Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)13:59 No.3305272
Cracking an egg into a Cup a Noodles. Do I add the egg after the 3 minutes or right after I add the water or what?
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:01 No.3305274
Throw away the top ramen, boil the egg at medium heat for 10 minutes after the water starts boiling. Add the egg while the water is cold.
I just saved you a little bit of heart disease and diabetes, son.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:06 No.3305279
File1324926381.jpg-(22 KB, 216x232, 1314900667672.jpg)
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:13 No.3305286
Seek gainful employment, appeal to the sympathy of close relatives, apply for welfare, sell property to pawn shops, scavenge dumpsters, and generally do anything and everything to avoid starving.
... er, it just occurred to me - you wouldn't be just posting copypasta for the sake of tradition, would you?
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:14 No.3305287
Start dumpster diving. Seriously.
Trader Joes and many other places throw **** out one day before the expiration date, If you check the dumpsters every night you will find plenty of perfectly edible food you can freeze and use later.
Or apply for food stamps, or go to a food bank. I lived for 6 months without paying for food once, get on my level, son.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:19 No.3305290
of course right after water... but only if you prefer your eggs not totaly raw
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:25 No.3305294
>10 minutes
Why the **** would you do that for so long?
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:39 No.3305311
how the **** do people get in this situatioin? especially in the US?
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)14:58 No.3305335
> I've done all the following for food, and I'm GD proud of it.
>>3305290 You're a god! And a note on TRADER JOE'S - some stores also donate their food. Go in before it closes and ask if they already donate to a food bank. If they ask why, make up a reason.
You're hungry and poor? Good that means you have desperation, and desperation is a good thing because it motivates you to do things you've never done such as steal, beg, and haggle.
BAKERIES - **** yeah! sometimes were talking about getting a dozen loaves or more. Bring home this **** and all the sudden roommates are nicknaming you Jesus that man who fed 5,000.
COLLEGE CAFETERIAS - holy **** some college students are wasteful *******s who will only eat half their lunch. Okay yes, maybe they're full or feeling queasy before a big test. The other half is yours and don't be ashamed for embarrassed to ask them for it if you see them about to throw it away THEY ARE GOING TO GIVE IT TO YOU.
FOOD COURTS - same as college campuses only now you have to worry about security guards asking you to leave, don't worry that's all they will do.
If you live in a city find your Food Not Bombs group they will feed you when they can.
Go to the farmer's market before it closes and haggle. If they wont come down, IMPLORE them to meet your terms.
Remember you always have the moral high ground in any situation, you're hungry bro!
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)15:01 No.3305339
- Anon on how to be a professional hobo
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)15:04 No.3305340
That's progress for you. Even the hobos of our societies are so sophisticated that only the worst of them don't have housing and around-the-clock internet access.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)15:17 No.3305353
1) He's trolling
2) You can't be serious. Of course people are destitute, in all countries.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)15:19 No.3305358
>Has never met a hobo under a rail bridge in the middle of the night who asked for heroin.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)15:25 No.3305365
I'm touched, but I'm not a hobo. I've just refused waged slavery for about a year.
inb4: lazy, privileged, ect. I was a university student until recently, I worked really hard to get there and all through Comm College I worked. Also worked two jobs right after high school between 50-70/week.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)15:29 No.3305370
you're going to want to do this on a stove top.
i usually bring my water to a boil and cook the ramen for aprx. 3 minutes before dropping the egg in and turning the heat off.
leave it on the element and stir carefully(so as not to pop the yolk) for another minute before dropping the whole thing in a bowl.
now's when you finally pop that yolk(it should still be liquid), and stir it into the ramen along with a flavor packet.
cheap, quick, tasty, and very easy once you get the hang of it.
>> Anonymous 12/26/11(Mon)22:56 No.3305635
because over half our nation is below the poverty line