Now for the important stuff
FOS: Shaya
FOS: Adumbrodeus
The reason your abilities were blocked is because I am Frog, the hero. Now, I'm in a large predicament right now, because there is no possible way of proving I am who I say I am. I don't have an active ability, merely a passive one which prevents me from being targetted by night actions. However, I do have evidence to back up what I'm saying.
YesterDay, I played aggressively, knowing that I couldn't be targeted by enemy actions. I will continue to play more aggressively than ever. So far, there have been no night kills. I cannot be targetted by any ability, which means it's unlikely for me to able to be turned into a spawn (though I'm not 100% sure how the spawn ability works, and if it doesn't target me specifically, it will succeed.) This is exactly the reason I said not to visit me in the night, because Cop and Doc have better things to do than to get their ability negated on me.
I do not thing that Mafia is unable to night kill. Consider this: Why would Chrono have an anti-kill ability if he cannot use it on Mafia?
I'm super frustrated with town play atm. Chibo lets himself get lynched before claiming in his most clutch time period, Rajam has us heavily suspect him for a long period of time, though his play is great now, and I hope to play another game with him. Town LYNCHES Chibo (wtf), etc.
Anyone who has a brain would realize that if you claimed with a truly important ability, the Doc would cover you. .joel, why the HELL would you claim? Doc is the number one role to keep hidden, because once you're gone, NO ONE IS SAFE. Especially if you're able to sometimes protect two people a night, Doc is broken in this game.
Interesting note: Most of the other main characters seem to have natural abilities, and then bolstered abilities in their respective time zone. However, I am Frog, and I do not have any bolstered ability in 600A.D.. Perhaps this is because my only ability is passive.
I have more to say, but I'd like someone who's a bit more organized than me right now to get a list of all the people who have claimed, or have known abilities, including dead people.