Smash Ace
Yeah, age is usually an issue. =/ Same with the parents thing.umm, cuning, tournies r hard 4 me to attend cause i can't drive and wel, parents don't really like it, anywayz i am gonna go to smashfests, they happen like every friday at this 1 stl smasher's house genoblast, and the whole stl smash community goes to his place, we r gonna go to the next one, so do u think those will help our game if we don't go to tournies???
Hey, Cunnin, u should really think about becoming an author thnx![]()
But seriously, though, Smashfests will absolutely help your game. While you won't have to contend with the pressure and nerves of a tournament match (probably a good thing for less experienced players, and even some of the more experienced ones), you will still be exposed to a wide variety of characters, players, styles, tricks, and so on; that, in the end, is what you are really looking for in order to improve. When you do lose to someone (even if it is just friendly play), see if they can tell you anything specific that they picked up on that allowed them to beat you; for example, maybe they were catching you jumping near the ledge too often, or double-jumping too often, or spot-dodging in the same situation repeatedly. The most important thing, as I said in my previous book of a post, is that your game be seen through many different players' eyes. You then learn from your mistakes (easily the most important thing right there) and continue to progress as a player.
And thanks for that author quip. You're far from the first to suggest that to me. heh
By the way, there's a Midwest Circuit tournament in St. Louis something like August 11; you should see if your parents would consider allowing you to make that one. That would be a prime opportunity for improvement. Who knows, I may even be there, work permitting.