happen again tho! Apparently I'm such a super star now that when I get beat by someone its a big deal. Guess I shouldn't lose to randoms or scrubs :psycho: See you guys @ C3 :lick:
you're most definitely not a superstar....you're just as random to me as i was to you because before that tourney i never even heard of a lobos

and yea the 3 stock may not happen again...but if you were such a star it shouldn't have happened the first time :laugh:


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Thanks to everyone who showed up to the smash fest. We had a pretty awesome amount of people come and go through over the weekend =p

Sorry if we let you down on the amount of smash that happened. I'm sure if you got in on the notpron action that you would understand =o

I've gotta stop playing the Pika when I'm so tired ;D

Next time I have a smash fest like this I'm gonna have to charge like $2 for all the cups we use/electricity x~X

Also, someone from the last tourney (I just realized Friday) took the wrong magnavox television. If you have one I'd appreciate it a lot if you can check if you have the right one.

Again, thanks to everyone who came. I'll post the mini-tourney/draft crew results if I can find them.

P.S.- Trash talk is cool and all but it's starting to plague this thread. Lighten up MD/VA <3


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
XD true Taj

I say **** about people all the time (not sarcastic)

but I do have an opinion of people, everyone does, Taj is right, and everyone deserves the right to it. Just the way you put it seemed in an insulting matter. I apologize for the misconception.

Although I'm pretty vocal about my opinions!


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
^Lol....I would defnitely come to this but i dont have enough money to pay for gas and enter the tourney....i need a job...but i will go to C3


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
you're most definitely not a superstar....you're just as random to me as i was to you because before that tourney i never even heard of a lobos

and yea the 3 stock may not happen again...but if you were such a star it shouldn't have happened the first time :laugh:
Is that why mentioning "I 3 stocked Lobos!! Does anyone remember me!!??" Lol Of course someone who doesn't go to stuff is a random to anyone or vise versa. Plus I'm not a star, never said I was a star infact I don't ever consider myself that good lol :psycho:

No biggie tho I like competition.

EE - Get banned again!


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Again, thanks to everyone who came. I'll post the mini-tourney/draft crew results if I can find them.
Oh God, I can't remember, did they save the match where BMX chomped the hell out of Candy? **** was the funniest thing I've seen in Smash in a long, long time man. Send me that replay and I will upload it expediently.
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