Swiss has its ups and downs. For those who don't know, swiss is done by matching players against other players with the same record as them. First round is random, then the 1-0 play other 1-0 and 0-1 play 0-1. Then 0-2 play 0-2, 1-1 play 1-1 and 2-0 play 2-0. Etc.
From a TO's perspective, its a nightmare. The overhead involved with matching players is obscene. So many situations need to be accounted for: What if there are an odd number of entrants? What if there are no opponents with the same score or an odd number of players with the same score? Do you match the first matching players (speed) or wait until the entire round is done (fairness)? It also is a very volatile and random system where a kels vs tink is likely to happen round 2 rather than round 4 or 5.
If there were players with completely unknown skill facing off, so that pre-seeding pools isnt possible, this may be a good choice, but that isn't the case we are facing. The rough skill level of the players in the area are known so we can more efficiently group players together. If time and effort were no object, the best solution would be pure round robin, but time and effort are limiting factors. Swiss is roughly equal in accuracy at our scale while presenting a whole lot of headaches and time issues.